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March 29, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-29

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W r alt 1 0 0 t(". A kt n A t t itJ

. ,v r rMp!?+l' ok t qv 4 r x+Y+C t C A A rti

HO E ICN STUD [NTS Convicts at Missouri State Penitentiary Threaten to Riot
Becauseo Unsatisfactory Food; Guards Employ
Ten Nationatries Represented 2 ~ ~ " "
on Ninth Annual Trip; I.s
Placstit/! {n.
Itirierary to be Coveted Thrtough ~ : ~
Means of a Chartered Bus; I ~~E *
Five Steps Arc Listed. j.

1 .-aH-v !) f3 1 .. i SATURDAY, MVARCH 29, 1930

Tear Gas


(By Associated Press)
BRADLEY, England ,-_A scarab
taken from an ancient Egyptian
tomb was blamed by Mrs. John
Bertram Parkes for seven years of
poverty and misfortune, culminat-,
ing in widowhood. So she buried
the thing in the woods near herj
rumble home here.
The scarab was inscribed with
part of the 64th chapter of thc
Egyptian Book of the Dead, which
identified it with the heart of the
deceased per:on and urged it not-
to betray him at the judgment be-'
fore Osiris. It was found by her{
husband whenheswas in Egypt as
a colonel in England's crack Gre-"
nadier Guards.
Shortly afterwards, he was de-
mobilized. For a time he worked,
first as a coal dealer and later as a
T I R 18 B 1
Carnegie Foundation Plans DeepI
Investigation Into Dental.
School's Curricula.
$10,000 FUND IS GIVENf
Dean Marcus L. Ward, of the den-
tal school. has been appointed to
..~n pnn thn nm itta ihi Zv ill ;

Smarket gardener. toy maker rand
years he was nuable to land a job,
of any sort.
,inaiiiy he was forced to build a
twu room haek in the woods here
in order to have slielter for his wife
and four childrcn. Then he died.
Ij vi-, dli {-tliC itt t

1000 Ohio Farmers Expected to
Attend Metings of Five
Weeks Course.

Dangerous rioting, during which the lives of several guards were threatened, necessitated armed guards
to ireak up the threatened mutiny of 750 prisoners in the Missouri State Penitentiary at Jefferson City. The
guards were forced to resort to tear gas and guns before the rioters were finally quieted. According to the
prison report following, the convicts had refused to leave the mess hal because of dissatisfaction with the

.eirve onil i lcommu 1i 4ee IiI w CIIill 1
investigate the curricula of every
American dental college, under th'e
auspices of the Carnegie founda-
tion, it was announced yesterday.
The appointment of Dean Ward
followed the annual meeting of the
American Association of Dental
Schools which was held this week
at Toronto in which the advisabil-
ity of a committee investigation ofI
curricula was advocated. He is one
of five to be chosen.
$10,000 to be Given.
The Carnegie institution has pro-
mised $10,000 a year with which the
committee will go through the cur-
ricula of all the American schools


