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March 06, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-06

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Lucile Strauss Made Chairman
of Arrangements; Announce
Tickets May be Obtained When
Caps and Gowns Are


,ibout Fifteen Women Sign
for Enrollment.


About fifteen students have sign-
ed up for the riding classes to be
held at 7:30 o'clock every Tuesday
and Thursday nights beginning
next Tuesday, March 10. These
classes are being supervised by the
Women's Athletic Association.
Beginners will ride on Tuesday
nights and experienced riders on
Thursday nights, according to the
present arrangement. Those who
signed up to ride are asked to
watch The Daily for information as
to where to meet. Transportation
to, the Mullison stables at the fair

grounds will be provided by Mr.
Immediately preceding the spe- Mullison.9-
cial performance of this year's Jun- y o.u e
ior Girls' Play, the traditional Sen- r Any women students ttend i
for Supper will be held at 6:30 riding who did not attend the
o'clckWedesdy, arc 16 inmeeting last Sunday morning and
o'clock, Wednesday, March 16, in who would like to join one of the
the cafeteria of the League. All classes should see Frances Beuthien,
senior women will attend the affair, '32, riding manager of W. A. A.
robed for the first time in their
caps an gowns, and will join in
their customary march around the IL I
campusled by members of Mortar-
Committees Chosen. U
Lucile Strauss is general chair-
man of the event, and she will be
assisted by a committee of five.
Members of the committee are: Mosher Jordan Hails Sponsor
tickets and finance,, Jane Yearnd; League Party; President's
music, Marjorie McClung; patron-
esses, Elizabeth Wood; invitations, Wife to Pour.
Hattie Kreye; and publicity, Helen Carryi out the idea of a Boston
Domine.C yngo
The list of patronesses who have Tea Party, the fifth League tea,
been invited to attend the event hiher Jorbeing sponsored byhe
includes Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Mo'her-ordan al, illaeheod
Jeanette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bach- from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon
er. Miss Ethel McCormick, Miss in the ballroom of the League.
Ellen Stevenson, Dr. Margaret Bell, The Tea Party theme will be
Miss Laurie Campbell, Mrs. John R. featured in the entertainment as
Effiger Mr. JsephA. urseywell as in the menu, for novelties
Effinger, Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, based on the famous incident in
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Miss Mar-tBson haosmedentln-
ian Durrel, and Miss Margaret Elli- the Boston harbor have been plan-
ott,.ned. Boston brown bread will be
Songs to be Featured. served at the tea.
h Sn gtobpeh e atuedin. ud- All women on cam pus are invited
on no speeches will be includ- to attend the affair, and it is sug-
edA.°onthe program, songs from
"State Street." Last year's Junior gested that members of sororities
Girls' Play, will be featured. and dormitories come in groups in
Tickets for the supper, which are order to insure a large attendance.
priced at a dollar and a half, may 6a Mrbe served from 4:30 to
be .obtained from 1 to 5 o'clock on 6, and Mrs. Alexander G. Rt ,
March 11 and 12, when the caps Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Miss Inez
and gowns are distributed. Upon Bozorth, and Mrs. G. Carl Huber
andgows ae dstrbutd. ponhav been asked to pour. Ruel Ken-
presentation of tickets for the Sen-,
io Supper, play tickets may be ob- yon's orchestra will play for dane-
ta red at the box office from 10 to inpolly Richards, '32Ed, is in charge
5 o'clock on both days. In order to of arrangements, and she is being1
receive seats in groups for the play, assisted by Margaret Mix, '31, and
ti must be obtained at the same Anna Davenport, '31, presidents of
te.the two halls, and Evelyn Lehman,
lIIIIt1111111111111111tIIlI1111111IlI IIIt: '33, and Dorothy Tefft, '32, social
NAchairmen. Twenty-five women from
T R A MURA L ~ each house will act as hostesses.
w NT E R C L ASS l
usual form.
NEW SX S Alta Piace, '34, was the most out-
standing player for the Onions and
lilllIi1i1i1i1illiritllltIit1ilIIuIIlilluIh none of the Bluejays were particu-
Results of Thursday's Games. larly good.
Basketeers 33, Cagers 22. Onions , The J-Hoppers defeated the Car-
28 Bluejays 9. -Hoppers 31, Card- dinals in a good, fast game tying
inas28, B.with the Basketeers for the first
Yesterday afternoon in Barbour place in the tournament up to date.
gymnasium, the Basketeers defeat- Practice Held In Pool.
ed the Cagers in the most beauti- In the swimming practice held
fully played game of the entire sea- last night in the Union pool, as a
S Ca sg tt ae preliminary to the intramural con-
Te Cagers' greatest weakness lay test, Jean Berridge and Ruth Krutz,
in their forwards who could not both Chi Omega, lead in the crawl.
seem to keep the ball after their Margaret Seeley, D e 1 t a Gamma,
center fo-rward would win the jump. came out first in the side-stroke,
Their guards played their usual ex- Ruth Kurtz in the breast, and Jean
cellent game which puts them far Berridge in the back-stroke race.
above any of the other guards in
the tournament, although those on INVITATIONS
the Basketeer team played a strong, AND
last game.
The Basketeer forwards were PERSONAL CARDS
more consistent in their shooting
than the older forwards and played Long years fxperience
a more spectacular game all the ependable Srvic
way through;:j A Red Arrow Plac
In the game between the Blue-
Jays and Onions, it was evident I O D. MORRILL
that neither team was up to its 314 South State St. Phone 6615


