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March 29, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-29

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NThrough Class D e L LWomen in the English un land, m li
0 Li s d o n o t c c u p t h e n v ia b le n e arlard t h at m r c n w m n
Since the only other resource for position of women at Michigan.
the financng of the Freshman or at any of the large American co- They are full members of the unii- Nine
J N[E D eancia git of $1h frome O EO Leducational institutions," said Pro- versity. and receive its degree, N imn
DPagmintriesagSororit$es,_Womenshlessor P. M. Jack, of the rhetoric while the wearing of the gown is:
miris, s, eaguWoen's Legueheveryel ig Hermine Soukup, Jane Yearnd department, in a recent dsuso optional. The own called the toga
Domtre, ooiisLauIfreshman woman has been charged Hemn okp Jn erd ith a Daily reporter. "Over there,opi
and League Houses Will THE SPOT-LIGHT one Wonar. This money goes in a Eleanore Cooke, Nominees they are tolerated, but not wel- rubra, is scarlet, and is much Final
one d llar.This money goes " a horer than the one wrn here, term mxi
HoseDleats J~.,. C . fund to pay for the properties, the for President. corned."hre ta h newr ertri
publicity, the costumes, and other sAt Somerville college,. Oxford, the women's being longer than the riflery
CHIPMAN {IS SECRETARY;p b othe st eandt BALLOTING WEDNESDAY and Girton and Newnham college, men's. nection
It seems that the campus war is eCambridge, where women are ac- Professor Jack expressed himself ral spo
Herma Grabowsky Takes Charge over; the trenches are all filled up pageant has been worling at the Questionnaire to Seek Opinion cepted, ter ig tdvergene. strongly in favor of the Michigan mentl
of Transprtation at any rate, and I hope that it got collection this week but has had of Present Nomination Oxford, the women are admitted tradition of seniors' wearing their i Thursd
of Women. some of the people that I have difficulties in getting in touch with Procedure. as members of the university, and robes on the campus each Wednes- meets,
aiming at for some time. Anyhow, many of the freshmen women. _as such are entitled to receive de- day after Swing-out, because of its fencin
Appointments to the central com- j girls, I am glad that we won. Mary Barnett, chairman of the Election for offices in the Women's grees. Their position there also ne- similarity to English ideals of aca- day af
ittee for the Athletic Conference Now that all this prohibition committee, requests that every League will be held Wednesday in cessitates their wearing the shorsidemic life. "The wearing of the time. F
womanth do her members tohe commioperate UniversityhallThh black gown of Oxford, when inemfourtee
racket is over andeli have all ben wo n hee bes o coo i-benominatedrforpesiden tclasses, on visits to the deans, at robe gives a certain distinction rand ti
been announced by Louise Cody Daily would take a straw vote on tee and pay her dues before next namely, Eleanor Cooke, Herminemeals m the halls, and after sun- from worldly affairs which is desir- to fini
30Ed., chairman of the conven- the weather. Having acquired a Tuesday. Those who are assisting Soukup, and Jane Yearnd. Candi- clown on the streets. able," he declared. The
tion. The Conference is taking erfectl good case of Ann Arbor her are Betty Van Horn, Jean Ros- da At Cambridge, on other hand,
lio. heConernc istain 1pereclygoo cseof nnArorenthal, Annetta Diekhoff, Ann 1dtes for the office of vice-presi-1twCeardenon othber f hne________
denthareAnnertinaMasenandnthe women are not members of the .til
p l a c e A p r i l 2 4 , 2 5 , a n d 2 6 i n A n n p n e u m o n i a ( t h a n k y o u , M r . R o l l s ; A d a m e c , E l i z a b e t h G r i b b l e , a n d d n r l e t n a l na d 1 n v r i h ra ia in m g a h t y u m s e y " H e l e n J o n e s . A l l o f t h e s e w o m e n Y u r d mp r i zeeCapsOgnz ain tbr a
peArbr, n ill b, e atnd ed bnAnn am glad that yo inssed my "hu AdFolly laer. Gbban ar Abrinf aenn university, but are admitted to the Campus Organizations th sil
