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May 25, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-25

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jd every morning e cet Monday
e sysy ya2b e Board n
A Student'Publication.
rof- Western Conference EMitorial


are turning expert knowledge into'
poular benefit.
No matter whether "Bulletin 14"
means the reolution of the gaso-
line industry, or whether the
dwindling gasoline supply is con-
served through this scientific ef-
fort, Michigan will receive the
credit for having laid the founda-
tion upon which the changes will
eventually be made. The work of
the engineering department is


The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news di.
r tches creditedto it or not 'otherwise credited
a this paper and the local news publishedI
Entered at the postoffice at Ann .Arbor,i
iichigan as tseond class matter. Special rate
af postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
itster General.
Subscriptios by carrier, $4.os; by mall
' fices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May:
ard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492: Business, s114.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tlley
Cty Editor..... .........Pierce Rosenberg
ew s Editor.............Donald .Kline
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
1whfen's Editor.......Marjoris oliner
elePaph Editor......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama....William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.......Lawrence R. Klein
Tsstant City rditbr.... Robert J edan
igt Editors-Editorial Board Member
Fran. B. Cooper Henry J Merry
William . Gentry Robert L bless
riaes R. 'Kauffman Walter W. Wild.
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley
ertra, Askwit Lester May
aen Bare Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
ftri L. liebymer William Page
llan H. Berkiman Howard H. Peckham
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Th s M. oey Jeannie Roberts
oelera Domine Joseph A. Russell
argaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitli
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sach
f arl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
8hKld'on G° Fullerton Charles R. Sprow
Ruth Galhneyer Adsit $tewart.
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swaso
ineva GGin Jane Thayer
Jack Gldsmith Margaret Thompon
Emly Grimies Richard L. Tobin
Moris roermna Robert Townsend
Ma1gret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
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rothy Mge Vivian zimbd
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'Assistant Manager
Department Managers
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Adertising... .....Kasper If. Halverson
Servie ......... George A. Spater
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business Secretary-Mary Chase
ant aE. Cartwrigt Thomas Muir
rbert Crawford George R.P atterson
-Thtinas M. Davis ,Charles Sanford
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orris Johnson Joseph Van Riper
Charles Kline Robert Williamson
Martib Kobacker William R. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Business
MarianAtran Staff.
Mairian Atran Mary Jane Kenan
Dorpthy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb
Laura Coding Alce McCully
Ethel Constas Sylvia Mill&r
Jp sephine. Convisser Ann Verner
ernice Glaser llmootha aterman
Anna;Goldberger Joan Wiese
H-ortense G.ood ig
SUNDAY, MAY 25,1930
Associated Press dispatches from
Oklahoma yesterday stated that
a new gasoline blend has been an-
nounced at the Natural Gasoline
association's annual convention in
Tulsa, -which is the result of ex-
periment and discovery in the Uni-
versity engineering college here.
The blending formula, which adds
power and cuts the present gaso-
line waste to a minimum, is a gift
to tlie petroleum industry, accord-
ing to press reports, and is on a
non-commercial basis being free
to anyone who desires to use it.
Two fatts are of paramount im-
portance in this connection: first,
that Michigan's scholastic achieve-
ment is again being given national
prominence for a feat of scientific
skill, and second, the world at
large is being benefitted immea-
surably by the introduction of such
a power-giving formula. In the

present world of gasoline propplled
vehicles such angaddition to the
knowledge of the basic fuel is im-
possible to calculate.
"This new mixture restores what'
the motorist likes to call 'the old-,
fashioned goodness,'" states onej
article on the subject, "by which.
he means quick, easy starting in
cold weather and added power'
which no present gasoline posses-

Yesterday's Conference track
meet at Evanston marks one of thel
last chapters in the active career of
Steve Farrell, head coach of the
Wolverine track team. There re-
mains but the National Collegiate
meet on June 13 before his coach-
ing days at Michigan are done.
He has been connected with thef
University since 1912 when as foot-
ball trainer and later as track
coach. Previous to this time, he
had served at many other colleges
and universities throughout the
country and had been one of the
best middle distance runners in
Everywhere, he has been a friend
to all who came into contact with
him. His sterling qualities, not
only as a successful track coach but
as a guide who aided in shaping the
careers of thousands of young men,
have won for him the admiration
and respect of all.
We are grateful to "Steve" for the
successes which have followed his
career and for the records which
have been brought to Michigan un-
der his guidance. Even more we
appreciate the profound influence
of his ideals of fair-play and sports-
manship which have become a part
of Michigan's athletic tradition.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than .zoo
worms of possible. Anonymous co a-
*mncations will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Aily.

