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March 07, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-07

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f.. re - d . ...' a. . . . u-n^.

Michigan's undefeated fencing
with aspirations of annexing thej


Former Mihigan Invitational
Interscholastic Affairs
Establish Records.
Mid-west interscholastic swim-
ming records, in the past synono-
mous with the performance of the
high class tank competition in the
niversity of Michigan Invitation-
als seems safe for the first time in
he six years that have marked the
inception of this event.
All of the times which have
een chalked up in the Ann Arbor
igh school swim meets have
elosely approximated national rec-
ords, and in three events, the 100
yard back stroke, medley and free
tyle relay numbers the national
arks have been established di-
ectly in the competition at the lo-
cal invitational meets.
In the past years the competition
has been of the highest classes;
nd swimmers coming to the meet
ere at Ann Arbor have come with
ine records in prep school compe-
ion. It is to be remembered that
etroit Northwestern and Highland
ark are perennially entrants in
his event and these teams have
or the past five years finished
igh in the national scoring, the
ighland Parkers winning the na-
ional championship for the past
wo years in the tank.
This year the Polar Bears come
o Ann Arbor in a seemingly hope-1
ess attempt to defend the second
wimming . title which they won3
wo years ago and successfully re-
ained last year. Last Saturdayt
ight the Bears dropped tl'e De-'
roit city title to Northwestern,1
Ith Northern as runner-up and
bighland Park in third place.
Northwestern by virtue of its!
erformance in the city meet is a
light favorite to win the team
onors Saturday while Ndrthern
s conceded an excellent chance to
inish on the top of the. heap.
ighlatid Park's hopes ile mainly
n the chances of Fidler and Thom-
s in the free style events, Dry-
ale in the back stroke, and Healy
n the breast stroke.4
Arrangements for the annual all-I
ampus boxing show how under I
ay point to itsbeing the greatest
eather pushing affair in the hi-
ory of pgilism at Michigan. En-
ries are being made that will
ring together the best leather-I:
ushers on the campus, and due to
he increased interest in this sport
t is practitally impossible to fore-
ell the probable outcome of any
f the bouts.
This year's show will entertain a
select group of invited guests,
prominent in athletics. C. H. Bren-
on, president of the Michigan As-
ociation of the Amateur Athletic
Union of the United States, will be
an honorary judge, while G. F.
Patterson, of Grand Rapids, will
fill the position of times and judge.
Milo Philbin, brother of Coach Let
Philbin, who has been prominent
in Ohio boxing circles for some
time and is at present boxing coach
at Toledo University, will be the
Owing to the large crowd that
attended the meet last year and
the interest that has been shown
this season, seating arrangements
are being made to accommodate
more than two thousand specta-
tors. A special section of reserved
ringside seats have been 'placed:
for the coaching staff of the Uni-
versity and the invited guests. 'By
a new arrangement of the, tiers,
however, perfect visibility of the
ring is insured to every seat in the

There will be three two minutef
rounds in each weight division to
decide the championship. A. A. U.
rules will govern the meet and the
ten ounce gloves will be used.

Phi Chi "A" defeated Delta Up-
silon "A" 13 to 8 in the finals of
one of the Intramural basketball
leagues to gain the right to enter
the elimination tournament against
Xi Psi Psi that will determine the
fraternity champion for the year.
Brunsting, Cooper ,and Blanch-
ard starred for the winners, each
caging two baskets, while Kraue
was the big star for Delta Upsilon
with two baskets to his credit also,
King and Croxton, both of Delta
Upsilon, each caged one shot from
the floor.
For excellent quarter final ten-
nis matches have been scheduled
for the indoor all-campus tourna-
ment which will be held at the In-
tramural building on Saturday.
Brace and Richelson, and Gage and
Rollin Clarke have been paired in
the upper bracket, while Sherman
and Robert Clarke and Reindell
and Penn will clash in the lower
bracket. Penn is the co-holder of
the fall doubles championship.
Delta Upsilon defeated Phi Kap-
pa in the finals of the Inter-frater-
nity Bowling tournament thus re-
placing Delta Sigma Delta as
champions. The score: Delta Pp-1
silon 2490, Phi Kappa 2375. Delta
Sigma Phi set a high mark of all
time by hitting the pins for 2575 in
the third round. This has been the
best season of bowling the depart-
ment has ever had with 52 five men
teams actually bowling.
The All-Campus singles and dou-
bles are now gonig on while Inde-
Bad ers to Battle
for Second Honors
(Special to The Dal)
MADISON, Wis., March 6-Whenl
the University of Wisconsin bauket-
ball team takes the floor against
Indiana in the old red varsity gym-
nasium, three of its members -
Captain Harold (Bud) Foster, Carl
Matthuson and Maury Farber-will
be playing their last game for Wis-]
Though the Badgers can finish
no higher than second now, Wis-
consin's supporters find no fault
with the season and are behind the
team, to a man. They will give Fos-
ter, Matty and Farber .a big hand.
in their valedictory game.
At the start of the season, Coach
Meanwel said that if Foster played,
Wisconsin would finish "one, two,
three" and that he would have' a
team which, fdr cleverness, speed,
and ball handling, would be one of
his best ever. The outcome of the
Big Ten race proves that the little
Badger mentor knows his basket-
This week Meanwell is making
his final 1930 effort-to put the
Badgers On the floor in the well-
known "pink" for one more game.
Wisconsin must defeat the Hoosiers
Saturday night to be assured of an
undivided second place for the sea-
son. It has t'aken all of the little
doctor's well known skill in hand-
s i d atin driionina nen to en-

