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April 03, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-03

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*Dorothy Sample is Elected Vice- !
President of W. A. A.; Other I
Officers Are Chosen.

All women interested in ente
ing the archery exhibition to1
given for the annual Schoolma
ters' convention on April 26, a
invited to attend a meeting at
oclock tomorrow at Palmer Fie
The exhibition will be spo
cored hvbythe Archerv clubwh i

Ann Arbor, the home of the Al- ISTS DIIWI HIIDIi
pha chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota,
national professional music soror-'
ity, will be the scene of the Alpha G
provimce convention of the soror- roups Are Numbered; Time
ity to be held today, tomorrow and of Meetings Posted in
Saturday. Headquarters will be in Barbour Gym.
the committee room of the Michi-
r- gan League building. Members of TO CHECK ATTENDANCE
be the several chapters comprising the
Is- province will gather here for bus- Iistead of dividing the dance
re ncssrmeetings as well as social and groups for the Freshman Pageant
4 musical programs. according to their names, a new
eld Miss Hazel Ritchey of Lincoln, system of numbers has been de-
Neb., national president of the sor- vised by Miss Sylvia Adams, ad-
' Iority, will be prominent among the I visor. The lists are posted on thej

League Secretaries Are E
Bates, Katherine Ferrin;



500MVotes1Polled. y'Ijj Wi1L honored guests. I board at Barbour gymnasium and
500vots Plld. will conduct the preliminary
neeting. All members of the or- Chapters to be represented in- each woman who has a part in the
Results of the campus elections ganization are expected to be elude: Sigma Mu, flillsdale; Delta Pageant should learn the number
held yesterday for offices of the ! present, as an important discus- 'and Sigma, Detroit; the alumnae of her group and the time for re-
Women's League and the Women's sion will be held concerning the group at Detroit; the alumnae hearsals.
Athletic Association made Eleanor I exhibition. group at Lansing; Alpha, Ann Ar- Since the groups are not yet
Cooke, '31, president of the Wom- '_bor, and Lambda Alpha, alumnae complete, attendance has not been
en's League, and Helen Domine, ~.___ of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Eli A. Gallup, taken. However, beginning next
letic Association. Helen Jones, '31, is SOU90Sflf f P Pgroup is general chairman of the in, and a system of fines will be ar-
vice-president of the League, while convention and assisting her are iranged for absentees. According to
Dorothy Sample, '32, will hold that 1IMiss Elizabeth Campbell and Miss Miss Adams, the practices have
position in W. A. A. More than 500 Bernice Fallis. It is expected that been good so far.
votes were polled in the' League the president of each chapter will There will probably be no re-
elections. CL IlUU be present. They are: Alpha, Doro- hearsals the week following spring'
League Chooses Board. thy Wilson; Delta, Vera Richard vacation. This will behannounced
Katherine Ferrin, '32, was elected opportunity Offered Beginners son; Sigma, Dorothy Tompkins; Sig- more definitely to each group by
recording secretary and Emily .,ma Mu, Marion Tanner; Beta Del- he inst uctor.
Bates chosen as corresponding sec- in Introduction of ta, Mrs. Vernelle Peppard and Lan-
retary of the League. Dorothy Bird- New Sport. sing alumnae, Mrs. Gertrude Lloyd homes of the founders, the campus,
zell will serve in the position of Clark. prominent buildings and beauty
treasurer. Senior members of the Speedball practice will be held The convention program opens spots about the city.
Board of Directors who were ele- this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Pal- with an alumnae dinner at 6 Sigma chapter is planning the
ted are Helen Cheever and Dorothy mer field. This sport is being new- o'clock tonight at the Michigan dinner at 6 o'clock when Dorothy
McGuffle, two members from each ly introduced to the women of the League building, arranged by Beta Tomkins will preside. The dinner
class being elected to the Board. campus and all trying out for posi- Delta chapter. Mrs. Wialter Hunt will be succeeded by a delegates'
The junior members chosen for tion on the . interclass teams will will be mistress of ceremonies. At musicale at 8:15 in the Ethel.Foun-
that position are Edwinna Jenney have the same opportunity to suc- 8:15 the local active and alumnae tain Hussey room. This program
and Helen Kitzmiller. Representa- ceed. Those who compete in inter- chapters will compliment the con- will be given by outstanding musi-
