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March 20, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-20

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_._.. ,..

[DII~ F E I!~~ ByBell. Itkingly beautiful, as one of
TO BE BECIP INJS I I'T'' Nov that the play has brought l ulta-smart favorites This


j yaSchools of Several Types Are !girls, there will be mad scrambles. o necpin erye
DicsediEoneto for new formals in their various complexion is enhanced by whi
at Harford.aoes to serve in attendance at you know.
Roberta Re,'1 n ooh althose c"bids" " they are bound to igh lea rsn e
Mcu3e 31 ooe Advantages for women in the aahyamt~eei ratci-i~ong the pastels, and delea
byAad.diferent types of educational inst- pinkish violet shades will ot tl
tutins erediscsse byan cii-~! ~ i dance floor like so many petun
FRIENDS START FUND catio session of the r Hartford Cli iedgre. hs
3lge Club of Hartford, Conn., at-Isha mdeswtlggaren holdeatt
,which Miss Alice Lloyd was a pin-sae ihlgtgenhl te
Scholarship and Participation£ cipal speaker. Miss Lloyd spoke on Lion in color, pink having agr
the large co-educational college after a long success to withdraw
in Campus Activities Basis f<srpeene yteInvriy f.-\ a discreet ackground.
forrerSelection.h Uniersiy ofA creamy white chiffon ma
Michgan Thesmaler o-euca-.the illustrated very tightly-fit
Robera Red, '3, an Dorohy Etional college was discussed by Miss'r
ioet ed 31 n ooh Beatrice Doerschuk, a trustee of /~ princess Ardase model, femin
McGuffle, '31,_ have been selected « Oberlin college, and the small w-' n graceful, yet decollete enol
this year tGo receive the Charlotte men's college by Mrs. Charles 1Sob.nersig ac eolt
Badn tuetlonaon-Roys, dean of Wellj College. r / is likewise noticeable in this fas
Mrs. Roys told of the advantages/ioadeUshptatdse
Ing to$200 ec, which aegiven t egie rmasalcleevery close to the raised and s rdw vroertakysmt r uirdetisgiesz.Wlscleeolg
evr ert n eiro uirIdet t ie Wlshas reednaisline. Kindyobervet
woman on campus who is consider- T.-.---- only 250 women en ollee venal-arunsheaomehig
ed outstanding in campus activi- Last oni the series of concertsl trio. arl Kraeuter, violinist; andI uated in a tiny- village miles from if i b heir tanuin about
ties and scholarship, according to I sponsored by the Chamber Music Aurelio Giorni, pianist, nave also anny hrge cit.Tem en tattey white dress is its accessories. D
announcement made Yesterday by ;Society of Ann Arbor will be the established themselves as musici-I feel free to dress comfortably ad; year they were brilliant, but t
Margaret Bush, '30, president of program, by the Eshuco Trio of ans of high attainment. Mr. have noting to take tei' attem-~ ~j year pastel tones are the con
theLegeNw York, to be given at 8: 15 a'.- raeuter is widely known as a Lion from teir academic work. ph .\ accent to white. Light blue is g
tatdbFrnscokMny ihilrl2,incomposer, and Mr. Giorni has! This reter freedom Ms. Royce J' erally conceded first place, wi
Lheaue. orthe loans waS iNwtete written several choral works, ani conciders the advantage of the l I), pink and light green also r
sthed fndo hrot the Lydia Mendelsshnthar1ohsrl tonte-poem, and many smll women's college. nn. hsbu oeisssu
Bl1agdon s after her death, for usej The trio appeaed in Ann Arbor inI shoter compositions for the violin Oberlin College has been co-edu-Il \ nosing in olveyig.I i
of women who are active in cam-! 1924 and 1928, and already has a and piano.? cational from its beginning and II blue it is that gives the chic o
pus affairs. Miss Blagdonl was one "large local Ilowving. A more social atmosphere will; for that reason has an almost equal (!! i\I~ to this pictured white evening c
of the most prominent women on1 Willemn Wileke, cellist of te ;pevail Monday night than at pre- number of men and women. Miss to/~fme, leaving one suddenly cold
campus during her college career,Ij vious concerts, aind light ref resh- j Doerschuk spoke of te buildings the~i former glories of red a
both in activities and in scholar- grmfuddteti n117 ienut will be served during the anrd eqipment of te college, and brgh green. Heavy torquc;
ship Her first work in cmu ~ust after the retirement of thej intermission ittributed the success of co-educa- I jewelry on neck and arms acc
activity was in Portia literary so-! Knesel Quartet, with which he( Tickets can be procured at the tion on that campus to the equality i____thenote.
ciety, of which she later becameI played for ten years. Mr. WllekeI box office on the day of the con-1 of numbers. r"1 I.-----= = - ---
president. She then began taking has also appeared in the American ;etfo 2t n rm5t The state university, as Miss ( i
an active part on the Women'scocrfilasvtuoatsan The complete program is as fol- i Lloyd explained, has developed as ;I
p 'cncet fild s vituoo arist andj fSPECIAL MONA
League board a member of the( ja euto the policy inaugurated ~
Undergraduate Campaign commit-l has bee heard wit most of the Eraims-Tio in C Major-87. 'when the middle western section Sh m o
tee. In her junior year she becamei orchestras of the country. In Eu- Allegro. o h onr eaeatrioy -"
Coaimtean the folloingbeaiptropas nde rith e s roupofnte Anachon(Preto.The state has aimed to bring edu- motion about what colors are THE MIRROR B
committe, andthe folowing ear I a one o the smll grop ocationScwithinPrthe).meanon ofhieverymeinfashionr !forseveningvenand a afterer all
she was made president of the world's greatest violoncellists. + Finale mllegroo coso . one believing that the function ofthe tumult and shouting has died I 111 S. UNIVERSITY AVE.
League. The other two members of the Paul Juon Trio Caprice In D mia- !a democratic state is to educate down, the white gown usually em-I
Leas Active on Campus. -----ro op. 39. I its citizens. erges, cooly victorious and breath-.
Besides her part in the LeagueI Moderato non Trappo. ---~~-___
,she was also a member of the Ora- RS M NGO PMES Andante. su{tNII~I~lt11Elllt11ttfllll1!II1111f~111{Illl[I~1-
torical Board and manager of the i1 Scherzo.
iGirls' Glee club. She was a mem- Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman Beethoven-Trio in B flat majo-e fSgaDlaPi h eawmnshnrr coatcs-: Ol1=
-Kappa, Mortar Board, Wyvern, and I iety, held a meeting at the Wom- Allegro. SNO
,the Honorary Debating society, ;ens' League building on TuesdaysAago. -We present the style-
iShortly after Christmas' in her March 18. A report was given on( Temo Con Variazoni. ____ correct hosiery
;~senior year, Miss Blagdon was the business transacted at the na-._ - . --jWCaps nGow ns-
f~orced to leave school on account tional convention, held in Chico.-.-_ hd o
t:f seriousness illness. She was not go in February. Miss Alice Lloyd,an
:aiowed to return to Michigan, and the local society's advisor. wa; .= -Correctan Official- - March n
died the following summer. elected member-at-large of the na-. FOR ALL CLASSE
_________________ tional organization at this confer- -CL S S
At least 430 students of the Uni- 'ence. It was decided ta-nti- Entirely New Outfits
versity of North Carolina are work- tion into Michigan chapter of Al-. - -
h4ga eua osacrigt la Lambda Delta should be held!= No deposit required until you receive your cap
~the survey made by the Y'., M. C. A. , on April 26 at the Women's League. _ -
= This number does not include odd A tea will be given afterward in DR=I O ETCR, : n on
'jb rflosis prxmt-honor of the initiates.I AND LEARN OUR PRICE _ Place your order today.
nay 70 per cent of the students earn -'__________ FO A
some portion of their expenses._ Nestle Circuline
EHATSNTORSPermanent Wave Iy
f that are new, diffeent, and j--
" 3 S days $2 95 40 dloos $450 ; 60 days '$'-6n, l D. I -
54 days $5&5; 61 days~ $665; 73 dy HAIRLedtoSheOeP
'Many othrsto chose htoun t sin ide MVcI~insey so Ha=AR!HP-
&steamers and all epenses abroad. 4(00 ! rt"]07Nc vrsity Dial 2-1.2121-
A:._ _ ___RTR_.__._ _-__ __. ____ __.________ _____-_____-______ t11H Et1tl11IIIt1ll lllU E11 11UIItIlI11~ 1 1 l {11111{11111{1111 1111 fI 1111111 111 I lll{ 11111 111111 ii It II.
G RI Twenty-aSixth Annual Production ExeJI P
DRG o EuwsJunior Grs'Pa
207 South Mai 723 N. University 217 North Mio ® - SIK S
- I-
PiSaturday Sale C
1 PintRubbing Alcohol , . . . . .49 d= o

