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May 25, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-25

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SUNDAY, MAY 25,_ I9*






Leading Educators Wilt Act
as Advisory Councillors
for Organization.
First Week of Move for Better
Citizens Wins Over 300
Studt Bace
PLEOG'l eTO'a Iers.OL

LNver Had So Much Fun, Says Never in history has the ice been -
«< E I LIU II P INCMcgnPrfso in SO glacial as at present. Thy ie is198ii 51.
Newspaper Talks. decreasing, suggesting that th e cli-
Member of English Company mate is getting milder. The whole Attempt to Beat Flig
(BChAsgcdvWith Heading ( Ao tcd Press Antarctic area may become sub- From England to .
Charedd BALBOA, Canal Zone, May 24- tropical again, but of course that Fal F H
p Fi. FurH






"I never had so much fun in my
life," is the way Prof. Lawrence
"Larry" Gould of the geology de-

(S Asocitedres)I partment of the University de-
NEW YORK, May 24-With the scribed in a few words his expe-I
arrest of Edward Tatham, an Eng- riences of two years while a prom-
lishman and director of the distil- inent member of the Byrd Antarc-
lery firm of Justerini & Brooks, 1.ic expedition when interviewed
Ltd., of London, federal prohibi- upon his arrival in Panama Fri-
tion ag'ents today said they had day.

won't be for a good many thou-
sands or millions of years; not in
our lifetime, anyway, for such a
process is slow.
"There was no difference any-
where across the plateau, as far as
I could observe, in the climate, ex-
cepting around the mountains,
where the climate Was warmer than
at our base, as the rock was absorb-
ing the sun. About 300 miles from{
tlhe pole on top of the mountains.

141 y LVEL1A

Enjoying considerable success in
its first week on the campus, the"
campaign for "Good Citizenship" :
has enrolled more than three hun-
dred students on its lists, accord- -
ing to Donald Fuller, '99, of Detroit,
who is chairman of the Advisory.
Group. N
The campaign contends that the
machinery of government is con-
trolled by those who are seeking :::::: ................. ::.
their own welfare and who are in-
different to the effect of their pol-
cies upon the general welfare of
their country. This control is
maintained because the citizen does
not exercise his rights and per- Members of the cast of "Antigone," first offering of the Dramatic.I
form his duties. The logical cure Festival in a picture taken in front of the Women's League building,
of this condition is the increase of I from left to right: Victor Adams, Lillian Bronson, Margaret Anglin,
the electorate, and what is of still Amy G. Loomis, and Robert Henderson. Mr. Henderson is directing the
more importance tine participation Greek drama that will feature Miss Anglin.
of that elec~orate in the selection-
of suitable candidates.
The Campaign believes that the
public is often influenced by er-
roneous propaganda, and in an ef- Screen RefLctions
fort to overcome this, has formed i
a costantly growing Advisory Board (.... ... _ .,_
composed of authorities on politi- Terday I bone-headed detective does far bet-
cal, social, and educational sub- I On Liberty street ladies and gen- ter than Miss Day. Mr. Muihall is
jects who will give authentic in- tlemen: "Lord Byron of Broadway"! very good as the cub reporter look-
formation on important questions On Maynard street: "In the Next ing for the proverbial scoop.
in their field. Room"! On Main street: "The Ship The actual picture is preceded by
Local educators who, according I from Shanghai"! The latter stars a prologue which has more or less
to Fuller, have pledged their sup- Conrad Nagel and the former two nothing to do with the plot itself
port are: I are reviewed below. than to show the audience a secret
Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the Following "In Old Arizona" and staircase. The plot concerns theI
speech department, who will be "Romance of the Rio Grande", Fox arrival of an old cabinet for an an-!
chairman of the Michigan advisory I has produced another Warner Bax- Jt ique collector, and with it the ar-!
group; Dean John R. Effinger of ter western epic, "The Arizona Kid," rival of the police, murders, strange
the literary college; W. B. Rea, as- i which has its premiere at the Fox hooded men, and everything elseI
sistant dean of students, Prof. F. this week. Mona Maris of the wide- ( that goes with a mystery play. The

