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March 30, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-30

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SUNDAY, MARC14 301, 1930 ,



_ _ ''A1, A.ALhC 1Y 30A %.30A 1 %..AM-CT 1 A f XATL PA- fl



NEFiI AIR__FlE £William H. Penn, '31Ed, Admits PLANS F O At
!__Taking Clothing From
Fleet of Latest Aircraft Will Fraternity House. TO CA

Put All Latest Devices

Hoebrt W. Penn. "?lEd. aco-,

Professor Will Visit Frein T Through Paces ored student, was arrested yester- Noted
Countries to Gather Data ' . day one a chaige of breaking and Towe
for Report. RADIO CONTROL entering and is now lodged in the
-By Oscar Leiding. County jail. Detective Harry Smith
ITALIAN POLICY SUBJECTy (A. P. Aviation Editor.) of the police department made the GLIDE
WASINTO, ach29--Th carrst as -Pen was ateniga
Study Will be Concened With nMWASHINGTON, iatc 29- The clasust.
Swar birds of the nation, mobilized Early on the morning of March MustR
Italy's Entrance Into on a Pacific "front," will start Tues- 21, officers Julius Ehnis and Oscar to C
World War. day to test their wings and unfold Weir, driving on Forest Avenue in
a. picture of what an international a scout car, saw a man carrying a
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann, of the fray would bring, large bundle. The man gave his
nr-For three weeks the largest and name as William Penn and was LOS
Department of history, who was re-!o LOA
lmost modern host of sky fighters! taken to police headquarters o rn
cently awarded one of the twenty- ever assembled in the west will car- suspicion he thre e seFrank
two re'search fellowships given by ry on the fortunes of mimic corn- out of the car Penn threw the bun propose
the Social Science Research Coun- bat in the 1930 air corps field ex- dle over the heads of the police by an
eil to college faculty men through- WillberovingGrou.ercises..and escaped, but officer Ehnis Calif., t
190-1,Yer- " It will be the proving ground for 'e oa
ia announced his research iner- t tlatest equipment and new schemes e dfeat.
ary plans, which will open with de- i of combat evolved by Uncle Sam's Detective Smith ivestigated the The
w<y I nwihwl pnwt e nier n taeit oke case and found that a man by the! place
parture for Europe in July and end air defense in step with the ad- name of Penn had obtained medi- Jerniga
1 !a. . ni n eerse and stre g its to e e ae anao nd ta-a m n by teilc
with return to Ann Arbor in the vances by aeronautics. cal treament in Detroit. Further San Die
following summer. Radio will play a major role in investigation disclosed that Penn W. H.
The one-year study, as outlined $ F6 kitin hedfedess.teed1 was a student here and that he wasi Mich., n
dnder the award, will be an ex- I inthe skies on their separate mis- attending a class yesterday morn- will ac
tended research into "The Italian sions, into a compact fighting force. ing in the School of Education plane.
Foreign Policy from 1882-1915". Ac- - Pursuit ships, three-mile-a-min- building. Following his arrest Penn Tes
cording' to Professor Ehrmann, this 4 ute fighters, will test a new radio admitted taking the clothing from The t
will cover a field from Italy's en- receiver with sufficient sensitivity the Sigma Alpha Mu house a few having
trance into the Triple Alliance of ? to operate on a six foot antenna hours before he was stopped by iment b
Germany, Austria-Hungary,and! # with a daylight range of 200 miles, Ehnis and Weir. Angeles
Itl i ,9 ni e nevninand capable of being remotely con-{ -- thio
in the World War in 1915. Em.- roed. .'Jernigai
phasis will be placed on the period Picturehows Gar Wood, faos speed t king, And two views of his issLumbering bombers, the winged be mad
Pitr hw a Wofmu pe ba ig n w veso i isAmerica VIII in which he !fortresses, and ground-combing at- beuwu moth
from August, 1914 to May 1915 is attempting to set a new world's record of 100 miles an hour at Miami Beach, Florida. tkships wlb lind by a -m
when Italy was neutral and sought tack ships will be linked by radio
by___both___gro___ps___in__931,____ghe_ with observation and pursuit GllrlI r must [be order t
etsb Upon coth gou in 1931 thlg r planes while in the air in the most after le
ents.Upon cmpleion in193sthen extensive plane-to-plane and plane-5 ust fe
expansion of a doctoral dissertation N ew s From O ther C olleges - 30 Planes in Event. SdI The i
by Professor Ehrmann, begun and aes elI.nScores of Field WorkersUnableab Sunda
fiihda-ae ndette,"h Centralized in -Sacramento but foSued
finshed at Yale, and entitled, "The . . roving over the whole domain of to Cap Roaring Well in for fue
Esuropean Powers and Italy; a Dip-I
plomatic Study of the London UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS- One the "Carnegie Tartan" for annual California, more than 30 planes Oklahoma City. Tucson,
Agreement and the Entrance ofn, of Octavius Roy Cohen's plays, awarded of special activity keys t have been mustered from all parts Mond
Agyemnt and the Eance Music From State Street and "Come Seven," afarce-comedy of selected members Of the Tartan" ,of the country for the event. {0,- Aoatd Press) ILordsbu
talIntoibrtesWodW .eoeSvShakespearian Scene Arenwsemse Commanded by Brig. Gein. Wil- OKLAHOMA CITY, March 29.- El Paso
Many Libraries to Be Used. negro life, will be presented here staff has been sanctioned by the liam E. Gilmore as almost his fi- Rumbling defiance at scores of oil Tues
As now planned, Professor Ehr- Given on Radio. by an all-negro cast. The director campus Student Council. These nal official act before retirement field workers who sought to halt its ping fo
mann declared that The project of the production commented on keys, of which there shall be no from the service, the host will be flow, gusher No. 1 Mary Sudick, in and ov
llCe cariedRonein ashingtn, ORCHESTRA IS FEATURE the unusual talent among campus more than five each year, are in- soo d e eto su the Olama City old field, today Wed
Berlin. Much of the work will be tnegrostudents as he completed the tended as awards for Junior and shcontind to run wild, puindtng stoppin
done at Vincennes outside of Thirty years ago casting of the play. Senior members of the paper staff a lage force the countryside and spouting thou lahoma
dane at Vinsry ote of such thing as a spark plug for fir- who have worked iaithfully and The second week il be spent in ,sands of gallons of "liquid gold" Tulsa, C
'Paris, in the library of the Societe wh hae nt ohr ie rcie tetn laet e up et - s p, hgh noth ar.I T E
de l'Histoire de la Guerre; this li- ing a gas mixture," said Ralph A. jMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE who have not otherwise receivedcommunication, and photography Aco nin elw high into thi air. To
brary houses the finest collection Wolfe of the department of engi- OF CH E ial recognition. and new tactics mapped by stra-
TECHN LOGY-Moving pi-_ __
of materials on the World War in neering research in his talk on the tures of last year's Intercollegiate UNIVERSITY OF IOWA- Aa tegists in the war department to seen s iof controlsince Tuesday, over C
edo in the Pavilion de la Reine, part tMichigan Niht program last Track and Field meet and Of cam-Iteur actors from all parts of the Hostilities between a phantom The No. 1 Mary Sudick, owned at East
of the Chateau de Vincenned, and night. "In its place was.a hot tube pus track meets will feature the state will meet here on May 9 and foe, labeled the "Red" force and by the Indian Territory Illmin- Frida
