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April 03, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-03

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Fublishtd every morning except Monday
during toe University year by the Board n
Conti l of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not' otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
saaster General-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
r ffees: Ann Arbor Press Building. May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2z2z4.
Telephone 4925
Editorial"Chairman........George C. Tilley
City Editor....... ........Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor...........Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor... ,... Edward L~. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor............Marjor Follmer
Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein
Essistant City Editor... Robert J Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. ;loss
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilda
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexaiider. Bruce J. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary L. Blehymer William Page,
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein Vic or Pierce
S. Beach Conger John D Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley D.eaniiie Roberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherle Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl P~ Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Shtldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Galmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanson
Ginevr. GinJane Thayer
jack Goldsmith argaret Thompson
EmilyGrimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Gove-maa Robert Townsend
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
J. Cull enKennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Jean Levy G. Lionel Willene
Russel E. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zmit
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising...........T. Hollister Mabley'
Advertising.a.......Kaspei' . Halverson
Advertising.. .. ... ...erwood A. Upton
Service..................George A. Spater
Circulation..............J. Vernor Davis
Accounts................Tohn R. Rose
Publications........ .George 'R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
James E. Cartwright George R. Patterson
bert Crawford Charles Sanford
Thomas M. Davis Lee Slay ton
Norman Eliezer Joseph Van Riper ,
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson ;
Charles Kline William R. Worboy
Marvin Kobacker
Thomas Muirj
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis leano or Walkinshaw }
Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman
Hortense Gooding

that what the present situation --TYPEWRITING
calls for, and what must be set up Music p IAnd Dand
immediately if the semblance of a I IMEOGRAPHITNG
single-purpose, wieldy and well-in- r AL A specialty for
tended undergraduate body is to be ALL THE NEWS TONIGHT: In the Lydia Mendels- twenty years.
available to the University's re- THAT'S PRINT sohn Theatre, Play Production Prompt service.. Expe
sources, is a body of entrance stan- O FIT.presents second performance of erators.. Modcrate rat
dards high enough to justify Mich-- "Romeo and Juliet" y William
Afer an extended vacation made D MOR
igan's facilities and reputation, yet fe an e da Shakespeare; curtain at 8:15.
flexible enough to permit of stif- possible by book reviews, reviews of 314 South State St.
fening if necessary for precluding the new Inlander, and divers other ROMEO AND JULIET.
column stuffers I am now back on
large numbers of undesirables from clmstfesIa nobckn
lre suders of undsile from the job hoping that my absence A Review B Prof. P. M. Jack.O,1CA
the student body, and still definite d n n a hYtn au1 i
enough to evoke preparatory work did not increase the circulation.!OPhC
sufficiently thorough and compe- Tuesday's column was a gyp but it Some time ago, as the editor of
tent for a successful college course.had to be-written in five minutes this column, perhaps unkindly, DEPARTM4
If Michigan, of all state universi- on short notice, and all that. Any- has reminded me, I committed my-
way, somebody liked it. Ecrivisse Lenses and Frames Mad
ties, comes to the fore fearlessely( wroe in to say that he (or she) self to the statement that the
and somewhat ruthlessly (which laughed and laughed at the April best Shakespeare performances
dividuality intolerance of inob- Fool column because the arrow nowadays are likely to come from L
ligations to the state) with a code was crooked. university students because "they
of entrance requirements design- Tghk have intelligence and humility." STATE STREET JES
edly high and restricting, a dis- biggest laugh of the week They come to the university be-
tinct reparation would be made for comes fromidaily in Ann Arbo's even- cause they are intelligent, and--
most of the flaws now apparent i appearscdailytinyAnneArbor'stevene
the academic fabric, but attributed ing newspaper. Word for word, the because they are students they are
to the effects of other than natural j item which appeared last Saturday humble. Well, Mr. Windt's stu-
causes. goes like this: dents have a share of each; they
I Question-Why is the little job have a larger shart of ingenuity;
-----_-onP +nr'avof gatekeeper of the football _ 1

