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March 01, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-01

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it 4



VOL. XL. NO. 105






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Professor of Surgery Has Been
Associated With Medical
School Since 1920.
Is Member of American College
of Surgeons and Amerian
Medical Association.
Dr. Frederick A. Caller, profes-
sor of surgery, yesterday was nam-
ed director of the department of
surgery in the Medical school by
the executive committee of the
Regents. The appointment of Dr.
Caller takes effect March 1.
The action of the committee was
taken to replace the vacancy cre-
I ated by the withdrawal of Dr.
Hugh Cabot, formerly dean of the
Medical school and head of the de-
partment of surgery, now profes-
sor of surgery.
Joined Faculty in 1920.
Dr. Coller, who is regarded as
one of the best surgeons in the
country, came to the University in
1920 as an assistant professor of
surgery. In 1928, he was advanced
from associate professor to a full
professorship. He was born Oct.
2, 1887 at Brookings, S. D., and
graduated fith a degree of B.S. in
1906 from the South Dakota State
college.- Two years later he receiv-
ed his M.S. from the same institu-
tion. He took a M.D. from the
Harvard Mcdical school in 1912.
~DrN Vofl eleved as a surgical
interne in the Massachusetts Gen-
eral hospital at Boston in 1912-
1913, and as surgical resident in
1914 and 1915. From March to
July, 1915, he was assistant surgeon
at. the American Ambulance Hos-i
pital at Paris. He served as an'
honorary captain in the British R.
A. M. C. from July to October, 1915.
Then he accepted the position of
assistant surgeon in the American'
Women's War hospital, in which
he served from October, 1915, to
July, 1916.
Served with Army Corps.
In October, 1917, Dr. Coller was
with the American army medical
corps. He is a fellow of the Ameri-
can College of Surgeons, a member
Of the American Medical associa
tion, of the Michigan State Medi-
cal society, of the American Assoc-
iation for the Study of Goitre, and
of the American Surgical associa-
When Dr. Caller finished his serv-
ice in the American army in 1919,
he held the rank of colonel.
Dreese Chosen Faculty
Member at Ohio State
Erwin Dreese, '20E, in recogni-
tion of his outstanding achieve-
ments in the line of electrical en-I
gineering, has been appointed to
the Ohio State University faculty
as a result of its policy of secur-
ing men of country-wide reputa-
tion for positions in the teaching,
staff of the school.
Dreese, who has been awarded
the degree of Master of Science as
well as that of doctor in electrical
engineering, which it is said has
only been awarded once previously
to this, has been engaged in en-

gineering and research since his
graduation from the University.
While he was in school Dreese
was a member of Tau Beta Pi. lion-
orary engineering fraternity, and
Sigma Xi, honorary scientific group.
Professor to Lecture
on Universal Language
Lecturing on Esperanto, the new
international language, Prof. C. B.
Brokenshire of Alma College will
speak here Tuesday, March 4, at
4:30 o'clock in room 231 Angell
Hall. Professor Brokenshire has
been several times a fellow in
Semitics from Princeton Univer-
sity and is an active student of Es-