tives of the sophomore class are class athletics regularly know no vention guests and friends with a cians from each chapter and from
Jean Botsford and Helen DeWitt. more about this new sport than reception and formal musicale. At this group the judges will select
Council Has New Members. those who have never entered be- this time local musicians will pre- the best artist who will represent
Elections for members of Judi- fore. sent the program. f the province at the national con-
ciary Council were held at the Speedball is a combination of Registratin will begin at 8:30 vention to be held in June, 1931.
Same time. One new senior member soccer and basketball, that is, of Friday morning and will be follow- Judges will be Mrs. Alexander G.
was chosen, Marion Reading and kicking and passing. A team is ed by the formal opening of the Ruthven, Mrs. Rene Talamon and
two juniors, Jeannie Robertsjand composed of 11 players, arranged business session at 10:30 in the Mrs. Reuben H. Kempf.
Katherine Koch. The two junior in a formation like that on the Alumnae room. Luncheon Friday The business session will be re-
members of the Council this year, hockey field. The game is played noon will be given under the auspi- sumed Saturday morning and will
Ruth Van Tuyl and Helen Humph- on the same field as hockey al- ces of Delta chapter with Laura include the election of officers. Sat-
rey will serve again next year as though the markings are different. Osborn of Detroit acting as mis- urday noon luncheon will be given
senior members according to the There is an opportunity for at: tress of ceremonies. Plans for the under the auspices of Sigma Mu
system used i the pasis a dis- least 100 women to compete in this afternoon include a picture of the chapter and Marion Tanner has
ciplinary body for women, enfor - sport this spring. Sixteen are need- convention- group to be taken at been chosen to preside. The after-
Ing thrue aded to make up d squad and numer- 3 o'clock. At 3:30 a motorcade will noon will include a model initia-
League forgoverningtwomen. ous squads are being planned to form to take the guests through tion conducted by Alpha chapter
listens to cases of infringment oTfmake competition lively. the city, the tour to include the when several girls will be taken in-
these rules and applies discipline birthplace of the sorority, the to membership.
wherein needed. This year, ainew iMU PHI EPSILON !l mmmmImmmmmm11llIIIi lii1mm um lii n
policy was adopted by this body GIV MUSICALE HATS THAT ARE -
with the aim of acting as an ad- G ESMDIFFERENT
visory group to women, who have Soft Straws and Felts Made to Order
been called before it, in an effort In honor of the music faculty tcKINSEY HAT SH OP
to attain greater cooperation with and sorority patronesses, Mu Phi
the women students. Epsilon, national honorary music 227 South State Street
W. A. A. Elects Other Officers. sorority, entertained 150 guests at a llll l _1 Ii@111111111111111@1@1@11@!1_111 @11H1111111u
Other officers in W. A. A. are musicale Tuesday evening in the
Margaret Eaman, '31, secretary, Grand Rapids room of the League I
and Dorothy Elsworth, '32, treas- building.
urer. Point recorder is Helen A string quartet comprising SELF RESPECTING SUITS
Moore, '31Ed., while Agnes Graham, Genevieve Griffey, '32 S.M., Vera
'32, was elected publicity manager. Johnston, Grad., Ruth Johnson, DEMAND A
Marion Gimmy, '31, will fill the '30 S.M., and Elizabeth Searles, '31
position of intramural manager. S.M., gave two selections. Audrey
A questionnaire was given out Haver, '31, S.M. entertained by pre-
with the votes for the Women's senting two groups of numbers.
League, with an explanation of the Two renditions were also given by
system of nominations and elec- Ruth Johnson. Mildred Drinkhaus,
tions for officers of that body. A '31.M., accompanied the players.
request was made to each voter to's
express her opinion on the system, ARIZONA-Attended by student
with any constructive criticism she Irepresentatives of 46 fraternities
might offer. Results from this ques- and sororities from 27 states and 351
tionnaire will not be tabulated for universities, the annual Strayi
publication until after the spring G eFormal climaxed the socialIGenuine Other
vacation, when announcements of season here. .The hop featured tag iGeNuik
any action to be taken on it will be dances with only five no-break Silver Neckwear
made dances to assure the stags an end-I Fox $10 up
made._lessround of pleases. _ $125
Ohio Wesleyan Women Given
Chance to Show Needle Art_
OHIO WESLEYAN-Reviving in-
terest in the fireside pursuits was a
sho at hntheintramualcarnia It doesn't cost much to give your suit a contented look
here whena Wesleyan co-ed-won f IA

