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March 30, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-30

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SA'1 .]n-A'T% MAPX-I 20 1930



SAtXflY~M~d 2l . r. .H.AN YA L



9T GR UP* [E N tilCopies of Most
:. ::>:<.. ,.: _; ..... I From Stag

SI1MCSI With the exception of a few so-{
rority initiations and dinners in
t Popular Lyrics honor of the faculty of the Jun-!
Street' to ior Girls' Play cast, the social events{
:on campus this week have been ra-'
Sale Soon. ther lacking. Rushing is still going
on at a few of the houses. 1
CEPTED NOW Alpha Phi held a formal initia-
- _ tion last night for the following
hotostating of the 1 women: Mary Barnett, '33, Detroit;'
Constance Giefel, '33, Ann Arbor;
ading song hits of ; Edwina Gies, '33, Detroit; Alla Han-
irn hroinrv *"arln ht n x~~~~'22(!,tlnr l "vnr +nLT I

Newly OrgAnized Reading Club
Will Meet at League on
Sunday Afternoons.

Go onr
i -
Plans for thei
music for the le
" ~ft " rnh


;tatetreet are aing m-de by son, 33, xraying; Margrettie Han-
Professor Campbell Will Read<, Marjorie McClung, chairman of son, '33SM, Grayling; Evelyn Leh-
at InitialMeeting Set . musc ifor the 1930 Junior Gis man3ti a
Play. 33, Ann Arbor; Barbara Shaw33.
for April 27. lahy ope.il ered ords Detroit; ' " .........33, Battle Creek; adBt
tribution soetm.ig'3 t Van Horn, 33 turis. j
Arrangements for a series of vacation some time after sprig, Collegiate Sorosis entertained at
readings to be given by faculty vacation, and may be purchased by a formal faculty dinner this week
manyone for a slight charge. Or- for Prof. Arthur Cross, Mr. Paul
members of the English and speech j
dders will be taken for either mdi- Cuncannon, Mr. Herbert Mekeel,
departrments .v the Grand Rapids idual numbers of for the series. Mr. Robert Carson, Miss Helen Bat-
room of the League building on It is probable that four or five es, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aiton, Mr.I
Sunday afternoons have been com- of the junior songs will be made and Mrs. Benjamin Meritt, and Mr.
pleted, it was announced yesterday available in this way. "Sweet and and Mrs. Amos R. Morris.
by Albertina Maslen '31, chairman oo b Speddin Photo by Pry Sudio Lowbrow," "What Am I Waiting Collegiate Sorosis announces the
of the library committee. The pro-Elizabeth Whitney Helen Dome For?", "Girl in Pink," and "Dealer pledging of Margaret Hapgood, '31,.
gram wil inrycludeedih from Both Helen Domine, '31, and Eliz- man for the Junior Girls Play. in Futures" are four of the hits of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
gra will lude readings from abeth Whitney '3Ed the candi As a freshman, Miss Whitney which are being considered for Kappa Delta announces t h e
plays, poems, and short stories. I photostating. pledging of Enid Page, '33, Pontiac.
Professor 0. J. Campbell will read dates for presidency of the Wo- played class hockey and was a Catherine McCarthy of Detroit is a
men's Athletic association, have member of the committee for Lan- guest at the house this week end.-
y afternoon, April 27, the been unusually active in their three tern Night. In her second year, she Chi Omega entertamed at a din-,
first of the series. Folowing that, years on campus. was on the Outdoor committee of to Entertain Freshmen ncr Wednesday night in honor of I
there will be readings by Mr. Earl IIn her freshman year Miss Dm- W. A. A., played class baseball and Miss Edith Hoyle, Mrs. Paul Leidy, i
Fleischman on May 4, and by Pro- ,._ and Mrs. George Potter.
fessor J. Raleigh Nelson on May 11. me played class hockey and was on basketball, was a member of Or- Freshmen women who are stu- Alpha Xi Delta announces the
The subjects of their readings will the program committee for the chesis and on a committee of that dents in the School of Architecture [ engagement of Georgia Vanda-
be announced at a later date. freshman pageant as well as tak- organization, and was a trainer for are invited to attend a breakfast at warker, '30, to Knowles Madison, of
The plans for such an informal ing part in it. As a sophomore she the Sophomore Circus. 10 o'clock Sunday morning, in the Ann Arbor.
reading group composed of students Russian Tea room at the League On Wednesday night Delta Delta
interested in literature, is entiely sAy h building. The affair is being given Delta entertained with a formal
new to the Women's eague and A. A., a member of The Daily staff, surer of W. A. A. and a member of by the Architectural society for the specialty dinner. The guests were:
has been undertaken as a project Iplayed class hockey, was a member the League social committee. She purpose of making the women bet- Dr. Raleigh Schorling and Mrs.
sponsored by the League library. of the freshman spread committee, was on the Junior Girls' Play pro- ter acquainted with each other and Schorling, Professor Lowell Carr
The meetings will not be open to took part in the sophomore circus, with the Society, and Mrs. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Julio
perties committee, on the central - --- del Toro, and Dr. Margaret Wylie.
ively for students. The purpose ofa This year she is a member of y- committee for the League bazaar, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN--I Alpha Gamma Delta announces
them, Miss Maslen explained, is to vern, of, Theta Sigma Phi, played <and has been on both class hockey I In themes written recently, nine- the pledging of EvelynWolford, '32,
afford an unusual opportunity for j class hockey, is a member of the I and basketball teams. tenths of the first-year men hearti- Wayne, and Dorothy Edmands, '32,
the students to enjoy the reading class auditing committee, is on The ? ly endorse the freshman week plan. Sault Ste. Marie. The sorority en-
of good literature by prominent Daily staff, was a member of the Theectisar ntontaerplace
faculty members in an informal central committee for the Pan-Hel- Wednesday, Aprl 2, in University
manner. leic ball, and was publicity chair- 1 Hall.
Unusual Special Purchase c
It'sime to {