Ex-Governor Fuller ENGINEERS NAMED fMT Freshman Discipline
To Run For Senate ON AWARDS JURY LUV UUYVIVIIIL1 Conmittee Selected
Dr. William W. Campbell, '86E,
and Dr. Albert E. White, Director Organization of the tradition'n M9flh/ 1Afr OM
Sof engineering research in the Un-committee for the disciplining of o
versity, have been elected to the freshmen not wearing their "pots"ur hh td eha rhs e c pe iw n
offrey he o ecide Shencead hstben ompetTHi9waINn
offered by the Popular Science nounced by Ernest C. Reif, '30,
Magazine to the American whose president of the Student Council
work in science is deemed to be of Senator Caraway Hints at Con. The committee, composed of fresh
he greatest potential benefit to the inat naawy Three men and sophomores, will check up.
world. i bination of o Thsreaesuenseebredt
Doctor Campbell was given the' Interests. J he council fortudnt obsepringtte Capan Sh a ,Not ese ,T ksTw
onfisyasudnseorpdt C ain Schwarz, Northwestern, Takes Two
degree of Master of Science in 1899, tradition.
and Doctor of Science in 1905. The WIRT FRANKLIN QUIZZED Members of the football squadEstptghH
award which he is to help deter- have been preferred in the selec-
mine is offered in order that ome Defends E s oton of the group, Reif stated, so Hinch and Petersen Wm Firsts.
tribute may be paid to the scien-Dend Establishment of Oil the committee will have little tro-________
, ists of the country as well as that Duty Campaign Fund in ble in handling the "frosh in aS
interest in scientific research may Washington. manner customary for those break- \ Idzard I. Warner, SPorls hdilor
be stimulated. ling the University traditions." EVANST( ON, 111.. Feb. 28-Overcoming a lead of eight yards
I KAssociated Prciatby Active work will begin immedi- which Northlwestevu's first two men had given Covode to start the last
FRII. ~~ASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-Inquir- ately by the committee, it has been l~o lC3
13 at <ngAINGTONoresb2tr-dIn f r te announced. The names of severalj leg of tht; 3oc yard medley relay, Bob Walker ane througi iii sena-
. in tostories of trading for votes fishmen have been forwarded it tional style to beat the Purple man by inches and give Michigan's swim-
LIIU t I in the Senate on the tariff for oil, by the council ) ura-rfw4 rup vrtesrn upeta.Ec twiam
lumbr, nd uga, th Seatelluc-res a glrius 40-5tiumiph over thle strong Purple team. Each tam
nTI 9 by omtee eawed Wr on four first places, but M'ichugan Victories in both relays brought the
soodaG 6 d Prp o Y comtee eamnd WitI meet championsip of the conference to the Wolvernes.
Alvan . Fadller,____ Franklin, president of the Anieri- HC(i
Alvn T Fuer FrnklnpreideTOo te Aerl Te outcome of the meet was in doubt until th fnal event, never
Former governor of Massachu- Domergue ThreatensDissolutioncan Independent Petroleum Peo-etore than four points separating the two tea.s througout the meet.
cafndidat Tardieu Cabinet is ducts association, concerning his HAl Icwartz.Wildcataoe, won two races, while inch aid Petersen
Uoet tesaSnate fohtstate pactivities in behalf of the oil tariff, Lteach captured an event forNorth-
an the primaries which will be held . before the'Senate at the time.rey western, but this could notfs.t
this spring. TO BE READY THURSDAYS iRep orig to theiectaing goe Conference Chain shp At T FCO D IN .n lan's stent the is v i n e la ,
_____RED THRD YI Lion of Chairman Caraway, of tepPI h is to the pro-
Icommittee, as to whether there had Stake; Wolverines Need gram, the Wolverine quartet shat-
(by Associated Yes) been a combination among those VSctIJOflHTb tered the world's record in the 160-
PARIS, France, Feb. 28-Andre intVisctorny hrthrie.arNO raK[syard relay by coering the distance
Tardieu today informed president Mr. Franklin said: in the fast time of 1:13 2-5 seconds,
Domergue that he was not to haveFranklin's Statement. THREE PLAY LAST GAME --- breaking Northwestern's record of
'us new cabinet before parliament "W1, there hateent. gReport Patient in No Pain But 1:14. Walker, Walaitis, Ilosmer
pt 3 P. m. next Thursday.Ition that perhaps the Senators With the Conference puck chma- - Vitality Is Gradually and Smith comprised the team that
-,He made that statement after a wanted one item on the tariff list pionship hanging on the result, beat the vaunted Purple quartet
Abbot Says Requests Are More laborious day in which he encoun-n protected, it might help to unite Coach Eddie Lowrey's rejuvenated by two yards.
Numerous Than in Any tendt ubbtrn oositionfromtheforces.I have heard that. I have Wolverine hockey forces will take DEATH SE S IMMINENTzeatsWalker.
P~ reous Ya.nAny leftryoupute hoes have h understood all my life that that is the ice at 7:30 tonight against the Northwestern took the next event