frustrated an elaborate conspiracy Thus briefly did Prof. Gould sum there was considerable melting of
to smuggle liquor into this country uap his recollections of the time{ ice."
for stheggealthytramdethi.spent on the Polar ice cap-time Gould said that in places the
for the wealthy trde. during which he led a dog-sled ex- polar sled trip was a most difficult
Tatham was arrested Friday pe'lition over highly dangerous undertaking because of the crev-
night in a drawing room aboard itarea and did it so well that Ad- assed area, although otherwise it1
the Toronto Limited just before the miral Richard E. Byrd, his corn- was pleasant and -thoroughly en-
train pulled out of the Grand Cen- mander, described the work as the joyable. The most thrilling part of
tral station. Federal authorities "greatest single personal achieve- his stay down there, he said, was in
said he was en route to England by ment" of the two-year expedition. March, 1928, when exploring the,
way of Montreal to put the con- "I was the first geologist ever to f Rockefeller mountains with the
spiracy into operation. The arrest have been south of McMurdo Fokker plane, Virginia, which was
was made under a secret indict- I sound, which even Ross and lost. Balchen and June piloted the
ment returned against Tatham and ha ckleton never have traversed. plane and June acted as radiotopel-
the Justerinni & Brooks company So it was all new territory that- i, ator.
by a fdrl'grand jury. It charged saw." "The plane was moored to the!
conspiracy to violate the prohibi- The correspondent called his at- j ice," Prof. Gould said, "when sud-

(BY . soacd lress)
PORT DARWIN, North Austr
May 24.-Miss Amy Johnson, X
ty 23-year-old British flyer, re
ed this city this afternoon
Atamboea, Timor, after a fligI
400 miles across the Timar se
In so doing she completed i
days a flight alone from Croy
England. She left there Ma
hoping to beat IBert Hinkler's
ord of a 15-dayflight from is
to continent, but bad weather
accidents delayed her in the 1
stages of her trip, and she fel
hind her schedule after being
days ahead of it for much of
She made a spectacular lan
at the air field here. Three pl
from Brisbane and one Duth
plane escorted her from far of
this port.
A large crowd which had ga
ed cheered her until they
hoarse. News of the arrival
'broadcast by radio, and advices



B. Wahr, asssitant dean of stu- open orbs renders able support. I
dents. "Broad"-way.
Prof. Edgar N. Durfee, of the Charles Kaley, an old Chicago
Law department; Prof. H. L. Co- master of ceremonies, has the main
verly and S. J. Lukens, of the eco- role of the heart-breaking song-
nomics department; Prof. J. S. writer in the current Michigan fea-
Reeves and Harold Dorr, of the ture "Lord Byron of Broadway."
political science department; Prof. Also in the cast are Cliff "Ukelele
Preston W. Slosson and Prof. Al- Ike" Edwards and Benny Rubin,
b'ert Hyma, of the history depa rt- who do not, howeVer, have the com-I
y ,nt; Prof. Arthur E. Wood and edy opportunities of "Montana
ne;r nMoon."
L. J. Carr, of the sociology depart- None the less, the film, of whichI
rnent; H.. . Gloyd, of the zooology we saw the first three quarters,
department; Arthur Van Duren, of was considerably entertaining. $eV-
the German department; Prof. P. eral unusually good song numbers
L. Schenk, of the rhetoric depart- bolster up a fair plot and fairer act-
meat; Prof. P. E. Bursley and Prof. ing. Included in these are "Should!
C. L. Meader, of the Romance Lan- I" and "The Old Woman in the
guages department; Prof. L. M. Shoe," the latter similar to "The
Fidh, Prof. G. E. Densmore, C. B. f Wedding of the Painted Doll."
Miller, and Henry Moser, of the As for the story, it concerns the
speech department. rise and fall of a young song-writer
Barley Tapping, general secre- much adored by women, who mere-
tary of the Alumni association; ly give him "ideas for a song." What
Frederick S. Randall, of the Alum- we saw of the film earns it a B.
ni association; Wilfred B. Shaw, -B. J. A.
director of Alumni relations. {
Over 300 stndents have already , T<.in iHotif is See-erewey"
idfcated their support and 100 The talkie version of the mys-
are now seeking more enrollments. tery play, "In the Next Room." pro-
?I'ownspeople also will be invited Ves ample entertainment and
to take part in the project. The th 1,r for the usually calm Ann
whole group will form a straw gov- Ar2o e.ek .e d.
ernment, which will be a replica ! The picture diters sligbtly from
of fe'dei'al and state governments, the play as it was produced by
Tffe deral anf tategonmetints.wiMimes last year. However, none
Tlh~e ideal of this organization will of the mystery has been lost, and
be to promote the welfare of the in rpct ; it is more exciting thanI
American people, and its proceed- the original show itself. Jack Mul-
Ings will be broadcast by radio and hall and Alice Day are the princi-
the press, according to the plans pals, but Robert O'Connor as the
of the present chairman, Mr. Ful-___ ___ __


