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March 08, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-08

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In addition (1 o ..vwing the us-$ a
ial custom in assigning specialty ---
:oles to leading cast members of the All Freshman Women Expectcea
Junior Girls' Play, several of this to Attend Mass
'ear's specialty numbers have been Meeting.
riven to characters carrying minor
-oles among those having speaking CAUCUSING PROHIBITED
>arts. These specialty numbers will 1
E ioca nuu ±u

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MIS AOY t to b DCe rourmi Iwomani

served in that capacity for nearlv
20 .years. Miss Hamilton was Dean

to rioto rosxtin as .
of Women for four years.
Single Director. During the past year, following
the absence on leave of Miss John-
TO TAKE OFFICE IN JULY I son, and her subsequent resigna-
tion, Mrs. Jordan has assisted the
Group of Three to Supervise office of the advisers to women in
P Pnr~a~nizati of the capacity of dean emeritus.
! rgafzaten Tlmt u bQhoni An Ar- .



Physical Education Club Puts Returns From Telegraphic Rifle
Out Second Copy of Meet of February 22
Magazine. Announced.
"Progress," annual publication cfI Reports on the outcome of the!
the Physical Education club, will be telegraphic rifle meet held the
n sale the 25th of April, selling at week-end of February 22, have just
been received from the Universities
50 cents per copy, Elizabeth Hatch, of Louisiana, Nebraska and South
'31, announced yesterday. Thc Dakota. The University of Kansas,
nagazine came out last year for which was also entered in the meet
he first time, containing contribu- has not been heard from yet. Al-
though Michigan added up a total
dions from the leaders in thc field score of 489 out of a possible 500,
of physical education, and circulat- their shooting did not equal that
ng discussions of the latest trends of two of the other contes'

k .

Miss Alicex Lloyd's appointment
as Dean of Women by the Regents
yesterday marks a reversal of the
system for advising women back toj
that which prevailed before Presi-
dent Little's regime. The Regents'
resolution naming Miss Lloyd,
Which selection will take effect at
the beginning of the fiscal year in
Jily, 1930,.inferred that details of
reorganization in the office of the
adlvisers to women would be worked
out subsequently by the Regents,
Miss Lloyd and the committee of
the Regents composed of President
Alexander 6. Ruthven and Regent
Esther Cram.
When advised of her appoint-
ment yesterday afternoon, Miss
Lloyd declined to make any state-
ment before discussing the action
of the Regents with President
Ruthven. She did infer, with char-
acteristic whimsicality that the
task was a tremendously large
The decision of the Regents in
choosing a single Dean of Women
means supplaiting the system of;
an advisory committee which pre-.
vailed since 1926. At that time.
Miss Jean Hamilton, then Dean of
Women, resigned and -three advis-
ers, Miss Lloyd, Miss Grace Rich-
ards, and Miss Beatrice Johnson,
were selected to constitute the
group. In accordance with a pro-
viso of the new order, the chair-
' anship of the committee would
circulate among the members, each
adviser heading the group for a
two-year period. Miss Lloyd was
the first chairman and after her
two years, Miss Richards succeed-
ed to the headship. Miss Richards
is now serving in the second year
of her office.
From the first inception of an
office for an adviser to women un-
til 1926, a single head had been in
charge of its affairs. Dr. Eliza
Mosher was the first Dean of Wo-
men. Then Vrs. Myra B. Jordan

