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March 10, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-10

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Air Ap
ANIV t 31

01 P4





} MBY Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 9.-Presi-
dent Hoover today cleared his desk
of bills sent him by the last Con-
gress by giving four minor bills a
pocket veto along with the Wag-
I ner Unemployment bill.
The Wagner bill went into the
President's pocket Saturday, after
he had issued a statement saying
he could not sign it because, in
providing for state employment a-
gencies subsidized by the Federal
Government, it completely wrecked
the Department of Labor's employ-
ment service.
Two of the bills the President ve-
toed today were minor claim meas-
ures. The other two were bills pro-
viding for changes in free mailing
privileges and in the financial setupI
covering village letter carriers. I
:nnnnirn Tnl POi'fT


Legislative Body Probes+
of Irregularities


Appointment of Idahoan Insures,
Consideration of Export
Debenture Plan.
(Byv Aesoriated Pre's)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 9.-A strong
indication that the export deben-
ture farm relief plan would have a
prominent place in the progressive
conference here Wednesday and
Thursday was given today with the
selection of Senator Borah as chair-
man, of a round table debate on:

Regiments of men, machines and
a genial sun together peeled away
the sheet of ice and the drifts of
a 16-inch snowstorm that had
brought bane and boon alike to the
people of the plain states.
Aids Farmers.
Boon to the farmers and town-
folk, their fields thirsty after a
summer drought and a snowless
winter, their wells dry. Bane to the
public utilities and the transporta-
tion agencies, with power and light
(Ry Associated Press)
million dollar blanket of snow
draped the parched landscape
of Michigan today.
The heavy snowstorm that has
been general throughout the
state since Saturday night was
given a .value of at least $1,000,-
000 to Michigan agricultum'p by
Dewey A. Seeley, federal meteor-
ologist at the East Lansing
weather bureau. The snow con-
tained an unusually high water
content that more than half
made up for the moisture defi-
ciency for 1931.
ines down, telephone poles levelled
boulevards .and highways blocked,
and trains delayed. ^
While no definite figures were
available as to the benefits to agri-
culture, the agriculturists believed
that the benefits would far out-
weigh the damage to p r o p e r t y.'
Speaking for Southern Wisconsin
alone, Prof. R. A. Moore of the
agronomy department of University
of Wisconsin said it would mean
"hundreds of thousands of dollars
to the future crop output.'
13 Deaths in Chicago
Thirteen of the 16 deaths report-
ed occurred in Chicago. Among the
victims was an 18-year-old boy who
waselectrocuted when he touched
a high tension wire while sweeping
snow from the top of a street car-
the first job he had been able to
ind in months. For a time. it was
feared that four more deaths would
be added to the list through the
loss of four fishermen on Lakc
Michigan on the tug Palmer, after
being missing for more than 4C
State Bulletins
(Bv Associated Press
Monday, March 9, 1931 !
GRAND,. HAVEN-Grand Trunk
car ferry Madison was safe in port
here tonight after an 18-hour bat-
tle with a blizzard on Lake Michi-
gan. The vessel, which left Milwau-
kee at 7:30 p. m. Sunday with 40
persons aboard, niade port here to-
day at 1:45 p. m. No word was re-
ceived from it until this morning
when the coast guard station here
said it had been sighted 75 miles
off Manitowoc heading. for t h e
Michigan shore.
B A N G O R--T h e Miller opera
house heres was destroyed by fire
at 1 a. m. today. The blaze, which
was caused by an overheated fur-
nace, started after the building had
been closed for the night.
LANSING-Governor Brucker to-
day appointed Dr. John Walsh of
Escanaba to the state board of
medicine to succeed Dr. William A.
Lemire, deceased. The governor at
the same time reappointed Major
Albert Dunham to the board of
managers of the Michigan Soldiers
Home; reappointed D. A. Var Bus-
kirk to the teachers retirement
fiAn hnavd -and named .:osenh

