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March 29, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-29

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SATURDAY, 1MVARCH 29, 1930~,

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Two. lr-WEEKS

KXansas Relays Will '-_____


r"'Freshmen Trccmen IJJWEA AE
IReceive Recognition1
for' Indoor Season jR OMINST
jForty-one members of the 1933
indoor track squad were awardIed
numerals for their work on the I Will Aid Gopher Football Team
yearling' team during the p)ast wvin- With Two Weeks' Period
ter Coach Hoyt announced yester- of Spring Practice,
fday afternoon. While this year's
crap of thinclads does not have the' NEWs HEAD LINE COACH
all-around ability which some of ___
the freshmen teams have shown in lf
the past, thec group h~as contribut I Elton E. (Tad) Wieman, '21,:lf
ed the best squad of hurdilers ever1 last night for Minneapolis to help
fseen here and one of the best all-1 with the spring practice of the

is satisfied with his drills inside'I have fallen. Rk" aroundi men to sow up in sevra
waiting only for favoring weathert '~> Y seasons.
The challenge to American Sur r***...* r**.. Charles Eknovich, who came to
to take his proteges onto the Ferry premracy on the track in the last 1 e nvesiyfrm etot orh
Ftold, diamond to polish off the 'Olymppics must be met and can be 1Western, has clicked off the half:
done so successfully :only by earn-ml n20.,adhsbe lc-
-ruhsosWih-aeacm-est ceffort on the part of youthwful r ...-1 id in the 448 under :52. ,ii addi--
lated over winter. Any one of !his ;rack athletes as -well As veterans tion to these stellar performances,
Si or-:seven .piteniers is ready to ,trorn :now until the time irf the nxtI the former Detroit star has shown
pitch ;a seven inning game right -Olympics. ! +-. s promise in both the high jump and
now, .but until the, Wolverines are The outdoor :season now opening -< w nI I~c-k the hurdles.
able to get into the open air it will it is predicted by veteran track Wlso/L Hawley Eggleston leads the group
bimpossible to get any accurate coaches will draw record entry -lists ;., ,M. a hI of hurdlers who have been attract-
iine on their abilities, and the quality of performance alsof!;ik ing attention. The Chicago star
Veterans host. is expected to be high. .y....y..' has set a new yearling mark of 086
-The problem of who will do thej Advance notices of possible en-V- for the 65 ard high hurdles but he
.ajor share of the hurling is the tries for the Eighth Annual Kan- is only a shade ahead of the re-
gretest question facing the Michi- sas -Relays at the University of Irn ainder of the squad. Dnald
gan coach this. season, and one Rasssaimhr pril19 ,H-aefele, obert Lamb, Paul Roth,
whc ehsnthdt or'ready have come in sufficient num, and Charles BeBaker.
botortoyasBilM fe-begs to insure a record field for thisw f The list of numeral winners is as
an 're o alytok- follows: Charles Allen, St. Louis,
dishing the ball lip tothe oppos- pastethlcofretete e n st%% ates'! - - - 1-' I eNRorsl~o.; Walter Allen St. Louis, Mo.;
havegobetetatrhe anusrgang ,Michigan's last dHoardBradnrlin;sJaoboede
tig batters drigh i hdin'sitlast es-and never a year, since the :first' ssaoc'at IrasPQQnick, Milwaukee Richard Betts
tw-rvswiheddi ils holding of the games, has the en Lester Bell has helped to keep that rosy atmosphere at the Cubs' camp at Santa atalina island.Hie (Finlay, Ohio; Doph Boettler, 'St.
far the Wolves, but with .both of try list 'failed to bring rpreseta- is :expected to make the club several games stonger by jibs work at thurd base this year. And these othe ( Louis, MVo.; Rupert Bradley, Peyto-
these mien lost to- the team the tives from a dozen or mnore .states, boys rhaven t exactly been hindering Les in the busne ss of making the outlook ceerier, (Cntned on Page 7)
problem assumes serious propor- ,~-______ _ . ______ __ ______________________

Minnesota football team. Wienian
has received a two weeks leave of
absence from the university in
order to make the trip to the Goph-
er school and become acquainted
with his -position as head linle
coach of the Minnesota grid team.
The former Wolverine mentor
Iwill again resume his dutied as a
member of the School of Education
-faculty at 'Michigan at t-he end of
two weeks. He will remain here
till the end of the summer session,
when he plans to take up his duties
as district agent for Wester'n Mich-
igan for the State Mutual '~Le As-
surance Company of Massachu-
Returns in Fall.
Beginzning Sept." 15, Wiernan will
again report at -Minnesota to aid In
rounding out the Gopher grid team
in -preparation for their .1930 sea=-
son. He will -remain there only u-n-
til the end of the football schedule,
when he is planning on resuing-
his insurance .duties. Bly this ar-
rangement Weman is enabled to
enter, the business wvorld and at
the same time continue his coach-
-In his insurance, work he will be
associated with Guy Re~em, '14-17,