one of the places of residence of to which the motorist applied a Spring Track Rally here, held to 10 when the fifth annual state play the air corps fighters combined as ating Oi. ;:? lhe Foster Petroleum passing
the kings of France since the Mid- blow, torch. In performing this instill a new spirit in Tech's war- production contest will be held. Two the "Blue" defenders, wil Iclimax companyr, blew in Wednesday, a Haute,
dpe Ages." th riors of the cinderpath and saw- separate prizes will be awarded; e t maneuvers in imaginary bat- mammoth gasser. with an estimat- apolis
While in Paris, the faculty mem- operation he usually found it ne- dust. one to the representatives of the tIes over San Francisco, Los Angeles ed daily flow of 2.000,000,000 cubic i ton, O.,
ber will draw on ihe resources of cessary to remove the front seat Junior college groups and the other and southern California. feet. There was scarcely enough Columb
the Bibliotheque' Nationale; how- to gain access t the engine as YALE UNIVERSITY-The John to the members of the community _____rh__piggs__u
ever, archival materials will be there was no hood in those days." W.tSterling estate haw0000 given a groups. oil to color the escaping gas. Satur
usd.hifyinBri adVena I ttlofnaly$400,0 o aeI __Eison Choo0 ssGood !Gradually the oil flow increased, iing ove
used .Chiefl in Beilin and Vienna, ft + ed'y$4 until the well "drilled itself "in" with stoppin
where the governments are more te moorist succee University, the latest gift from this HASKELL UNIVERSITY- Has- Health as Best Assetn what oil men estimated at from night.
liberal in according privileges to j heating the tube to just the right source being one of three milion kell Indians and Pittsburgh State 2,000 to 3,m000 barrels of oil an hour, Sund
students of history, according to temperature, Wolfe stated, the en- dollars for the construction of a Teachers College played an exhi- (ll ASiat1 2,000S one of the largest wells of its kind over P
graduate sho quadrangle, ad;btofobllgm eSaturday'MI I BEACH, Fla., March 29
Professor Ehrmann. In explaining gine would start; if it became over- iate school qudrngand bition football game here MIAMI on the world.ai The
the problems he will meet in ob- other million for the mainten- to try out rule changes suggested -If Thomas Edison were told that 1Workmen in oil-drenched slick- loose o'
taming data, he stated, "Govern- heated a backfire would result, of- ance of the quadrangle. Iby Glenn (Pop) Warner, Stanford he could have any one thing in ers went carefully about the task of City an
ments are slow to open their ten with dangerous 'consequences ETGfootball coach. the material, mental or spiritual installing a master-gate on the i park, ti
archives. For example, the State to the man at the crank. .,Graduating from college at the age OREGO STATE COLLEGE - worlds, he would choose "good well, for the work was extremely I velt Fi
Department at Washington will not This tube was soon replaced With when most people are just starting Last Friday, forty members of thehealth,' he told newspaper report- hazardous. Tremendous pressure, The tr
permit the use of documents re- the develp&ment of electrical spark is the accomplishment of Doris R. O. T. C. band started its annual
lating to the foreign affairs of the ignition, Wolfe said, the heart of Hartshorne, senior in pharmacy. eight day tour of southwestern Ore- He scribbled the two-word an- ptnd by enginers at ,04sy
United States after 1906. nland, rkWhe tering college at e age of 14.gn. Stopping at various towns, the swer to a question on this subject be overcome without the least iUNIV
France, and Italy .are less liberal, ch as the spa plug. Vlissatshorne, with a gde - band will stage a concert inter- while visiting Harvey Firestone, spark or heat from friction to making
while Russia, Germany, and Aus- ( .e i: 4 plugs were revolutioary. erage ofne'rly 88, wil receive her ;spored with motion pictures of -rubber manufacturer, here riday evade the danger of firing the well. Big T
tria are the most liberal. n aoweve , . ::aegn s "trey ere, accordne .e'eeini une at the age of sev- phases of student life on the cam- night. He has been here two days While it was impossible to gauge 1930 fo
Austria,have recentlypblished ii--er acters, ugt enteen. pus. An orchestra composed of visiting the Firestone rubber gar- the raging well, oil men did not of its s
imotian haveecntly doumesh by l>e -ck and thiown out by the (eight members of the band will play dens in Miami Beach, and other hesitate to pronounce it the larg- last ye
important .;.le ions of documents .., TATE TEACHERS for the dances which follow each points of interest. est producer of 'sweet" oil in the footbal
relating to the War, a nd France 5S 'of ,hord.ocf h
nowting to he or of France a - parmeit of engmneerinIg0E--Tr1Tted in green ink by program. Edison said the fields of chem- -w orld. of the
now inthe ourseOf publishing a e-eh of the Uniyersi co ap-tafto pose entirely of fresh- -istry and physics were ones in
monumental collection. The United crating witite ngOnthe caip's paper recently is- PENNSYLVANIA STATE COL- which 'there was great need for
Staestsiaso now pubishng vaog CO-MMBERS ECURONECHTPl
States is also now publish val- A C s-ar k. ;p, comnp ny Flint sued its a 'I0 freshman edition. LEGE-Emulating the sleeping new inventions and discoveries. MEMBER SECURED, TYP
dhave worked for some time on thisl'he am of the project is to es- princess of the story-book world, The inventor said he had one or paid to any student or teacher who has Webha
supplement its materials in For- rosai, wore ntat of the. mo-I tbiSh a tter spirit among the Miss Dorothy Gillespie, campus co- two "old experiments nearly finish- a party of s or more for any one
eign Relations." rt rt ta f net- r'emers of thfe school. ed, amassed a total of 132'hours of ed." He wrote a one-word answer TouRS to England, rane,etc.over en
< n r vIto r c ,Wolfe. ansthtuetonw etetheOU StoEandnd, Frace et. verCorona
Will Investigate Treaties. ..' - - . -.:';,.., .-,slumber to win the experimental to a question as to whetherhe,4,000 members in g. only ro gives
Among the important documents Iduring the progress o the work it U...V'EITY OF OREGON-Wo- contest conducted by Women's ned to retire after completing I afreerip eg now. PhoneColore
to be investigated is the "London has becn e necessary tO i1d - men giagnaxtes of the class of 1929 Building girls during a two-week his rubber experiments. It was KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU
Agreement", which was described struments of 'aln'iost unbelieyabe.ledAethe ntmale members of the class period. Cat naps and dozing dis- "no." 6oi E. Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich.
as "one of the secret European accuracy and refineient. Wolfe by only one-tenth of a point on the counted, the selection of winners -__ _ 34 So
treaties regarding War spoils, and described many 'of these instru- aelyge of the marks obtainedc was based upon charts tabulating ers
one which occasioned so much ments and told of some of the dis- throughout the four years of school.I the hours slept by each contestant
trouble to President Wilson at the coveries that have made presenti Their rating was 2.7 against the 2.8 during the solid night periods.-
Versailles Conference." Other prob- Lday spark plugs long-lived and de-.1 for men. Dates were at a premium, boy-

