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March 25, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-25

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TH~ MtCN.-- JIin



SNews From Other Colleges

Convocation Speaker Deplores
Industrial Efficiency
of Modern Age.
Present Deification of Power
Seen as Principle Cause
of Growing unrest.
Religious and educational insti-
tutions should have courage to
teach a way o'f living, to stimulate
growth intellectually and morally
so men are not forced to exist like
mere machines, Rabbi Leo M.
Franklin, of the Temple Beth-El,
Detroit, told an undergraduate
audience Sunday night in Hill au-
ditorium at a convocation spon-
sored by the Student Christian as-
sociation through the courtesy of
Wesleyan Guild foundation.
A philosophy of might, incor-
porating the deification of effi-
ciency and the subjection of the in-
dividual, is ruling the nation today,
the Detroit rabbi stated. To over-s
come the undesirable consequences
of this philosophy the church and
the school must teach the reality
of ideas and instill an inspiration
to escape the humdrum existencej
of the present day.
Traditions Are Broken.
"In the domain of physical sci-
ence we have achieved in the past
50 years as much as in any 2,0001
years. Industry has accomplished
what our forefathers could not
dare dream. Monstrous corpora-
tions have replaced the single-
handed operative methods.
"The effect, of this change has,
been to break down traditions, un-
.til it is awe-inspiring how futile
and flimsy are the things on which
we pride ourselves. We have even'
,obbed the heavens of their myst- #
"The modern methods of manu-
facturing are beneficial in that
they take advantage of all' resovr-
ces and obtain the greatest return
on labor, but they have builded a
world of blood and tears. The hu-

