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February 23, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-23

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". .." .:".. P R '!. ..0 ..A2 :1 T 1 " A aTCl R-2 R 1M .CAL .Y bw n x.

54t £idttian latig
PUL1li9hed every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board ln
Control of Student Publications.

i. . l

Member of Western Conference Editorial
The.Associated Press sj exclusively entitled
to thle use for republication of all, news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at .Ann Arbor,
lichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of age granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by, carrier, $4.0.; by mail,
$4. so.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press - Building, May-
kard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Cbairman.........George C. Tilley
City Editor,............... .Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor........ ....Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor........Marjorie Folimer
TJelegraph Editor ..... ...Cassam A. Wilson
Mnsic and Drama.. .. illiam 3. Gorman
Literary t Eitor........Lawrence R. .Klein
Assistant City Editor. . .. Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
FrankEF. Cooper H-enry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. 1 auff man Walter W. Wilda
Gurney Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester May
J elenABare David M. Nichol
axwell Bauer William Page
arL. Behymer. Howard H. Peckham
Benjamin H. Berentsonil ugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
Arthur J. Bernstein' John D. Reindel
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts
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John H. Denler J oeph Ruwitch
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Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferris Adsit Stewart
Carl 1. Forsyfhe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer
Ruth Geddes .Alargaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin
lack Goldsmt Elizabeth Valentine
Morris Croverman ,, Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin Charles White
Margaret Harris G . Lionel Willeny
Daid B. H-empstead John EM Willoughby
Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise
eakn Levy Barbara Wright
Rtussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimi
Dorothy Magee .

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words of possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
constrTed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.



" About


a _---


To the Editor:

As a result of a series of inci-
dents this week I find myself con-
fronted by a dilemma, a situatioh
not paralleled by any in my nine-
teen years' experience as a skater
or eight years as a university stu-
dent. I hope some contributor to
your column will try to clear away
my difficulty.
I went to the University of Mich-


igan Rink Tuesday night, skated'
one length of the rink, and was
accosted by a man of pugilistic
type with the greeting, "Where the
H do you think you're going?"
I was conducted with unnecessary
force to the dressing-room, where
I was disappointed in my hope of
receiving fairer treatment. My es-
cort, whom a fellow-skater with an
"M" described as "a pain in the
neC," turned me over unceremon-
iously to Mr. Lowrey, late of King-
ston, Canada, who informed me
that my unmannerly captor work-,
ed there, which is all I know of
him except his command of thee
profane language, which is con-
sidered distasteful in the presence
of ladies by sportsmen and gentle.
I was told I had been skating too
fast and would have to stay off the
ice for the evening. I had not
heard of this regulation though 1
had already used more than two
books of tickets to the rink. How-
ever, I commenced putting on my
street shoes. and had onp of thp

Rudderless, a Un
by W. Stock Hu
Press, Norwood,
The great, or e
lege novel is stil
reasons for the
the field of th
Novel are, I bel
heterogeneity o
dent and the sec
writers who atte
lege and the col
background and
It is difficult
lege student wh,
make suitable r
possible to find
the type that th
fore have strive
instead of thec
college student
been the isolat
creature, foreig
the campus. He
created is aY
seeking escape
tion, a struggle
neither the "ty
be acclimated t
nor the individ
need to escape
novelists have d
els which are no
Mr. Hume'sv
most too mu
Marks' The Pla
the common fa
fault is all the
since he is a s
should be aliv
around him. IfI
more aware of
friends and his<
igan) and less c
sor Marks' conci
as a silver-plat
fumed " ideals,
have been less

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.....n.....T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising...........Kasper ri. Halverson
Advertiiug...........Sherwood Upton
Service... .............George A S ater
Circulation........... . Vernor Davis
Accounts. ..... .....John: R. Rose
Publications... ..George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch- Marvin Kobacker
-ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas 'Muir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slay ton
1Jmes Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson ' Robert Williamson
Charles Kline Willam R. Worboy
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia .Miller
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musseiwbite,
BerniceGlaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman


Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
It is the ambition of every fra-
ternity and sorority to see its own
organization forge ahead; conse-
quently, each seeks to have as
iany of its men as possible partici-
pating in University activities. In
most fraternities it is the practice
to tell. the freshmen of the oppor-
tunities awaiting them in athletics,
publications, and other campus or-
ganizations, but many, because of
inertia, fail to impress upon the
first year men the personal benefits
to be accrued from such work.
Student, publications, which of-
fer freshmen their first chance toI
participate in extra-curricular ac--
tivi'ties, play an important part in
University life and as such should,
be carefully considered by every-1
one who has any business or writ-
ing ability along the lines present-
ed by The Daily, Gargoyle, or the
'Ensian. Previous experience,
while desirable, is not essential.
One of the main objectives of the
publications is to develop inherent
abilities so that' the new men can
eventually take over the work han-
dled by. those more experienced,
thus insuring the continuation of
the organization.
When the older members of fra-
ternities see promising men in their
freshman classes, it is up to them
to discover the peculiar aptitudes
of the first year men and to dis-I
cuss with them the possibilities of
capitalising on these abilities in
one of the branches of student ac-
tivities.. .
Unfortunately, it is often the
case that the wrong type of men
are sent to tryout, with the result
that there are many misfits both in
publiciations, athletics, and other,
campus organizations. Selecting
the right men and encouraging
them to work in activities is an im-
portant task falling to the older
members of fraternities, for it is
apparent that the men left over
after football candidates have been
chosen are not likely tn h o-nnr