Aviator Will Plot Glier
d by Airplane in Trip
Across Continent.
each 5000 Feet Altitude
;ross Rockies; Expect
o Take 40 Hours.
I i Aswxc'ai pl 1'res .)
kNGELES, March 29.--Capt.
Hawks, noted aviator whq
s to pilot a glider towed
airplane, from San Diego,
o New York City, announc-
y complete plans for the
lider, towed by a small two-
iplane piloted by J. D.
n, jr., will take off from
go early Sunday morning,
Franklin of Ann Arbor,
manufacturer of the glider,
company Jernigan in the
t Towing Arrangement.
rio was here today after
tested the towing arrange-.
etween San Diego and Los
Friday, but returned to
ithern; city this morning.
n said the flight itself would
e at the altitude at which
air can be found. In
o get over .the mountains
saving San Diego the glider
e towed to an altitude 6f
tinerary os as follows:
ay: Leave San Diego, stop
at Yuma, Phoenix and at
Ariz., over-night.
ay: Leave Tucson, stop at
rgh, N. M., for fuel and at
, Tex., over-night.
lay: Leave El Paso, stop-
)r fuel at Pecos, Midland,
r-night at Sweetwater, Tex.
esday: Leave Sweetwater,
g aC Wichita Falls and Ok-
City, Okla., for fuel, and at
Okla., over-night.
each St. Louis Thursday.
day: Leave Tulsa, passing
laremor-, Vinita, Miami,
ma, St. Louis, and stopping
St. Louis, over-night.
.y: Leave East St. Louis,
over Effingham, Ill., Terre
Ind., stopping at Indian-
for fuel, passing over Day-
and stopping over-night at
us, O.
day: Leave Columbus, fly-
r Cleveland, Erie, Pa., and
g at Buffalo, N. Y., over-
ay: Leave Buffalo, passing
aterson, N. J., to New York.
glider is expected to be cut
ver Central Park, New York
d will land in Van Cortlandt
he plane going on to Roose--
eld, Long Island, to land.
ip is expected to consume
ig hours.
an attempt to break into
en competition during the
otball season. As a result
uspension from the Big Ten
ar all of Iowa's present 1930
. engagements are outside
e all makes.
ton, Royals.
d duco finishes. Price $60.
th State St. Phone 6615

