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April 23, 1930 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-23

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N WEDNESflAY, APRIL 23, 1930z

a r t L ivr r Z-% a L, a.


FLIGHT.News From Other Colleges
1f1 Ef,,1[bBY GANDHI I EXPERT ON DRM E": ~~;~z;
CU Iafr20stdnsItwlbeAS- RIOTING CEASES Hon. Prank Loesch, of Chicago,i COLORADO: Not being able to pled with the most modern c
11 !! IIJJJ I ii 4 vnin ccs, including radio con


iuiP -


t oe_____________atgt__d aeilb e no_____fo_1 t i}___rr o ____ ___ ___ ___ __
Founder's Banquet. non-attendance at the annual __
dance given here because the wvo- l -?;.NTS' PETITION WINS
MANY JUDGES INVITED '1en1 students havc established aj ILINO(IS- Sufficient petition
Prak . oech Cicgodating bureau. Any man who de-' signatue of t c student body has
Hoon. FakJ ~ecCiao sires a partner need billy telephone ? recently cehcted the -recall of a rule
attorney and member of the Na- j ote me of longc standinig prohibiting stu-
tionral Crimge commission, will be ___ CA rmpaigtni nSn
the principal speaker at the KISSING--SOT NECKING-- daY.
Founder's day banquet which will i GIVEN 0. & .i 61 IN T .E-FRA TERNITY SING i'
be eldat heLawers cub t, oWASHINGTON-~It is permissable jraN 1 AA--Interfraternity sing,
'b edatteLwyr'cuba okiss one's bstgentleman friend ijn1 r .,.bewenNbr_