Easter . . . . Bonnets . . . . One whicl
never happens in the best regulated 'front
wardrobes without the accompani- fectl
ment of the other. That the new mode
clothes have set entirely new de- to en
mands on millinery for this season j uneve
is plainly seen in the style fore- likew
casts. and
Hats have been divided into lessf
groups according to the frock ac- wear.
companying them. The high and the o
noble white forehead is still ex- other
posed, untraversed by hair, but the brims.
on or
e r' It '
AY T the b
at ti
s ~taffet
I sides are prone to accenting aide Fou
features, coming down closely and
flatteringly on the cheeks. The On(
turban and beret types are precise
little affairs that complement well Fou
the various versions of the suit so aviat
,,popular this spring. Field
Nothing so chic as the light blue took
and navy Agnes dotted linen hat j rise f
with its matching scarf, as shown ly co
could be imagined for wear with fore
a tailored sport suit on campus. ing t
Belting ribbon in the darker shade prove
1 of blue has been put into effective opera
combination, to tie a flat but perky
bow across the back which snug-
gles closely onto the neck. For this
type of hat a, number of straws)
have been cleverly combined with
linen, either in the facing of the
brim, or with the linen making
the crown and upper brlm and an
underbrim of straw.
Softer suits of silk that feature'! 1
cape collars, bring wider brimsiI

h reveal eyes and brows in
, giving a draped feeling per-
in key with the feminine
, and deviating, if encouraged,
ticing side lengths and widths,
'en and becoming. These are!
ise shown with clothes.of plain
novelty woolens intended for
formalized town and street
In many cases it is a case of
ne side not knowing what the
r side is doing, for many a
med hat is drawn up sharply
ne side over the brow.r
would appear that the wider
brim, the more maidenly andI
nine the wearer. The stylists
taken special advantage of
node's requirement for flatter-i
dressy hats, and produced
y ladies with flaring, soft,
floppy hats that lend. deep
ows to eyes and lips, as well
ith chiffon andnlace skirts.
>e types are done in fancyI
us, set off by velvet bows, acid
2mes, show a distinct vogue for
ta. Such a presentation of the
is favored when done in
ne with fan-pleated inserts of!
ta on a wide. brim.
ar Women Fly After
e Day of Instruction
ur young women were made
rices in one day at Roosevelt
, New York, March 29. They
off with instructors at sun-
'or theit first lesson, and safe-
mpleted their flights just be-
sunset. The object of complet-
heir lessons in one day was to
e the simplicity of learning to)
te a modern airship.



Practices are being held regu-
larly for the intercollegiate-inter-
class swimming meet, which will
take place Tuesday, April 8, in the
Union pool. From 7 to 9 o'clock
Tuesday and Thursday evenings
women who expect to participate
in the meet have been practicing.
Tonight is the last practice befoi e
the meet, and Miss Laurie Camp-
bell will be present to give instruc-
tion and advice.
It is necessary that everyone who
wishes to swim in the Union pool
have an admission card stamped
by the, women's physical educatlion
department. This card may' be ob-
tained in room 15 at Barbour. gym-
Furs and Fur Coats
Makeup, Repaired, Re-
modelled and Relined
Prices Reasonable
E. L. Greenbaum
448 Spring Street
Phone 9625

Swimming Practices Held Every
Tuesday and Thursday.
in Union Pool.

Charmingly Different

a huge loving cup for proficiency in
threading a needle. Another girl
received a cup for speed in solving
crossword puzzles.
-In a straw vote conducted by the
Daily Northwestern it was proven
conclusively that the women of th1s
campus want smoking rooms es-
tablished in women's residences.
With almost 400 ballots cast only
51 were in opposition to this meas-
ure, of which 22 were cast by fresh-
tlIIIUIIIiiii#iiIl11111i111111111t111 1111111
s The Time To E
Get a Permanent E
The Rush Before Spring
- Vacation.

Our capable staff
is equipped to serve
madam's every wish-
in, accentuating h e r
charm-rendering en-


long, soft, silky fox scarfs are purchased
We can match your suit admirably.

at Zwerd-
Come in,


Special Selling of
Fur coats

Our prices
on all Fur
have been
cut pro-

Was it with reluctance
that you dragged out the
old coat last week? With
some regret, perhaps, that
it wasn't one of those mag-
nificent coats Zwerdling's
h a v e been offering at
astoundingly low prices. If
so, we advise an early visit
and selection (a small de-
posit will reserve it).

A~~ I



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