lems to be included under the fel- pendable.--- friends frowned, and studies were
lowship research are the foreign In addition to Wolfe's talk,, the CARNEGIE I N S T I T U T E OF organized, while the contest sug-
relations of Italy, her colonial ex- song hits of the 1930 Junior Girls' TECHNOLOGY-Approval of a pe- gested by Miss Charlotte Day, dean I
pansion, and nationalist movement play were played and sung by tition presented by the Editor of of women, was in progress.
for the acquisition of Italian-in- members of the cast and chorus '__ -- -_-. _------'-- M _ _ _
habited territories forming part of and a reading of the balcony
Austria-Hungary. scene from "Romeo and Juliet" SUNDAY- -Dine T Lincoln Way
Although the fellowship awards was presented by Mildren Todd,
totalled twenty-two, Michigan was '32, and Norman Brown, '32. Sylvan Special Student Club Dinner, ....65c
the only university in the country Simon, '32, announced the one- (Served all Day)
to aggregate three of them. hour program.PA
The same Quality and Service I
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry LINCOLN RESTAURANTS
Hp233 South State 632 Packard Street
High Grade Re pair Service Begins
You could not get better ice cream if you paid.5 th 8 8 4
$5.00 a' quart
This week we are featuring a delightful three layer
Special of at School of Music Building
Fig Nut Ice Cream
Orange Sherbet and will continue so long as the tickets last.
SERV CE sRaspberry Ice Cream
-..--.r _. fPRICES: 6.00, $7.00. 8.00. If coupon i reirned


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