r(By ssocted Press) 6:30 o'clock Friday. good-night but women should nt i1
cm btJTTA, April 21.-Govern- According to plans announced 1indulge in "necking" according to
" e htMactivitres in thie Indian situ- yesterday by Prof. Grover C. Gris-I th "ten commandmie~ts for ppu-
atlon today still centereui on pur- ; { more, of Law school and faculty; larity" released by the local Y. W,. I
suit of the insurgent group which advisor for the Cluib, other peakers !c. A!V
iifded the polieee arseial Hof chit- [ at the fifth annual banquet will be !"- -
tagong Saturday, when seven were :. .: "::::Mr Justice Henry M. Butzel of he HR41SEISUN C iiE J
ile.Micigan Supreme court; Hon. ARVAD- Questionnaire sent't
Troops and ,police are searching Paul Jones, federal district judge tHavrseisincteha
for the raiders, but as yet have not;, of the nrthern district of Ohio;onynetidnedtonerbs
capure thm. nd ohnM. anewil ac astoat- ess La wa next with one-fifth;i
Rprdthfrm Bombay, Madraswllct s tastfollowed by medicine, (14(,), ed i- I
Reot rmBmaMda,!jmatr cation (13/, journalism (47c) andc
and Karachi today indicated thatyl Regent James . Murfin will pre- architecture (2 2%), 276 seniors out
an atmosphere of tension pervaded sent billets to all seniors who have of 600 were still undecided as to
those cities, "but be only in Karachi blet nte from Wliattyamr . 'ook, ftue -rk
; as any large scale demonstrationAlete rC latlast.tW.ooar.her utrewok
staged. it caused nho trouble. Sev-1 I'2L, donor of the club building CO-EDS D)ISF AVOR MARRIAGE 'P
"eral' Hundred women marched ______ and the legal research library now NRTHWESTERN-In a survey
tlofzg ~tiathndst nthrrirgheads A ssocacd Prss3 oo__ under construction, will be read, conducted recently in the univer- ( R
of ontabad slt n teirheas.The final argument in the junior sity i was discovered that only 2
Deaths May Kurt Cause, I Clonel and Mrs. Lindbergh after they had brought their. plane division of the Law school Case of the 400 senior co-eds look upon
-Mahatma -Gandhi, leader of the down at Roosevelt field, Long sland, ompeting an experimental high club series will be held at 2 oclock marriage as a favorable career.
Nationalists and father of the civil altitude flight from Glendale, Calif., in the elapsed time of 14 hours,. Friday afternoon in the club_
disobedienhce movement, remained 23 minutes and 27 seconds. This was three hours lower than the1 lounge. The case will be judged PUT BAN ON "4NO STOCKINGS"I~
ini GuJerat today.. Interviewed re- previous transcontinental record set by Capt. Frank Hawks in 129. !by a Bench consisting of Judge WISCONSIN-"They shall nott
.garding the Chittagong incident,*____-_____________ _____ I Jones, the Hon. Charles R. Colling-! pass through the portals of Bernardr
lie jeare it "sad news," but add- ; wood, circuit judge of the thirtieth iH all," ruled the dormitory hostessf
"p. However serious the. situation P 0 Tto0 IEcature1 judicial circuit of Michigan, and {here in answer to. the complains;r
,eomes, there can be no retracing TEETO U Arthur H. Ryall, '02L, of Escanaba. I that. have ben made of the studentsE
oorfootsteps." TA HFiSHnL Presentation I At the conclusion of the argument not wearing stockings. Thewor
Anther important Indian lead-M rTilf UNo ec ra - the decision will be rendered and mren may go down town bare-legI
er ,vas in the picture today in the of I I NilFxlii '1 sI the Henry M. Campbell award con- ged but they "they shall not comet
ne sn of the Maulvi Mohammed ME IN THi ii IUS091I sisting of 100 to the ing to meals without the benefit o
Yta1rub, wh-etra rsde one n 50t hi poe their hosiery," she added.
wvr hobyecoteraynce ofIn--Casts have been chosen and in- "couns el n 5 oteropnns___
vethBobycneecofIs1 Second Annual Conference of tensive rehearsing has begun for wilpe-rsete.I'9D STAFF~ COMrI'TITON
dlin Moslems. The ;Moslems of In- I _-
dia, he declared, had hitherto leftj North Central Association , he annual dramatic presentation B~~ ~ CARLETI'O- Aspirants to theI
Gandhi and the civil disobedience ( of SeconldarySchools. -f the Cerle Francois, this year in Bi. n epresentative staff of the 'Carletna'aury
ihodtient severely alonie, would ___the form of two plays, Moiere's tQ Meet With Students aenon egagedor oitn alei ieI
doninue to do so, and would niotI farce, "Les Precieuses Ridicules,"exmntofrpstisasM'-
pai'ticiprate in it, even if the mui-. RF D VS TO S-Kand "Le Mystere dAdam," a twelfth W R. Mattson, assistant to the i gEitradsitns.Cd-
dus conceded all the Moslem de- century religious drama. These president of the Babson nsttute,
prabdbein connection with the fti- "A Uniform Program for the plysto be given May 1 at the wl etUnvriystdnst da t e wer questonedyons easr
paysinwillSemeetayUnversitysuet odayprbahedit W1 ori olicy awll s
ture constitution of India. Tann fScnay sho Lydia Mendessohin theatre mark! in room 302 of the Union to discus o hi koldeo ,ounl~
Moslems 8aee1c Security. Teachers" is to be the theme of the the culninaticn of the Cerle's ( the training course offered by the and their journalistic experience.j
He said the civil disobeience second annual conference on the Yearly lecture and play series, school. MAY USE SEMESTER PLAN 1
movement was intended to ectab-' Training of Secondary School The presentation of "Le Mystere! The Babson Institute, located OHIO STATE-Return to the se-
lish the domination of the majority Teachers to be held here Thursday; d'Adam" will be preceded by a short near Boston, gives an intensive1metrpaferortiglos
ov~er the minorities of India, and April 24, at 9:30 a. i., under the talk by Prof. H-enri Chamard, of ! training in the fundamental lawsI eight years under the quarter sys-
that the Mahatma apparently had k'kauspices of the School of Education the Sorbonne, visiting professor of of business and offers both resident' tem, is being considered by the Ohio
the idea that independence was ob- I of the University of Michigan. romance languages at the Univer- and extension instruction. All those State University faculty. Among ;
tamhable without the cooperation ofJ The program is to include the sity. Professor Chxaard is a rec-: interested in business executiveI principal objections to the quarter
the mosemns presentation of a report of he ognized authority on this play, be-! training should make an appoint-! system is the necessity of "high I
"Under there circumstances," he Committee on Uniform Require- inh uto fth oenmet by clling Mr. Mattson at the ,pressure" study and the frequent
declared; "we can not, consistentlyI ments by Prof. G. E. Carrothers, !French version which is being used Union.<
with. our self respect, join in or and a discussion of its findings byj as the text the Cerle will present1 appearance of examinations.
sympathize with the lawless move-, Prof. Egbert Winters of Hope Col- { "Les Precieuses Ridicules," which! UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS-A TO BUIL) NEW DORMITORY
mr et. 'The Indian Moslems are not lee'e. a discussion of the present , is Molieres first oriinal, rather fine of fifty dollars will be ur- l M. I. T.-Ground will bie broken
behind any othier community in plceofteNrhCnalA-thtapedlyiastreo posed on any fraternal organiza- ! shortly for a new Technology dor-
thei deireforfreeom f teirsoiation with relation to the train- medieval French affectation and j ion that observes a "hell week,"i --______
mherldsibutor theyomus eguof igo ecna colteacher snobbery. John Spicer, '31, will play ,wyasterdecidedhe by theur-? Pan-Hecndrylcholtechesnicva
aitedadquofteysfeuad Prof. C. 0. Davis, and "AnExei!th lead, belmyi supported by Maryi council in a recent meeting
anedaeut aeursEpini Mi y, 31, Dorothy beck, '30, Rob-' IL -T ________1W__%I
their religious and political rights" ment with Correlated Course oi el II r~
________________ ducation," by Prof. Raleigh Schor-rtDv,'3,adGen osig
liug. '31, in the principal roles, with se- 'OePefrane1I
Tau 6et1 i ' itiates This is the second meeting of eral minor parts. The Ann ArborOnPefrice nl
1'iten Into Societyt the representatives of teachers; Richard Humnphreys, '31, George CURB MARKET Wiii
training divisions from the ,schools Meader, '32, Burnette Bradley, '32; liwn
Fifteen students were initiated and colleges of Michigan. The puer- and John O'Neill, '30, will play the Will open for the season THESE IP
into Taui Beta Pi, honorary schol- ( pose of the meetings is to promote!I parts of God, Adam, Eve, and the April 26 MRS. FISKE
astic society of the engineeringI more effective co-operation andI Devil, in "Le Mystere d'Adam." AGR AD
(toilege, etrayatron. !o-Ibetter articulation among the de- - °-- -_®_ GEORGETTE COHAN
lowing the ceremony a. banquet patesofEutinIislo BETTY LINLEY
NhOWta teecneiec&wl JOHN CRAIG
was held at the Union. Prof. A. H.,hpdtatteecNOrneswl 1WW
Wieothchmalegneigbring about improved standards for SHOWING 200-3:30 EDWARD POWELL
-dpartmnpt was the principalithe training of prospective teach- LI 7:00-9:00 AcApaIgn Richard Brai
V.-caer of the evening. Prof. A. D. ers. D
Moore lat of the wsta electrical enineering iE
Teartent waebs atase. N.A. Detroit Theatres
Th-e .nbr re .A____________Ii PRICES: ,$1.00 $1.50 $2.00. $2
makor, '31h , J. D. Woodward, '31E _. _________-_
R. A. 1urniss, '31E, T. H-. Mabley, C S H A E _
'2 C l , ak, '31E, .G o -iM o"trd 31, C. 1). Jones, '31E, C. E. "T he N ew Mb oon" A draluaic Conflict of teninfation, efiacted against a gorgeous circus_______
Larson, '31lE, L. M. Legatski, '31E, a tremendously popular mnusical ro background.
G. . Vacoln, 'WE, S. H. Nepstad, m fance. Score by *_______
'31,~ Rockefeller, '311E, J. G What waas hr voec? A rod or a. smile . . , and the loves .
6 an A '3e, C. W.usch, '31E8, and' IMN OBR hopes and haappjnss of four mortals hunig in the balanc.
VI 4 anAen ^-.1 --- - ._ .