Areleas from eve and mor") I would be a hearty sup- F ____y__Walker.__have been selected for their prom- Iclasses. They are not required to Wil Giv Bridge Teswinner
university porter to the idea. inence in campus activities. wear the gowns and when they are scores
college in the country which has Bluebooks on Saturdays. SPEEDBALL TO BE A questionnaire will be given graduated, they do not receive th r Benefit of League beth I
a Women's Athletic Association The pneumonia having put me in THE NEW SEASON'S to each voter at the elections, which official degree of the uiersity.huB i oL- '30, D
that is a member of the national, a bad state of mind, I will proceed I wi11 be filled out and the results !stry is told of Sir Arthur Qui-i France
A. C. A. C. Wf I to relieve it by unloading some SPORT FOR WOMEN tabulated. The questionnaire will lerCouch, King Edward VII profes- Bridge teas will be sponsored by the fi
Assistant chairman in Jean Wal- I long-borne grievance. First of all, I-- seek possible improvement of the sor of English literature at Cam- various sororities and the dormitor~ nounce
'30, who ismaso in c e of against those professors that give Speedball, the new spring sport method of nomination used for the bridge, who was to give a lecture ies on campus today as a League compe
housing arrangements. It is plan- blue-books on Saturday morning. for women, has several qualities Board of Directors and the Judi- before an assembly of men. By benefit, following the precedent of Tuesda
ned to house manySuch a waste of paper should long which will be familiar to anyone ciary council. some mistake, the announcement past years. Tickets have been sold The
possible in sororities and dorm- I ago have been stopped by the con- who knows the games of hockey, Most Offices Are Elective. was sent to the women's hall ad to active members of the sororities numbe
tories, in the League building, and servation committee. And those soccer, or football. It is a running Most of the offices are elective when the professor appeared to and alumnae, and the proceeds sport r
If any remain, in league houses.isame professors are always the game, like the others, in which two and nominations for elections are give the lecture, he saw before him will be turned over to the Cam- for a
Herma Orabowsky, '3OEd, is in ones who stay in class all hour, 'teams of eleven players oppose made in the following manner: only a group of women. Ulancing paign fund for the League build- match
charge of transportation. As many absolutely defeating the very pur- each other in attacking and de- The two representatives of each iround him, he remarked. "A, I " ng are aw
delegates are e ected to come to pose of the honor system. fending a goal. class on the Board with one otheri pei'ceivek there is nobody present' All houses which have made ar- person
the conventin b'automobile, signsl After all, the seniors on the Stu- The game is started with a kick- member of their class constitute and walked out. He did not feel it rangements to contribute money in points
directingthem to the headquarters, dent Council have had four years , off, and, following a score, The a nominating committee and mak i, duty to speak before any who place of giving a bridge tea, are the gir
which are at th ; League building, of experience, and should be the team scored against kicks off. The nominations to the positions on ri not actually member of the requested to turn it in to Betty 15 poi
are being pwahn rew advisers, even if they don't expect ball is carried up the field by means the Board which are elective. Nom- aniversiy. . S I Loudon, '32, by Wednesday. Checks second
ProganIsvse Be Printed.i to follow the same advice. They of dribbling with the feet, forward inations and elections are At Aberdeen university, in - can be made payable to the wor-
Ruth Marshall, '31, is in charge know that all the pit-falls on the passing, and passing by kicking held in the spring for the follow- en's League.