"g PikUiC hU Iband OLUMVIBT , O. In the light of
Mrs. Parkes said hecr husband
J .. id M olVsi m^fortunes on Ii full year'' test by the federal
he scarab. rn baard, cooperative marketing
H; w<: too su;)esitiious to till b approached from its newest
:h}",)w it aw y, but he asked me to :M in five and a half weeks of
~et rid of it." she explained. "He f pool to be held at Ohio State
felt sure it was a curse.
"en hre fell asi aironuniversity in conjunction with the
"When he fell tick an ironic fate ana etn fteAeia
sent him half a dozen offers of lu- "unual meeting of the American
crative employment. But he was Institute of Cooperation June 16.
already on his death bed." The conference will open one
year to the day .after President
CLOPPET TO TALK Hoover signed the .at which
ON FRENCH HERO te the farm board and.author-
FR NCHI- zeda fund of Ki5,00,000fLio be
-- u'sed foir the rehabilitation of
Tiger of France' to be Subject American agriculture.
of Cercle Franca Lecture Tentative plans look toward the
Jpresence of at least a quorum of
by __ean B. Clppet;he board, which would conduct its
. Iregular work from temporary head-
Speaking on the subject of quarters in Columbus. That would
Clemenceau," Jean B. Cloppet, of give each member an opportunity
the romance languages depart- to address the conference each day
ment, will give the fifth lecture on the commodity he represents is dis-
the Cercle Francais series at 4:15 cussed.
next Wednesday, in room 103, Ro- Farmers are expected to predom-
mance Languages building. Iinate in the anticipated school at-
Dr. Cloppet will outline the life tendance. of 2,000. Ohio State
of the "Tiger of France," as he was university estimates place farmer
termed by his countrymen, and attendance at more than 50 per
will lay special stress upon his cent of the total.
achievements as a politician, as a The faculty will include Dr. C. R.
statesman, a man of letters, a mail pay, professor of economic history
of wit ,and a patriot. at the University of Toronto; W.
Of the formner premier of France, T. Spanton, agent of the federal
Dr. Cloppert said: "Many people board for vocational education; J.
consider Georges Clem nceau the I. Falconer, head of the department
greatest statesman the world has of agricultural economics, Ohio
seen for the last hundred years. State university; L. G. Foster, as-
Of course there are many who will sistant professor of agricultural
dispute this statement, but at any economics, and B. B. Spohn, dis-
rate, there is no doubting the fact trict supervisor of the Ohio ex-
that he was a great patriot. tension service.
"All through his life," Dr. Clop- Controlled by 34 farm organiza-
pet continued, "Clemenceau was a tions, the institute of cooperation
shining example of energy, perser- will devote its sessions to discus-
verance, and effort." sions of agricultural cooperation.
Admission to the lecture is by Organizations interested in farm
ticket for the entire Cercle Fran- marketing will hold meetings of
cais series. Tickets for the re- their boards of directors at the
maining lectures and for the same time.
French play may be obtained at
the door. WQrking Out on Floor
C KeepsCongressman Fit
I- uh Catches Afire;
SrBasin of Water y'ss)
S i BO - e WASHINGTON, March 28.-To a
(By Asociated Press) morning roll on a solid cepent
HARRODSBUEGH, Ky., March 28 floor just before he eats his break-
-The term "flaming youth" had a fast, Edgar Howard (Dem.), Neb-
poignant significance for Charles raska, attributes his suppleness at
McDonnelly as he reached for the '70 years of age.
arpzica bottle today. "Let the others have their golf.
As Charles slid' into his desk in I don't need any slow old golf," said
the graded .school Thursday Howard, whose long locks and
matches in his hip pocket were drawling voice attract much at-
rubbed together. They burst into tention from the visitors' gallery.
flame and set fire to a celluloid "Thirty times over anil over is
comb, which in turn ignited his my morning exercise," he said. "Not
trousers. on arug. On a cement floor.
Without so much as holding up "I've a special rolling garmeht.
a finger toward the teacher, he. It has no buttons or safety pins."
dashed from the room. He Ws
found in the basement sitting 'in
a basin of water. j NOW PLAYING ~
(( M rtyl Ross
Detroit Theatres -ayers
The Merriest Comedy Hit of the FAMILY


PEN O E E E WAHINGTON-High honor has
Icome to Dr. Curtis Fletcher Mar-
Delegates Open First Meeting but, who has classified soil types1 Vassar Professor Tells Various
of Municipal Zoning and of half the earth's surface. Conceptions of Religion
anning O cias. "For special distinction in the at Campus Address.
field of exploration and geographic
ROF. BROMAGE SPEAKS research," the prized Collum Geo- DISCUSSES COSMIC VIEW'
I graphical Medal--first awarded in ?
Twenty-one Michigan cities sent "There are three conceptions of
egates to the first annual meet- " to Admiral Robert E. Peary' humanistic or cosmic religion,"
discoverer of the North Pole-was'
of Michigan city planning and presented to him by the American Prof. Durant Drake, professor of
ing officials which was held at Geographical society. philosophy at Vassar college, said
Union yesterday and Thursday. It bears the inscription: "For his yesterday in the last of a series of
ty-eight delegates enrolled, and geographical work on the soil, 'the lectures sponsored by the Michigan
ording to Harold D. Smith, di-- foothold of all things'."
ardig t Harld . Smthdi- In 1899, while a professor- at the, School of Religion, entitled "The
tor 'of the Michigan Municipal University of Missouri, Dr. Marbut Humanistic or Cosmic Religion."
gue and chairman of the con- spent a year classifying soils in "The first is religion conceived asr

in order to determine which sys-.
tem of arrangement is the best. It
is expected that, immediately fol-
lowing the committee's announce-1
ment of the results of the investi-
gation, dental schools throughout
the nation will'have a uniform sys-
tem of preparatory work. At pres-
ent there are three distinct curri-
cula in existence in the United
States. Michigan's plan is two years
of preparatory work and three years;
of professional study. Other sys-
tems are one year of preparatory
and four of professional, and twol
[years of preliminary training be-
fore the four year finishing period.
j The most popular plan at presenti
r is the single preparatory year, with .


ence, the attendance far exceed-
the committee's expectations,
pite the unfavorable weather