- -~ .J UIIAI Iters moe ri n
laced, when another "official," hiscmore origi
whose name I gather from his own ihmentary to
idea of the importance of his posi- Mr. Hum's
tion must be Tillotson, gave me ideal rhetoric
grounds for a legal action for as- naive correctne
sault by forcipg me to leave hast- is suspiciously
ily, and put on my coat outside on plastic Age. H
the street. With profane interjec- ing his freshm
tions, I was told to stay out for the is heeshm
evening. oric themes is
word like its m
With a loss of time from studies tion of the grou
I went to the rink Wednesday ing" for an ex
evening. Lowrey refused to allow scription wher
me to enter his kingdom without so unintelligen
his having consulted his superior, lar work must b
Mr. Tillotson, and refused to con- ular slang, isp
suit him or to let me phone him, Plastic Age's a
but promised to do so on Thulrs. Dam Sans Mer
day. Thursday night, desiring ex- vernacular. "A
ercise, I walked to the rink again, up by a jane,"
Lowrey had .not called Tillotson as this charge mig
he had promised, and again, with what happens;
a phone at his elbow, refused to do that sort of thi
so. Part of the face value of my and Professorb
book of tickets was refunded, and svalues and to s
on a promise that I should bring judiciously. If.
this childish behaviour to the at- typical and ou
tention of those for whom, after tant in college1
all, Mr. Lowrey works, I was invited lieve it is), th
to come to the rink again next that the better
Monday with Mr. Lowrey's permis- clear of the col
sion. On going out and calling Mr. But lack ofc
Tillotson on a pay phone (and he j judgment of v
must be a big man, since he has major faults of
two phones in his own name!) to tinuity is depi
'see if I might go on the ice' at sentation of su
once, I was informed that I could campus life (th
Fnot skate again this season! Mr. and Sally-suc
Tillotson refused to consider the is only relative
explanation I wished to offer, or and the effort
that I had never before been asked college student
to leave a 'rink or any other place. pushed and w
I stated frankly that if he refused that a college'
to give me a hearing, but so blind- suppose self-rel
ly relied on the unimpeachable This presenta
judgment of his specialized under- ing clouded wit
studies that he did not even need, tic veil, is deep
as he said, to ask them what they ear-marks of .
wanted done or for what reason, writer. Mr. Hu
I would be forced to make use of not is more con
your column, Mr. Editor. I was ic than with m
taunted by him into doing so, for quently how ani
he said he would see it did me of the diction a
more harm than good. the University!)
-nrc sdom phrases.
And now, Sir, comes my prob- panegyric of th
lem. Whom am I to obey, wishing fore and after t
to conform with all the rules of of whether or 1
the University while I am here, the ,author says
Mr. Lowrey or Mr. Tillotson, both Tom was weak.
having claimed the right to gov- he was human
ern my conduct? came upon then
I thank you for this use of your dose of materia
column, and dare to hope it may phantoms." An
accomplish the result I desire, I matical feeling
am, Siri down within h
''hand and twist
A SKATING FAN. lay between th
ach and the bac
was not altobel
In another generation a battle- feeling." And "
ship may only be something an ing with parado
elderly sailor has tattooed on his to ask Mr. Hum
chest. the parallel us
and "futility" (p
i tence" . . . tha
IWhat ever hecame of "the nar ! '- .. -.- -n IT- n

