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February 18, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-18

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Madrid Quivers Under,
Military Rule as
Rulers Wait.
Three Possible Plans
Discussed at Party
By A. H. Uhl.
(Associated Press Cable Editor)
(Copyright, 1931, by The Associated
NEW YORK, Feb. 17. - (ByI
Radiophone from Madrid) -The
great city of Madrid, lying under
the frowning guns of artillery and
with soldiers in barracks for any
emergency, tonight quivered with
expectancy as King Alfonso and
supporters of his regime struggled
desperately to find some solution
of the vital political crisis now
facing the Spanish monarchy.
In a radio-telephone conversa-
tion that dashed across the Atlan-
tic as clear as a bell, Clarence Du-
bose, chief .of the Associated Press
bureau in Madrid, outlined the
gravest crisis that has faced King
Alfonso in his 47 years on the throne.
"Anything may happen," he said,
"there is no telling from one mo-
ment to the next what the develop-
ments may be."
Crowds Gather in City.
As the military army took pre-
caution to prevent possible trouble,
crowds gathered in the central part
of the city.
Some shouted for the king. Others
against him.-,
Police charged the mob, dispersed
and arrested spime, but there were
no serious disorders. Everyone was
Representatives of the right and1
monarchist parties gathered at the
ministry of war under the chair-
manship of Former Premier Da-
maso Berenguer and took under
discussion three possible solutions
for the crisis caused by the resigna-
tion of the Berenguer governmentl
and the inability of the left con-y
servative party to set up a new gov-
Have Three Possibilities.-
"They have three possibilities,"
said Dubose.
"1. The king may establish a
government of the right wing mon-
"2. He may establish a govern-
ment by a combination of right
wing monarchists and liberals.
"3. Should it become necessary
he may establish a military dicta-
"Madrid tonight is fairly quiet,
although there have been some dis-
turbances in the central part of
the city where crowds gathered,
some for the monarchy and some
against it."

Doctor Advises Not
"to Marry Secretary'
(fay Associal d Press)
EVANSTON, Ill., F e b. 17.-
Don't marry your secretary.
If she's any good keep her on
the job and mary someone else
for love and companionship.
Then keep your wife at home
and away from the office.
This advice was given by Dr.
Frederick B. Balmer of t h e
Northwestern University Medical
School to his professional friends
in an address. He was speaking
especially of lawyers and doc-
tors in reply to the recent state-
ment of his colleague, Dr. Ed-
ward L. Cornell, who said:
"Marry your secretary."
A cr~rnlarvz50dT~r Rlnp

Large Majority Seems Assured;
Race Action to Pass
Bill by Friday.
Couzens Urges AdoptionWith no
Change; Denies Necessity
of Increased Taxes.
(By Associated Press)
veterans loan bill tonight was head-
ed for precipitate passage in the
Senate with t h e administration
forces overwhelmed by a stampede
that swept across the capitol from
the House.
With the roar of a powerful Sen-
ate majority ringing in their ears
after today's debate, Republican
leaders sent word to President Hoo-
ver that the bill would be before
him within a day or two. The lead-
ers added that there were not