I__Spot Brefs
George Traf ton, :giant center of (wear knickers. The pet phrase he
the Chicago Bears professional 1 uses to describe these fellows is
football team and conqueror of the "mezzanine floor hurdlers."
great Shires, met hlis match twicej
in the, same -evening recently. He nciftentally, Rockne's anti-
fell to the canvas just 54 seconds knicker campaign came to grief
after the -start -of his match with not so long ago. Anl agile stu-
Ident managed somehow to snap
Prin-o Camera, Italian giant, to1 itr ftefmu oc
admit defeat in the 'first 'instance. . a ttiren'of toThe piuscture
UInconvinced as to his reason for atie ngltosThpcur
going -out of action so :early, the was published, later. "Rock"
Missouri 'boxing.-commission i ne- now declares that his sole pur-
diatly uspeded-him Ipose in life is to live -down the
Fritz Hfumibert, speedy -full-
back on 'the °Illinois .football it is sometimes a long step from
team:duing he ast-three sports contestant to sports promot-
team ringa acete psito er. Jack Dempsey is sure of that.
as football coach at Marinette Sailu yzoi o erys
(Wis.) High School. sure. For years an outstanding
j(Continued on i'age q).j


Mat Tourney
Finals Today


With the preliminary roundis for
the National Intercollegiate wrest-
ling titles completed at State Col-
lege, Pennsylvania, the surviving
'matnei. will enter the finals today
to battle for the championships.
Oklahoma A. and M., defending
their team laurels against the on-
slaughts of the contenders for the
title which they have never lostj
will be hard pressed by the pow-
erful outfits which 'have gathered
to take their honors. '
}Champions from all parts of thej
country have assembled for the Na-
tional competition and the fights.,
in all of the wieights are sure to be
close, although some of the defend-
ing champions are expected to be
able to keep their championships
for another year.

An accident to Alfie Moore,
Cleveland's star goalie, gave the
Buffalo Bisons an opportunity to
push the winning goal into the net,
and defeat the Indians, 3 to 2, in
the first game of the l layoff ser-;
ies to decide the International
League hockey championship play-j
ed at Fort Erie, Ontario, Thursday
Cleveland will have a chance to I
even up the series tonight when'
it tackles the Bisons in the secondj
game of the series at Cleveland.
The accident to Moore occured
1within five minutes of the close of j
the second period, when the Cleve-
land goalie skated out to intercept
a shot from the stick of Gross, Buf'
falo wing. He misjudged the shot
and the disc caught him just below .
the eye, knocking him to the ice,'.
while Voss, another Buffalo wing,

shot the puck into the unguarded'of Detroit. Reem is a former Mich-
net.r a ob cridt h igan varsity :athlete. At the end
Mooe hd t becariedto heof the 1930 session, Wieman will
dressing room while Bud Fisher.'; tike up his offices at Grand Rap-
goaltender of the Toronto Million-I ids.
aires, was summoned, from the. Was All-American.
crowd to take his place. It is ex:.Wmawsfo serlyes
tremely doubtful whether or not WAssisan Direfor ofevnerclyegi-
!Moore will 'be able to get back into ;sitn ietro neclei
-ate Athletics -and succeeded Field-
service tonight, thus 'handicapping igH ota otalcah-a
the Indians in their first quest for In .Ys sfotalcaha
the hockey title. Michigan. After much newspaper
With the first game .gone, the l discussion -and a general shakeup
Cleveland team must overcome both i n the Minnesota athletic staff,
that disadvantage and the 'bad Wieman was appointed 'head line
break of losing one of the best goal- coach along with :Fritz Crisler- of
ies in t-he country in .its fight for Chicago who was given the position
the championship. If the Indians of head coach and Athletic Diree-
cean get a victory tonight they will ,tr
again be in the running, but if the W hile ,attending the University
ABisons are again victorious they will of Michigan, Wiemnan was named
have to -win only one more game to; on several all-American football
coop the :title, i teams.

IKnute Rockne, WNotre - minme foot- ,li1111[[1il1111111 111111 fIIII f1111111M If~11 11[[1IIF=:
ball -coach has :a peculiar -fatuty, 1
for coining words to fit his own
pariclarneds n nd ffthThe downtown store for Michigan men I
football field. He likes to hurl abus- ;
ive epithets at tea-dancing football c
candidates, especially those whoI
.w '- ' =
atofstylS yle-
The Schoblen Hats fr eeSpth ewring i
Ril owotyou
[ansme longes a1-the nwsSprins na ri n wlegt
CSt of style. '
jc atrNottplgr stleHsfre erin th aeeete
tir souycuan
. fiureyoucanin a resplendent array. Colors are brown, tan,
- light and medium -gray-they're all here as corm -
rf ?30.IC.pinents to the new suit colors.'
id, $3 pth50





When you send your clothes to a {laundry
you should naturally expect that you will
receive promptness in calling for and
.delivering. When laundered, your. clothes
should be neat, spotless and trim. They
should not be torn, and summing it all, they
should be perfectly laundered.
This you may expect from the Varsity
Lauiindry when you -send us your clothes.

Phone 4219



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