Consuelo De Aldag
Tells Opportunities
of Mexican Women
"Women have as great an oppor-
tunity in Mexico as in the United
States to enter a profession," stat-
ed Senora Consuelo de Aldag,\ the
Mexican educator who is giving a
series of lectures in the League
"Of course," she continued, "the
women are in some respect bound
by tradition, but there are many
famous women in the fields of law,
education, and journalism. In fact
if one were to visit the summer
schools in Mexico one would find
several women professors giving
courses. As to the women students
they have the same rights as the
"Mexico," she explained, "pre-
viously copied in her system of
education from the other countries,
but now it has been discovered that
Mexico needs a system of educa-
tion of her own."
Senora de Aldag who gave her
first lecture last night, on "The An-
chient Wisdom, A Key To Life."
She will continue the series tonight
and tomorrow night. Senora de
Aldag was formerly a delegate of
the Mexican government to United
States in a goodwill tour. She is
giving these lectures under the aus-"
pices of the Theosophical society.
Members of Athena, Zeta Phi
Eta Meet Tuesday.
In preparation for the coming
annual debate between the two
women's speech societies, Athena
and Zeta Phi Eta, next Tuesday
night at the regular meeting
members of Athena will present a
two or three-minute speech on any
argumentative subject. Participants
in the debate representing Athena
are to be chosen at this time. Jane
Bean, '32Ed. has charge of arrange-
ments for the debate for Athena.
Woodsmen cutting tiiber in the
battlefield section east of Rich-
mond, Vt., broke teeth from two1
saws on cannon balls imbedded inI

Experience Is Not Required

Choice WiVlbcMade From Most
,SEW N COS UMES1 Represental iver Junior

'Those Who Volunteer to Campus opinions on the ten jun-
Assist With Work t ior women most outstanding in
_ kscholarship and activities in their
"We need Junior women to work class will be accepted by Mortar-1
on customes," says Phyllis Rey- board, national honor society for
nolds, chairman of costumes for senior women, before next Tuesday.
the Junior Girls' Play, "even if for Such lists may be sent to Isabelle
only an hour a day. There is always Rayen, '31, in care of the Under-
someone in the costume room in graduate office at the League build-
the League building, and anyone ing.
who can drop in at odd times will In accordance with a request
find something which needs to be from the National Council, the or-
done." ganization is attempting to deter-
Miss Reynolds says that costumes mine the most representative wo-
for 90 people mean a great deal of i men from the junior class. Any stu-
work, and for choruses, especially, dent is qualified to send an opinion
the work is quite routine. "It is on the question, although it is ex-
very easy," she stated, "to run the pected that the opportunity for
machines, and for those who never such expression will appeal most to
had any experience with a sewing juniors. It is not required that the
machine, there is hand sewing, as sender sign his name.
well. Constitutionally, election to Mor-


T'V G, ;rc i2.

recommendations will be fairly
considered if they appear to be#
based on actual achievement. I
Mortarboard will hold a meeting
Tuesday in preparation for spring
elections. Campus opinions must be
in before that date in order to re-
ceiverany consideration. a
For two years, Wednesday has
been Mortarboard Day in the Rus-
sian Tea room at the League build-
ing. On that day members of the
society don their smocks and act
as waitresses.tFrom the percentage
on proceeds earned in this way,
Mortarboard was able to contribute
more than $100 to the Undergradu-
ate Campaign fund of the League
at the beginning of the second se-
mester this year.
Dr. Paul Slusser of the Architec-
tural School gave a talk on "The
Art of Water Colors" to the resi-
dents of Couzens hall last night.
He illustrated his address with
Of the approximately 40,000
known species of flies the national
.museum has speciments of 18,000.

Ohio University Stops
Hell Week for Women
The Pan-Hellenic council at Ohio
University has abolished "hell
week" with all it's practices and
plans to substitute instead a cour-
tesy week. The sororities must
submit all disciplinary measures to
the council before they can be used.
For the first time in its history,
the Arkansas house of representa-
tives has named a girl page.
Flowers Blossom-
at the Brims of
Flowers peep out from under
lilting brims, flowers snuggle
close to crowns, flowers form
whole garlands around hats
-in fact, flowers appear most
any place they choose on the
new Spring hats.
Dana Richardson

"Anyone who has extra time at
night, but who does not care to
come'to the Leaguesbuilding, may
take the work home, and bring it
back the next day. All the cutting
and fitting will be done here, and
it is a comparatively easy job to
sew the costumes together."
Only eligible women will be per-
mitted to work on the costumes,
but members of cast or choruses of
the play may sew, if they have the
time. In previous years every mem-
ber of a chorus has made her own
costume. Those women who work
regularly will be given an activity
point, if they give their names to
Miss Reynolds, or to the person in
charge of the costume room when
they are working.
Lack of Sleep Causes
Illness Among Women
An investigation conducted by
university officials at Syracuse Uni-
versity into the causes of illness for
which women students were treated
at the infirmary revealed that the
majority of them were directly
traceable to insufficient sleep. As a
result of this discovery the presi-
dents of women's rooming houses
have drawn up sleeping regulations.
Under present plans the women
may have only four late dates a

tarboard is based on scholarship,
leadership, and service. The organ-
ization will be in no way committed
to elect the women suggested in the
campus opinions, but the lists re-
ceived will be compared to those
compiled from official records and

In the Arcade

i, - - =





"Town and Country"
Leather Coats
Suedes and Plain Leather, Red, Green, Brown,
Tan and Blue.
$10.75 to19.75
Formerly Selling
$15.00 to $25.00

It'sdoing business
as usual....
We, the "Downtown Store," were much too close
to our good neighbors when they were visited by
that Demon ......Fire.
We're suffering from his insidious invasion, but
as soon as we cough the smoke out of our lungs,
rub it out of our eyes and mop our Downstairs
Store ... we'll be ready for business.





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