pendent and class teams will roll Conference title will have the se-
next- ,.week. Any non-fraternity verest test of their last match of'
man can get up a five-man inde- the season against Chicago, also
pendent team. undefeated and headed for thel
championship, Saturday morning
INTRAMURAL MANAGERS. in the Intramural building.
SThe Intramural Department has IChicago will enter the meet the
a very efficient corps of student decided favorites despite the fact
managers who help to keep all thet that Michigan has not been defeat-
activities under way.h ed this year. The Maroons defeated
Senior Managers: nythe present Conference champions,
Joe Arsulowicz of Grand Rapids,Illinois, 10 to 7 while the Wolver-
has been personally in charge of ines barely nosed out a one point
aall the pbowling. victory against the Indians.
Milton Klivans of Youngstown, Chicago's greatest strength lies
Ohio, has handled speedball and in its foilsmen who have overcome
volleyball tournaments. all competition so far this season.
Junio Manaers:On the other hand, Michigan has
KeithBennett of Kalamazoo is i also displayed a superiority in the
direct charge of activities in bas- , foils in all of the matches so far
ketball and swimming. this year. It is also interesting that
To Prond of Ypianti ha the weakest spots in both of the
Tom Prouse of Ypsilanti handles teams is the epee, in which wea-r
hockey and the tests for Sig a pon they were both defeated by Il-
Delta Psi, national honorary ath- li. .
letic society. inois'
Sophomore Managers: MIAMI-Phil Scott's last chance
Ervin Markus of Detroit is one of for a claim to the world's heavy
the newer managers. He has been wei ht title went glimmering when
assistant in speedball, basketball, the Miami boxin gcommission re-
volleyball, and squash. tused to act upon hisimanager's
Herbert Silman of Jamaica, N. fue t at upowhs manae'
Y., is assisting in basketball. complaint that he was fouled.
Robert Clarke of Chicago has had!
charge of all tennis matches. ,
Howard Gould of Canton, Ohio,
assisted with speedball and volley-
ball. ;
Freshman1 Managers:
The following men, in their firstc
year as managers, assist in what-I
ever activities are under way: Rob-,
ert Freydburg, of New York, Leo
Goodman, of New York, Louis E.,
Heidemann, of Detroit, Morris A.
Cohen, of Louisville, and Clifford
W. Friend, of Maple Heights.

One by one tho ranks of the hold- Shires is hanging around the
outs are being depleted, several town where the White Sox are
3 more of the baseball stars who !training, but he is spending all of
were reluctant to sign, having put his spare time . in the camp'of the
their names to contracts during theN-G tw.h
past week At present there arNew York Giants, which is the
p same place, rather than watching
still about 20 players who remain his own team drill.
in salary disputes with their clubs, A
but most of them will undoubtedly Babe Herman and Harvey Hen-!
sign up in the near future. drick are Brooklyn's leading hold-
Lefty O'Doul, Pinkie Whitney, outs, while salary differences with
Wes Ferrell, and Willis Hudlin are several of their minor players are
the latest to join their clubs follow-
ing salary disputes. Ferrell came not yet settled. Jakie May, Leo
to terms with the management of Durocher, and George Kelly are all 1
the Indians two days ago while giving the management of the Cin-
Hudlin joined the club a day earl- cinnati Reds something to think
ler. O'Moul's signing leaves only
Chuck Klein to be accounted for about.
by the Phillies. Ralph Kress and Heinie Manush,
Babe Ruth, who wants a mere two regular performers on the St.
$85,000 two-year contract before he !Louis Browns, are both holdouts
joins the Yankees, is expected to in earnest, neither one of them
come to terms with the club within showing the slightest inclination to
a few days. The Bambino is at bite at the offers handed them by
present working out with the team the club. Walter Johnson is hav-
at the training camp at St. Peters- ing his troubles at Washington,
burg, so he will not lose any val-- with gaslin, Jones, Marberry, Liska,'
uable time in spite of the fact that Braxton, Cronin, Hayes, Tate,
he is not yet signed. Spencer, Loepp and Burke still re-
Among the most highly press-' maining unsigned. Burleigh Grimes
agented of all the holdouts is the I has not come to terms with Pitts-
one and only Art Shires (The Oh j burgh yet, while Lhdstrom, Ben-
So Great), who is still at outs with ton, and O'Farrell are still hold-
Comiskey as to his 1930 salary. outs with; the Giants.


