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February 23, 1930 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-23

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IN OFFICE 0 1 [_TINE__se lill0ST UF
FE IV £S AC~l IJY Criticism, Feature Writing Are
Among Many Phases of
Modern Ways Enable Student c /, s 9° / Ye/>o s/6dW (cgey'wr//g rc'/fcco s/s Work on Staff.
to Gain Much Experience ..... -- WILL MEET WEDNESDAY
for Business World. - -
-- -- By Marjorie E. Follmer
TRAINING USEFUL LATER - Women's Editor, The Daily
The women's department of the
Work in Circulation, Selling, i S I r/1 fDaily probably offers to women as
Accounting, Advertising ! tIextensive experience in journalism
Included on Staff.I' as any other college publication in
__n_ acs loc/ Adv /oson /6 d ywrfsnir9 y rce/oo,. R,/,4fo /ccoes447 the country. In addition to writing
By A. James Jordan, Dve tL . Dgz.- . g .gp h for the Woman's page, the oppor-
Business Manager, The Daily tunity of writing special features,
Second semester freshmen and The above diagram shows the organization of the business staff of the Michigan Daily. Seven depart- editorials, or musical and dramatic
first semester sophomores may ob- ments, each under the direction of a junior manager, take care of all the work of advertising, accounts,
tain laboratory work in modern circulation, and publication. At the head of the staff is the business manager who is chosen by the Board criticisms is open to those with
business practice as well as the gen- in Control of Student Publications from the ranks of the junior department heads. The lower staff is specialized interests.
eral advantages of extra-curricu- comprised of sophomores and second semester freshmen who learn, first-hand, the actual work of the If you like the atmosphere of a
lum activities in the opportunities business department of a newspaper. The business staffs of the other publications are organized along newspaper office, if yu like to keep
offered by the business staff of The lines very similar to the Daily. yoo fike o ke
Daily.-Your finger on the
The Business Department on- E T N I ER N E O C I IISC V R D B P R pulse of university
ducts itself along the samelineand EXTENSIVE RANGE OF ACTIVITIES COVERED BY SPORTlife, and if you en
city newspaper. It 0--- _ _
offers practical ex- By Edward L. Warner The position of sporting editor is familiar with the activities of the n u m b e r of ac-
perience in sales- Sports Editor, The Daily the goal of every man trying out in various Michigan teams and have a quaintances, then
manship, account- As a specialized department of the sports department. To attain working knowledge of the rules in you will find the
ing, advertising editorial work on The Daily spur this, he must work through the r s Daily an ideal field
circulation, a n c writing oers the tryout an oppor-y se nd during hi. sophomo e each reporter usually specializes in frryur xtra-
general office ion~ ity to exercise hy urcl ntes.
tine which h a o n d year. By the time the junior year two or three sports in which he is Advancement i s
tainality and co is reached, the field has narrowed particularly interested, thus be- M. E Follmer based entirely on a
many men goin aie rn of down to three or four candidates, coming somewhat of a specialist in mastery of the two phases of work
out into the busi- writing. The sports These aspirants then compete for those fields. The Varsity sports in- done by women namely, writing
nets world afte writir Teors the position, and the successful volved include football, basketball, and editing. Experience on the
n e a v i n g colegei wer st tk candidate is chosen for the posi- baseball, track, tennis, swimming, staff is usually a major advantage
1m olg ews as it takes tion on the basis of his merit as a in advancing to ig her pstos
Often their experi- place, and in in 'ter n as an eior wrestling, hockey, golf, cross coun- dpositions.
ence on the Daiy terpreting the ac- writer and as an editor try, fencing, and gymnastics. For senior women, the positions
has enabled them A. J. Jordan tion in the athletc Sport staff tryouts begin their The sports editor directs the ac- of women's editor and upperclass
to secure positions which otherwise contests for the work by writing Intramural news tivities of his staff, checks up to assistants are open. The junior
would have been quite out of reach. reader he must and articles on freshman athletic see that all contests are reported, staff members, in addition to cov-
Appointment System Explained, bring out the facts E. L. Warner activities. After gaining experience and covers all important contests' ering the leading beats of the
Appointments are all made on a in a clear, interesting and concise with Michigan athletics and Daily involving Michigan teams for The campus, are in charge of editing
merit basis. Try-outs work on the manner. policies, the try-out begins to cover Daily. He writes up all of the Var- the Woman's page each day. Others
staff until the latter part of their The chief aim of the Daily sport junior varsity contests and Varsity sity football games, being sent to on the staff write news and feature
