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March 04, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-04

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VOL. XLI. No. 107





Enlargement of Council
Powers Aim of New
Senate Committee Must
Sanction Revision
as Passed.
At the regular meeting of the
Interfraternity Council held last
evening at the Union, a new con-
stitution was adopted by nearly a
unanimous vote of those attending
the, meeting.
The object of this new constitu-
tion is to enlarge the powers of
the interfraternity council by means
of a strong judiciary committee,
having original jurisdiction in all
matters pertaining to fraternities
which are now ordinarily handled
by other University organizations.
Senate Committee Must Act.
Althoughmpassed and adopted by
the council itself, this constitution
will not become effective unless ap-1
proved by the Senate Committee1
on Student Affairs. Due to the
apparent 'effectiveness which the
scheme will have in localizing all
fraternity matters -in one central1
office, it is probable that the Senatej
committee will receive the proposal
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, when informed of the out-
come of the Interfraternity meet-
ing last night, failed to comment
on the probable action that the
senate committee would take.
Under the new constitution this
judiciary committee will be com-
posed of five undergraduate mem-
bers and five fraternity alumni
members, three of which must be
faculty men and two Ann Arbor
residents who are in no way affili-
ated with the University.
Merit System Developed.
A quasi-merit system is developed
by this new constitution in re-
gards to the appointments of allt
undergraduate members. Due to the
fact that this new committee willt
have the duty of seeing that allz
fraternity matters are handledin
a just manner, and in a way ac-l
ceptable to all parties concerned,
it is pertinent that all politics be
barred from the organization, de-
clared James Ward, '31, presidentt
of the Interfraternity council.
If brought into effective opera-
tion this constitution will bring
about the centralization of all fra-
ternity questions to one group,
whose duty it will be to see that
they are administrated correctly.
All decisions of this judiciary com-
mittee, however, will be subject to
the review of the faculty of the
University and of the Interfrater-(
nity Council atlarge. L
State Bulleins
S(Rv Associated P ess)
Tucstdy,A March, 1931
LINCOLN -George Cuyler, father
of Hazen (Kiki) Cuyler, well-known
Chicago National League baseball
player, was assured the election of
probate judge in Alcona county.
this morning with full returns from
10 of the 11 townships giving Cuy-
1er 890 votes to 245 for J. MacDon-t

Bryant, widow of State Representa-
tive M. D. Bryant, today denied
reports published in some western
Michigan newspapers saying she
would be a candidate for the state
board of agriculture. She also de-
nied that any one bad approached
her asking her to run. Mrs. Bryant'
has been associated intimately with
Mrs. Henry Ford for several years
in garden club work.
PORT HURON-Frederick Brun-
ner, who celebrated his 101st birth-
day Aug. 29, 1930, died today at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry
McCallumhnear Jeddo. Mr. Brun-
ner, who was born in Switzerland,

Woman Finds Letter
of First President
(PI. Associ'aird 1' s)
UXBRIDGE, Mass., March 3.--A
hitherto unpublished letter written
by George Washington at Mt. Ver-
non in 1782 has been found by Mrs.
Milton F. Fish, of Uxbridge. Wash-
ington discussed his attempt to re-
gain his health in the letter.
The letter, addressed to Col. Bur-
well Bassett, at Richmond, Va., was
given Mrs. Fish's father, James H.
D. Earle, while he was serving with
the Union Army in Virginia during
the Civil War. The letter has been
in his possession since then, but
trace of it became lost. Mrs. Fish,
who remembered seeing the letter
when she was a small girl, re-dis-
covered it a short time ago when
she was going through letters and
papers shortly after her mother's

Sheppard Asks Bill to
Liquor in Homes


('I v /lv'r,~7ah Irress)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 3.--Legisla-
tion to make the possession of liq-
uor in the home unlawful was in-
troduced today by Senator Shep-
pard, Democrat, Texas.
Sheppard offered a bill to elim-
inate from the Volstead Act a sen-
tence which permits possession in
the home.
Sheppard also proposed to add
the following sen-
"The burden of
proof shall be up-
on the possessor
in any action
.rrconcerning t h e
liquors referred to
in this section to
prove that such
liquors were law-
f u lly acquired,
possessed and
In a statement,
MORR1S MEPPARE the Texan said:
"The object of
the proposed amendment is to make
clear that the act does not permit
the possession of intoxicating liq-
uor in the home outside of such
liquor acquired before nation-wide
prohibition became effective."
Brief reports upon prohibition
conditions in New York, New Jer-
sey and Louisiana were submitted
to the Senate today by the Wicker-
sham commission.
Fiye Engineers Named
for $100_Scholarships
Five students in the engineering
college have been awarded schol-
arships of $100 each from the Rob-
ert Campbell Gemmell memorial
fund, Dean H. C. Sadler announced
The students to whom the awards
have been made are R. H. Culver,
Matzek, '33E; C. C. Waldo, '33E,
and C. F. White, '33E.
Mail Contract Given
to Motor Coach Line
Following the discontinuance of
all but one round trip daily on the
Ann Arbor railroad, announcement
was made yesterday of the award-
ing of the government mail con-
tract between Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti,
and Toled.o to the Short Way Lines
whose motor coaches will carry all
first class and special delivery mail
between these a n d intermediate
Gargoyle Will Deal
With Campus Liquor
Gargoyle's prohibition num-
ber which deals especially with
the liquor situation on the cam-
pus will be on sale today along
the diagonal and in the various
University buildings.
The cover for the March
issue is the work of Gordon
Sweet, '31A, and the book con-
tains in addition such articles as