45c Kotex "..f..".."...." .39 'U
100 Aspirin . . . . .. .49 3- I C
$1.20 Foley's Honey and Tar ..98.=.98
1 Pint Bottle Heavy Mineral Oil . . .59 -
$1.50 'Gervaise Graham Beauty O
Secret . . . . . .= 12
1 Pint Milk of Magnesia.. .. .43 66
35c Energine- - .29
t s t r>eteoiceru
75c Doan's Kidney Pills . " .. 690
$12Grm Slzr..= 9 A MUSICAL COMEDY WITH COLLEGIATE PLOT - ours Fidele and Le Dande r
$10oiteie... the .9I APU CNS SEILYNUBRJwoman who shows unfail
$1.00 Antiseptine (Antiseptic Mouth ( ](mr\ acntn rasadlto
Wash) " ". " . ." ." ."69 1AND 5SONGS L. magic and delightful make
Combination William' s Aqua Velva I wish to beautify themselves
I Five distinct ines await you
andShavi<ng Cream f - Ly ia MeflU*ISSOflflT eatre - Elizabeth Arden, Dorothy Grf
.- ? R ben tein, R. Louis,

ear___ _
ery I Fraternity Members to Attend
ite,f Friday Night Performance
in House Groups.
-ate Box office sales for the six per-
the formances of the Junior Girls' Play
which are open to the general pub-.
iias lic indicate a wide--spread interesi
two in this latest attempt. of the Jun-
en Ifr class to provide entertainment
,ed1 of a musical comedy nature, both
rtoi for the women of the senior class
I and for the entire University.
ekes! Although Friday night has °been
tted designated "State Street night," at
line which time fraternities and sorori-
ugh ties wvill come in blocks, attendance
;ge I in groups has already occurred.
ash- According to custom, Friday night
:ds I as well as Saturday night will be
iir- formal.
the The matinee performance, to bea
to given Saturday, is especially noted
as being the one which out-of-
a town .guests of the cast attend.
Last -_____ _
,en- Furs and Fur Cotrs
'n-# Makeup, Repaired, Re.
on modelled and Relined
,ch Prices Reasonable
to E. L. Greenbaum
oise 1 448 Spring Street
cent Phone 9625

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