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March 29, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-29

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TRAFFIC DUG OUT FROM 19 INCHES OF SNOWFALL I , F I L N E or Peri Uhivmrd, of te AN flflf
4 * , y i____Cercle Francais last night on the
NeededLegislation Is Also subject. "Courses Given by the Says Four West-tE~t F4jghts
State Boad University of Paris for Foreigners. H
Meeting. Prof. Chamard traced the foun-This $utWi{'#.
dation of these courses t the nd Ter.

List of

of Carnegie
to Compile

Several members of the Univer-
sity faculty have been out of town,
Thursday and Friday to attend the]

of American troops stationed in (y Associated Prces)
Paris in 1919. Since that time WASHINGTON, March 28.-The
these courses, dealing with "French summer accumulation of trans-
Civilization," have been so en- oceanic flights in the name of ad-
larged as to include students from venture only is viewed by Clarence


Have More Material Available; ~ ~meeting of the State Association: every nation. M.
Bibliography Will Benefit of Superintendents and School, co
Other Dental Schools. Board Members held at Lansing 300 Reported Killed out
Dean Marcus L. Ward, of the this week. in Shanhai Red W rrea
The faculty men attending the' Shnhi e a
dental colleges, who was one of five
gathering are Prof. G. E. Carroth-'-
Michigan's six representatives at g r a oGrt(y Associated !Tess) fnor
the annual meeting of the Ame- ers, Director of High School Inspe- SA.NGIAI, Mach 8.-Wrd Lin
tion; Dr. T. L. Purdom, Director of that 200 Communists and 100 Fu
can A ation Aof thools Bureau of Appointments and Occu-kienese soldiers were killed in a h
held last week~ in Toronto, an-je pational Information; Ira M" battle Wednesday between t,000 oce
ounced yesterday that the Cane- .. shi rar andD. Communists and 2,000 prosincials spo
gie Foundation has granted Michi-.ys- Edmonson of the Education School. i near Taiping reached here today iniIng
gin the holding a yearly.s s -ar str The pogram for iscussion at Chinese press dispatches viaF
gandld o pathete eah phonor efrttoed adof e-n
metn tAnAbrfrtepr ~the assembly dealt with various Swatow. air]
eeting a An Arbyrfrthe C rg- rsorts of needed state legislation, The soldiers were reported to ithe
posfbringintgethen $eoee-cndtlksn thn era sbjctofhae oetedCmmnist,-amnt
library dental research. Michigan March 25 and 26. Traffic was paralyzed as tens upon tons of uninvited wather fell within a twnty-ur, The meeting is to continue to-Jed and burned the Communsts'jlbeb
waie telres0u " e-1horpro. The picturec shows a loop street-car stalled across the street while workmen are striving vainy day with the Hon. Charles A. Sinkj headquarters and school in the #I yi
e o eerhb h angeIto free it. I scheduled to speak on the Teach- provincial effort to _end radical de- Int
yfond satio hlatbflltheCne$,0gie _____ ___________ ____I_______- _____ers' Retirement Fund. predations in Southern Fukien. air

Young, assistant secretary of
nmerce for aeronautics, with-
%ommenting today on plans al-
dy in the making for at least
e attempted flights across the
rthern Atlantic, w h e r , Col.
dbergh blazed a trail in 4~27,
retary Young said that "trans-
:anic flights in airplanes as a.
)rting adventure are rapidly los-
their interest."
'our west-to-east crossings in,
planes and one from Europe to
United States have been an-
inced as already on the sum-
r's program, but the secretary
ieves that for the present ocean
ng with commercial value is
practicable for heAyier-han.

annuanv was votea

tine icai co-;


all ly W aso v c+ULv va .VL
togOther Schools to Benefit.
The purpose of the meeting, + .... .
which is not yet scheduled al-
though it is contemplated in April or
May, is to give other dental schools
where research is being carried on
the benefit of bibliography already Two Billion Tons of Snow Melt
compiled here. Michigan, having
been given an aggregate of $30,000 ff as City Flounders in.
by the Carnegie institution for this Watery Streets.
new type of research, has available
much more material than any (By Associated Press)
other school is able to procure. By CHICAGO, March 28-Chicago;