I secretary, said Dr. Balmer, Sen. James Couzens, l enough votes in sight to sustain a
may know how to chew gum < Senior Senator from Michigan, veto should Mr. Hoover take that
noiselessly, may be diplomatic in who is among the leading advo- action.
telling about how you're in con- cates of the veterans' loan bill. Fearful of a pocket veto, Senate
ference and may be able to tell a ____advocates of the loan legislation
book agent a mile away, but nrrinn1iialmost upset Senate Fules and pro-
these accomplishments are no cedure in a race to get the meas-
assurance that she'll be tactful ure to the White House before Sat-
when a guest trumps her ace or urday.
that she knows anything about Ten-Day Period Nears.
rearing children rOn Saturday, the ten-day period
11 UUU 1before an adjournment begins.
Bills passed within that period may
state Treasurer Faces Possible be vetoed by the president without
returning them to Congress by
Impeahmen on Carge simply not signing them.
of Conspiracy. Fears such a course might be
---- taken by the veterans bill were ex-
(By Assocrated Press) pressed by Couzens, Republican
9S gHNl91 [N IJEFFERS ON CITY, Mo., Feb. 17. Michigan, and Dill, De mocer a t'
--State Treasurer Larry Brunk, for Washington. They urged the pro-
Mardi Gras Closes as Comus, I several months a stormy figure in gram advanced by the American
Rex, Rulers of Festival, I Missouri officialdom, tonight faced a Legion of adoption of the House bill
Take Their Thrones. recommendation by a committee of without change, although pleas for
E the Missouri house of representa- liberalization of the House meas-
(By Associated Press) tives that he be impeached for ure were voiced.
"criminal malfeasance" and "gross Ashurst Enters Motion.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17.-R negligence. The measure had barely reached.
and Comus today gave New Orleans' Brunk's acts also became the b- the Senate chamber from the House
thousands their final thrill of carni- ject of scrutiny today by Prosecutor Arizona, moved to t a k e oc p,
val, winding up six days of care- Nike Sevier, of Cole county, in Blocked by the rules, he entered a
dispelling joy that ended at mid- which the capitol is located. Sevier motion to discharge the finance
night tonight with the soft peal of said he would institute criminal committee from its consideration
the Cathedral Lenten bells ringing prosecution against the state treas- and said it would ask a vote tomor-
e Curer if any criminal acts appeared row.
in Ash Wednesday. to have taken place here. Senators Couzens and Vanden-
Promiscuous masking, costuming The committee, prefacing its re- berg of Michigan, then made a de-
and fun-making began soon after port with a call to the house of tailed analysis of the measure,
the dawn and lasted until sundown, representatives to "unite in a war denying vigorously the contention
n on corruption in office" made 12 of Secretary Mellon that it would
when the revellers u n m a s k e d. charges on Treasurer Brunk, two 1 of Sceay elntatiIol
involve additional financing by the
Crowds gathered later to view the them involving conspiracy. One government, possibly necessitating
enshrinement of the final reigning charge was that Brunk conspired increased taxes.
god of the season, Comus, the god with officials of a now defunct bank -
of mirth, in this night-torchlight at Aurora, Mo., to defraud the state
procession of pageantry. out of $5,000 in state interest mon-
Rex, the mighty monarch of car- ey. The other charged Brunk with SENATE TO WEIGH
nival who comes once a year to the conspiring with J. Kenneth Edlin,
metropolis of joy with Comus and president of the Provident State
Caractacus, the king of the Druids, Security Co., of Chicago, as a result
furnished the highlights of the of which, the committee said, the i
day's parading. Chicago company receive a prefer-
In 20 magnificent floats, Rex un- ence in the sale of bonds in Mis- Committee to Consider Requests
folded the story of the drama be- souri and Brunk received $10,000 o
ginning with the rise of the theatre from it. of Counci, Fraternity
in ancient Greece and running the- - - Group Today.
gamut of the spirit of medieval lSlhuev Will Address

Associated Pressho
Earl of Bessborough,
Distinguished Irish peer, who was
appointed by King George to be
governor-general of the Dominion
of Canada. He succeeds Lord Will-
ingdon, who has been named vice-
roy of India.
Nationalist Leader and Viceroy
l fr our ours at
Their First Meeting.
(y Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, Feb. 17. -
Mahatma Gandhi and the viceroy
of India, the two men who person-
ify the clashing priciples at the
bottom of all of India's troubles,
talked over their differences for
hours today and when Gandhi left
the vice-regal palace he said he was
satisfied, even optimistic.
Lord Irwin, who is all the might
of the British Empire in India, met
the toothless, half-clad little mian'
whose whole li-fe is bound up in the
campaign for Indian independence,.
and they called each "dear friend."
It was a strange sort of peace con-
Gandhi came here from AIlaha-
bad at the viceroy's invitation. It
was the first time the two men, so
oddly assorted, had talked over'
their mutual problems together.
They will have another talk tomor-
row and for as many days there_-
after as seems necessary.
Neither said much about what
had passed between them. But it -
was obvious from Gandhi's cheerful
manner that the meeting had been
satisfactory to him.
Tr negotiations which could
have begun this morning, were
postponed until early afternoon so
that Gandhi might finish his spin-
ning, a rite he carries out daily to
symbolize the necessity of the boy-
cott against British-made cloth.
Viceroy Lord Irwin hoped in the
negotiations to persuade Gandhi
to call of the civil diobediene
campaign and collaborate n the
orking"outeof a ederaieo aed
their mutlpolm tgehr

Prosecutor Replies to Representative Darin;
Challenges Right to 'Meddle With
City Police Department.'
Dissatisfaction with the manner employed by the Ann Arbor
police in raiding the five University fraternities was expressed yes-
terday by Frank P. Darin, chairman of the University committee
in the state House of Representatives, who, with his committee was
in Ann Arbor to discuss appropriations for the University.
"I am not satisfied with the way the raid was conducted," he
said. "It is outrageous to get almost a hundred college studIents
out of bed at 3 o'clock in the morning when they are in the midsti