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In deciding to move the studentI
offices of the Union from the third
floor to the first, the Union Board
of Directors has taken a step which
is certain to better the organiza-
tion and bring it closer to the stu-
dents who are its members.
The old saying that "distance
lends enchantment" is particularly1
misleading in this case, because toI
the average ambitious student, the
third floor of the Union is almost
inaccessible, or at least too far
away to be worth the effort in-
volved in ,reaching it. For this'
reason (and others which were to
a large extent nullified by remov-
ing the election of officers froml
campus politics) the material from
which future officers were to bej
selected was neither copious enough
nor of the best quality.
By placing the student offices+
on the first floor there will be a
much closer contact between the=
Union administration and the
members of that organization. It
will require, less effort to maintain
a high standard of men trying out,,
and a greater degree of coordina-
tion will assuredly be effected by
this new plan.
The Union exists primarily for
its members, and anything thatj
can be done to bring about better
relations between them and the
administration will be valuable.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
worts of possible. Anonymous comn-
munications will 1) disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not le
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

grounds not given to some worthy
old resident in need of a little aid
instead of giving it to an outsider?
Answer by Harry Tillotson, busi-
ness manager of the Michigan Ath-
letic association-The jobs of gate-
keepers at the stadium are given
only to men who are known to be
honest and -trustworthy.
Inarticulate retort by flabber-
gasted and enraged townspeople:
*, *
Raouw Pith (where do contribu-
tors get their names anyway?) says
he overheard a girl talking about
the new lamp posts the other day._
'She insisted, he reports, 'that
they were not numerous enough if
a girl were crossing the campus
alone at night, and too numerous
if she were with an escort."
The only solution for her is to
walk with an escort in the daytime
when the lights are out.
* * *
Prof. John L. Brumm has been!
appointed head of the journalism
department, it is announced. Hisl
appointment becomes effective
seven or eight years ago.
* * * ~
The engineers' Slide Rule dance
j will take place tomorrow night, it
was finally announced early this
morning by the committee in
'charge. It is reported that the,
orchestra will play in measures
and that the entire affair has been
calculated to solve your problem
of where to go.
Note to Piccolo Pete: You've
earned the Rolls Cub degree but I
haven't your address.
* * *
The argument now taking place
in the editorial columns is one of
those things that makes an editor's
life a path of roses. Indignant co-j
eds and defensive male students

and a still larger share of deter-
mination; yet their production of
Romeo and Juliet was not pre-
eminently better than many of
their other productions. It was not
as good as "The Wild Duck." The
reason is quite clear, and it is not
a reason that does us credit. The
reason is that this is their firstI
Shakespeare. Indeed, it is perhaps
their first poetic drama.
There is no tradition of speak-
ing verse on our campus stage.
There seems to be little training,
i and little practice, and there was
little effort in the production to
achieve what is after all the only
reason for poetry on the stage; the
melody and harmony of poetry in
the voice. Pitch, timbre, tempo, or-
donnance; these were neglected
too much; and they are the only
way in which poetic drama may
speak. Had there been such a tradi-
dition of poetic speech the play
might easily have been a great
achievement, for most of the ac-
tors showed the possibility, and at
times the actual power, of realiz-
ing it; and besides the play was
well done in very many respects.
But to speak in blank verse re-
quires training. Actors speaking.
blank verse without training are
like foreigners in Paris trying to
speak French; they are so fius-
trated with the idea that they are
speaking French that they are apt
to have no earthly idea what they
are saying. In the play last night,
too, the audience for quite a large
part of the time was clear that the
J actors were speaking in blank verse
but was not at all clear what was
being said. But naturally a tradi-
tion must have a beginning some-
where; and one is immensely grate-
I ful to Mr. Windt for having begun
the tradition, and for promising to'
keep it up.
To speak more precisely of the
admirable things in the play. There
was first the skillful exploitation of
a very ingenious unit set by Mr.
Holden, especially effective in the
cell and the garden. The lighting
is never as careful as the sets: sun-
rise was rather glaringly bad. There
;were the costumes, not only indi-
vidually successful, but very suc-
cessfully harmonized. There were
the fencing, the dancing, and the
dying, all as skillfully done as pos-
sible. And then, somewhat behind
all that, there was the acting.
Miss Mildred Todd has always
shown great versatility, and, in
some parts (notably the mother in
The Show Off) great virtuosity. Her
voice prevented her talent from be-
mg completely successful here. It
is too bright. It has not the warm
or vibrant tones for the balcony
scenes, or the depths to carry off
the poison scene, which became
i shrill. But she was marvellously
good in her speech at the end,
'What's here?', etc. and she always
acted well. Mr. Brown did not al-
ways feel his Romeo, and perhaps f