sophomore year, at which time sev- team practice sessions. If he sur- out-of-town contests as well as see- copy, and assist the junior night
en appointments are made for the page is to present the news con- vives the freshman try-out period, ing those on the home gridiron editors by writing headlines, re-
Upper Staff during their Junior cerning events in which Michigan the try-out becomes a reporter in from the press box. writing stories, or by occasional
year. These appointments are all teams and athletes participate. This his sophomore year. This involves All Varsity baseball and basket- proof-reading.
md byteicmgBuiesmore responsibility, including inter- AlVriybsbl n akt
made by the incoming Business also includes Michigan graduates vie w it y, andin ter- ball games and track meets are Try-outs often expect to discover
Manager who is selected by the who may be prominent in some viws withlcoches and features on covered by the sports editor. He is all the benefits connected with ex-
Board in Control. There is also the Mchigan athetics also The Daily's representative at perience on a newspaper staff in the
position of Assistant Business Man- branch of sports. As athletics at Another phase of sport staff the Conference track and swimmingfirst semester, but a period of prov-
ager to be filled for the Senior year. Ann Arbor center around contests work is editing the sport page of meets, sending back the story by ing oneself a dependable staff nem-
The Daily Business Department in the Western Conference, the ac- The Daily once or twice a week. wire as to how Michigan athletes ber always precedes an assignment
also offers to women intereste: in tivities of other Big Ten schools is Theeditor of the page for the day fared in competition. It is the that is of first importance.
secretarial and organization work pertinent news for the Daily. Due must plan the makeup, measure sport editor's prerogative to write No previous experience in jour-
the same type of work. Each year to its place as a morning news- and cut stories, and write the a column on Michigan sports in nalism is necessary before trying
a woman of either junior or senior paper in Ann Arbor, The Daily also heads. Tryouts assist in this work, which personal opinions regarding out for the Daily, and there isvwork
standing is appointed to the posi- prints important national sports thus becoming familiar with the matters athletic can be set forth, for members of all four cla sto
tion of Business Secretary. Her events that may not involve Michi- fine points of editing. do. The Daily will welcom se
work consists in outlining the work gan athletes, but which are of gen- Sports Writing Specialized.! who are interest. d in deve
to be done by the women and to eral interest to the reader. This in- Flogging of prisoners violates the special features or special li
cooperate with the seven other de- eludes major league baseball, hoc- In the junior year competition is magna chart and the constitution journalism. Questions will he
partment heads who each day see key, prize fights, and news from the keenest among the staff mnem- of the United States, a Hawaiian wered at the try-out eneting at
that their share in the publishing other college athletic teams. bers. The reporter must become court has ruled. 4:15 o'clock on Wednesday
has been properly carried out.
Chance to Display Initiative. .>, ) 3-' L
The Michigan Daily Business De-
partment is for those who have a
good sense of responsibility, initia-
tive, and are willing workers. Since
the Michigan Daily is an institu-
tion within itself, the above qualifi-
cations are those of the ordinaryds
business firm.Mi
As the try-out's knowledge of thelIju t_
organization and routine increases,
there is no limit to the actual re-s o StE o
sponsibility that he can assume. It
is the actual development of the,
student in the business and adver-
tising fields that is so paramount
in his interest. There is the coop- f i w it Iet~Trv u :t leetin
erative feeling that a most worth
while institution is being carried on
at Michigan, and for everything 21 E v i4 03 iuesikuy M 1:15
that the University represents.
The first official try-out meetngY

will be held tomorrow afternoon in
the Press Building at 4:30 o'clock, Women Wishing to try-out for the Girls wislinug to try-out for ate
both for men and women. If you
are not able to be at this meeting staff are also requested olliiens Staff should re-
you should call at the Daily business
office as soon as possiole, asking
for one of the department heads ihove tlneat 4:15
who will give you all of the neces-
sary information. If you are not
certain as to your desire to try-out 9
for the Daily Business staff, but are Try-outs should report at The
interested, you may apply for in-llod r
formation at the business office Press Building. Maynard lt.d
any time before 4:30 o'clock to- to the Front Office of The
morrow afternoon.j across froi Majestlt'Theatre. t
EdadL os n ent .at. the specified timed Press Iluidiung -- 2nd floor
Edward . Hulse and Kenneth G.
Patrick, business manager and
managing editor, respectively, of
The Daily last year, are now con-
nected with the publicity depart- -
ment of the General Electric com- -
pany, as is George E. Simons.

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