technical effects are excellent, and
the picture rates a B.
S. B. C., Jr.
(13 assoc Press)
DETROIT, May 24-Four former!
United States agents and two rum
runners were under federal sen-
tences and facing heavy fines to-
day following their conviction late
Friday on charges of conspiracy to
violate the tariff and prohibition
Three were former members of+
the customs patrol, discharged in
the scandal of 1928 for accepting
bribes, and, according to the as-
sistant United States district at-
torney prosecuting the case, since
engaged in liquor running. They1
were Carl E. Krimmel, Robert Win-,
der and Charles Creswell. Each
was fined $2,000 and sentenced toI
18 months in federal prison at
Leavonworth, Kan. The other, an
immigration inspector, was Eghiche
Ohamch, who, according to testi-
mony, accepted a $500 bribe last
tall from Conrad Keins, one of his
-o-defendants, to release a por-
tion of a cargo of liquor he had1
seized. Chaich was fined $3,000
and sentenced to serve two years.
Kerns and Williams J. Radcliffe,
I the liquor runners, were fined $5,-
100 and $2,000, respectively. Kerns
must serve two years and Radcliffe
18 months.

tion law. tention to reports that he hid dis- denly the wind lifted it up bodily said that within two mintes of
Robert 4B. Watts, assistant United covered sandstone and carbonifer- and carried it three-quarters of a landing another crowd waiting
States attorney in charge of pro- ous soil. "That shows," the geolo- 3mile away, where it smashed down news in Sydney gave her an <
hibition prosecutions, said informa- gist said, "that the climate there on the ice. But we got through i U there.
tion regarding the conspiracy had was sub-tropical millions of years all right." I Government officials were a
been gathered by under-cover ago. We round plenty of coal. Gould is writing a scientific re- oerenthe pre 'yc
agents working in this country and "Ice down there is abnormal. port on his part in the expedition. i ho apearedta bit tye
abroad. He does not yet know whether it girl, who appeared a bit tired
A traveling bag seized among Tat- IwSALE OF TICKETS will make a textbook, as his pub- eelaing fieldovWhen the off
'S L FTC E S lisher has not reached a decision. I ceeoywsoe theyhu
ham's luggage, Watts said, contain-!
ed a quantity of documents relat- WILL END MONDA Y Asked about his plans for the fu- her off in a motor car to Gov
ghpte g -ture, Prof. Gould said: ment house, where she will be
ing to the plans of the organ iza-,I
tion. These included lists of pros- { Reservations for the Tung Oil "I presume I shall 'return to guest of the North Australian g
pective customers and lists of banquet, sponsored by Sigma Rho(Michigan next fall to teach geology ernment during her stay here.
agents with their addresses. Tau, honorary speaking society of again.remier Scullin sent a me,
"There are indications," Watts the engineering college, must be "I've always loathed the tropics," of congratulation from Canb
said, "that a financially strong made before 4 o'clock Monday, it he added, commenting on the Ca- on behalf of the federaln ov
synicte as Iwas announced by Prof. Robert D.! nal Zone climate. "You see, I've i ment and extended her an inv.
American sniaewsbacking
the scheme." yk Brackett. The society is endeavor- been on two Arctic expeditions. I tion to come to the capital w
ing to make it the chief annual like the cold." parliament was in session.
Federal authorities said that Tat- function of the year in the engi-
ham and his associates planned to neering college. Invitations have
have their own fleet of vessels, with been issued to President Alexander =
an auxiliary of fast power boats to G. Ruthven, Dean Emeritus M/orti-
land the liquor in this country, mer E. Cooley, Dean Herbert C. G eroan H o m e C oo king
I where it would be delivered uncut Sadler, and to many distinguished 512 EAST WILLIAM" STREET
and unadulterated to a select clien- I engineers of Detroit.G b
tele through a system of distribu- The banquet is an honors func- Prop., Gottlieb Girrbach
