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February 20, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-20

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' .r, P$B[TAftY 20, 1036

.: .. . .. .. . _ . .. _ _, .. . _ . . .. _ _ _..

Published every morning except MondayI
during the TJniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited'
Inrthis paper and the local news published
Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor,
?ficligan, as second class matter. Special rate
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master General.
Subscripfion by carrier, $4.08; by mail,
$4. 0
ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman.....1....George C., Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor.............Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor.....Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Womnen's 'Editor......... Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City l ditor.... Robert J. Feldran
Night Edjtors-Editorial Board Members
Frank ~. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kaifiman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen- Bare David M. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckhamr
Benjamin 14. Berentsonilugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
Arthur 3. Berntein John D. Reindel
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts
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J ohn H. Denler Joseph Ruwitch
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Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferrin Adsit Stewart
Carl F. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton lane Thayer
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jackvGoldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
orris Croverman Harold O. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustii, Charles White
Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens
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ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
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Department Managers y
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genes Hloffer Joseph Van Riper
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Charles Kline William R. Worboy
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCilly
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite
Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Gooding .Dorothea Waterman.

ic achievement and a hesitating
step toward international amity.
Our Senate will shortly consider a
proposal that we join the World
Court, albiet with plenty of reser-
vations designed to reassure the.
old guard who will still prickle de-
liciously with 1919 gooseflesh when-
ever Europe is mentioned.
The country as a whole is sev-
eral jumps ahead of our political
machinery in shedding suspicions<
of European motives. We have re-
sumed economic relations despite
diplomatic hesitations, and we
have accepted personal relation-
ships with foreigners as a matter
of course. This University has felt
no distrust of scholars from abroad.
If "European entanglements" were{
still a., live issue outside of Wash-
ington, Michigan's law against.
alien teachers would never have
become a read-letter in need of
resurrection by the Attorney Gen-1
- 0-
In October of last year The Daily
took exception to the continued
existence of the Interfraternity
council in its present state of utter
impuissance and suggested that it
either disband or frame for itself
a constitution conferring specific
powers and duties beyond the mere
right to compose resolutions.
The impotence of the Interfra-!
ternity council, however, is not
wholly attributable to the student
lack of courage and perseverance.
Occasionally they rise from their
lethargy to protest some action of
these faculty officers, but their in-
dignation falls on deaf ears andl
they relapse into spinelessness.
The deans' office, which now dic-1
tates to that body, seems pleasedI
with its dominance and scarcely
inclined to relinquish it. In dis-
ciplinary circles fraternities are
regarded with considerable suspi-
cion as potential breeders of sin,
and anything approaching self-I
regulation and self-discipline forI
them is looked upon with extreme
disfavor. The deans' task of keep-
ing the Interfraternity council well
in hand is rendered easy by the
transient nature of its member-
ship and the consequent impossi-
bility of. its executing any adequate
policy of rehabilitation.
Again, therefore, we call atten-
tion to the farce and futility of
the way in which it annually goes
through the motions of self-gov-
ernment, and urge its disband-I
ment. -

Have all your little postcards
bounced back with your grades, i
or are you one of those people who l
wait for the Recorder's message
and take the whole thing at one
* * *t
I put my eggs in different bas-c
kets and they're all back now, soc
I'm not worrying about the Re-1
corder's, office. One egg has a1
crack in it but it'll get by'. c
This isn't an About Books col-
umn just because I mention "ap-
pendix" but they removed mine
last Wednesday and I must talk'
about my operation even if nobody'
listens. I'm writing this with burnt
matches on newspaper margins 1
and lying flat on my back in the'
University hospital, so you can see
how, hard I try to please you, if
* * *
Sinfce last Tuesday I've been liv-
ing on orange juice and tea. If I
ever see another glass of orange
juice I'm going to mail a choice
bomb to every orange grower in
California and Florida, and when
I get to Japan I'm going to put
bugs in the tea plants.
. * * *
A hospital is a tough place for a
college student to get used to. They
wake you up at 6:30 a.m. and you
l stay awake, willy nilly. Every time
you think you're going to sneak a
nap somebody comes in and takes
your temperature or gives you a
bath or something.
And in between times you drink
orange juice. That expression
about it being a long time between
drinks is the bunk.
* * *
This institution, they say, cost
$5,000,000. I don't know about that
but I do know that they have
million dollar nurses here. Whoops
for Hornaday, Sohoon, Mills, New-
haus and all the others! If you
think I'm going to leave until they
kick me out you're still dizzy from
the J-1{op
Which conveniently recalls Fri-
day night. I had a radio brought
up here so I could hear the J-Hop
music and the cheering of the 1500
(ha, ha, ha, ha, ha) carefree stu-
dents in the throes of the great
Intramural event, but the net re-
sults were enough to make me
want to sign up for Economics or
do something else just as crazy.
* * *I
The thing that gripes me most
is the fact that at 8 o'clock Friday
night I was given a couple of pills
to make me sleep and I deliberately
fought off their effects in order to
hear the broadcast at 11:30.
S.* *
Just as I turned on the set at
that time the boys in the X-ray de-
partment here turned on every-
thing they had and the noise that
came from the loudspeaker sound-
ed exactly like a rusty buzz saw
(with nine teeth missing) going
through tin.
* * *
On top of that the actual pro-
gram sounded something like this:

"The president of the Michigan
Mutual Automobile Casualty In-
surancy Policy company is pleased!
to present Ted Weems and Fletchert
Henderson in a two-hour program
of glorious entertainment." .
(Half a bar of music-probably by
mistake.) . . . . "Now I want to try
to describe the decorations, but
first the president of the Michigan'
Mutual Liability Automobile Casu-
alty Insurance Policy company
hopes you are enjoying this mar-
velous program. Fletcher Hender-
son will{ now play 'Tiger Rag'."
(Ten Weems plays 'Here We Are.')
. "This program is coming to
you as a gift of the president of the
Michigan Mutual --" (Here II
turned off the set and partially re-
gained control of my reeling
senses. What I got out of the ether
Friday night was worse than the
ether on Wednesday).
* * *
However from all reports I guess
I heard about as much of the J-
Hop music as the dancers them-
selves did. What they need for
that function is a band of 285 men,;
with loud speaker attachments.
* * *
I see by the J-Hop Extra that
one of the girls wore "jade slip-
pery." She must have had a hard
time kennina it on.

Mw ic And Drama
3 in A Minor (Scotch Symphony);
by Felix Weingartner and RoyalI
Philharmonic Orchestra; Set No.


All makes of ma-
chines. Our equip-
ment and person-
nel are considered
among the best in the State. The
result of twenty years' careful
314 South State St. Phone 6615

Here it is in

Weingartner, the great Viennese
conductor, displaying the same ad-
mirable intelligence that charac-
terize his Beethoven recordings for
Columbia,- goes perhaps the most f
considerable way towards making:
this symphony acceptable contem-
porarteously. He has done very
cleverly by recognizing and ex-
ploiting the scherzo impulse that
was undoubtedly Mendelssohn'sj
most genuine musical gift.S
The last movement is the most STATE
obvious example of this. It wasE
written as a warlike movement; we
are supposed to "sense the irresis-
tible tread of marching feet as the
clans gather for war." Weingart-
ner, recognizing the essential nai-
vete of the writing and realizing Now we have
that no battle written so simply
and unpretentiously in the classi-
cal idiom would get anything but a spi wth
laughing reception after Strauss's
battle in Heldenleben, "scherzoizes"
the movement. He makes no futileug
attempt to make it warlike by
sheer sonority but plays it lightly and everyone
and graciously, mal hg the move-
ment something like a pleasing has the desire
feminine comment on that, gay!
thing war. for delightful
This tampering with a composi-
tion in the interests of somehow I
establishing contemporaneity of il .
appeal is ordinarily a dangerous
thing for a conductor to do. Pur-
ists will howl to preserve musical °'
history intact. But here Weingart
ner is both justified and successful.
The clarity, grace and simplicity LUNCHEONS
of Mendelssohn's orchestration


The most popular ready-to-
eat cereals served in the
dining-rooms of American
colleges, eating clubs and
fraternities are made by
Kellogg in Battle Creek.
They 'Include ALL-BRAN,
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Wheat Krumbles, and
Kellogg's Shredded Whole
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Hag Coffee -the coffee
that lets you sleep.

TRY Kellogg's Pep Bran Flake to-
morrow. Each crisp, delicious spoon.
ful gives you the concentrated nour-
ishment of health-building wheat-
energy to keep you wide awake in
classes, pep to keep you on your toes
throughout the afternoon's athletics.
Just enough bran to be mildly
Ask that Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes
be served at your fraternity house or
favorite campus restaurant. They're
great with fruit or honey added.











Editorial Comment

Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY


An interesting bit of antiquarian
legal research conducted by Attor
ney-General Brucker has brough
to light a law passed oy the state
legislature in 1919 to the effect tha
no aliens may be employed a
teachers in state institutions. The
discovery is a bit disconcerting
The contracts of not a few aliens
now members of the University
faculties are technically voidable
as made contrary to law, and thus
a convenient lever is provided an
one who might wish to pry away
from Michigan those teachers who
have not surrendered their foreign
citizenship. .
This unfortunate application of
the; law, which obviously was not
considered by its makers, may
prove distinctly embarassing. to
the University. It would be better
if Attorney General Brucker had
left this peculiar reminder of our
post-war jingoism the legal dead-
letter that it has been for the past
Today the law appears ridiculous.
When it was passed the country
had not yet recovered from the
shell-shock of the Great War, and
the names of the Central Powers
were still household by-words for
barbarous cruelty and menacing
domineerance. It was unthinkable
that any one who claimed sympa-
thy with, or even birth in one of
these nations should be so placed
that he might contaminate the
pure patriotism of American youth.
Then also came "splendid isola-'
Lion" and the horror of "Europeanj
entanglements" which served well
as catchwards upon which to hang
the 1919 presidential campaign,
and the Michigan legislature, al-
ways loyal to the party then seek-
ing power, echoed the stump bally-
hoo with an appropriate law
against alien teachers.
Today the intense and jealous
consciousness of nationalism which
swept over the world in 1919 is be-
ing outgrown. The familiar cries
of "Egypt for the Egyptians," "Tur-
key for the Turks" and even