William E. Borah,
Senator from Idaho, who was
Selected chairman of a round table
debate on agriculture in the pro-
gressive conference to be held at
Washington Wednesday and Thurs-
day. Senator Borah considers the
export debenture plan one of the
major farm relief possibilities.
'Diagonal' Will be Magazine of
Critical Comment on
Critical comments and views on
campus institutions, traditions, and
events are contained in the Diag-
onal, newest under-graduate maga-
zine, which will go on sale today at
various places on campus, Robert
L. Sloss, '33L, editor of the period-
ical announced yesterday.
The magazine especially features'
the article "Muzzling The Daily's
Guns," by George C. Tilley, '33L, in
which the difficulties under which
The Daily labors in .tiying to form
a definite editorial policy are com-
mented on.
Another leading article is "Boiled
in Oil," by Sloss. This article deals
with the significance of the recent
liquor raids. Also included in the.
number is Prof. Arthur L. Cross' l
'The Case for the Graded Examin-'
ation." Professor Cross is in the
history department.
Airman Who Carried Antitoxin
to Point Barrow Faces
Into 25-Mile Gale.
(By Associated Press)
POINT BARROW, Alaska, March:

I 11 let M I L 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 i I


The five senatorial sponsors of u l n i iu uUI
the conference, called to fomulate -
a legislative program for the next Owosso Attorney Files Petition
session of Congress, mapped out a to Compel Certification
program at a meeting today and
appointed chairmen on the five of A. J. Rogers.
subjects around which discussionj
will center. (By Associated Press)
Borah Attends. LANSING, Mar. 9.- A political
Although not a signer of the con- dispute that has gained momentum
ference call, Senator Borah, Idaho ever since the gavel fell on the
Republican, attended today's ses- Republican stateconvention in
sion and was assigned to head the Kalamazoo last Friday landed in
discussion on farm relief, the supreme court today.
leader in the effort during the Seth Q. Pu:ver, Owosso attorney,
last Congress to limit tariff revi- filed a petition asking a writ of
sion to agriculture, Borah still is a mandamus to compel certification
firm believer in the debenture plan. of A. J. Rogers, of Beulah, as the
He feels that farm relief has been a nominee for the state board of
failure and that the debenture, agriculture. The document was di-
stricken from the tariff and farm rected against Howard C. Lawrence,
marketing acts after P r e s i d e n t chairman of the Republican state
H o v V e r took a vigorous stand central committee, and James G.
against it, remains one of the most Frey, secretary. These party offi-
important remedies. cers are charged with the duty of
Norris To Preside. certifying to the county clerk the
Senator, Norris, Republican, Ne- names which will appear upon the
braska, chairman of the conference. ballots in the April 5 election.
will preside over the discussions on Lack of a quorum prevented ac-
public utilities. He will make the tion by the high court. Lawrence,
address welcoming approximately Pulver and others appeared before
125 persons expected. the three justices who were here,
but after brief arguments it wal
FOREIGN LEGdecided to adjourn the hearing un-
til Tuesday, when additional mem-
SEES 100TH YEARI bers of the court are expected.
I Whether the court will accept juris-
(Ry Associated Press). diction or will rule that the actions
SIDI-BEL-ABBAS, Algeria, Mar. 9 of political bodies are not subject
-With sounds of marching and to review was in doubt.;
revelry the men of the French For- Pulver's action fojiowed a sharp
eign Legion made the desert ring division between Lawrence and
today in celebration of a centennial. Frey as to whether Rogers or Gil-
Ahundr ars ago, on March 9,1 bert L Dane, of Grand Rapids,

