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April 05, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-05

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T' I T Cit ICH A DfAILY-- La.~.a 4 ~ =s


Y YiIY T Y ..":"." .... ".. "." .... a 1 l.. Ly 1 Yl a .a t 2 i .1 LT1 1 Y L 1..1.1 L... ..

Present Reforestration Outline
May Establish Acreage
Covering Mark.



Higgins Lake Nursery Summary
Shows That Seedling Output
Triples During 1929.
With plans for the planting of
between 18,000 and 20,000 acres
during the coming season, the
Forestry Division of the Depart-
ment of Conservation will begin its
spring work in the state forests asi
soon as the frost is thoroughly out'
of the ground. April 15 has been
set as the approximate date for the
If the Division succeeds in plant-
ing more than 18,000 acres in trees
this year, it will establish a record
for Michigan. In 1929, during the
spring and fall seedlings the For-
estry Division planted 17,204 acres,
which represented a record up to
that time. This increased the acre-
age now planted by the state ap-
proximately twenty-five per cent.
With the beginning of this year the
Forestry Division has a record of
71,457 acres set out.
The plantings this year will bringL
the total to near 90,000 acres. Withs
almost half a million acres includ-
ed in the twelve state forests, it
will mean that approximatelya
twenty per cent will be growing
new forests, planted by the state.
The last annual inventory of thep
young stock at hand from the 'igu -
gins Lake Nursery showed 30,00 a
seedlings of all classes. The out-
put for last year was approximate-
ly 10,000,000. The bulk of this was
set on the state forests, althou
about 1,250,000 trees were distribut-
ed to the public for private plant-
ing.'' It is estimated that some 17,-
000,000 young trees are availablet
for this year's plantings.
During the fall of 1929 the For-
estry Division collected and purch-
asedtwelve tons of pine cones and
with755 pounds of seeds sown dur-
ing the year, sufficient stock was
obtained to maintain the present
rate of output.
The planting of trees is but one
of the functions of the Forestry Di-
vision, it is indicated in a report of
last year's activities, submitted by
Marcus Schaaf, State Forester, to
Director George R. Hogarth of the
Department of Conservation.
The safeguarding of state's for-
sts from fires is one of the major
duties of the Division. Through
the Division's cautions, last year
only 2,256 acres were burned over
despite an exceptionally dry fall.
This area representedbut one-half
of one per cent of the state acreage
and under three tenths of one per
cent of the gross area under pro-
tection. Ninety-one per cent of
the territory burned was'covered
by two fires which the Division be-:
lieves were of incediary origin. Last
year eighteen miles of telephone
lines connecting towers and head-
quarters were built; two more tow -
ers were erected and much fire
fighting equipment was added.
Employees of the Forestry Di-
vision in 1929, the report shows,
built 225 miles of fire line. There
are now 1,401 miles of such lines
protecting the state forests. J

! '

Riht to Pa
R ISSI GURL on Croquet Grounds I loos EXAM
( b Associated Press)
Whereabouts of Dearborn Child; MINNEAPOLIS, Apr. 4-The David Science Students to be Examined
Still Remains Mystery to Lambriues, croquet players and the for Drug and Food Offices
Detroit Police. Ole Johnsons, fence builders, have After Spring Recess.
little in common except a rautual'
Iinterest in $ O,025 wor'th of law i Examinations for federal food
DETROIT, April 4-The knotty I suits. , and drug inspectors will be given
police problem presented by the The Lambrites used to slap the soon after spring vacation to Uni-
disappearance of six-year-old Mary ball through wickets with the deft- versity students who will receive
Suboch, slaughter of a Dearborn
ness of artists until the Johnsons science degrees this spring, accord-
factory worker, remained unsolved'putoarncethe ac noshat ng to an announcement made by
today after nearly 72 hours of I a a t v t *t d the University Bureau of Appoint-
clew-following by police of the De- served as a court. This iterfered ments. Students interested in this
troit metropolitan area. with their garfe so the Lambrites, work should get in touch with the
All of the evidence investigators District Judge Montgomery was bureau as soon as possible, says T.
have been able to unearth has told, tore it down. Then, wit- Luther Purdom, director.
pointed to but one thin, that Mary inesses continued, the fight started. This work formerly was opeli
was taken away in an automobile A daughter of Mr. Johnson asks only to graduates in chemistry, but
by a stranger who picked up her $10,000 for a broken nose she said, this year has been extended to
and her brother, Joseph, 9, as they she received in the fight. In an-i graduates in any of the sciences.
were walking home from schoo In other separate actions, he claims Dr. P. B. Dunbar, who has charge
Dearborn Tuesday afternoon. The John Johnson . (no relation), an1 of the examinations for the United
boy told his story wl en he arrived !'ally of the Lambrites, kicked her States Department of Agriculture
at his home Tuesday night. The ! when she was down. That is worth says they have been framed for
man, he said, sent him for candy another $10,000, she believed. j students who have not determined
in the downtown area of Detroit Mrs. Ole Johnson wants $5,000 kwhat their life work shall be, men
and drove away with his sister for ruffled sensibilities and Ole who are competent and intellige t,
while he was gone. (himself) thinks $5,025 would but who want a few years more to
The boy's story at first was re- about cover the attack on three of decide on the thing that interests
garded with some suspicion by po- his ribs, which he claims were them as a life work. Dunbar believes
I lice because it was rather incoher- broken, his wooden leg and a set the experience offered in food and
ent and because his teachers re-1 of false teeth, which also suffered drug inspection work a splendid
ported he was "rather ,backword." in the battle. postgraduate school.