Fine Arts Reading Room Gets
Textiles and Reproductions
of Famous Drawings.



establishing a definite center for
research, the foundation is thus
able to list the most important
books, where they can be purch-
ased and for what price. As this
center, Michigan will hold the
spring meeting.
Michigan Men Active.
Members of the Michigan dele-
gation to Toronto were particularly
active in the research discussion
which was held during the confer-
ence. The local dental college has
been active in nearly every depart-
menk in this field of work, and the
presence of a Carnegie representa-
tive, under whose authority the li-
brary meeting was definitely estab-
lished, led to the accomplishment
of much endeavor in this line.
Al Smith to Arbitrate
Iron Labor Difficulty
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 28.-Former
Gov. Alfred E. Smith revealed to-
day that he had offered to arbi-
trate between the structural steel
board of trade and the iron and
steel workers union in difficulties
in Chicago, Newark, N. J., and Cin-I
He said the Board of trade al-
ready had accepted his offer and
that he was awaiting an answer to
a telegram which he sent to P.
J. Moran, president of the union.
Mr. Smith denied rumors of a
sympathetic strike of steel workers
on the Empire State Building-the
thousand-foot skyscraper which is
going up on the site of the old
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

---. -. - . , v
splashed about today in two bil- Twenty-seven original prints, in-
lion tons of slushj cluding examples illustrating the
First came the winter gale, rag- i
ing madly and whipping spring far early'development of etching and
southward; then the snow, two days engraving, have been added to the
and nearly 20 inches of it and then fast-growing collection in the Fine
came the thaw. Arts reading room, on the first
Snowdrifts slopped into rivultesf reAdiromonhell s
under the warmth of the sun that floor of Alumn Memorial hall.
, rushed through a sky gray Thurs- Etchings by such notables ac Co-
day; impassable streets became ur- rot, Seymour Haden, and Whistler
ban swamps; snow-packed roofs are contained in the new collec-
became rear-guards of winter, tion. iTwo illuminated texts, one
showering icicles and slush on per- from the Augsburg Bible, and one
sons on the streets below. from the Nuremburg Bible, are{
Winter's echo, the weather bu- part of- the new addition. These
reau reported, laid a seige of two Bibles are relics from the earliest
billion tons of snow on Chicago and days in the history of printing. i
its environs. Part of this, of Also part of the art reference
course , melted away-part was set, which the University recently
dumped into the Chicago river and purchased from the Carnegie cor-
Lae Michign but Chicagoan poration, are a collection of origin-;;
!were in no mood to argue-as far -oain r olcino rgn
al textiles, and a set of X00 repro-
as they were concerned, there was ductions of the drawings of old
still two billion tons left-dirty, masters. The textiles contained inj
cold, sloppy slush.
SThe thaw brought an approach the collection are from China, Ja-
bt nra trn ghtan-laprin pan Spain, Italy, France, and Eng-
lto normal transportation-clearag
bus lines and freeing street car:Randr
rails; suburban service approache d Reproductions of drawings by
l regularity. Michelangelo, Raphael, Andre del!
In the loop, police ropes held Sarto, Rembrandt, and Durer, are
crowds back from dashing down- included in the collection of draw-
pours of ice and slush from build- mgs.
ings, forcing them into squishy In connection with the Fine Arts
streets; huge trucks doused the al- courses in North Italian painting,
rv" y be-spattered thousands; taxi- some of these 100 paintings will
. wre much in demand in be hung Monday. They will illus-
. were cursed as they trate the work of the North Italian
,, ;it, tossing still more school of painting.
1 uut the city and suburbs, M'GILL UNIVERSITY: A series'
;: ) :fp;oyed were enlisted at of study-meetings is being held to
n :o:r aid the sun in rout aid students who plan to enter in-
Rw. 'dustrial firms in the summer.

Why Electric Cooking?