i INDIANA UNIVERSITY-Petition; dering sophomore who descends onl the payment a freshman made on
.D"rector of Arizona Ubservatory for admission into Phi Eta Sigma, his victim only to have a gust of a bet that Ohio would win its bas-
Tells of Renewed Search national freshman scholastic fra- wind blow the document from his ketball game with Purdue last
for More Bodi. ternity, was forwarded from here outstretched hands at the last mo- month. He managed to get up there
s, last week to G. Herbert Smith, as- ment. after pumping the necessary infor-
r 'w "> r4."sistant dean ofmnen at Illinois and mation from a janitor and by the
%CLIMAXESEARLY TRIES 1 ranking officer of the honorary so- UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- skillful use of a penknife in picking
"' NG.~ s .%% 'rciety. Signed by 22 members of i-Fifty students produced a great locks. This breezy sojourn did not
(uy Associated Press the freshman class, the written re- difference in campus opinion when freeze out all his school spirit, how-
TUCSON, Ariz., March 24; - Be- quest stated that the administra- they charged a group of unemploy- er
i efore the echoes of the dishovery of tion favored the organization that ed workers carrying on a demon-
i the new trans-Neptunian planet is being sponsored locally by Blue stration in the streets. and tore OHIO STATE-A plan to insert
had died away, Dr. A. . Douglass, Key, honorary senior fraternity. down their banners of "Work or photographs of student owners in
Wages" as well as scattering the each athletic book was endorsed by
director of the Steward Observa- YALE UNIVERSITY-Thirty-four communistic literature over the the Student senate In order to limit
tory, at the University of Arizona, members of the Yale glee club will ground. the uet sents. Ber that
has revealed that astronomers were eave April 3 for a week's tour of their use to students. Believing that
Bermuda. They will .give several WICHITA UNIVERSITY-To stop the lack of student enthusiasm at
searching for at least two more concerts during their stay on the raiding parties before athletic con- athletic events is due to the pra-
such bodies. island, one of which it is expected } tests, the student council of this tie of loaning or selling their
Dr. Douglass, now 63 years old, the Governor of Bermuda and university has signed a treaty with books to outside thl d
has been connected with astro- members of the House of Assembly Southwestern regarding the carry-
nomical work . since, in his youth, I{will attend. During the Christmas ing on of friendly relationships be- ment officials declared their sup-
he first used the old Colnial tele- iseason the Yale glee club made a tween the schools. The treaty will port of the plan.
scope "B" of his great grandfather trip through the middle west. not become official unless approved
Andrew Ellicott. For a decade he -- by a two-thirds vote of the student UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA -
:_ was an associate of the late Dr. UNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGIN- (body of each school. New women's rulings giveta speci-
Percival Lowell, who redited the TA-"Hail, West Virginia," the col- , fled number of lgtct ogrsi
GeocaedPressrrplig)tcusdiscovery of the recently' found ege song of this university is be- BUTLER UNIVERSITY-- Police the dormitories. Freshme'n are to
Amri atesW McGarrah (left) and Leon Frasernsshy aee.fing cheapened by too frequent use here are looking for a man who has be allowed a minimum of two a
j American members of Bank for International Settlements, as they: planet.
appeared in Pars recently en route to Basle, Switzerland. McGarrah "It is the beginning of the solu- by a broadcasting station located used his knowledge of the grips of month, sophomores three, juniors
was formerly chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and I tion of a long series of attempts yonteonha as it s Uv fevein p onde fraternity brot- t u and seniors five. Each cut is
n 19?4 was a member of the advisory council in the re-establishment made by many different astron- ty's song its use should be governed ers. His "game" is to visit the var- Additional cuts and additional time
o the Reichsbank. Fraser, a New York attorney, was counse' in the omers to locate an additional by the University. ious houses in the guise of a broth- may be granted at te discretioof
framing of the Dawes plan. Iplanet," Dr. Douglass said. }_erfrmaynbehegrantedr atd the discretionothor
_________ __ ______________________er from another chapter, and then the house mother.
"Since this new planet is much PURDUE UNIVERSITY-Women to "touch" his new acquaintances
RACCOON, FREE FOR THREE W EEKS, fainter that was expected, there students here have started a for sizeable sums.
remains a possibility that others "Charm School" in which they will? EMORY UNIVERSITY- Frater-
__CAPTURED AND TAKEN BACK TO ZOO may be found. The method used learn how not to hold their cigar- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - nity row is fast taking shape at this
i for such investigation will consist ettes, and spill cocktails on their Prizes totaling $60 are offered to university with four houses up and
After having been "A. W. 0. L." old Palmer Field house, located at of putting some skilled assistant to formals. University of Florida students who many more planned. The univer-
from his residence in the Univer- the northwest corner of Palmer work photographing over and over PEF submit outstanding works in dra- sity is aiding the fraternities by
sity Museum zoo for almost three field, by a passerby who telephoned the suspected region of the sky." PURDUE UNIVERSITYheFresh-omatics and literature. The awards makng sixty per cent loans toeany
weeks, "Jimmy," one of the Mu-i the Museum department. Profess) ' men will not be allowed to wear 'will be made by the Allied Arts, a house producing the prerequisite
|seum's five raccoons, was finally Wight and Hartweg, armed with r- "pots" until March 17, it was an- campus literature society. forty per cent.
located yesterday afternoon, cap- net and burlap bags , responded, Alumni at Philadelphia nounced by the senior traditions
tured and returned to his incar- and in a few minutes a miniature Hpcommittee. "Toques" must be worn NOTRE DAME-Word has been BUTLER UNIVERSITY-Pamph-
cerationdrama, witnessed by more than o ear peeC y lsop until that date. received from Florida that Knute lets containing the outstanding
ds Jr rts staged ha atop'Rockne will soon return from Flor- work of Freshmen in theme writ-
sctr to ay, immy-ane- scoe ofspectators, wa Library and University develop- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON-Be- ida, where he has spent the past ing are published here three times
free state for one of captivity. So ments were discussed by W. W. fore a sophomore paddler may two months, to commence spring a year. These contain about ten
reticent was he to relinquish his For the major part of the en- Bishop, head librarian, at a ban- { "boarc." a lowly freshman, he must training season. or twelve compositions and are
liberty that it took Prof. Howard}counter, the raccoon's baffling ma- Iquet of the alumni clubs at the show the yearling a license from ----. helpful in arousing interest in the
M. Wight, assistant professor of neuvers outsmarted his pursuers, Belleview-Stratford hotel in Phila- the dean of men's office. This OHIO STATE-An hour's stay on first year students along these lines
forest zoolog, but finally, dislodged from the rain- delphia last Saturday night. practice is rather bad for the thun- top of University Hall tower was and as examples to be followea.
foet oloy adNomn.at spouting to which he had tena- I-- -------_____ _
weg, assistant in the Zoology mu- ciously clung, he was "bagged." __ _..__
seum, over an hour to persuade Jimmy, together with his four
him to return to his former abode -other furry Triens, was obtained
in the wired-in kennel In the rearotefur inswsband
of the Museum building. h by the Museum from the State Con-
The Mconwm budiovered y servation department at Lansing.
dayafternoon s discovered yester Since his departure three weeks
drt r ago, it was, presumed that he had f
- -set out for his natural habitat up 41
j c 1 ^r P*%0t r WiiI north.

