ESTBLISHED r it 4 AIn MEMBER IASSOCIATD PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930. EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS uL. r't t I fl ' t : } ' ti ES ,,EST Ti LE FRO 9:c TS * r - --- --- "- - ..._._. __ ____ /" l DR. CLLER NED TO. REPLAC CAOT Professor of Surgery Has Been Associated With Medical School Since 1920. GRADUATE OF HARVARD Is Member of American College of Surgeons and Amerian Medical Association. Dr. Frederick A. Caller, profes- sor of surgery, yesterday was nam- ed director of the department of surgery in the Medical school by the executive committee of the Regents. The appointment of Dr. Caller takes effect March 1. The action of the committee was taken to replace the vacancy cre- I ated by the withdrawal of Dr. Hugh Cabot, formerly dean of the Medical school and head of the de- partment of surgery, now profes- sor of surgery. Joined Faculty in 1920. Dr. Coller, who is regarded as one of the best surgeons in the country, came to the University in 1920 as an assistant professor of surgery. In 1928, he was advanced from associate professor to a full professorship. He was born Oct. 2, 1887 at Brookings, S. D., and graduated fith a degree of B.S. in 1906 from the South Dakota State college.- Two years later he receiv- ed his M.S. from the same institu- tion. He took a M.D. from the Harvard Mcdical school in 1912. ~DrN Vofl eleved as a surgical interne in the Massachusetts Gen- eral hospital at Boston in 1912- 1913, and as surgical resident in 1914 and 1915. From March to July, 1915, he was assistant surgeon at. the American Ambulance Hos-i pital at Paris. He served as an' honorary captain in the British R. A. M. C. from July to October, 1915. Then he accepted the position of assistant surgeon in the American' Women's War hospital, in which he served from October, 1915, to July, 1916. Served with Army Corps. In October, 1917, Dr. Coller was with the American army medical corps. He is a fellow of the Ameri- can College of Surgeons, a member Of the American Medical associa tion, of the Michigan State Medi- cal society, of the American Assoc- iation for the Study of Goitre, and of the American Surgical associa- tion. When Dr. Caller finished his serv- ice in the American army in 1919, he held the rank of colonel. Dreese Chosen Faculty Member at Ohio State Erwin Dreese, '20E, in recogni- tion of his outstanding achieve- ments in the line of electrical en-I gineering, has been appointed to the Ohio State University faculty as a result of its policy of secur- ing men of country-wide reputa- tion for positions in the teaching, staff of the school. Dreese, who has been awarded the degree of Master of Science as well as that of doctor in electrical engineering, which it is said has only been awarded once previously to this, has been engaged in en- gineering and research since his graduation from the University. While he was in school Dreese was a member of Tau Beta Pi. lion- orary engineering fraternity, and Sigma Xi, honorary scientific group. Professor to Lecture on Universal Language Lecturing on Esperanto, the new international language, Prof. C. B. Brokenshire of Alma College will speak here Tuesday, March 4, at 4:30 o'clock in room 231 Angell Hall. Professor Brokenshire has been several times a fellow in Semitics from Princeton Univer- sity and is an active student of Es- Ex-Governor Fuller ENGINEERS NAMED fMT Freshman Discipline To Run For Senate ON AWARDS JURY LUV UUYVIVIIIL1 Conmittee Selected Dr. William W. Campbell, '86E, and Dr. Albert E. White, Director Organization of the tradition'n M9flh/ 1Afr OM Sof engineering research in the Un-committee for the disciplining of o versity, have been elected to the freshmen not wearing their "pots"ur hh td eha rhs e c pe iw n offrey he o ecide Shencead hstben ompetTHi9waINn offered by the Popular Science nounced by Ernest C. Reif, '30, Magazine to the American whose president of the Student Council work in science is deemed to be of Senator Caraway Hints at Con. The committee, composed of fresh he greatest potential benefit to the inat naawy Three men and sophomores, will check up. world. i bination of o Thsreaesuenseebredt Doctor Campbell was given the' Interests. J he council fortudnt obsepringtte Capan Sh a ,Not ese ,T ksTw onfisyasudnseorpdt C ain Schwarz, Northwestern, Takes Two degree of Master of Science in 1899, tradition. and Doctor of Science in 1905. The WIRT FRANKLIN QUIZZED Members of the football squadEstptghH award which he is to help deter- have been preferred in the selec- mine is offered in order that ome Defends E s oton of the group, Reif stated, so Hinch and Petersen Wm Firsts. tribute may be paid to the scien-Dend Establishment of Oil the committee will have little tro-________ , ists of the country as well as that Duty Campaign Fund in ble in handling the "frosh in aS interest in scientific research may Washington. manner customary for those break- \ Idzard I. Warner, SPorls hdilor be stimulated. ling the University traditions." EVANST( ON, 111.. Feb. 28-Overcoming a lead of eight yards I KAssociated Prciatby Active work will begin immedi- which Northlwestevu's first two men had given Covode to start the last FRII. ~~ASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-Inquir- ately by the committee, it has been l~o lC3 13 at