tertained at a rushing tea Wednes- TA KSTO A A V W
day afternoon. Mrs. Julio del Toro
poured. 'Discussess Problems Used in
Kappa Kappa Gamma held ini- Education and Training of
tiation, followed by a banquet yes-AC
terday for the following: Ada All-f.
man, '32, Crown Point, Ind.; Uldean Prof. Charles S. Perry addressed
Hunt, '32, Richmond, Ind.; Marion the members of the Ann Arbor
McCormick, '31, Uniontown, Pa.; group of the A. A. U. W. yesterday
Roberta Henry, Steubenville, Ohio; afternoon in the ballroom of the
Annette Cummings, '33, Wayne; League building. He spoke on "The
Frances Stewart, '33, Lakewood, O.; White House Educational Pro-
SMargaret Benz, '31, Ann Arbor; gram."
Janet Driscoll, '33, Owosso; Marga- Dr. Berry was appointed by Pres-
ret Ferrin, '33, Mt. Clemc,.s; and1 ident Hoover to act as chairman
Janet Allen, '33, Chesaning.fC
Phi Sigma Sigma announces the of the Federal Committee for the
Education and Training of Excep-
initiation of Helen Waldman, '32,: tion C dr mig capEcity
New York, and Belle Bolotin33, tional Children. In this capacity
Youngstown, Ohio. The initiation the speaker explained the workings
formal dinner dance was held at of President Hoover's plan for the
the house following the ceremony. improvement of American child-
Miss Alice Lloyd and Miss Grace hood.
Richards were dinner guests on "There are 17 groups with a per-
Wednesday night. sonnel of abut 500 specialists, phy-
Phi Sigma .Sigma announces the sicians, and educators. All these
engagement of Bernice Solomon, groups have interlocking sub-com-
'30, to Mike Schuetz, '31, Phi Sigma mittees and have been thoroughly
Delta. covering their prescribed fields. A
ten page report at the White
UNIVERSITY OF DENVER- At- House conference next November
tendance in classes will be required plans for the program of work to
by faculty rule. Rules governing 'last over an indefinite number of
absences from class, commonly years will be adopted," contjinued
known in student parlance as the speaker.
"cuts,' were adopted by the faculty, "The united thought of the na-
to go into effect with the start of tion for one generation would help
school next fall. Absences shall be
considered excessive when they us wipe out fourproblems. The
lower scholastic standing, and the four tasks before us are summed
instructor shall determine what up by the words poverty, ignorance,
constitutes an excess number of ab- disease, and injustice," said Prof.
sences on this basis. Berry in conclusion.
telephone system has been installed Stanford had lost two basketball
here which will provide individual games to California, the student
service for students living in dorm- body issued a petition seeking to
itories. oust the coach.



of the Smartest Styled



Featuring the New Silhouette in Clever Versions!


't )

Tweed 18 Ti

e Thing

I iy

;ti rye
i .
Y '' ',
'i 'sy
9A 2..,
$ ,f
f,: :t

$$1 .75



- Always in a new fashion season certain
modes enjoy distinct favor over others-
likewise materials-and the coming Spring
season finds tweed the vogue in the new
coats and suits. Jacobsons is now ready to
show you the smarest coats and suit in
fashionable "tweed."
Tweed Coats
In charming and distinct natterns-daytime
wear, with and without belts. The clever forma-
tion, the cheerful Siring coloring and beauti-
fying style touches all harmonize to bring to you
coats of the usual Jacobson distinction. Sizes
14 to 44.
$29.75 and up
If your ne
it's correct. Sti
ed chiffons, so
princess lines, of
* *" but so charmin
rings and other
medium lengths
time, shopping

I t.



C APE sleeves, anus-
ing peplums, jack-
et dresses, boleros, high-
er waistlines. In soft
chiffons, laces, prinited
silks, flat crepes, silk
piques. Dresses with a
suggestion of waist sil-
houette - with flaring
skirts and interesting


Tweed Suits
Never before have we been able to present
such attractive and smart little tweed suits. Con-
spicuous are the short ackets, ninned-in waist,
flared skirts and tucke-in blouse. With this
Spring a positive suit season we ask you to make
an early inspection. All sizes.
$29.75 and up

..r. ,tt ,f "a,




.3 } t .: :
j r
t r
f " ' f
/ r '?--"

onable New Prints
w Spring dress is a print you may be sure
rikingly feminine are these lovely new print-
ft crepes and Georgettes. They are on
f course, long, too, almost touching the floor,
gly graceful with their tiers, peplums, shir-
new fashion ideas. We also show them in
S, sleeve or sleeveless styles. Ideal for day-
or travel. Sizes for miss of matron.
$1k5and up
L ,t






of Black And
High Colors

Favor Dark



Black and high colors that
are indis-ensable in the smart
Spring wardrobe. With sepa-
rate jackets, boleros, capes and
ca, sleeves-in short with at-
tention to every fashion detail
important in the mode. New

' j

Scores of flattering variations
of the new printed silk fashion
with short sleeves, bows, bands,
large collars . and interesting
sleeve treatments. On dark
backgrounds with dots, small
and medium-size designs in
bright colors. Unusual to find
new prints at this low price!


greens, blues,
dahlia, red.

tans, browns,




It W~':L~-WA


~§§:~ >:'$


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