of compiling the programs, a copy campus are not as obvious as the I May Score in Four Ways. ing year. This list of nominees is ing a rule, to tell that person to re- _fn4Al
of which will gtoTvery delegate. late trenches dug on the campus.There are fue four different ways in then given to the general nomina- port herself and if she refuses must ofGlee C bt G
Laura B llhgo 'o e s d te- lat trenche durg regs. which a goal may be made, with a ting committee which consists of themselves report her to the Judi- Gle ilub to Givecoming
Laura Beall, °ip man, '30, is treas- That is shown during registration
urer of the Clniference, while Bet- week when they choose their varied number of points scored. the president of the League, vice- ciary Council. .a3 tr
Iy Kahn '30 is secretary. Cor- courses. The first of these is a field goal, president, the two senior represen- In regard to the Judiciary coun- oer
munication be,ween Michigan and1I Ping Pong Fad Now Current. which gives three points. This is tatives, and the president of the ci, the questionnaire asks: A program of college songs and were,
all members of A. C. A. C. W. has l Even Michigan students have scored when a ground ball, which is Women's Athletic association. 1. Do you agree with the pres- specialty numbers will be given for kappa
been going on all during the school caught the infectious ping pong stationary, or rolling or bouncing, This system is used in prefer- ent system of nomination and elec- the Exchange club of Ann Arbor rwho r
ear, concerning plans and delega- germ! Imagine Michigan students I along the ground, is kicked, or le- ence to nomination in an open tion to the Judiciary Council? Ion Monday night in the Union by groups
t catching anything so plebian as a galy given impetus with the body'meeting of the League because of 2. If not, have you any sugges- the University Girls' Glee club. A riflery
Publicity is being taken care of germ! I can just see the ultra- over the goal line, between the the obvious impossibility of doing tions for improving it? I negro quartet composed of Mildred hand
by Jean Levy, '32, while Frances sophisticated co-ed forgetting her posts and under the cross bar, this with as large a group as is rep- 3. Do you approve of the pres- I Drinkhaus, '31SM, Audrew Haver, est nu
Miller, '31, is in charge of the food poise, long dresses, hats and gloves, A second kind of goal is the resented by the women of the can-i ent system of enforcing i'ules, that '31SM, Irma Kropp, '31M, and
An intramural program of sports long enough to actuallyindulge, touchdown, which counts two pus. The nominations which are is, the Honor System? Elaine Frost, '31, will be a feature UNI
is theresponsibility of Doris Renk- in a sport requiring as much action points. The completion of a for- approved by the committee are| 4. If not, do you have any sug- of the entertainment. survey
ebeherespOdbich wrill tek-m a dosping ponmg sward pass from the field of play then posted and voted upon by all gestion for improving it? Wednesday night the Glee club matei
.lce on Saturday ate noon, Aprl ! But after all, maybe the campus i into the end zone (which is form- undergraduate women. In case the voter does not agree will entertain the Ypsilanti Wom- play
, Hermine6urua 31, is headpofis becoming more democratic. For ed by a space ten yards wide, meas- Voters to Answer Questions with the system used, the League en's Study club in Ypsilanti in the I Univer
the reception committee. instance, the other day I saw a ured from the goal line and form-; The questionnaires requested the requests that some constructive Roosevelt high school auditorium. quate
Committees to Be Announced. co-ed cut through a certain fra ing the end of the field), consti- answers to two questions regarding criticism be offered in order to ef- Violin and cello solos will be fea- week
Committees working under these ternity's backyard without getting tutes this play. this system: fee any changes. tured on the program. was a
chairmen will be announced the shot. When the ball is placed at the 1. Do you approve of the pres- - ----- -- --- - --
first of next week, as the active And even the fraternity's on a penalty mark, and kicked between ent system of nomination?
work for the conference has now hill have started holding open the posts and under the crossbar! 2. If not, do you have any sug-
started. Besides Miss Cody, a.nd house Sunday afternoons. An Eta it is called a penalty kick ball and gestions for improvement?
Dorothy Touff, '30, president of the i (only the editor's blue pencil pre- forms the third way of scoring. Nominations for the Judiciary
Michigan W. A. A., who will be in vents me from being absolutely This counts only one point. Council of the League are made
charge of all general meetings dur- specific) was actually seen drink- The last scoring method is by by the sophomore, junior, and sen-
dng the Conference, there will be ing coffee with a co-ed the other means of the drop kick. A ball for nominating committees and the
two official delegates from the local I afternoon, and when one frater- which has been legally caught may nominations are subject to the ap-
athletic association who will cast!nity goes so far as to borrow a be kicked over the cross bar from proval of the Advisers of Women.