Describes Experiences of Tour
7,000 Miles Through Big
Game Territories.
Was Sole Survivor of Expedition
in Which Two Colleagues
Were Killed.1
Pitted for five years against an
unfriendly A f r ic an environment
fraught with danger from wild
beasts and disease pests, Dr. Dan-
iel Davenport carried on a scienti-
fic expedition to study the tsetse
fly and its relation to sleeping sick-
ness, the wild game aspects of
which he describedminea lecture last
night in Hill auditorium under the'
auspices of the Oratorical associa-
Davenport's chief for most of the
trip, Dr. Louis Neuman of Brus-
sels, after shooting many wild spe-
cimens for the trip's collection, fin-
ally succumbed to a surprise at-
tack of a rhinnocerous angered by
the shooting of her mate. The
speaker's only other collegue died
of yellow fever, leaving him the
sole white survivor of the expedi-
Describes Annual Custom.
The strange lives and customs of
the native cannibal tribes were des-
cribed in detail by the speaker. An
annual custom, he said, was to
send the youths of the tribe out
into the "bush" at the age of about
10 to prove their mettle by living
for about six weeks on their own
resources. At the end of this per-
iod he continued, a tribal celebra-
tion was held at which much drink-r
ing and rowing were in evidence.
Natives Gather.
In the preparations for an ele-t
phant expedition Davenport invited
two friendly natives w h o weref
found in the vicinity, of the herd.
Without backwardness these twot
beat their drums for a gathering
of their friends and before a day
had elapsed, the entire nation of
10,000 blacks had arrived on the
scene to participate. In order to
disperse the uninvited guests Dr.
Davenport had to arrange through
diplomatic channels for a war with
a neighboring tribe. This resulted
in the desired removal of the na-
Recommendation Is in Interestt
of World Peace; Robinsonc
Leads Opposition.,
(/ 4Assoia/eCd Cress)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 3.---Rccog-
nition of the Russian government
was called for. in the Senate today
by Chairman Borah of the foreign
relations committee in the inter-
ests of world peace and economic
In analysis of the Russian prob-
lem, the Idaho senator conceded
faults in the Soviet form of gov-
ernment and mistakes by her rul-
ers but said the Russian people .
would not return to the old regime
and deserved to take their place in
the family of nations.
Borah made no attempt to bring

up his resolution proposing recog-
nition and his speech drew a reply
from Senator Robinson, of Indiana,
a Republican member of the for-
eign relations committee, denounc-
ing the Soviet government.
"I am opposed," said Robinson,
"to entering into any partnership
with a government that seeks to
destroy my government--this gov-
ernment that has done for the
average man more than all other
governments put together."
Chicago Artist to Sing
in Final May Program
Chase Baromeo, has been select-
ed to sing the title role in Mous-
sorgsky'sopera, "Boris Goudonoff,"
wich~ii will benre.sented at the fin-

Associated Press Photo
Charles Bowles,
Former mayor of ,Detroit, for
whose campaign fund Harry S. Toy,
prosecuting attorney, charges that
the slayers of Gerald E. Buckley
contributed $11,000. The state be-
lieves that the radio political com-
mentator was killed because of his
crusades against organized crime,.
To Conduct Public Conference
on Unemployment Friday
in Hill Auditoriumin'
Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroitl
will act as chairman at a mass7
meeting at 7:30 o'clock Friday night,
March 20, in Hill auditorium for
the purpose of determining-; the
basic cause and the cures of un-
employment, according to Rev. H.!
P. Marley, pastor of the First Uni-'
tarian church. Mayor Murphy will!
introduce four speakers.1
James Myers, of t h e Federali
Council of Churches of New York1
City, will discuss what the churchi
can do to get at the essential causes1
of unemployment.I
Fred K. Hoeler, commissioner ofj
welfare in Cincinnati, will discuss{