of examinations.
"I understand," he continued,
Driver Keeps House '
in Roving Taxicabi
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTQN, Feb. 17-What
is the address of a taxi driver1
whose cab is also his bedroom?
Felix G. Hendricks was hailed
into court for failing to notify
the'traffic bureau of a change of
Hendricks said business was
bad. He had been sleeping in his
cab. Its address depended on his
choice of parking stand and was1
somewhat hard to predict from
day to day.
The judge suspended sentence.
Judiciary Group Endorse Sparks
Resolution Concerning
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-Exclu-
sion of aliens from the census count
upon which House representation is1
based was approved by the House
judiciary committee today in en-
dorsing the Sparks resolution call-'
ing for a constitutional amend-
It had been advocated by mem-
bers from agricultural states losing
representation under the automatic
apportionment law effective March
4. Representatives from industrial
states, however, blocked a move in
the House census committee to
force a vote on a proposal to in-
crease House membership from 435
to 475 to prevent rural sections'
from losing seats.
Behind closed doors, Representa-
tive Sparks, Republican, Kansas,
mustered 12 votes in the committee'
for his proposal with seven voting
against it.
The measure would have to be
ratified by three-fourths of the
state legislatures within seven years
if it should receive Congressional)
approval. Under it, belief was ex-
pressed that the number of seats in
urban sections would be decreased
and rural region representation
would be augmented.i
County Prosecutor Says He Was
Ignorant of Police
Plans for Raid.
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp who
claims he is the target for unwar-
ranted blame for the raids made
upon the five fraternity houses
made a series of statements yester-
day relative to the situation. His
statements follow:

'that in one house only two quarts
of liquor were found. Why that is
hardly a teaspoonful to each
member !"
Darin emphasized that something
permanent should be done to sat-
isfy the rumor that the warrants
were illegal. "If the Ann Arbor
police faked the warrants on which
the search of the five houses was
based the legislature ought to
know about it, for after all the leg-
islature is the court of last resort
so far as checking the police is con-
cerned," he stated.
"I understand," Darin continued,
"that they were signed with a ficti-
tions name, 'Johnny Walker'; and, if
this is true the warrants were il-
Prosecutor Answers Darin.
An answer to Darin's statement
was made late yesterday afternoon
by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp who
challenged the right of the legis-
lator to "meddle with the Ann
Arbor police department."
Rapp stated that the use of the
name "Johnny Walker" as that of
the complaining witness is legal
inasmuch as the alleged bootlegger,
Shirley O'Toole, used this naine
when first brought before the police
for investigation.
"So far as this affair is concern-
ed," Rapp stated, "the legislature
has nothing to do with it. It is a
matter for the courts to handle.
Rapp concluded with the statement
that "I'd like to meet Darin, and
you can tell him so."
Following the meeting of the Uni-
versity committee a statement was
issued concerning the purpose of
the visit. The statement follows:
"The University committee of the
House of Representatives feels that
there should be no statement made
at this time about the matters that
it has had under discussion with
the representatives of the Uniyers-
Finance Discussed.
"The committee has discussed
only matters of finance. Their in-
dividual views with reference to the
liquor resolution will 'be taken up
with the Rules and Resolutions
committee of the House of Repre-
sentatives. This committee now has
under consideration the advisability
of a legislative investigation in the
form of a resolution."
When asked if the question of
the recent raids was brought before
the committee during the session
Darin refused to give a statement.
Representative James G. Frey,
Battle Creek, and another member
of the committee, said following the
session that he had nothing to say
at present, but that perhaps he
might have a statement for the
I press following the action of the
Senate committee on student affairs
which meets at 2 o'clock this after-
non to discuss the punishment
meted the five raided fraternities.
Legislators' Air Tour
Delayed by Heavy Fog
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Feb. 17.-The legisla-
tive tour of airports in the met-
ropolitan area scheduled for today
was postponed until Thursday on
account of bad weather.
Reports from Detroit, Pontiac,
Mt. Clemens an other points which
the air fleet planned to touch were
that heavy fogs prevailed. The
itinerary and program planned for
today will be carried out Thursday,
it was announced by Maj. Floyd
Evans, state director of aeronautics.
Brunk stated today he would
make written answers to all charges
if given time to analyze them.
Doak Mourns Passing



drama and Shakespearan era down
to the picturesque Mississippi river

I tat A u eti s Union Cards Available
(By Associah-d Prcx for Enterinsr Students
February 18, 1931.
Men students enrolling in the
DETROIT - Joseph J. Burman, University for the second semester
manager of the Detroit office of the may obtain Union membership
secretary of state, announced today cards by registering in the student
that there will be no extension of offices on the main floor in the

the deadline for securing automo-
bile licenses beyond Feb. 28. Mr.
Burman, who made the announce-
ment for Secretary of State Frank
D. Fitzgerald, said persons found
using 1930 plates after Mar. 1 will
be subject to arrest.
BAY CITY-The Michigan Asso-
ciation of County Drain Commis-
sioners opened its 32d annual meet-1
ing here today. The meeting, at
which 80 delegates are expected to
attend, will continue until Thurs-
day when the election of officers
is to be held and the next conven-
tion city is to be selected. W. B.
Williams, Grand Rapids; Daniel F.
Sullivan, Monroe, R. D. McNutt,
Stanton, and George H. Ruhling,,
Detroit engineer, are to read special
BAD AXE - Circuit Court Judge
X. A. Boomhower today placed Mrs.
Anna Reiger, of White Rock, moth-
'M of iv hiA,.p m Axl n n alA