Competent service men on all
makes of radios.
Dial 21408 521 East Liberty
215 E. Washington Phone 4310
PIANO TUNING -- Phone (3776.
Victor Allmendinger. The Stein-
sway concert artist tuner. Office
at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.
Brunswick, Columbia records, reg-
ularly 75e now 50c, 3 for $1.35. A
portion of our regular' stock to go
at low figures. YOUR FAVOR-
ITE may be among them. Come
in early.
Cor. William at Maynard
TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087.
FOR RENT-Three room cottage
and garage. Modern. Ideal for
young couple. Phone 4023. 456
FOR RENT-A large suite, single
and double 'rooms. Reduced
prices. 425 S. Division. Phone
22352. 345






B6 Shoe Store

Iowa Boasts Records
Held by 25 Athletes
(Special to The Daily)
IOWA CITY, March 6.-That sin-
gle line of type in Spaldin;'s ath-
letic almanac, terse listing of an,
official record, and therefore an
editorial masterpiece to the athlete
concerned, is in possession of
twenty-Aive men trail. d, at the
University of Iowa.
From world's marks down to
Mid-Western A. U. U. standards,
forty-six records are held by the
athletes, according to a survey of
the 1930 almanac. Sixteen track
and field men have made 29 rec-
ords; nine swimmers are credited
with 17 standards. All were estab-
lished since 1922.
Charles R. Brookins, the great
Hawkeye low hurdler, is the cham-
pion record-maker of the troupe,
for ten marks are listed after hisI
name. His time of :23 still is theI
world's 220-yard and 200-meter
low hurdle record, and he has two!
American standards, one National
Collegiate, a Big Ten time and a
share of the third.
Iowa' other famous low hur-
dler, Frank J. Cuhel, is the holderI
of the National Collegiate A. A. j
straightaway record for the event;
and L. D. Weldon, now on the var-
sity team, is the creator of the Na-
tional A. A. U. junior javelin mark.
weeks suspension from college or
the loss of University credit is the
penalty for violation of the ruling1
against students driving automo-
biles without University permits.


1 1


For these prices we can
give you unusual values.
Black or Brown
Calfskin or Grain

6 00

If there is any doubt in
your mind about the pop-
ularity of diagonal weaves
permit us to show you
some of these very smart
new ones. The ultimate
in swankiness and by
Braeburn which is saying
a great deal.
Pleasantly priced at
$35 $40 $45
with two trousers
Saff eli-Bush
Opposite Michigan Theater
"One Man Tells Another"

189c, $1.89, $2.79


WANTED-Students to enjoy a real
meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest.
LOST-A small blue purse. Dial
22175. Reward. 4
LOST-Bar pin with three pearls
and small stones. Hill Auditor-
ium to State street. Valuable
as gift. Reward. 922 S. State.
Dial 4724. 34
LOST-A crystal necklace set in
white gold, lost between 1125
White street and corner of Oak-
land and Hill streetseSaturday.
High sentimental value to owner.
Phone 8587. 345
LOST--Dunhill Pipe, Monday aft-
ernoon on 5th Ave. Valued as
a gift. Reward. Call Sanford,
21893. 231
LOST-Small gold wrist watch.
Initials G. W. K. Between Cam-
pus and 1315 Cambridge Rd.
Finder phone 8466. Reward.
J LOST-Mortar Board pin between
Martha Cook and Wahr's on
State street. Return to Arliene
Heilmann, Martha Cook. Re-
ward. 234
ROUND silver wrist watch with
silver band on Tappan or Cam-
pus. Reward. Dial 7210. 234








ICorbett's Collegi

aing ana conwi gihuui
able him to carry the present group
of short, lightweight players
through the season without "crack-
ing "
KIPKE WORKS OUT art Schaffner and X
1= -.
(Continued From Page 6)"1
when the time for sizing up the -
various players is limited.
A class of about seven men who 1
are considered the outstanding
quarterback candidates will start in light, medium and dark
holding evening meetings some-
time this month. A man who han- j shades. Fine quality fabrics
dles the ball well next fall is and finished tailoring,
badly needed right now- -
late Clothes Shop {I
you will want to prn Suit
vy Overcoat and pg
Spring Topcoats. in the newest S p r in g
shades. Pewter Gray and -'
; - ~Tamarack Brown.
on's riwest styles T irc rw.
id 50 inches long, 3O.OO to4-5OO
our College trade. to
$2.00 Values at . $1.55
e to have you drop in $2.50 Values at $1.95 -
. r- - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



These balmy days
discard that hea



Pay You Well
The subscription price
to the MVichigan Daily
for the second semester
is $2.50
Call at the Press
Building and order
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,.Classifed Ads

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They are the seas
and shades, 48 an
special made forc



It will be our pleasur


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