Books Msi And Drama
niversity Chronicle, STRAVINSKY: Le Sacre Du
me; The Norwood
Mass., Price $2.00. Printemps: Ballet Suite for Orch-
even the good, col- estra: by Igor Stravinsky and
l unpublished. The Symphony Orchestra: Columbia
lack of success in Masterworks Set No. 129.
e Great College
ieve, two-fold: the 0
f the college stu- Stravinsky's reputation is said to
ond and third rate have suffered a drastic defiation
mpt to use the col- wh
lege student as the en he took to the baton about
character of their six years ago, the general opinion 0
being: 'Just let him conduct three
to isolate the col- programs of his own music and he
lose life and mind will be a dead issue." Since then,
material. It is im-
aa I - he has proved himself in the eon-
a "type," and it is
aC novelists hereto- cert hall and in the recordings he
n to novelize; but has done for Columbia quite capa-
delineation of "the ble of brilliant, lucid exposition of v
," the 'result has his own work.tOccasionally in this
Lion o an u re cording of the Sacre, a natura_
n and strange to confidence in the quality of his For
nee what has been writing allows latent dullness to
romantic character show itself, which a more critical
from a real situa- iterpreter would disguise. But on v Your
which would beset the 'whole, one should be grateful
pe" (for he would to ge t a composer conducting his0
o his environment) own work. It gives one the mostS n a
lual (for he would authentic view "of the subject;, aO
). All the college real glimpse into the intentions
one is to write nov- underlying the writing: the sum of ,
ot peculiarly college it all being that one has acquired i n
a good basis for criticising inter-;
work, which is al- pretations one may hear in con-
like Professor cert hall. .
stic Age, possesses The score is a difficult one to
ult. With him the read since most of its extraordi-
e more inexcusable nary life and interest lies in the
style itself, in the vitality of per-
Iudent him self and tud t e fn n h i tu f l In
tpetually moving lines, unfoldinghgs
Mr Humewhadeen and renewing themselves. Its com-
hmead hbs.nI plete success depends on absolutec
own campus (Mich- clarity of the mosaic juxtaposition:
of of short phrases. The chordal work k
u Proe- must be sharp and accurate too:
ed mould for per- because of Stravinsky's use of tim-
his writing would bre as a chordal constituent. On
stilted, his charac- the whole the feat is admirably ac-
complished in the present record-
'ing, Stravinsky even acquiescing
undergo more com- in certain sections to slowing the'
college intelligence. tempo in order to achieve clarity. j
description of the v
professor, who with
ess is called Pepys, It was about time for a record- "
like Henley in The I ing of this work, now seventeen V
is speech on return-1years old, and recognized as a mile- O
al mst c wo rd fotr - i f t e Sa r , h o in l a
an class' first rhet- stone in musical history. The "bat-
almost word for ! tle of the Sacre," throwing all Paris!.
odel. The descrip- into an intoxicated stupor, has not^
ip of students "bon- been without its significance. For
amination, the de- Stravinskty it was a bold act of
ein one student is faith, an assertion of a new atti-
t that the particu- tude towards music. For music in
be explained in pop- general, it was an altogether
precisely like The healthy reminder of music's affi-
ceount of La Belle nity to: noise. Stravinsky in the
ci explained in the Sacre makes noises at us. Classical
knight gets picked music for yearshad been trying to
etc. The answer to get beyond mere sound, holding a W,
ght be "lut that is Puritanic distrust of abandonment
students really do to thl 'physical delight of hearing,
ng." Both Mr. Hume calling it "mere wallowing." The
Marks must learn musiian had practically convinc-
;elect their material ed hinself that music lies not in
such an instance is sounds but in the relations between
itstandingly impor- sounds: relations ordered with!
life (and I don't be- ever-increasing complexity and
en it is no wonder delicacy of adjustment in accord-
novelists have shied I ance with elaborate principles.
lege novel. The ' came Stravinsky taking
originality and bad I pleasure in the physical impact of
alues are not only sound, denying the principle as in-
the book. Its con- different to the actual fact of
ndent on the pre- soundo.nde ealing with music as a
ecessive pictures of question of sonorous substance
e love affair of Tom only, seeking the musical mot juste
h quaint ,names!- only as implicit in the precise
and quite trivial) qualities of note and timbre. His

to show that the was a directu 03obective treatment of I
drifts and is not the aural nature of sound. He ne-
heeled (forgetting gated the arithmetical implications
"type" should pre- of musical time (the 'tyranny of;
iance). I the bar-line') and used the rhyth-
tion, aside from be- mic factor of sound as a delineat-
h a highly roman- ing factor coordinating other mu-
ly rutted with the sical constituents. Rhythm be-
the inexperienced came the unifying element which
me more often than would, with more efficacy than the
cerned with rhetor- structural divisions of academic
eaning (and conse- comopsitions, create a sense of
omolous his eulogy natural development and inevit-
tnd usage course in I ability. Timbre, in Stravinsky's
I pick a few ran- hands became not a quality super-
After a two page imposed on the note but intrinsic-P t
hero's emotion be- ally unified with it. Instruments
he colassal decision were treated as intrinsically ex-
not to kiss his girl, pressive media. A chord now be-
n, -"It was not that came a fusion of instrumental and
It was rather that harmonic color. His counterpoint,
.' Then, "for Bud with its many new vertical concor-
n like a hard harsh dances, demanded the reacquiring'
lism in a world of of a sense of linear values. These
d "A restless enig- were its technical innovations.
which reached way * * *
im with a heavy In quality of expression too, it
ed something that represented a most sharp reactions
e pit of his stom- against Debussy's liquefied, vapor-
k of his throat. It ous sonorities. The ironness of
ther a comfortable Stravinsky's language is Stravin-
his mind effervesc- sky, by an act of the historical im-
xes." I should like agination, catching the earthward
e how he justifies thrust of primitive logic, realizing
es of "poignancy" the primal identity of man with the
age 87) in the sen- ground. In a sense, the primitiv-
t are so subtly in-, ism of the Sacre is anything but

cue the sev
finids itself fccla,:sis. i

- --

the fashion mimnan? c



One of the

favorites in the daytiMe
version dhe puff below
the elbow . .some-
times carried ,ut in sef

miatri~al . N. , "t;ill

ly adoptingl

'1 f S£'

touch like the one inn
trated. The -new mnc
is to be f ond An
shops, modcatlcy p ic
$16.50 to$ .

. ii




hMutzel shot
Main at. Liberty

# ,.
' : <

d I


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