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March 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-11

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++__+._aa___a____"_a__v_____ 1*Y*L*F'4- L 1 . A.iTJES.

'DAY, MARCH 11, 1930

_ _ __ _. T


49#. E ~ ~S .E I

$$4t Sir4toutt vatIl
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
n this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, .as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
miaster General. $
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by snail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman .......... George C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor..............Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor........Edward L. Warner, Jr.
W44omen's Editor........ ,... Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson
Mlusic and Drama........ William J. Gorman
Iterary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
4ssistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editovi-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Chartes I .Kauffman Walter W. ld
Gurney Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen B~arc Margaret Mix
Alaxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
MFlary L. Biehymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein . ugh Pierce
Victor Rabeindeitx
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
Helen Domipe Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
CIarl F. :Fnrsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart.
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanson
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Groverman Robert Townsend
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
J.Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr
Jean Levy G. Lionel Willens
Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit
Bruce J. Manley
Telephone 21214 .
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising............T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising........... Kasper Ii. Halverson
Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton
Service..................George A. Spater
Circulation...............J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.............. ... Joh~n R. Rose
Publications..... ..r.George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary,-Mlary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
fames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboy
Dorothy Blnomgardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite
Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman

With the passing of William
Howard Taft the nation has lost a
leader whose ideals, citizenship,
and lifelong usefulness were recog-
nized throughout the world as one
of the prime examples of the at-
tributes a public figure should ac-
Regardless of what may be said
for Taft's success as the twenty-
seventh President of the United
States, it has been said that never
once during his long terms of pub-
lie offices did he use his political
power for selfish gain or for mere
personal advantage. Mr. Taft's
honesty and earnest desire for un-
selfish usefulness offers an excel-
lent example for political organi-
zations to follow, and affords a life
program that individuals might
well adopt.,
Mr. Taft was one of the leading
churchmen in the country. He was
connected with the founding of one
of the largest church organizations'
extant today and was a devout
worshiper. As one of the original'
group who inspired the founding
of the Federal Council of Churches
of Christ in America, he brought
into every office the ideals of hon-
esty, helpfulness, cleanness and
The late Chief Justice was one of
America's best examples of citizen-
ship in public office-an example
not too often offered.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words of possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not he
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.


To the Editor:

The being made public of the
news of Dr. Hugh Cabot's appoint-'
ment as consulting surgeon at the
Mayo Clinic serves to accentuate a
well known fact - the fact that
through her entire history the Uni-
versity of Michigan has always
sent away her best men, her out-
standing personalities. This rather
habitual occurrence has been due,
in every case, either to the fact
that the Regents lacked the fore-
sight to bring about means for!
keeping them, or, due to their
simpleness, bacxwardness, or nar-

Sunday's paper carried an a.n-
nouncement of another student-
written play contest so it looks as
though we'll have to undergo an-
other epidemic of "City Haul," etc.,
whether we like it or not.
* * *
The basic idea in such a contest
is fine but if the winners take
themselves too seriously they hit
the terra firma of the cruel world
with a terrible crash. In fact, that
goes for any branch of student
activity. I recall a swell drawing
that appeared in Life last year.. A
young gent, recently graduated
from college stood before a desk in
a newspaper office. "Any experi-
ence?" asked the guy behind the
desk. "Well," said the graduate,
"I was editor of my college news-
paper." The guy behind the desk
sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said,
"we got an editor."
Dear Joe: For the last seven
years that I have been on campus
I've tried to solve this problem.
What is the quickest way of get-
ting to the Physics building fron
the Natural Science building; and
how can you get to South Wing
from Angell hall? If you can solve
these problems you're a better
man than I am.
Susie SummersaulJt.
So you've been on campus ?seven
years, eh? What's the matter, do
you like it or something? As to the
problems, the best way to get to
S. W. from A. H. is to walk. I'll
have to look into the other natter.
I didn't know we had a Physics
Njew York and other niglat clubs
ought to grab the idea they've put
over at Joe Parker's in regard to
satisfactorily correlating a large
crowd with a small dance floor. The
right side of the room does its
stuff for one dance and the left
side takes the floor for the next.
The music is almost continuous, so
nobody misses anything except the
terrible jam that usually charac-
terizes a cafe like Joe's.
* * *
Dear Joe: Didja head about the
co-ed who's giving up Rolls for
Lent? And she says it's the best
part of her breakfast, too.
Piccolo Pete.
* * *
Golly what an awful breakfast
she must have.
* * *
Below is an unfinished limerick.
Can you fill in the last line? I sup-
pose you can, but do you want to?
If so, do so, and send it in to me.
The writer of the best line gets
one point toward the degree of
There once was a fellow named
Who stepped on the Library
"I wonder" said he, ?" 1
"What'll happen to me?"
* * *
Following is a letter that has
been puzzling me for going on two
days now. It is from a representa-