Music and Drama ,_____STEDLL_- _ __ _
Peter Monro Jack SUPPLEMENT.
"Antigone" is a problem play, { As an added attraction hence-
and the problem of conduct that Iforth, the Rolls Artist is making a
it raises is perhaps no nearer so- series of campus views. These pic-
lution today than it apparently was tures bay be secured in the full-
in fifth century Greece. As Jebb size, three-tone lithograph merely
points out, it is the only instance by sending in to the Rolls editor
in Greek drama of a play dealing the sum of five dollars. Autograph
with a practical problem of con- by artist one dollar extra.
duct that is understandable in any The first of these beautiful
age and country. It remains in- prints which appears below is a
teresting, like "Hamlet," not be- general view of the campus as it
cause of its beauty or faultlessness appears now with the lid on tight.
-there are glaring faults in both It is the first airplane view of the
plays-but because it deals serious- campus to be published in any
ly, with conflicting emotions that newspaper since the auto ban, the
no rationalism has yet succeeded card-playing-in-the-Union ban and
in reconciling. It is, in fact, a 1 the new fraternity ruling went in- At the close this our linens
great ethical play; but I think its to cflcct
ethical meaning does not lie pre- and blankets should be cleaned and packed
cisely where the Humanist tries to
find it. Its ethical meaning does Special VARSITY
not lie in its answer to the prob- away for the summer.
lem. The unfortunate truth is that at inw l e ayed fora
everyone sees a different answer. it
Creon is wholly right or wholly of thee tems.
wrong; Antigone is wholly wrong-
or wholly right; or each is partly THE CAMPUSBIRD'S EYE VIEW.
right and partly wrong (as Hegel our os Airphoto Service)The moderate sum charged on laundering
might say: Whatever is, is right__(-rey h
aid also wrong!); the chorus of your linens includes a free mending and
Theban elders is right in acquie- I see that they are fining sere-
scing with Creon for nine-tenths naders at Wisconsin. darning service. This service s performed
of the play, and wrong in con- Here the public disgrace of being
denn him in the last tenth-or a serenader has been deemed suf- I when needed without special request.
I the other way about; Tiresias is ficient punishment heretofore. We
rightest of all Greek characters- may be wrong.
and yet is he not also curiously y I
wrong, too?-no, it is obvious that
Sophocles gives no revelation of AMONGST THE CLASSIFIEDS.
the truth. The ethical meanin' Wanted--Opportunity to ride toP h o n4
lies not in the answer, but in the California after June 12. Good.w % 4e1
question. "Antigone"' is a greatDrvr
ethical play because it presents a t * I
question-almost the most serious That bne sounds a trifle ob-
question in human conduct-simp- vious to me. However if it suc-
ly, thoughtfully, emotionally, in a ceeds it will encourage me to
situation whose locality is the ac- put in one that I have beenHEE
cident of space, and through char- holding back so long about an
acters whose dress is the mere dis- I airplane and a new pair of rol-
guise of time. ler skates.
The question is posed by Sopho-
cles, as by all Greek drama, in
terms of gods and men. The ROLLS POET'S CORONER. I
Greeks worked with those symbols UN D X.
on the stage, indirectly of directly,' I am beginning to fear that I CO-
because they thought in those sym- may have, to give this feature up.
bols. We still put those symbols It may be .something wrong with
on the stage in our revivals of me, but I am becoming more and Corner Liberty and Fifth
Greek drama, but we no longer more convinced that the contribu-
think in them. We think of "Anti-! tors have mistaken by intention. ___
gone" in our own terms. The prob- What I asked for was poetry and
lem is no longer the priorities and the following is what I get. . My
prerogatives of Olympian Gods. It public shall be the judge of the
is scarcely even Divine Law against righteousness of my wrath.
Human Law. Nor, more vaguely, * *
is it to be thought of in illusory POEM-Or Something.
terms like Destiny or Fate. It is a There was a boy, who loved a girl.4k
human problem, an ethical prob- So pure, so fair, he thought her. I
lem, and if that is what the hu- She loved him not, he was 'a boor.:
! manist means he has chosen the I He had no line, he seldom blabbed,
proper play for his doctrine. The I He spoke no pretty love words.
! problem lies here and now, and at
any time, in the theoretic and prac- The boy his heart so sore did ache, j
i tical life of each one of us: Anti- But nought, nought could he do.
gone is as contemporary as the For the girl she thought she loved
J latest Pulitzer play, and much another
more so than most of them. - A man with wealth and poise. S