Commander Richard Byrd, shown being greeted o n his arrival at Dunedin, New Zealand,

William E. Rappard, Rector of the "International Relations as Viewed
University of Geneva and profes- I from Geneva," as well as many
sor of economic history and public other books on historical, political
finance there, will visit Ann Arbor and economic subjects.
Monday. Mr. Rappard, recognized Mr. Rappard, although of Swiss
as an authority in the field of eco- parentage, studied in the United
nomics, has spent considerable States, as well as many European
time in the tinited States. He is at schools. Prof. E. D. Dickinson of the
present on a lecture tour through- Law school stated that "Mr. Rap-
out the country, but will not deliver pard is a brilliant writer and speak-
a public addr~ess while here. 7 er and one of the ablest of contem-.
From 1911-1913, Mr. RappardI porary Swiss educational leaders."
held the chair of professor of i__________
economics at Harvard University., UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA-The
His name has been connected withR latest annoyance of Freshmen corn-
lectures at the Williamstown Insti- es every Wednesday here. They are
tte' of Politics and with various, compelled to hide behind bushes
commissions of the League of Na- which border the walks of the cam-
ions. Mr. Rappard is the author of! pus.

* . mx.
As CleanI as 5uni~lght-


}7 t
Ik ' :
- bf~i ~,'
t. 1~

N ..r


EIectri Heat for Cookingl


I. .,
, _ . .
J a.
...' '.

As pu-ro as the food it cooks, elactric
heat comes to your kitchen as clean
as sunlight ... Glowing, hot as fire,
with none of the objections of fire,
it is the ideal heat-refined and
delivered! All of the smoke and soot
are removed in the power house.
There is no dirt to deposit and
accumulate on your kitchen walls
and curtains. Prove this yourself.
Once you have cooked with electric-

greatly lower this cost.


Catholic Students to
Start Retreat Sunday
Sunday morning at 10:30 the an-
nual retreat and Forty Hours De-
votion opens at St. Mary's Chapel
for Catholic students. Reverend
Michael Pathe, C.ss.R., will con-
duct the retreat. It will last three
days with services each evening,
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at
7:30. Each morning there will be
mass at 7 o'clock and at 8 o'clock
with a short instruction after the 7
o'clock mass. It will close with a
solemn procession Tuesday evening.
Father Pathe has a very fine re-I
putation as a missionary. He has
preached extensively throughout
he United States.
More than 500 students studying
military science on the campus will
participate in a three day period
of field work.

focused heat makes cooking fast
(snap the switch and start to cook!)-
an accurate oven control makes
consistent baking surprisingly easy.
The tempting, delicious flavor of
meats and vegetables-cooked with
their juices sealed in-and the
light, fine-grained cakes and pas-
tries will delight you. You will
treasure your ELECTROCHEF > > 3>*

Her Own. Size
Your youngster feels no more at home playing the grown.
ups' piano than she would wearing their clothes. If you
want her to learn quickly-if you want her to enjoy learn-
mg-give her a piano to suit her size. The BB model was

made to suit the size of

young people or


Bring us your old Victor Records.
We will deliver them to the So-
cial Service department of the
University Hospital with your
compliments. Your benevolence
will be deeply appreciated by
patients and officials in charge.

The BB model has a four and
one-half octave keyboard-stand-
ard parts reduced in size-it is
three feet four and one-half
inches high. Colorful case de-
The small model-An intimate
piano for old and young.

ity you will never
again agree to cook
with fuels. >> >
Electric cooking
with EtECTROCHEF costs
about one dollar per
month per person-
seldom more, fre-

FIR ST modern lines, is a
$Yhandsome addition
sr EO to any kitchen and
i ~READY i0
COOKA can be kept immac-
~ - Gula t el y c le an in
every part as easily
SMALL CARRYINGCHAGE as a china dish-
$5 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD a point which has
proven a continual
ELECTROCHEF delight to women.
X/ l U -N a i i :.c m

Sport is a sadder
but wiser dog. He

quently less.


We specialize in Band and Orchestra Instruments for school
children. May we help you in selecting an instrument fitted
to your child's needs? Let us be your musical advisors,
a task for which our long experience fits us.

nary care in the con-
trol of heat may
a -m


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