An analysis of the entrance re-
quirements with reference to the
literary college appeared in this
column a few days ago. At that
time a plea was made that admis-
sion qualifications be materially
stiffened in order to provide a'
catalyst which would precipitate
the present conglomerate, ill-sort-
ed flux of the literary college into a
unified, compact and workable en-
The policy of the administrationj
up to this date has been opposedj
both to adopting any panacea and
t9 instituting any widespread
changes for remedying academic
ailments. It has purposed, rather
to accept those who seek entrance,I
being content to prune them off
as they run amuck of University
standards later in their college ca-
reers; hence those affected by the
resulting sifting process are only
the worst students who are often
allowed to remain for more than
half of their courses. It is to be
admitted nevertheless that the
present methods of questioning,
quizzing and orienting, and review-
ing recommendations of freshmen
(which precede their actual work
in the University) do afford bet-
ter and more specific knowledge
of the entrant's qualifications. But
in few cases is this information
used to. keep the unfit applicant
from entering the University.
These practices are valuable more
for purposes of classification and
orientation than of elimination.
In fairness to the present situ-
ation it must be conceded that
some effort is expended by the ad-
ministration to insure a higher
calibre of incoming students. Such
are the accrediting of Michigan's
high schools, consultations between
University officials and high school
principals who must recommend
their students, and the adoption of
the unit system for admission re-
quirements. But in effect these



'To the Editor: fill up the column with long-wind-
Once upon a time, long, long ago, ed letters that represent noble
Baron Butterfield promised the aims but avail nothing and all the
student body of our great Univer- editor has' to do is sit back and let
sity a brand new theatre. For that the wind die down. The women
matter he went so far as to offer say the men aren't worth a hoot,
a $50 award to the person who con- the men come back with a remind-
tributed in verse form the best er that the women would have a
name for this "soon to be" movie miserable time without the men,
I palace. The poem was written, the women retaliate with state-
the prize donated, and the name I ments classifying men with worms
"Campus" was selected as an em- and insects, and everybody just
blematic symbol for this new col- has a jolly time calling each other
lege picture house. names.
But .so far there is no theatre. * * *
Instead, the charred ruins of the What happens? Well, nothing to
old Arcade, the only opera house speak of, except that a lot of people
ever known to have had an exit get their stuff printed and the edi-
for every patron, stands gloomily torial director takes a trip to South
in its place, with the walls falling America for a few days. It's a lot
in and the taxes accumulating. of fun. There ought to be more
Without a doubt there is a cry- or such useless controversies.
ing need 'for such an improvement. * * *
Surely Mr. Butterfield realizes the You can't beat a Gargoyle sales-
movie complex of the average stu- man. Yesterday one of them block-
dent, surely he realizes that he is ed the path of a deaf old lady who
fast losing an overflow patronage come tottering along State street.
that is nightly sifting off to other "April Gargoyle," said the sales-
movie houses, supposedly of less man. 'Get your April Gargoyle!"
repute, and yet in spite of himself "Eeh?" squeaked the old lady,
he refuses to let us spend our'time somewhat taken aback by the
and money in another of those magazine she found thrust under
Butterfield establishments. her nose. "April Gargoyle," re-
How much longer are Sunday peated the salesman. in a loud
night theatre crowds going to al- voice, "APRIL GARGOYLE!" "Eh?"
low themselves to be herded in be- asked the lady again. The sales-
hind hempen ropes like so many man, with what dignity he could
cattle, hoping that they will es- muster, withdrew from the fray,
cape with minor injuries during and the old lady passed on. The
the seat rush that is sure to fol-, salesman's shout, however, attrac-
low with only the uniformed ref- ted three customers who bought
erees to comfort their disturbing copies.
premonitions? We warn you, M;. *
Butterfield, not for long. Before PRIZE STORY.C
that will be tolerated taxi-cabs $ The other day a couple of stu-1
will be resorted to in order to ar- dents who had driven to Detroit
rive at the Rae before the nine were stopped on the outskirts of
o'clock performance. town by a University cop. Before
So now, in our hourof need, and he could ask them any embarras-
with so many nights on which the sing questions one of the students






was slightly afraid of the part; but
he improved steadily throughout
the evening, and a made a good


ending. Mr. Allen as Mercutio was
gallant, vivacious, and in good
voice. _H Ie died well, and no one{
Iwas more completely at home on
the stage. Miss Dale's nurse was
pleasant though not always audi-
ble: her blank verse became a sort!
of operatic recitative. It is too bad
that so much of the nurse must
be cut, but there were on the whole
far too many cuts. (The play alight
begin early and promptly and con-
tain rather more of Shakespeare).
Mr. England as Friar Laurence was
the only one who spoke admirably.
And Mr. Adams as Capulet perhaps

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