President Jessup Not Involved
in Administration
of Fund.
(1'o aoeraRter rel
DES MOINES, Iowa, Mar. 9.-The
legislative committee investigating
charges of maladministration of
University of Iowa finances extend-,
ed its inquiry today to the school's
suspension from the Western Con-
ference in 1929.
Records of the alumni fund from
which athletes were allowed to
borrow, were bared by Willis Mer-
cer, Iowa City business man, who
administered the fund for five
Maintenance of this fund was one
of the Big Ten's charges against
Athletes Got Loans.
Money was advancedsto athletes
to pay tuition or to meet other
needs, Mercer said, with the under-
standing it was a loan and not a
I gift.
President Walter A. Jessup had
nothing to do with the fund, Mer-
cer said, adding that Jessup had
refused consideration of a plan to
be administered by a faculty-
alumni committee.
Mercer told the legislators he
and Paul E. Belting, then athletic
director, had worked out a faculty-
alumni fund plan and had sub-
mitted it to Jessup.
Griffith Mentioned.
Major John L. Griffith, commis-
sioner of Western Conference ath-
letics, was brought into the in-
quiry by Mercer.
After saying the alumni fund
-may have contributed to Iowa's
suspension, Mercer said:
"The Big Ten never seemed to
want to know much about the fund.
I think it was run too honestly to
suit them. I offered to talk to
Major Griffith about it, but he did
not seem to want to do so."
Representative Byron A. Allen
will go to Chicago tomorrow to take
deposition from Major Griffith rela-
tive to Iowa's ouster.
(By Associated Press)
MADRID, March 9.-The Infanta
Maria Cristina, second daughter
and third child of King Alfonso,
was operated upon today for ap-
pendicitis by Dr. Gomez Ulla. All
of the royal family and various
government officials expressed sat-
isfaction at what they said were
happy results. It was understood
that the operation was of the most
delicate nature.

Michigan's basketball team
clinched a tie for second place
in conference honors last night
at the field house by trouncing
Chicago, 29 to 15. Every man on
the Maize and Blue squad saw
action during the game while
three substitutes were used by
the Maroons.
Norm Daniels, captain-elect
for the 1931-32 season, was high
paint man for the evening with
10 points. Fish led the Maroons
with 6 points.
The cheerleader for next fall
was announced between the
halves. Jack Herbst, Detroit, was
appointed to fill the shoes of R.
Montgomery Shick.
The assistant basketball man-
agers for next fall were also an-
nounced. They are: Fred Jones,
D. Kelley, Howard Moged, and
Art Berger.
(See Pg. 6 for Complete Account)

Annual International Night
be Presented Tonight in
Hill Auditorium.



133, the Foreign Legion was found-
ed by King Louis Phillipe.
In Sidi-bel-Abbas, the first regi-
ment passed in review to the blare,
of bands and the tunes of the Le-
gion's famous marching song. The
short and stocky Colonel Rollet, his
bright red whiskers, streaked with
gray since he led his Legionnaires
on the western front more than a
dozen years ago, read the Legion's
roll of honor.
Men's E ducation Club

should be certified as theconvn- I
tion nominee.
F. Scott McBride Predicts That
Prohibition Will be Major
Issue of Election.