M1.Ss LoJydUwas orn m t nan hu
bor, the second child of Dean Al-
fred Henry and Margaret Crocker it
Lloyd. She was educated at Ann
Arbor high school from 1907 to -
1909 and later at Milton academy i
in 1909, 1910, and 1911 before re- '..:....
turning to the University for her
A.B., which she received in 1916. -
From 1918 to 1921 she was at the .'y,
Nurses Training section of- St.
Luke's hospital in NewYork city.
She is a registered nurse in New
York state. She served in the de-I
linquent girls department of the Associated Press Phtoto j
Waynencounty probation officer's Elizabeth Steen,
juvenile court from 1922 to 1924. Girl explorer of San Jose, Cali-
She was probation officer in the ne- fornia, who will search for a lost]
glect department from February, tribe of Indians in the jungles of
1926, to June, 1926. Brazil.
S .L GDr. Erlanson Receives
THE SPOT-LIGHT'National Fellowship'
By J. C. X. Dr. Eileen W. Erlanson, who is
Isn't that just like a man! Just engaged in research work in the
because I appear in print only on botany department, received her
Saturda Mr. Rolls thought he third National Research Fellow-
had completely squelched my big- ship in botany recently. It is cus-
ger and better tulip campaign. As tomary for two such fellowships to
a matter of fact, I have spent the be awarded, but only rarely and in
week trying to think of an artistic unusual circumstances are research
color combination. workers presented the fellowship a1
And let me tell you, Mr. Rolls, if third time.I
you wouldn't spend so much time The character of Mrs. Erlanson's 1
with buried traditions (if they work is unique. She is the only bot-
.aren't anent history, thin I'm anist known whose specialty is
not a co-ed). You would know roses. She has several acres of
that there is an auto ban in exist- roses in the botnical gardens here,
ence on the campus. So just try and also has extensive rose gar-
and run over my tulips with a trac- dens in Pasadena, California. The
tor! I suppose you plan to bring third year extension of the fellow-
the auto ban along with the rest ship was given Mrs. Erlanson so
of the dead or dying traditions, un- she could do special research in
der the Library Seal? these California gardens. She is
This spring weather does things now engaged in estimating the
to people's ambition. At present I number of varieties of wild roses
love to do nothing better than to and classifying them for the first
sit in one of the food shops on time.
State Street and watch the people ."The botanical gardens of the
go by-and what people! I university are the only ones in ex-
There is Fanny. You all know istence," Mrs. Erlanson said, "in
her. She is the girl who boastfully which the wild origin of every va-
informs the world at large that she riety of rose is known. Valuable
was rushed by ten sororities, but advances have been made in rose
just couldn't make up her mind culture here, and it is possible for
which one to take. much more to be done in Cali-
Then there is the haughty B. W. fornia, where all varieties will
0. C. She has so many honorary grow."
pins and things that she might
very easily be enrolled, in the Le- you will hear who the blonde was
gion of Honor. that you saw him with last night,
Kitty, the human pin cushion, if that "the Pater just hasn't crashed
there ever was one, has as her through with a check yet," that he
motto, "What's a fraternity pin has just told three more professors
between friends?" In fact, she has where to head in, and finally Mr.
so many Greek 'letters that the College will inform you that he
government over there is thinking , will give you a break some time,
seriously of claiming her as a na- and call you.
tive. Well, Rolls, it seems that of the
And, then, dear Ruthie the Phi, two of us, I have much the better,
Bete. Every day is the same to pastime. Mine at least affords me
her; they all have twenty-four some inspiration, while all you
hours and they are used for the seem to get out of your guarding
sole qurpose of study. the seal is a lot of figures, and of
But who is this barging up the course, we realize that some of
street? , None other than ole Joe those really wouldn't look well in
College himself. In a second's time print.


in physical education.
By setting the date of this year's
edition April 25, it will be printed
in time for distribution at the A. C.
A. C. W. conference which will be
held here for three days in April.
Elizabeth Loudon has been
appointed to the Board of Direc-
tors of the Women's League as
the sophomore representative
following the resignation of Bet-
ty Healy. The appointment au-
tomatically assumes membership
on theUndergraduate Campaign
Tickets for cast, choruses and
committees of the Junior Girl's
Play may be obtained today and
Monday, March 10, at the prop-
erty room in the League build-
ing. The general sale of tickets
will begin Tuesday, March 11, at
the box office of the League the-