a.,aIVIii %,OUIIA Vge r e
Of . Plans for Future

man life of today and tomorrow is (By Associated Press)
dominated by a new god-effici- WASHINGTON, March 24-Cal-
ency.vin Coolidge has set down for pub,-
Capitalists Hold Whip. lication his attitude toward sug-
"The efficiency is insatiable in its gestions that he run again for
demands, it has no love, no mercy, President, or for senator from Mas-f
it knows only power. , The German sachusetts, along with his views as
philosopher, Nietsche, founded a a frank and well informed citizen
philosophyrwhiechdeifndedighton the American scene since he left
hidosophy which deified might, the White House.
and under which America lives. Ray Long, editor of Hearst's In-
This deification of power has de- ternational and Cosmopolitan mag-
veloped a complacency in the capi- azine, said the former President's
talistic class. Consequently, it has 'story" would appear, 7,000 words+
no sympathy for the tens of thou- long, in the near future.
sands who toil under it. Further, Coolidge wrote the article while
the capitalists hide behind the bul- he was in Florida in January. Early !
wark of wealth and speak author- in February the editor received the t
itatively upon every question. following message, in long hand:
"This philosophy has prompted "I have written a story in which=
the exploitation by the white-skin- I touch on prohibition, the tariff,
ned men of their black-skinned suggestions that I run for senator!
brothers, and explains race riots, from Massachusetts and sugges-
and the existence of conflicting so- tions that I run for President, and
vial, economic and political groups. the year since I have been at home.
Existing on the basic principle that It has gone home to be copied.
power is its own justification, it Yours truly, Calvin Coolidge."
has tended not to save the weak
and underprivileged but to crush
them at their critical moments.
Sees Industrial Slavery.
'Men are led to be domineering, I
not only for the material success i.Q
that is obtainable, but also for the P A R K L
lure of what is called success.' They'
seek to be creators and to control,
so that they might wear the lau- P
rels of the age. P u l
"The result has been the creation
of an industrial slavery in which
men have not been afforded an,
'evaluation equally that assigned to
mere machinery, since there is no1
other end, in sight, than efficiency. The kind o
Unfortunately the churches lack
Sthe tcourage to speak out. They tell have
of the sinners of past centuries, gyo
and the sinners across the ocean,
but not of the sinner who sits in for
the front pew ard aids the church
financially. _
Schools Utilitarian.
"The public schools, which
should exist as a safeguard for so-
ciety, are utilitarian, and offer too Let us finish what
little that tends to stimulate, and
too little that appeals to soial
values.. Instead, there is a domin-
: ating appeal 'to keep one's i ose to yES
the grindstone' so he may obtain a-
5 living."
The convocation was srranged THE F
by the Student Christian _associa-T F
tion and is one of a series bein
held this spring. Rabbi Adolph A.SP kKLET
Fink, director of the I-illel founda-AE
tion assisted in the programn. The
University glee club, under the di-'
rection of Theodore Harrison, of-
fered a' special selection for the


Michigai Art Section
Elects New Officers
Prof. Emil Lorch, of the College
of Architecture, and Carleton W.
Angell, University sculptor, were
elected chairman and secretary re-
spectively of the Art section of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters at the annual meeting
of the Academy held here during
the past week end.
Others who ,were elected to serve
as directors of the Art section are
Fred H. Aldrich, instructor in draw-
ing. and painting in the architect-
ural school; Miss Anne Steketes, a
painter, of Grand Rapids; William
Barker, well-known Detroit etcher;
and Miss Lille Brodhagen, a Lans-
ing artist.
instruction in the form of motion
pictures will be considered by a fac-
ulty committee as'-a possible means
of educating students at Temple



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