Previous Year. ministry completed for Sunday and, the way a tariff bill was made." Badgers of Wisconsin in the Coli- BULLETiN when Don Petersen beat Bob Gold-
____then to get it into shape for the'Fanln adBegoLheLrET ( AsoINtdPes mt otefns ieb w
HOLLISTER WILL SPEAK' parliamentary appearance. "suggestion" along the line in a Determed to cling to the half Washington, Feb. 28-Physicians dsmithtothe finish line by two
The conviction is growing In telegram from John Adams, asso game lead, so brilliantly establish- attending William Howard Taft re- Yards with Howlett of Northwest-
In response to a popular demand chamber circles that should Tar- ciate justice of the Colorado su- ed by a 5-1 win Thursday night, ported him at 6:15 today to be in ern a close third. Schwartz stepped
for another radio talk by Dr. Max dieu meet defeat on his initial ap- preme c ult - ' ichigan will endeavor to continue practically the same condition that out in the 40-yard sprint to win
Peet, professor of surgery in the pearance before the deputies, "I had the suggesti itllarcombnaton lay and he was tstrihenthey id
Cps'telegram,"hetestified, "that thel hld'the touted Cardinal scoring he was growing weaker. yard. This tied the meet at 15
director and announcer of the president "Domergue is resolved to Colorado senators were interested combine of Meiklejohn and Krueger "The condition of the former points a piece.
Morris hall studio, has arranged to call upon joint meeting of the more in sugar than they were in in cold storage. The desperation chief justice is practically unchang- Capt. Gar Ault put Michigan in
have Dr. Peet discuss on tonight's senate and chamber for a vote of thrown into the camp of the Bad- ed since this morning'sbulletin.g the lead when he won the 440-yard
program, "Fractures of the Spine." cdissolution. oil."inoth ap o h a-e ic hsmrigsblei swim by a full pool length over
progra, "Frcturesof th Spin.' disolutin. - And, therefore" put- in Cara ger by the easy fashion in which Doctors Francis R. Hagner and wm yafulpolngh vr
Other speakers will be Prof. John Dissolution talk, it was felt, ra- A, themr pu' min ar?" the Wolyerines pieroni hich Docos Francis .gner and Wilson of the Wildcats. Bob Ladd
W. Hollister, head of the German ther helped Tardieu with the smal- way, see them in a combination e ol prcd their de- Thomas A. Claytor signed the bul- captured third for Michigan. The
department, who will speak on ler group. This is the very even- to meal nthato" replied Franklin visitors to a better grade of hockey. 150-yard back stroke went to Dick
"German Literature"; and Prof. A. uality they are desirous of avoid- The witness said he did not see Much of the interest for local fol- Dr. Francis Hagner said that Hinch, another Purple ace, who
D. Moore of the electrical engineer- ing and they are likely to support one of the Colorado senators and lowers will be the performance of when he entered the sick room, Mr. won as he pleased. Irv. Valentine
ing department who will discuss Tardieu rather than to chance it. that recognized him with a feeble of the Wolverines just touched out
the honor system in high school The premier-designate confinedot had "admitted that he was verd turning in their last game for Mich- ftcognie hmws afeble Boyer of Northwestern for second
and college. his consultations today to the lead- h, "dmttdahachew. erTtrnnginthirlatdaelorMih-flckr ffhefaoueTftsmleeHt
S ml luch interested in sugar"igan on the ice. Captain "Doc" was unable to speak, howeve, Dr. place. This deadlocked the meet
be 3s o th r~ht nd cnte grupsnmuh ineretedin uga." seak hoeve Drgain at 24 points.
The musical program will be rs of the rght and center groups, Another telegram was sent later Bryant and Sammy Hart, defensive Hagner said. Walatis Wins Divig.
anratd by the University band averred he will have some lefts in by Adams to'Franklin in which he stars, and "Slim" Nygord, clever Justice Harlan F. Stone, a neigh- Schat cin thecg.
structor in band instruments, who his cabinet, but as individuals noti suggested that "Oklahoma senators wing will see the final chapter in bor, drove up to the residence sev- tyfree styleto kwin hesil cfrn
strutorin and nstumets, hmansdate, bti arty Thdus far should see value of sugar tariff." their Varisty puck careers f or the eral times this morning. He finally Smith arnd seo Mihigafrn.
will give two clarinet solos. The by their party. Thus far " Maize and the Blue tonight. left his secretary to keep watch ioh and Hosmer; of Michigan.
selections will be as follows: "Var- 'the only portfolio Tardieu is willing a " Frankl testified u t r ed Outplayed and outskated Thurs-t s with the newspapermen, requesting Hosmer just beat out Athikufor
sity, by Moore; Overture to Ruy to say is definitely arranged is that tariff,"k liesed " dty Outply a otsiate hurs- . t ng third place by coming from behind