tive of the U. S. Gypsum Co., of
Dear Sir: Here is an item of news
that will doubtless prove of con-
siderable interest to a great many
readers of The Michigan Daily. A
DeMolay fraternity has been or-
ganized on the campus of Rennsa-
laer Tech, Troy, N. Y., under the
name of Delta Mu.
Very truly yours,
(Sighed) C. S. Jeep.
* * * *
You find the "considerable in-
terest" in this item and I'll award
you a pair of very fine cut glass
* * *
Maybe he's the gent who put the
Jeep in Gypsum.
* * * -
Contributors ......... 25
Cubs . .... .... ..... .... 0
Reporters .. . ._. .. ..... 0
Assistant Editors ....... 0
* * *
It looks as though Seth Johns
vill be the first to get a 2-cent
stamp. He has supplied four con-
ributions to date. The Beach-
eomber and Piccolo Pete are next
with three each.
* * *


^ _.... ._~______ ______ _11111111!l_______ _______ ______ ____ #11_____ ______ ______
Music And Drama
TONIGHT: The Mimes of the =
Michigan Union present "The
Bride," a mystery drama by Oliver
and Middleton, in the Mimes The-
atre beginning at 8:15. 2IH
A Review by William J. Gorman. 1 on
Again is Mr. Gabrilowitsch back .
in the nineteenth century doing
dutiful service to the established
giants proving what grateful De-
troit chooses to call his reverence,
or what New York has this season,
more accurately called his limita-
tions. Ann Arbor is, of course, ,
nearer Detroit but it should cer-
tainly be indignant at the fact
that in the last five appearances1
of the Detroit Symphony here the
important pieces played have been E
the Brahms First, the Nutcracker/
Suite, the Rosamunde Overture , 2
twice, the Franck symphony twice, -
the Pathetique twice, the Midsum-
mer Night's Dream music, the Ri-
enzi Overture; and last night Wag- -
ner, Schumann, Smetana, Grieg,
and Berlioz. That is certainly -
prudence almost to the point of
Generally, there is the counter-
argument: but Gabrilowitsch does = When a man buys a cheap
remarkably well by the nineteenth suit he is really buying an
century heroes. But even this was' irremovable price tag. His =
tuy h t clothes go with him, wherever
not entirely so last night. The = he goes. In the game he is
Chorale and March in the Die always "it." Del Prete clothes
Meistersinger Prelude were played l.are not cheap. Neither are -
quite too gravely, making the won- they expensive. They are de-
signed and made to give you
drous counterpoint of that score a the utmost in enduring value
bit too pedantic and not dramatic = at lowest feasible cost.
enough. The brass choir not as -
large as the score requires, at- .2wr users
tempted to compensate by blaring,-
and was allowed to, the result be-=
ing not 'sonority but noise. The!
Symphony however was played
quite well. Warm sentimentality -
creeps into the classic form by $35 - 4 - $45
means of rich thematic variety
pleasant to listen to but vacuous
because .hardly bearing or deserv- $°
ing development. A romantic sym-- 4
phony like this one is quite easily_ $3 .-
rendered if only the conductor has
the authentic respectful sorts of Quality, Service personally
intelligence and a good orchestra. by
Gabrilowitsch has both and finds
no difficulty with this music; so,
of course, plays it continually.
Smetana's Overture is a negli-
gible piece of music progressing by 213 East Liberty
a process of mimicking within the Eb
string section. The lyricism of ga|lIIlIil11III#l11111IIIIllll#1111I I1ji
Grieg's elegies played very syn-
pathetically with admirable nuan-
ces achieved even at a pianissimo
level by the strings, proved quite
compelling and certainly the best
thing on the program. Berlioz's
sprightly poeticisms and diffuse
sensuality require only a certain
obviousy type of orchestral virtuo-
sity. They received it and the con- T hee I
cert was closed; a cautiou and
uninspired climax to a good Choral
Union Series.ient
A Review.

Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying
For Everything Musical

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Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
Compared to most other coun-
tries of the world, the United
States is a nation of law-breakers.
The general disrespect for law
here is baffling to foreigners and
shocking to Americans; yet there
are probably few recognized "good.
citizens" who have not broken the
law with full knowledge that they
were so doing.
This lawlessness, it is shown inj
an article by James Truslow Ad-
ams in last Sunday' New York
Times, is deep-rooted in the tradi-
tion of this country, which was
"cradled in revolt." Throughout
history the right of revolution or
the right to defy authority when
we are not in agreement with it
has been constantly invoked, Ad-
ams says, and we even pass on the
moral soundness of laws by our pri-
vate standards to see whether they
should or should not be obeyed.
It is not to be understood by this
that the Volstead act is the only
law being broken, for crime in the
form of holdups, murders, embez-
zlements, and the rest are daily,
occurrences. Most of our laws are
broken frequently, and the at-
attempted enforcement of more
stringent penalties for unenforce-
able laws cannot help but increase
disrespect, which is simply to court
As Adams points out, the Eight-
eenth Amendment did not make ofj
us a nation of lawbreakers, as we1
were so already because of our
deep-rooted tradition; but it did'
give a staggering blow to that re-{
spect for law which is so absolutelyf
essential to a highly industrialized
civilization. History indicates that
the very Puritanism which brought
prohibition into our Constitution{
will prevent its enforcement be-t
cause of the Puritan doctrine and1
practice of private judgment. t
The United States today is prob-c

rowness of vision, actually forcec
them to leave.
Dr. Moses Gunn, the first profes-
sor of surgery, after many years of
endeavor in attempting to .build
up the School of Medicine, left and
went to Rush Medical College. Both
his immediate successors, Dr,
Greene and Dr. Donald MacLean,
left after only a short period 01
teaching in the school, because op-
portunities were too limited. When
Johns Hopkins Medical School
opened its doors in 1893 it took twc
of Michigans principal professors
-Howell in psysiology, and Abel in
pharmacology, and these two fig-
ures are still outstanding men at
j that school. Prof. McMurrich, of
anatomy, left to go to Toronto, and
his successor, Dr. Streater went to
Carnegie Institute. Abel's succes-
sor, Cushny, left to go to Edin-
burg. Dr. George Dock, former
head of the department of Inter-
nal Medicine, is now at Washing-
ton University.
Dean Cabot has been well known
as a medical educator, he has aided
in acquiring 'a good faculty in his
short stay here, and has endeavor-
ed to raise the calibre of the school
by more careful entrance selection,
and by more personal freedom in
choice of subjects by upper class
students, but, being a teacher, he
discouraged private practices by
members of his faculty, and ex-
pressed himself on his beliefs, and
as a result, has lost his position.
And now it seems to be the object
of the Regents to get in his place
a kindly agreeable soul, who con-
descends to all their moves, like
the man who has been dean of the
literary college so long.
Michigan is a mass production
institution, and the annual turn-
over is continually being increased,
while the quality of the product is
being lessened . . . for how long can
quality, increase when the employ-
ees who do the actual manufactur-
ing become poorer? Of what value
is a four million dollar hospital and
a medical building with four floors
of anatomical laboratories when
the quality of the instruction is
lessened? In order to maintain
the place that she has held for
quite a good many years now.


The School of Music Symphony
Orchestra under Samuel Lockwood
with Dalies Frantz as soloist
gave an interesting concert Sunday
afternoon. The full orchestra still
remains absolutely , unpredictable,
the woodwind and brass sections in
one piece running the whole gamut
from very bady to fairly good mo-
ments. If one's ear is distinctly
aristocratic, the many curious mo-i
ments of muddled sonority quite
absolutely mitigate against any
pleasure. Otherwise, the concert
proves interesting as a fairly lucid
reading of a little known symphony
by Svendsen and the thrilling, the-
atric music of Grieg's Sigurd Jor.
salfar. The string section alone
rendered three numbers by Grieg,
Mozart, and Tchaikovsky quite sat-
isfactorily. One seemed to hear 1
enough good stringed instruments
to wonder why there is no chamber
music coming out of the School of
Dailes Frantz played the Liszt
Concerto quite splendidly and
was very enthusiastically received.
Frantz's mode of expression, de-I
fined in review of his recital last
fall by Herbert Schwartz as "pretty
largely rhythmic utterance," height-
ens interest in questionable music
without distorting it--a consider-
able achievement. His rhythmic
spontaneity and rhythmic power
(in this concerto admirably con-
trolled) creates an excitement
which eventually amounts to a
mental predisposition, resulting 1i
accentanePof nPvmn hn l -1-i m-n

long tint4

The excellence o arsity
Service is not a :mere by-
wor but proven by the
continued growth of the
one IIo




E. H. E. postcards me the
news that a drunk staggered
the TLihrarv the ether fiquv

a i




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