State Charges Murderers' Gang
Contributed to Mayor's
Campaign Fund.
Prosecutor Toy Links Slaying
With Political Turmoil
of Last Summer.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 3.-The state
opened its trial of three men in-
dicted for the slaying of Gerald E.
Buckley with charges that the radio
political commentator was killed
because of his crusades against or-
ganized crime and that his killers}
were members of a gang that hadI
paid $11,000 into the campaign
fund of Former Mayor Charles
This revelation of the state's ver-
sion of Detroit's most famous mur-
der case was made in the crowded
courtroom of Recorder's Judge Ed-]
ward J. Jeffries by Prosecutor Harry~
S. Toy during his opening state-
ment to the jury. The three de-
fendents, Ted Pizzino, Angelo Livec-
'thi, and Joe Bommarito, listened
calmy to the state's charges.
Claim Plot Laid.
Prosecutor Toy linked the slay-
ing of Buckley with the political
turmoil which preceded the recall
of Mayor Bowles last summer. He
said the state would prove that the
slaying was the climax of a care-
fully laid plot which was to effect
the "perfect crime," that the gang
responsible for the killing fancied
itself one of the mainstay's of
Bowles administration, and that
Buckley lived in constant fear of
death from the moment he start-
ed his series of radio attacks on
vice and crime in the Detroit area.
Buckley was slain early in the
morning of July 23, two hours after
returns showed that the voters
had recalled Bowles in a special
election. He was slain as he sat in
the lobby of the LaSalle hotel read-
ing a newspaper. A short time be-;
fore he had been at the microphone
in the city hall broadcasting elec-
tion returns. For three weeks prior
to that time Buckley had been mak-
ing nightly radio talks in behalf
of the movement to bring about


Tryouts for Daily
StaffsWill Meet
Tryouts for the business staff
of The Daily will meet at 4
o'clock today in The Daily offices
in the Press building at the first
of the instruction classes of the
seven-week courses under the
direction of Kasper Halverson,
'31, assistant business manager,
and at the same-time, the edi-
torial staff tryouts will meet
with Gurney Williams, '31, news
Local advertising and the work
of the department in the organ-
ization of The Daily will be the
subject of the discussion at the
business meeting while the edi-
torial tryouts will be given in-
struction in news-writing, ex-
change writing, and proof-read-
ing. The business staff meeting
is the first of a series of seven
at which the work of each de-
partment of the business staff
will be explained and discussed.
Deputies Give Laval Government
Approval as Briand Praises
Moral Disarmament'.
(By Assoctcd Press)
PARIS, March 3.-By the greatest
margin of victory it has yet given
the Laval government the Chamber
of Deputies today approved the for-
eign ministry budget, an action
tantamount to endorsing Aristide
Briand's foreign policy.
The vote was 551 to 14, and came
at the end of the day in which
Briand's policy had been subjected
to vigorous attack and he had made
spirited reply, speaking frankly on
many foreign problems, particular-
ly those concerning Germany and
Franklin-Bouillon, w h o always
has regarded the Versailles treaty
as too lenient, was his principal ad-
vesary, arguing that danger to
France lay in any Franco-German
Briand, asserting that the for-
eign policy of France always has
been an open book, emphasized the
necessity for "moral disarmament"'
and referred to the great recent
naval accord among France, Italy,
and Great Britain, as "one of the
most important e v e n t s in the
world's history."
Goaded by accusations that he
had been too lenient in his policy
toward G e r m a n y, the veteran
statesman jumped from his chair,
reminding his opponents that they
always had said that Franco-Ital-
ian naval differences were insolu-
ble and pointing out that the solu-
tioin was now an accomplished
Ge eral Sale of F rsh
Frolic Tickets Starts
Tickets for the annual Frosh
Frolic, which will be held Friday,
March 13, in the Union, are now
on sale, according to an announce-
ment made' yesterday by Wilbur
Bohnsack, ticket chairman. They
may be purchased at the booth in
University hall any day between
10:30 and 2:30 o'clock, in the West
Enginering building between 11 and
12 and 1:30 and 2 o'clock, at the
Union, Slaters, and the Parrot.
Extra Clerks Work

to Give Vets Loans#
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 3.--Appli-
cations for loans have poured into
Veterans Bureau offices at such a
rate that the temporary employ-'
ment of 900 additional clerks was