! S,
' 4



The plea for the organization of
society on a caste basis as made be-
fore the Phi Kappa Phi Wednes-
day night, if faithfully representedf
in Thursday's Daily, is an affront to
the intelligence of that body. At
least one Michigan student cannot
let that insidious attack on man's
natural rights to personal achieve-,
ments pass without a thorough
challenge. What manner of world
is this that cannot allow an ambi-
tious boy or girl of merit pass to
the very highest reaches of human
progress and positions of high
honor? Who is it who would cast
a pall over youth's bright aspira-
tions and trod underfoot the poor
fellow who by grim determination
has spent his youth in outliving,
perchance, some stigma cast upon!
his childhood by misfortune, either
of an accidental nature or ever by
misdeeds of his forefathers.
' And if the answer is that thatI
type of person would not be placed
in the lower cast, the question
arises as to just whom this caste
idea applies. Will the wealthy, or
the families of influential people be
given the power? Or should the
control of matters of consequence
be turned over ,to those who are
classes in the ranks of the intelli-
gent? And who is to decide that
these people are intelligent? What
heartless and inhuman systems of
social regulations are apparently
seriously considered from time to
Inasmuch as I am one, just one
among many on our campus, of
those included in Phi Kappa Phi, I
daresay, who would have been sup-
pressed under the caste system, I
resent in the greatest degree any
i attempt to kick the underdog, so to
speak. It has been my lot to have
passed through a long line of re-
verses and having worked side by
side with all classes of people, rep-
resenting all stages of intellectual
and moral development, I am glad
to count friends among them all;
and although it is true that not all
judge governmental actions intelli-
gentiy, the majority are capable of
receiving and following proposals if
the facts are disclosed by the well
informed. Why not create an in-
telligent electorate instead of
clamping down with the caste sys-
Let me add that the mere fact
that one may properly be classed as
a member of one of the proposed
lower castes is no reason why he
should not be allowed to rank him-
self with the best. The experiences
and accomplishments of the past I
I - Cax nya c - e0+0Q-a nn ehn111r


There is every reason, then, for
the revival of "Antigone;" indeed One day the blackguard chanced
we should not have to think of the to try
play in terms of revival: it belongs To wrest a kiss from the girrul's
to every repertory, it is as naturalI lips.
to play it as to play Beggar on The girl screamed and fought and
Horseback, or Romeo and Juliet.: kicked.
We still have to follow the course The boy came up and socked the
of the play and decide the issue bozo
for ourselves-the slaying of Eteo- Arrd good made his resolve.
cles and Polynices; the unjustify-
able edict of Creon that Polynices The boy then had a new aspect
shall remain unburied; the stead- In the eyes of the girl he loved.
fast but terrible resolve of Anti- Love words, blah, and line were
gone to remain true to her love and needed not.
pity for humanity (we do not need-, For the boy, he was a he-man.
divine law to explain this) by be-'
ing faithful to her brother, even in Refrain:
death, thouh this means disobedi- For the boy, he was a he-man.



ence to the state, to her father;
the wavering sentimentality of her
sister, Ismene; the cruel rigidity of
Creon; the colourlessness of the
Theban elders, except in brave butI
rather remote poetic rhapsodies;I
the passion of Haemon; the im-
pressively useless Tiresias; the pit-
iful result of this tale of humanE
folly-this has to be seen, not as
an old unhappy far-off thing, but
as a contemporary drama in the
theatre of our own time

I think that the fact that I
stand for such things as that en-
titles me to another star in my
crown. The Rolls artist has been
obliging enough to dash off a little
sketch of the star for me in an odd
moment so that the public may
judge whether I am worthy of it.
Write and tell me what you think.
The results will be published ver-


Four years ago, George Granger
Brown, professor of chemical en-
gineering and director of research
for the association, began his workj
with motor fuels in order to deter-I
mine what steps could be taken to
increase the power and conservel
the source of gasoline. He present-
ed his findings to the asociation
on Friday in "Bulletin 14" of the
University, stating that the new(
product would be particularly ad-
apted to all temperatures encoun-
tered in the United States and
would restore two of the impor-
tant ingredients which are missing
in modern asnline One of these

And still clear above the con- batim in this column.
flicting mistakes and excesses and
follies stands the amazing figure of \
Antigone, at once the contrast and
the complement of Hamlet-both
are meeting a crisis in their lives,
the one in a simple way, the other'/
in a complex way, but in the only
way that their nature can meet it TA
with integrity. That, as I suggest, I wonder why the
solves no problem but their own;- I onervhthE
the conflict, for us, still continues' don't remove that e
but that is another matter, and all they erected for the
that this play does is to make clear out in front of the Li
a .- 22.operations on the Ro

B & G boys'
eanut stand
Seniors Sing
brary. Their1
mance Lan-


I m

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