tors. tion to follow the initiation of new ' G ocd Good for a r
One of the overt acts charged members, which will take place at - Food -APlacef aray
against the accused firm and indi- the se.ior benches at 3 o'clo.k On E - D n a -
viduals was the sending of a letter Wednesday afternoon. The cere- Sunday Ch ken D ner all Fixings . 65
to Samuel Thorne of Harrison, N. moy will consist chiefly of speech- I Breast of Veal with Dressing . . . . . . 45C
Y., soliciting an order. Watt said es delivered by the initiated men on
it was a personal letter on fine sta- the society's stump. The Tung Oil Roast Pork with Mashed Potatoes anc
tionery and had nothing of the ap- banquet, which will be held the G
peaTance of a circular. same evening, will mark their for- w Gravy c * * * * * .
Watts said that the actual im- mal"entry into the organisation. Strawberry Sundae, Ice Cream, Pies
portation of liquor had not yet been The name Tung Oil is applied to!2
begun by the syndicate, which had the product of a rare plant of great ! = Green Seal Brew
been in the process of organization value to the engineering profession. I
since January, 1929. A specimen of the plant will be ; BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS
Tatham was described as an Ox- presented to the society by the 111111111 1I11,111118iii ft i
ford graduate with a wide circle of Tung Oil Corporation and is to be - --_________--_______-___--_____
friends of social prominence in this ,furnished from their recently de-
country. He has been shadowed Veloped plantation in Florida, the
by federal operatives since he ar- only place in the world it is grown
rived in New York from Miami May outside of the Kiangse district in
19. Federal Judge Francis G. Caf- China. The plant was chosen as the
fey fixed bail at $20,000 in advance club shrub by Sigma Rho Tau not
of his arrest. only because of its importance to
The case is said by officials to be engineers, but also because of the
I the first in which a foreign cor- peculiar significance of its name to,-
poration-has been indicted for vio- a speaking society.
lation of the prohibition laws. A In accepting his invitation to the I
fine is the penalty for conviction banquet Dean Cooley testified to the -
and can be collected only if the necessity of the polish and finish
corporation has property in this that Tung Oil can give to the en-
I country. gineer.
Burr Patterson and Auld
Fraternity Jewelers-Stationers
603 Church Street

The straw government in Ann
Arbor Will be conducted as an un-
official, extra-mural seminar under
the guidance of the advisory group,
and especially of those in the group
connected with the political sci-,
ence department, although all fac-
ulity memrbers will be asked to join
the council and assist in the di-I
rection, according to Fuller.
Fuller will continue next week to
enroll backers for the movement.
He stated that he would remain in
Ann Arbor a short time to re-en-
force the Work already done, but
when the organization here is un-
der way, he expects to pursue a
similar campaign throughout the
country. He hopes to form straw
governments in every university
and college in the country in order
to make the corniig generation of,
people aware of the importance of
the duties of citizenship.






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once tried, often repteatedy
The center is filled with fruit; around this a layer of rich ice crea i
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Special this week: v
Chocolate Ice Cream (
Raspberry Ice Cream
Fruit panchi6 aid sherbets made with sun-rippened fruit juices
436 3rd Street Phone 22553 C
"Ann Arbor's Best Ice Cream" (1

EWELRY gifts to the
graduate combine ex-
c e I l e n c e with perman.
ence. An all-embracing
stock is presented here;

lay We Suggest:



Wrist Wretches
Pocket Watches
Pen and Pencil Sets
Cigarette Lighters


Hartk To His Master's Voice Saying
For Everything Musical

Smoking Sets


"_--, .


- -

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