Yesterday's meeting commenced
with an informal round table dis-.
cussion of various city zoning plans,
led by Jacob L. Crane of Chicago.I
Walter H. Blucher, secretary to theI
city plan commission of the city
of Detroit addressed the delegates
on "City Planning Legislation." Fol-
lowing Mr. Blucher's talk, Mr. Smith
spoke briefly to the officials con-,
cerning the work of a city planning
conference. The meeting was con-
cluded with the luncheon discus-
Resolutions Passed.
Several resolutions were passedI
by the group of city planners. The
delegates unanimously decided to
develop the group into a state city
I planning organization for the pur-
pose of advancing city planning
and Zoning. Concerning the for-!
mation of this organization, Mr.
Smith stated that, "This is a step
toward a new era of city planning
in this state and isl ,ertain to be a
tremendous influen'ce in stimulat-
ing city planning activities inMich-
igan." Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of
the political science department,'
and acting director of the course
in municipal administration, stated.
concerning the conference that, "It
was an excellent plan in view of the
need of city planning legislation in
this state. Such a conference as
this is an admirable step forward
a better type of city planning in
solved: That Canadian universitiesf
shduld have representation in the
House of Commons," was the ques-
tion defeated in a debate held here


every country of western Europe an emotional spirit. When love or I four remaining terms for profes-t
except Spain. patriotism spread into love for sional study.t
mankind or loyalty of ideals, they ThCommittee is Named. -
become religion. Reliion consist she committee which was cho-
becmereigon Rliio cnsst sen for the work consists .of Dean
largely of emotional experiences, A. D. Black, of Northwestern Uni-
and the fountain-head of religion versity, Dean C. R. Turner, of the
ilies in man's emotional life. U. of Pennsylvania, Dean J., T. 0'-
"The second conception is that Rourke, of Louisville University,
of religion as rites or ceremonies. Dean Wallace Seecombe, of the
Elaborate ceremonies still play a University of Toronto, and Dean
Members 'of National Committee large part in religion. If a per- Ward.
to be Guests H-Iere for son believes that rites will insure l
personal salvation, it is all right for LINCOLN, England -- Leonidas
Coming Festivities, them to utilize that shortcut toII, a French bred horse, won the
----their heart's desire. But modern Lincolnshire handicap opening
TAPPING IS JN CHARGE nimds have gotten to where they England's fiat racing season. It
begin to doubt the efficacy of rites., was a startling form reversal as
Members of the National Alumni The adoptio of a c mon cult horse was quoted at 66 to one
Advisory cofmitte e and mai would ceent communitie, but inthe betting.
Advisry comittee nde maly be none can agree on what type of cult
other interested graduates will bet dp.Ti ocpinp ei
the guests of the University in Annp o adiet s o chetion o
Arbor on May 3at a pretentious gion directs too much attention to{
celebration now 3 aeing arrangdd the church itself rather than reli- 4
icrin ow being arang, gious ideals. Christ, Buddha, and t
'according to T. Hawley Tapping,.jMhme and hi icpe
General Secretary of the Alumni Mohammed warned their disciples 802 PACKARD ST.
association Ithat the ceremonial side of religion
Invitations to the gathering will was i danger of choking the spir- SATURDAY
be extended very soon by both Dex- itual side of life. Religion is not a 5:30 to 7:00 p. m.
ter M. Ferry, Jr., '92-'95, of Detroit, matter of personal salvation, but CLUB STEAK
chairman of the advisory commit- hould bd us together in broth-FRIED POTATOES
tee, and President Ruthven. Those "The third and last conception," LETTUCE SALAD
attending will. be entertained by concluded Professor Drake, "is as a:35f
University officials during the day ' cue rfsorDae i sa3$c
Uniersty ~fi~al duingthedaytheological or cosmic creed, or be-
and will conclude their staf in Ann e. g
Arbor as guests at the annual ban-e_
quet of the University of Michigan - #N!#!tH1!1!!i#!1!ililllli#1 !i!11#R
club of this city, it was announced j .
late yesterday. Tentative plans for
the affair bespeak an even 'more
extensive program than that of the ;
meeting of two years ,ago at which
former President Little first an- m f LAST TIMES TODAY
nounced the establishment of an
Alumni University at Michigan. The IN R
Ann Arbor club b.anquet, to be held '-R:MA
in the Union, will be distinctly na-' k:::v"; S HEARER
tional in nature with several hun-
d r e d p r o m in e n t a l u m n i f r o m -cn y x tio
throughout the country expected to..i -'*'
aend. A x /rtrr ^ "TH EIR
13 a~ mi El ... \ r w..
Her successor to that brilliant pic- LEWIS STONE
s ture "The iLast of Mrs. Cheyney."
a, ###!!I t#!###[##!##!!!!#1#I Il SUNDAY i#io#iu1 ##1iii #Fi #i!i#!#E

Youth and Love at their Gayest

Whitney Theatre


And now nyu see the -thrilling drama
odern New Y-'rk based on
Broadway Staqe Sensation





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