the voe for Michign. iickle from another fraternity in the ground by a drop kick. If it I There are two junior members ofA PI. su
the vote for Michigan. order to save the honor of the old passes over the bar between the therCouncil elected for two years. A P R IL IS S U
SONGS OF JUNIOR homestead, it surely can be implied posts, it counts one point for the Thus, every year, since there are
that democracy has come to stay. side making the kick. five members of the Council, there
GIRLS' PLAY ARE And here's to the gallant youth Practices Begin Tuesday. j are elected two junior and one ren-
whom I saw deliberately crushing There are also rules for a ball i or members. The chairman of the
LEAGUE FEATURE out one of my tulip bulbs yester- out of bounds, and for personalI Council is appointed by the new
day. It looks mighty suspicious, and technical fouls, with their pen- I president of the League from the
At the League Jance toight, and I naturally suspect Joe Tinker. alties. Other rules governing the two junior members who have held
snsfrom teJno il'p a n aual upc o ikr
fete for thels'condy It seems that even a botanical cam- i game can best be learned through office the preceding year. The
aret be featured for the second paign cannot be conducted on this the actual playing. Council governs all infractions of
indefimnit time. BobCason' campus without some crooked work The first speedball practice will+League rules, and enforces the more
for an indefinite time. Bob Carson's work somewhere be at 4 o'clock Tuesday, at Palmer s e r i o u s regulation concerning
orchestra, the official orchestra for field. Any women who expects todrinking.
the annual junior play, introduced come out must have had a heart Honor System in Employed.
the novel idea at the regular Fri- Notice and lung examination at some time The women are put under the
day night dance last night. Bar-Iduring the present school year, and Honor System as far as their rules
Among the songs that will be All women who are in Miss Bar- must be eligible. The first few prac- are concerned and since this is true
heard again are "Sweet and Low- I tel's natural dancing group for the I tices will be devoted to learning they are bound to report them-
brow", "What Am I Waiting For", dance recital are to attend the re- the game, as very few, if any, selves if they infringe upon rules
"Girl in Pink," and "I'm Just a hearsal to be held from 1 to 3 women have ever played it before. or, if they see someone else break-
Dealer in Futures." No official dis- I o'clock Saturday in Sarah Caswell
tribution of scores has yet taken Angell hall. Judge Joseph Sabath, who claims
place, and while the pieces are be- Ito have heard more divorce cases_____
ing widely played, they are not in I M'GILL UNIVERSITY: At a meet- than any other person in the world,
the exact form in. which they were ing of the Undergraduate Society, declared that courses in matrimony I-

:11 U. UL MLL
f Fourteen Entrants Are
inated in Matches Held
Friday Afternoon.
results could not be do-
ed Friday afternoon in the
tournamenit held in # on-
with the annual intramu-
rt meet. The riflery tourna-
had to be postponed frcm
lay night when the other
bowling, archery, golf, and
were played off, until Fri-
ternoon, because of lack of
riday afternoon nine of the
n entries were eliminated,
me was again at a premium
;h the tournament.
five highest scorers will
e the first of next week for
ver loving cup which is the
hat will be awarded to the
Those having the highest
were, Helen Nichol, '30, Eliza-
latch, '31, Josephine Grice,
orothy Edmonds '32, and
s Huff. The exact date of.
mal meet has not been an-
ld yet, when these five will
e, but it is planned 'for
y or Wednesday.
house winning the greatest
r of intramural points in the
meet can not be determined
certainty until the riflery
is fully decided. Five points
arded to the house of each
entering an event. Also 25
are awarded to the house of
1 taking first place in a meet,
nts when the entrant wins
place and 10 for third place.
a Cook with a score of 35,
pho Omicron Pi, with a score
have the best chances for
g out ahead as they have en-
in the riflery meet. The
houses having high scores
Alpha Xi Delta, 40, Sigma
, 35, and the independents
ated 100. These last named
have no entries in the
tournament and so are
apped in winning the great-
mber of points.
to determine the approxi-
number of students who can
olf and would play if the
sity had a course of ade-
size, will be conducted this
by the Daily Student staff, it
nnounced Saturday,

intended. For this reason, the it was proposed that hazing be in grade and high schools and col-
League ball-room was deemed a supplanted by a Frosh-,3oph leges would greatly help abate the V
fitting place for popularizing the smoker. divorce evil.
Play music. --- --


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