"The Cruise of the S. S. Cosmos,"
eighth annual International Night
program, will be presented at 8:15
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium,
under the auspices of the Cosmo-
politan club, foreign students or-
The student acts presented by
the various foreign student groups
4 on the campus will be supplemented
by talent from Detroit, procured
through the assistance of the In-
ternational institute which is under
the direction of Mrs..R. W. Alvord,
Detroit clubwoman.
The outside acts include a pro-
gram of Russian folk-songs and
melodies by the famous Russian
*Balalaika orchestra from Detroit. In
their many performances through-
out the city and vicinity they have
featured their interpretations of
the Cossack songs and ballads.
The other acts from Detroit are
the Roumanian dancing troupe of
six girls and two Mexican girls
from the. Chalpultapec club who
will dance the famous "Harabe" or
hat dance of Mexico.
The student presentations in-
clude acts by the German club, the
Chinese group, the Filipinos, the
Japanese, Mexicans, and the Nor-
wegians, represented by Madame
Charles Koella, wife of Professor
Koella, of the French department.
The setting for the performance
will be a representation of the
looming prow of the S. S. Cosmos.
the mythical steamship which will
carry the travelers around the
world. To either side of the boat
will be street scenes, one from
Spain and the other from India. A
huge blue drape will hide the organ
pipes in the background and give
the effect of a blue sky behind the
gigantic ship. The setting and con-
tinuity were designed and written
by Alan Handley, '32.
The presentation has been di-
rected by Ruth Ann Oakes, former
assistant in the play production
courses, and the arrangements have
been under the direction of Wil-
liam F. Jacobs, Grad., general
chairman and treasurer of the
Cosmopolitan club.
Gandhi-Irwin Accord Liberates
Many Jailed During Civil
Disobedience Move.
(By Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, March 9.-
Thousands of political prisoners
walked forth from the jails of India
Sunday, free, as a result of the
Gandhi-Irwin accord signed last
week, arranging a truce in the civil
disobedience campaign.
The authorities announced that
3,000 of the 25,000 prisoners still,
held at the time the accord was
reached had been freed, and that
2,000 more would be released forth-
Most of the first 3.000 to leave
II -_., _ , - - - I -

Communication Stops;
Bridges, Railways
Serbian King Directs
Work of Relieving
(Hy Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, Mar.
9.-With the dead unofficially
reported at about 150, though
some rumors placed the number
much higher, the seriousness of
earthquakes during the week-end
in the region of the Jugo-Slav-.
Bulgarian and Greek frontiers,
began to be fully realized today.
Communication with all the
affected areas had not been re-
established, but it was known that
many villages had been devastated,
hundreds of peasants made home-
less and bridges and railways
ruined. The suffering from cold and
hunger was widespread.
Lines Down.
Relief work was handicapped by
the breakdown of communication,
and it was only with the greatest
difficulty that food, medicine, and
warm clothing were taken into re-
gions where it was most needed.
Shaken from their beds, and
panic - stricken after Saturday
morning's quakes, residents of the
borderline country were afraid to
to back to their homes until late
Saturday. At 4 a. m. Sunday morn-
ing they were routed into the open
again, screaming and making for
woods which afforded some shelter
from the bitter weather without
the danger of falling masonry.
Bulgaria Is Center.
The quakes, both Saturday and
Sunday, extend from eastern Jugo-
Slavia across Bulgaria to the shores
)f the Black sea. The epicenter was
near Drama, Bulgaria. The quakes
were felt in Greece, where 70 houses
.vere destroyed in the village of
.avallion, and in eastern Thrace
mnd Adrianople.
Chinquilla, Lecturer, Actress,
to Talk at Mendelssohn
Theatre Thursday.
Chinquilla, noted Indian lecturer
and actress, will appear at 3:30
o'clock Thursday at the Lydia Men-
ielssohn theatre, it was announced
7esterday. The topic of her lecture
aas not yet been announced.
. Popularly known as Princess
Mhinquilia, she was born and
brought up in a tepee on the west-
3rn plains, a pure-bloded American
Indian. As daughter of the head
thief of the Southern Cheyenne
nation, Wi-cha-pa-gi-la-la (Lone
Star), she soon left the prairie and
under the care of the United States
government, came for the first
time into contact with civilization.
Subsequently she graduated from
',;he famous Carlisle Indian school.

Her early successes in recitals of
Indian songs and dances brought
., into prominence as an ama-
teur entertainer. For a few- years
she toured both America and Aus-
tralia, lecturing in her tribal re-
(By Associated Press)
AHMADABAD, India, Mar. 9. -
%ahatma Gandhi tonight reached
the city whence a year ago he in-
augurated his civil disobedience
campaign, his triumphal 24-hour
trip marked by continuous accla-
mation from ecstatic throngs along
the way who hailed him anew as
the apostle of India's peace and
At that time he left to declare
war against India's British masters,
vowing never to return until his