CLEAN--Electric heat is as
clean as sunlight. Glowing,
hot as fire, it has none of the ob-
jections of fire: no smoke or soot
to deposit and accumulate, soiling
your kitchen walls and curtains.
ELECTROCHEF, new electric kitchen
range, is clean and easily c/eaned
-hundreds of women are enthu-
siastiC about this feature.
TASTY-Electric cooking is
superior to all other cooking

ly less. Ordinary care in the con-
trol of heat may greatly lower
this cost. Using radiant focused
heat, ELECTROCHEf is economical.
oven control makes baking
easy. E.ECT.RCHEP'S light, fine-
grained cake and flaky pastry wit-
delight you.
COOL- Electric cooking
means a cool kitchen--a
point which wins women's lasting
gratitude, particularly in summer.
With double air-space insulation,
ELECTROCHEF is cool. Radiant focused

methods for delicious flavor.


News From Other Colleges
MADISON, Wis., March 28- In of Anthony Van Dyke." This latter PRINCETON UNIVERSITY-Mr.
an attempt to overcome the "knock- one will be illustrated. G P. E. Mosely, instructor in history,
ing" in high compression engines, Other important events schedul- will conduct a tour in Russia dur-
Grover C. Wilson, assistant profes- ed by the Museum authorities in- ing the month of July. This is open
sor in steam and gas engineering at elude "Pollyanna," a movie starring ty eighstudens an as
the University of Wisconsin, is 1 Mary Pickford to be shown March party is so small there will be un-
fusual opportunities for contacts
studying the anti-detonating qual- 1 29 and 30; an art talk on "SouleI both in Russia and on the trip go-
ities of various gasolines. The ex- Fine Buildings in America" for chil- ing and coming.
periments are being conducted in a dren by Eula Lee Anderson on both1
specially built apparatus which Ith 29th and 30th of this m oth; MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE- Re-
produces knocks artificially, and ta'hcent discussion of the problem of
are expected to be a material aid and a concert for adults on the lat- l activities in smaller colleges has!
to the operators of airplanes and ter date, also. ' brought to light the fact that Mid-j
automobiles. i dlebury has more activities in Epro-
"Because of the tendency of pres- UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA- portion to the number of students
ent commercial gasolines to deton- "Fraternity pledges are no longer enrolled than almost any other col-
ate or knock at these higher con- mistaken for burglars, but it's quite lege in the country.
pression ratios," Professor Wilson s possible that burglars will be mis-
states, "the problem has become an taken for fraternity pledges," chief NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYI
important one, and many labora- of police at Norman Oklahoma --Policeman John J. Kratsmeyer of
tories throughout the country are states. the East Chicago police force hail-
conducting experiments." "We have become so accustomed ed Jerrold Nedwick, local bookseller.
to fraternity pledges prowling before the local court on the charge
Because of the many and varied around downtown alleys that it of selling him immoral literature.
exhibitions and lectures being given would be comparatively easy for a The obscene work in question was
the end of this month and the first real burglar to masquerade as a the book "Satyricon," by Petronius
part of April, art lovers of Toledo I fraternity pledge and be left alone ! Arbiter, dealing with the life and
will have an opportunity to become ,long enough to complete almost any loves of Romans in the second cen-
better acquainted with the differ- job," he said.' tury.
ent kinds of art through the Toledo; As a result of this statement the; Only after Professor -Baker
Art Museum which has scheduled co-operation of all fraternities on Brownell, of Northwestern, Profes-
the events to be held in its build- 1 the campus was requested to elim- i son T. V. Smith, of the University
ing. 'inate any confusion between their of Chicago, and a representative of,
Three of the main exhibitions be- pledges and professional thieves. the publisher, Horace Liveright, as-
ing held are those of Japanese |sured the judge severally and en
wa~nd-hlnek r ints:nimodern Norwei- 1 Two ma'r, in cIr1 Pi to hnv'rr tQchrinrl ~h t i, +lsc iac.innn

natural juices of meats and vege-
tables are sealed in. Once you
have tasted ELECTROCHEF-COoked

foods, you will never
again agree to cook
with fuels.
costs about one SMA
dollar per month $5 ALLOM
per person--se -
dom more,frequent-

. yRST
} 'K y
C .E $6 P ER MO NT H


heat from four "Fire
Bowls" on the cook-
ing table makes
cooking with ELEC-
TROCHEF extremeJy
fast. The Sven comes
up to 400 degrees
in less than SIX min-

utes. Snap the switch
and start to cook.




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