(Grand Rapids Press)
Former President Little of the
University of Michigan brought.
- Prof. Peter M. Jack from Europe
to head the new department of
t rhetoric and English at Ann Arbor,
e placing him cver the heads of
t many who had long served on the
S department's faculty. Several resig-
e nations followed, ands it now de-
, velops that a state law of 1919 for-
s bade the employment of any alien
Y as a regular member of the univer-
e sity staff.
s The objection to appointing Jack
Y would be the same, from the stand-
Y point of slighted professors in the
o department, whether he came from
1 Glasgow or from South Bend. Dr.
Little's chief mistake, if it existed,
f was in going over the heads of
t faithful university scholars for an
. outsider. Sometimes any admin-
istratior, facing a dearth of real
r administrative material, has to do
that. As for the 1919 law, it is ridi-
If a Robert M. Wenley can be at-
tracted to the university from
Scotland, to make a profound and
lasting impression upon students
for generations, he should not be
barred pending naturalization; in
fact, he should not be barred at all.
Philosophy is of all nations and all
ages, and the university should be
able to draw upon the world's best
minds for its instructors. To have
forced Arthur Edward Boak, pro-
fesor of ancient history, to wait
four years for naturalization would
. probably have been simply , to de-t
prive the university of his services
-the services of a man who was to
hold the commission of lieutenant-
commander of the American navy
during the war. And if a Rene
Talamon or Michael Pargment can
teach the romance languages to
university students better than a
man who has spent his life in this
country, what difference does itt
make where he was born?
There are ways of eveding theV
law of 1919, making aliens "irregu-
lar" members of the faculty and
special lecturers on private alumnio
1 pay pending their naturalization.p
1 13ut that hotlm h irnarcca- , t

(makes.the score easy and flexible
under the composer's interpreta-
tion. As reflection of intelligence
in the conductor, the set is quite:
interesting. There are no notice-
able flaws in reproduction.
* * *
ALBENIZ: Iberia: Suite for Or-
chestra by E. Fernandez Arbos and
the Madrid Symphony Orchestra:
Set No. 130.
Four of the numberstfrom Al-:
beniz's great piano suite, orches-
trated at his own request and with
his own co-operation by his friend
Fernandez Arbos, are here present-
ed under the arranger's baton.
The attempt at orchestraizing
orchestral piano music always
proves a valuable study in the re-
spective values of the two mediums.
Another interesting example of the
same thing is the Victor recording
of Balakireff's Islamey by the Hol-
lywood Bowl orchestra. The pian-
istic impossibility of many of the
numbers in the Iberia suite, the
over-elaboration, the superfluity of
restless counterpart have given
rise to the general criticism of the
piano numbers as orchestral
sketches in disguise. Albeniz him-
self finally admitted that the re-
sources of orchestral arrangement
might more properly develop the
rich coloring and startling har-
monies. He himself Attempted
orchestrating two of the move-
ments but passed the assignment
over to his friend Arbos, whose ar-
rangements are played here.
It is impossible to predict reac-
tions to the orchestration. Arbos'
arrangement has interesting style
of it own; occasionally it seems in-
adequate to the original score in
the sense of improper valuation of
rhythmic and harmonic figures.
Some of the coloring, notably in
Triana, is startling and annoying;
the annoyance in all probability
due to prejudiced perception. The
orchestra plays with brilliant verve,
marred only by occasional uncer-
tainty in the climaxes.
GRIEG: Sonata in C Minor for
Violin and Piano, Op. 45: Toscha
Seidel and Arthur Loesser.
A certain symphony with the
Northern tone-poet is necessary to
carry one over the unmistakable
flaws in conception and construc-
tion. There is the Northern fla-
vor-a wild, turgid sort of pathos-
that one may relish. Grieg often,
as here, succeeds in communicat-
ing despite technical infelicity. His
"short breath" is noticeable; the
'themes are nervousdrhythmic
phrases clipped from dance mod-
els. Progression is accomplished
by naive transposition of thematic
phrases to other keys. Pitch dis-
placement is his only method of
developing a theme. Such motion
as there is is a certain vigorous
dancing sort of motion. Grieg
hadn't the intellectual grasp to
succeed in the larger forms. Yet,:




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with extra trousers
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Removing mental barriers

In the Bell Telephone System men are
constantly studying new ways to make the
customer's dealings with the company
easy and pleasant. The new "counter-
less" idea, now being introduced in the
telephone company's business offices, is a
case in point.
Here the customer is placed at once on
a friehly personal basis ith the company

representative. He is invited to sit down
comfortably and discuss his business. Cer-
tainly more satisfactory than standing at a
This single instance represents a point
of view which telephone men think is im-
portant. Telephone service calls for engi-
neering skill and more-it needs human


_ - 4..",


j f1iioIt- Ult l jvi lem o ttlttY-efinoorfr' ir tilsA

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