Union. Registration hours will be
from 3 until 5 o'clock every after-
noon except Saturday, Harold O._
Warren, Jr., '31, recording secretary, I
said yesterday.
Students must present treasurer's
receipts at time of registration in
order to obtain cards, he said.
Army Fliers Complete
Washington Test Trip
(By Associated Press)
MT. CLEMENS, Feb. 17.-Seven-
teen planes completed a round trip
test flight to Washington and back
Monday night. T h e eighteenth"
plane, transport ship, was forced
i down near Sandusky, O.
The planes, part of the Seven-
teenth squadron of the First Pur-
suit group, took off Sunday for the
purpose of testing the efficiency of
night flying by instrument naviga-
tion alone and to determine the
19 +iY-a oa+mciaVh rxxa-n ni +fonn

Chemical Engineers
Ralph C. Shuey, of the research
and development department of the
Bakeliteecorporation, will speak be-
fore the student branch of the
American Institute of Chemical En-
gineers at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
room 3021, East Engineering build-
ing. He will discuss some of the
new developments in condensation
products, such as bakelite. The talk
will be illustrated by moving pic-
tures and an exhibit of bakelite
Electrical Currents
Used to Find Bedrock
(I 3 Associat IfPress>
NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-Electrical
exploration is the lastest scientific
aid of tunnel making and dam
Simply by laying a few wires on
the surface, electrical exploration
locates bedrock as much as 100 feet
below. Recent practical results of
this exploration were described to
the American Institute of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineers Mon-,
day by E. G. Leonardon of -New
The electrical feeler current sub-
stitutes for the usual exploring
drill. Instead of bringing up sam-
ples of the substances it penetrates,
fip riirrrc'.v-,' can,- Ac ' . YT'1y cfciCaS n'i-

Members of the Senate commit- ami satus or J1Iia in pur-
tee on student affairs of the Uni-snce of the plans evolved at the
versity will reassemble at 2 o'clock Indian Roundtable conference.
this afternoon in the office of J.
A. Bursley, dean of students, to de- Longworths Observe
cide whether the punishment re-
cently meted out to five fraternities Wedding Anniversary
for violation of the prohibition law
was too severe. Two petitions, pre- WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. - The
sented to Dean Bursley by the Stu- "Princess Alice" of 25 years ago,
dent council and the fraternity pompadour and all, stepped today,
group as a whole, will be considered from her page one frame of all
by the committee at the meeting Feb. 17, 1906 newspapers for her
today.IF e7 inewapnersr
Meeting on Monday afternoon for silver wedding anniversary.
the purpose of making a final de- And "costumes of 1906" were re-
cision as to the severity of the re- quired of all guests invited to the
cent punishment in closing all five dinner tonight at the Longworth
of the houses implicated in the home on Massachusetts avenue, or
liquor raid one week ago, the Senate who were to "drop in afterward" to
committee was unable to complete celebrate again a certain celebrated
its work and reserved the final White House wedding with "Nick
statement until this afternoon. The and Alice."
petitions will be heard, pleas for -
clemency weighed and a definite Representative Dacey
conclusion arrived at today, it is Withdraws Resolution


(Rv .Accnrirrtrd Prresl I

Chinaman's Fireworks
Similate Chicago Guns
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Feb. 17.-The tele-
phone on the police sergeant's
desk rang long, loudly and often
Monday night. Each time he got
the same message:
"There's another machine gun-
nino o'oina on in Howard St."

LANSING, Feb. 17.-A promised "I refuse to be given the blame
skirmish on prohibition scheduled for this affair. My only connection
for tomorrow afternoon on the floor with the raids has been in regard
of the house was cast aside tonight to the students arrested by police."
when Representative Vincent T. "Had I given the orders for the
Dacey, of Detroit, withdrew his fraternity raids I would feel it my
resolution providing for an advisory duty to carry the case to the finish.
referendum at the spring election. However, since I knew nothing a-
The Wayne wet leader asked that bout a contemplated raid until the
his resolution be returned to com- morning it took place, I do not see
mittee to be killed followingz receipt how I can be held responsible."


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