Bias," by Mendelssohn; "Concer- of foreign affairs, of which Aris- to make them see it." day night by a Wolverine teamj that he be apprised ol the nature Intels a.FakWlii
Lino" for clarinet, by Weber; "Pre tide Briand is chief. i Later, he said, the senators' which demonstrated the best play of the physicians' bulletin. turned in a, prettyrexhnibition of
lude No. 8" from the Welltemper- Late tonight a feeling of opti- agreed to support a sugar tariff of the season, the Badgers who Robert A. Taft, son of the former fancy diving when* he outpointed
ed Clavichord, by Bach; and "The mism prevailed in both chamber ! "up to'a certain limit." have held the lead in the Confer- President, of Cincinnati, arrived at Okeefe of the Purple for first place.
Yellow and Blue,' by Balfe and senate that Tardieu would suc- Defends Action. ence since the first day of the sea- the home at 11:53. Raike won over Brewing of Noi-th-
The one-hour program will go on ceed. He said himself, when he re- Franklin vigorously defended his son are tasting the unusual experi- Charles Taft, another son, plan- western for third position
the air through WJR at 8 instead ceived newspapermen at 6:45, that action in establishing in Washing- once of taking the ice as the un- ned to leave Cincinnati for Wash- At this point Michigan was lead
of 7:30 o'clock tonight, Professor he hoped to have a cabinet ready ton to campaign for an oil duty, derdog for the first time this eve- ington during the day. ing the Northwestern natators, 35-
Abbot announced, but will be to present to president Domergue and said about $50,000 had been nmig. The physicians, Dr. Hagner and
broadcast next Saturday at the late Sunday or Monday morning. raised for this purpose. He added A win or a tie i tonght's game Dr. Thomas Claytor, were n almost ed on the six points going to the
regular hour. C that literature had been distribut- Vi l give the title to Michigan while constant attendance. Mr. Taft, they winner of the medley relay. Hinch
According to Professor Abbot the ed and a large number of senators he Badgers must win to annex the said, was suffering no pain, but his of the Widcats gained eight yards
University radio programs have A1 ea ieAa I had been visited in an effort to ii n orntecoes aei ay vtlt a rdulydmnsig over Valentine on the first leg, 100
been more popular this year than ----terest them in an oil tariff. years. Coach Johnny Farquhar's and death might come at any mo- yards back stroke. Goldsmith
ever before. More than 3,000 re- Says rubber boots will be in vogue Thewitness insisted that the oil:Cardinals are depending on the ment. picked p a yard 9n Petersen on
quests have already been received in the southeastern part of the men had come to Washington to :speedy puck carriage of the midget Although Mr. Taft was sleeping the next 100 yards breast stroke.
for the Bulletin which will contain state-rain and warmer Saturday. present their case in person and offensive stars, Meiklejohn and whn the doctors made their final With his team eight yards behind,
all of IKruge to turn the tables.jvisit to the sickroom at 11 p. m.BoWakrsmthbetrcef
all of the faculty talks of the se- Sunday he thinks will be fair and that no outside help had been em- Kree(o(r h tbe.vstt h scro t1 .m Bob Walker swam the best. race of
hen cul.tf e so he pla ogProbab Lineups. Thursday, it was believed that the his collegiate career, passing
r---,--nd---'nt--u-free ' i --- -- ."If there has been anybody em- Michigan Wisconsin patient spent a restless night. This' Covode, the Northwestern anchor
played, I do not know it," he as- Tompkins..... __g... ......Frisch conclusion was drawn from the fact man, on 'the last length of the race
THOUSANDS IN ANTI-MONARCHIAL serted.' Bryant (c) A...l. g...... Metcalfe that the lights in the sickroom were to win by the narrowest of margins.
DEMONSTRA TIONS RIOT IN SPAIN "I was rather interested in see- Hart-- ... .._rn. g....Swederski I turned on during the night once for In the water polo following the
-- -- ---_ing a couple ofme very bsy Langen -.... _e.... Meiklejohn a period of more than 20 minutes. meet the Northwestern team out-
around here." chairman Caraway Nygord.....-_. c. .Meiklejohn (,) Attendants at the home, however, classed the Wolverines, winning by
MFe -et l statesman. Republicansrbelivedim d an I an Courtis...... w. ... Thompson said Mr. Taft apparently had spent a 13-4 scre. Walaitis scored all of
i of e woud esouse heircause, gv- ko n utwnedt 34soeIalii crdalo
SpADRID, Fetb.o28.a-wwetrby a tidoe o espouse thi ,remtarked,ny were in your employ " Sippila _..._.r. w.......Siegel a restful night and his condition Michigan's panshints, while McDonald
rpublicaniy an wntibyoarcial f ing it a considerable impetus. The knw__fthey r y Campbell...._spare .... Krueger was unchanged, also played a good game for the
Zepublicnism an a -i7 T'hi lt k d losers. Schwartz, Hinch, and Ca-