Offers Proposal That
Two States Lease
Nitrate Plant.
Congressional Session
May Close Before
Second Vote.
(By Associated Press)
President Hoover's veto of the
Muscle Shoals bill was sustain-
ed tonight by the Senate.
The bill, which the president
said in his veto message square-
ly presented the issue of gov-
ernment operation in competi-
tion with private interests, was
killed when its friends failed to
obtain the two-thirds vote ne-
cessary to pass it over a veto.
The vote was 49 to 34.
(By Associated Press)
President Hoover today sent back
to Congress the Norris bill for
disposition of the gigantic power
and nitrate plant at Muscle Shoals
with a message declaring flatly
against the principle of govern-
ment operation.
In vetoing the measure propos-
ing federal control over the war-
time properties, the president
proposed, instead, the states of
Alabama and Tennessee set up a
commission with representatives of
the national farm organiztiopns
and the army engineers to lease
the plans "in the interests of the
local community and agriculture
Session to close.
The veto message was dumped
into the Senate on top of the con-
fused mass of legislation which
weary leaders were attempting to
straighten out before the clock
reaches 12 tomorrow when the ses-
sion automatically comes to an end.:
In view of the complicated par-
liamentary situation there was a
strong possibility
that the session
would end before
a vote was reach-
ed on the veto.
The same parlia-
mentary situation
delayedythe read-
ing of the ms-
age in the Sen-
ate f o r several.
hours after its re-
Senator W a t-
son, of Indiana,
the Republican
GE0RGE W.NORRIS leader, predicted
enough votes to
sustain the veto, though it was ad-
mitted the outcome would be close
with one or two votes providing
the margin.
No Concerns to Bid.
Declaring the leasing provisions
of the bill which Congress sent to
him were of "no genuine import-
ance' because inquiry had revealed
no responsible concerns which
would offer bids under its provi-
sions, President Hoover said the
bill proposed government manu-
facture of fertilizer as well as
power production.

Long-DelayedO Case Terminates
as Laginess Admits That
Terry Was Slayer.
Arraigned to answer a murder
charge in a case more than five
years old, both Grover Terry and
Fred Laginess pleaded guilty in cir-
cuit court before Judge George W.

what the community can do to the mayor's recall.
solve the unemployment problem.
What industry is doing to solve
the unemployment problem will be
discussed by Marion B. Balsom, vice
president of the Eastman Kodak ?
Will Insurance Solve The Prob-
lcm?" is the topic to be discussedl
by either George Soule, editor of
-the New Republic, or by John Rdye Campaign Fu
Commons, teacher of economics in Still Condemn
the University of Wisconsin. The' of Party I
committee sponsoring the meeting
is composed of Rev. Marley, chair- (/l Associat
man, Rabbi Bernard Yeller, and1 WASHINGTON,
Rev. Allison Ray Heaps. Nye Campaign FL
told the Senate tod
The Weather tions had yielded n
1on the honor and it
()v rialcd Prs Lor James J. Davis,
Lower Michigan: Mostly cloudy, The long-awaite

unds Committee
s Expenses
ed Press)
Maren 3. - The
unds Committee
day its investiga-
nothing to reflect
ntegrity of Sena-
of Pennsylvania.
d report on the

Wednesday, preceded by light snow
in morning; Thursday cloudy, fol-
lowed. by rain or snow in afternoon;
not much change in temperature.
Foster Measure to be Submitted
to Public Referendum if
Brucker Approves.
{t>5'.t1csrria/rd J1' Css
LANSING, Mar. 3. --The legisla-
ture today passed the capital pun-
ishment issue on to Governor
Brucker and the people. Unless the
executive vetoes the Foster bill pro-
viding the eleitric chair for first
degree murderers, the proposal will
be submitted to a state-wide refer-
endum in the general election on
April 6.
With only a flutter of dissent,
both branches accepted a confer-
ence report and pushed the meas-
~'.r, nn ±curri the11 r nvor.',, f-jun A ocl

Pennsylvania primary and election,
however, condemned as "excessive
and inimical to the public interest"
the expenditure of $622,928 it re-
ported for the Davis-Brown ticket
in the Republican primary last
Davis' opponents also were cleared
of any suggestion of smirch.
"Unless the xpenditure of more
than $600,000 in the primary can be
construed as in itself constituting
corruption," the committee con-
eluded, "in fairness to Senator Davis
as well as the other candidates in
the Pennsylvania senatorial elec-
;ion, your committee desires to state
that the evidence heard by it does
not disclose any corruption for
I which he may be held personally
responsible, nor has anything been
revealed reflecting upon the honor
and integrity of Senator Davis or
any other senatorial candidate."
71st Congress Holds
Record for Spending
' (B6 Associated Pres)
WASHINGTON, March 3. -- One
historical distinction belongs to the

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