Louisiana . claimed the highest
score, 494; Nebraska was next with
492: and South Dakota was last
7rith 483.
The Michigan rifle team is con-
sidered to' have shot an excellent.
match, in spite of the fact that the
score was not the highest. The in-
dividualscores are as follows: Dor-
othy Edmands, '32, 100; Helen
Nicol, '30, '98; Frances Huff, Grad.,
97; Elizabeth Hatch, '31, 97; Alice
Mann, '30, 97; Josephine Grice, '30,
96. 'I

n several casss be accompanied byt
'horuses, whose dancing and sing-1
ng will furnish a background for
he feature acts.
Marguerite Barr, Lucile Strauss,
mnd Josephine Smith have been as-
signed the parts of specialty danc-I
ers. Tap choruses will add consid-
erable interest to the dance num-
bers of the production.
Helen Carrm has been cast as
:pecialty singer, while a trio con-
isting of Barbara Stratton, Jean-
nette Dale, and Jean Boswell will
have a prominent place among the
musical numbers.
A duet of strictly comedy na
Iure will be presented by two of
the juniors having minor leads,
Josselyn Mclean and Ruth Bishop.
Their portrayal of the parts of
waitresses in the cabaret scene,
which will be one of the most strik-
ing events of the presentation, will
furnish amusement amply suited
to fulfill the general scheme of the

rElection of chairman i or inh,
Freshman Pageant will be held at
4:15 Tuesday in the Field house at
a mass meeting of all freshman
women. The Pageant is the only
all-freshman event of the year and
is one of the outstanding features
of the class activities in the spring.
Every woman in the freshman
class is expected to attend the
meeting on Tuesday prepared with
nominations for chairman of, the
central committee. No caucusing
will be permitted and any viola-
tions of this rule will be taken up
with the Judiciary Council, it was
announced yesterday by Margaret
Bush, '30,upresident of the Wom-
'en's League.
Those in specialty numbers
are asked to note the change
which has been made in the re-
hearsals of specialty numbers.
Saturday, March 8:
9:00-12:00, Act II, cast.
3:00-6:00, Act II, cast.
7:00, Act I, cast and choruses,
Sarah Caswell hall.
8:00, Act II, cast and choruses,
Satah Caswell hall.
Sunday, March 9:
2:00-5:00, specialties, Cave.
7:00-9:00, specialties, Cave.
Monday, March 10:
3:30-4:15, chorus H, stage.
3:30-4:15,choruses D and C,
4:15-5:00, chorus E(2)', stage.
4:15-5:00, chorus G, Cave.
5:00-5:45, chorus B, Cave.
5:00-5:45, chorus F, stage.
7:00-10:39, Act I, cast and
choruses, stage.

The work on the rifle team is play, entertaining comedy.
fascinating, and any beginner who
is at all interested is welcome tolAlumnae Chapter. Gives
enter classes at any time. , Program for Sorority
Glee Club Will Sing at Members of Alpha chapter of
Exchange Club Banquet Sigma Alpha Iota and their guests
were entertained Wednesday night
The University Girls' Glee Club by Lambda Alpha, the alumnae
will sing a program of college and chapter, at a progressive dinner.1
Junior Girls' Play songs on March Mrs. Ralph Aigler, of 2112 Walling-
131 at an Exchange club dinner in ford road, Mrs. Carl Gehring, of
the Union, Miss Nora Crane Hunt, 1920 Scotwood avenue, and Mrs. A.
director of the club, announced to- F. Hutzel, of 2115 Wallingford road,
day. ! were the hostesses.
The past two weeks have been At the home of Mrs. Aigler anj
very busy ones for the members of 'informal program was given by
i the club. On February 17 they Florence Boycheff, '30S.M., Miss,
sang at the annual Rotary club Bernice, '31S.M., Odina Olson,
. dinner, and on February 26 at a I Grad., and Mrs. Walter Hunt. Mrs.
smoker given by the Michigan !Pearl Wolcott of New York city was
;Alumnae Association in the Union. present as guest of honor.

"Sororities are still very popular
ina the middle west and far western
colleges, but they have lost much
of their popularity in the oldest
colleges and universities of the
east," asserted Mrs. Vaughan of
the McGill university after she had
attended the conference of the
deans of women's colleges.
The Women's Athletic associa-
tion of the University of Georgia
sponsored their annual circus yes-
terday. It was held in the audi-
torium of the Physical Education
buildng,. Stunts, sdeshows, and
everything that is seen at a real
circus made this a bona fide one.

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