ka fra ternifies wi th a prize of a
cup awarcded t he winner each year,
will be held this year in connec-
tion wsith Ivy Day ceremonies.
ponscorcdC by Yosmet dramatic
Ii ub, the ing,;i has been the only
ircaxis for the Greek~ organizations
to exhibit their Vocalizing powers,
and as a restilt has always com-
manded much , interest among the
fetter societies. eleveni fraternities
competed last year.
PURDUE-Coon- Sanders' record-
ing orchestra has been eng~'ged to
play the complete program of dane-
es for the Juioir P.otn. The' &ankce
will be held in Memdrial Gym on
A\pril 25.
DENVER-rarkinig problems are
becoming a grave concern of the
University. Collegians and faculty
members hav e been parking in
front of the entrance to the cam-
'pus and blocking the driveway so1
that cars on official business can-
ntget through. To prevent .this
in the future, orders demanding
that this pr~actice be discontinued
at once have been issued.
WA SHIN GTON--Presaging a new
and grea~ter era of scientific ac-
co""1plishm-ent on the University
campu , th,,e board of regents Sat-
urday 7otcd to incorporate the col-
lege of fisheries with the college of
sciences. The Board also author-
izcd the establishment of the Uni-
ver~sity of - Washinigton Oceanogra-
phic labora tories which will work
with the combined colleges to pro-
perly advance the ambitious pro-
WTSCONSIN-adoption of a sport
,club system was announced at the
spring banquet of the Women's
Athletic Association. Under this
system each sport sponsored by the
association will be 'organized into a
club' presided over by the head of
that .sport. The object is to secure
the interest of 'more girls in both
class teams and the W. A. A.

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Tierepresentative rates
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A Station-to-Station call is
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You may rev erse the,
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