demonstrations aftr a pubic pro-
nouncement by Jose Antonio San-
chez' Guera, former premier and
bitter enemy of the late dictator-
ship, in which lie said: "I will
never again serve the present
Thousands gathered in the
streets of Madrid and fought with
police who attempted to bring
down their red banners and hush
their shouts of "Down with the
King" and "Death to the King."
Ten civilians were arrested and
one man was injured seriously in
a clash outside the theater in
which the former premier's speech
was delivered.
Gen. Damaso Berenguer, the new
Spanish premier, announced that

zarzueia TE'a er wazs paci, w ua 1
2,000 stood outside. The statesman
was applauded for several minutes
when lie ascended the rostrum.
To the staunchest of the Repub-'
lican adherents the speech which
followed was a disappointment.
The former premier did not say he
hoped' for a republic. He did say
that the movement for a republic
in Spain was stronger than ever
and that thencountry soomnight
adopt that form of government.
He denied that he had become a
republican personally, and then in
his peroration declared: "I shall#
end with the words of the Duke of
Gandia, chief of the palace of Em-
peror Charles V, who when the
Empress Isabella died, said: 'I
, - - -nrnrr - r co (T n 'z - -

Reeves' Appointment
Confirmed in Senate
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the
political. science department, just
appointed as technical adviser to
represent the United States at
the conference on the codifica-
tion of international law next
month at The Hague, Holland,
will sail for England with the
other delegates Saturday on the
steamship AcMitania.
Professor Reeves' appointment
to this position was confirmed by
the Senate yesterday and the ap-
propriation of $25,000 was made
to finance the trip.
The conference next month

(By Associated Pres perity is to increase employment
IBATTLE CREEK, Feb. 28. - The I
.BATLE REE, Fb. 8.-Theand pay wages large enough to give k
circulation of rumors of commun- a
is tic uprisings in Michigan indus- the working man buying power.
trial centers were denounced as The rumors referred to by the
"silly and most injurious" in an ad- Governor were those circulated in
dress by Gov. Fred W. Green before Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, Lan-
the fifth distict convention of the sing, and other state manufactur-
I Advertising Federation of America' ing centers last week.
here today. "There will be biggri- and better
"There are not enough commun- rumors before this week is out un-
ists in Michigan to start a riot, un- less the public stops believing and1
less those who should lead in re- circulating such nonsense," the
I storing prosperity create a condi- Governor stated.
tion that will breed discontent," The rumors, he said, hinted at'
Sthe Governor said. "There is an;Ilabor uprisings, race riots, and dv-I

vode starred for the Wildcats.
160 yard relay won by Michigan
(Walker, Walaitis, Smith, Hos-
mer), time 1:13 2-5, new world's
record. 200 yard breast stroke, won
by Petersen (N. W.); second, Gold-
smith (M), third, Howlett (N.W.,
time 2:36 2-5. 40 yard free style
won by Schwartz (N. W.J), second
Walker (M), third Walaitis (M),
time :18. 440 ,yard free style, won
by Ault (M., second Wilson (N.
W., third Ladd (M.), time 5:02
150 yard back stroke won by
Hinch (N. W.), second Valentine
(M.), third Bayer (N. W.), time 1:
4q 4-5. 100 yard free style won by
Schwartz (N. W.). second Smith


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