).-Joe Crosson, Alaska airman whol InformalMe tg
brought much-needed antitoxin tos
diphtheria-stricken patients here, Informal discussion of programs,
was returning to Fairbanks today. of the recent meeting of the Na-
Ie took off in the teeth of a 25- tional Education association was
nile wind, a great handicap over held last night by the Men's Edu-
.is snow and ice-covered route, cation club in their meeting in the
Crosson said he would "stop at Union.
Wainright to determine the quanti- Prof. Willard C. Olson, of the
uy of aviation , gasoline available School of Education, gave a brief
,,here for use of two planes expected resume of a meeting of a group
'o bring more antitoxin here early interested in the problems of higher'
Jhis week. He then will continue education. At this gathering, co-
,o Kotzeblue and Fairbanks. operation of research institution
Gov. Parks has asked that two was urged in asking for money
al.anes en route with a motion pic- from endowments, he said.
ture outfit here take the remainder'
?f the serum requested by Dr. Hen- Alpha Nu Will Debate
ry Griest, superintendent of Pres- . .
byterian hospital of Point Barrow. Detroit Team Tonight
Another case of diphtheria was AlpaN ilb ott h e
discovered today. Five persons were batpha Nu will be host to the de-
suffering from virulent attacks. baters of the Detroit Institute of
Technnloyv in a d-at t 730

(By Associated Press)1
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March Riseman Will Speak
9.-The Anti-Saloon League, in an-
nual convention here, today girded on Modern Socialism
itself for another battle on behalf
of Prohibition in the presidential Harry Riseman, chairman of the
campaign of 1932, after hearing F. old age pension league, will speak
Scott McBride, its general superin- at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Natural
tendent, predict the dry law would Science auditorium under the aus-
be a leading issue then. pices of the Round Table club and
Denouncing the recently advanc-- the Michigan Socialists' club on
ed plan of John J. Raskob, national Socialism of Our Times." Riseman
chairman of the Democratic Party, replaces Clarence Senior, secretary
for state control of liquor, McBride scheduledto e the address was
charged last night that the propos- is unable to appear, because of ill-
al was backed by "the multi-mil- ssau
lionaires of the East." There will be no charge for the
"They come forward now and tell lecture.
the Southern States what they ure._
should do and offer states' rights,"
he said MenshevikZs Sentenced
"To repeal prohibition is merely to Long Prison Term
to encourage those fellows who are'
enemies of the things we love. This (By Associated Press)
is no time for us to haul down the MOSCOW, M a r c h 9.-Fourteen
Stars and Stripes to black anarchy Mensheviks tried for treason today
and lawlessness." were sentenced to prison for terms
running to ten years.
Edison Favors Severe Testing of Inventions
Before Placing Them on American Market

"Adelphi as I Knew It" will be
the topic of the talk that Richard
C. Fuller, of the sociology depart-,
ment, will deliver before the meet-'
}ng of Adelphi tonight in the club
room in Angell hall.
Fuller was a member of Adelphi
several years ago, once holding the
office of treasurer.
Tokio Crowds Burned
by FallingChemicals

gy*lil e a.u . U L *:o
o'clock tonight in the society's room
on the fourth floor of Angell hall.
The question is "Resolved: that
the several states should enact
legislation providing for compul-
sory unemployment insurance."
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, will preside.
The meeting will be open to the
Antwerp Police Find
Women in Opium Den
(By Associated Press)
ANTWERP, Belgium, March 9.-
Police here have discovered an
opium den in which 31 Chinese and

(By Associated Press)
MIAMI BEACH, Mar. 9.-Thomas
A. Edison today described drastic
testing of American inventions
prior to marketing and the pana-
cea for a condition he said resulted
from "half-cocked" sales methods.
The 84-year-old inventor gave his

expressed hope that a new inven-
tion he inspected here this week-
end would not be placed on the
market before its details were per-
fected to a high degree.
The invention was a de-humidi-
fier, placed in his bedroom of the
Firestone estate Saturday night in


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