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March 07, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-07

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. ,

. By Edward L. Warner. Illinois is another possibility.
Eastern and Western Divisional Editor's Note: The changes of Pole Vault Coach Kipke Predicts Strenuous
BOTHEARiGRA P'tRSLNotye:lTr e cane llifiisaoter taVpiauTaiigtero
K£ Champions to Fight the entries to score in the remain- Northwestern's vaulting star, Spring Traing Period
for Supremacy. ing events on the Big Ten indoor Tom Warne, should repeat again in for Football Men.
f S ma s r a i track program are considered in the pole vault. Warn cleared 13
BOTHARE UNDEFEATED1 this article. The 60 yard dash, 440, feet 7 i-2 inches for a new world's PLANS DECEPTIVE PLAYS
380, and mile races were discussed indoor record on a dirt takeoff last
(Special to The Daily) yesterday. year. His greatest competiton will Although it is a far cry from
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 6.1 Two Mile EtRn. come from Henry Canby of Iowa March to the time when referees'
-B iru f hirdfato OiiIn the longest gido h et and Captain McDermott of Illinois.
1 -By virtue of their defeat of Ohio I h ogs grind of the meet, n teemna aal whistles call the gridiron gadiators
Sttes retlrslat ee, I Leas, Indiana cross country star,l Bothz these men are capable of well wYislscl h rdrngaitr
State's wrestlers last week, Indwill be the favorite, although he is over 13 feet and may force Warne of the land to thei positions,
an University atmen have t o a t e ec to a new record. Although not ex- Coach Harry Kipke's pre-season
earned the right to clash with Illi- ord established by Abbott of pected to annex first place, Pottle trang is rounding into full sway
nois for the Western Conference nois in 1929. Wisconsin will have of Michigan, Klarr of Northwes- I atone end of the large gym at the
mat crown at the Hoosier school a pair, of threats in Follows and ter, ntz o hio tate, Harpentramurl bilding A ot o
Saudyngt alsoty hleSenso h of Illinois, Albright of Iowa, and five men, filled with hopes of
jSaturday night. .zoldsworthy, while Steenis of the Td fIdaaaealcpbeo inn n""i h e td
Indiana, champion of the East- Badgers may gain a place. hlomer Todd of Indiana are all capable of winn;nM n h e td
Iedivismion of conferne Ean- Bters o y Ohi Sat as Heen better than 12 feet and may earn ium next fall, are working out two
{.ern division of, thle conference and White of Ohio State has been to he ie ekgtigi h
points or three times a week getting in the
Illinois, champion of the Western clocked in fast time and may ex- best shape possible for what Coach
division, are both undefeated in tend the leaders. Makeever of Illi- tHigh Jump. Kipke promises will be one of the
matches this year. The Crimson nois has shown speed over the two The high jump will find Shaw, most strenuous spring practice ses-
' :team disposed of Michigan, Ohio mile distance, while Kelly of Chica- j Wisconsin sophomore, as the fahistory of the school.
State, Northwestern, and Purdue to I go, Peterson of Northwestern, and vorite, with a mark of six feet 2 1-2 T he hisory o hs l.
cop the eastern diadem, while the Kemp of Indiana may be in there inches in a dual meet. Iowa will one of the best backfield men ever
SuckersFeknockedtoffnonedopetheubestEbackdielddmen ever
Suckers -knoed off Wisconsin, at the final. With Pete Austin not depend upon Edward Gordon, ver~ turned oit here, has added a new
Minnesota and Chicaago twice to entered due to his injured foot, sitle negrO star, while Carr of Illi- feature td his regular program of
;hold the western crown. Michigan's only representative will nois should gain several points. rope-skipping, passing, and other
Winning the Conference wres- be Dave Fitzgibbons. The diminv - , Crawford Felkner of Mihigan tied oexercises directed toward condi-
4 tling title appeared to have become tive Wolverine will be forced to for first last year with five other xtioning the aspirants. With a
a habit of Illinois teams until show his best in order to figure in entries. If he is in form, he should skeletoi line and a center, Kipke
Michigan burst through with a vic- the point scoring. , add some points to theMaize and is sending his backs through a
,ry over the Illini in 1929, a feat 7; Yard High Htrdlcs. Blue total. Other jumpers who 'long training period in deception
k<>:;>; which the Hoosiers hope to dupl- Harold Hayden, Chicago ace, will have done six feet or better include in handling the ball behind the line.
cate this year. Since coming un- be back to defend his hurdle title Sentman f Illinois, Stewart of Cri- Several new plays have been
der the tutelage of W. H. Thom,j which won last year in the record cago, and Butler of Ohio State. worked out in which the main
the Indiana grapplers have forced time of :087 seconds. George Sai- MileRtelay threat is trying to make the oppo-
their way to the front of the na- Eig of Iowa, who took third last Michigan's best chance for a first sition guess who has the ball, and to
6FagcF tional wrestling ranks, suffering ,wilatmttwrsthla- Mciasbetcacfoafisstongsshoashealndo
onl et yer, will attempt to wrest the lau- place appears to be in the mile re- put these plays over poperly Coach
only one defeat in the past two s the Maroon hurdler. Lc lay. No relay quartets have shown Kipke is devoting a largepart of
S/MP0 years. Ties with Michigan and;tesrom .he any startling speed in dual cdmpe- his time with the backs teaching
STAT' Northwestern kept Indiana from ai the world's 75cyardhigh hurdle tition to date, so the Wolverine them the best methods of making
championship last year. ar n w i l yt s Ha- team composed of Dale and Da1ton the rival team guess wrong. All of
This year the Illinois grapplers k hampio, whisle o y Seymour, Mosser,, and Russell may the attention is not placed upon
associated Press roto l appear to have one of the strong- also of Illini, should be among the ,take first honors. Coach Brenne -the prospective ball-carriers how-
est teams in their history, havingO han's Iowa team will be back to de- ever. Coach Blott, an All-Ameri-
overpowered all their opponents bylePders.fPMichigan, HatfieldSofte, fend the relay crown which it won can center of a few years past, is
iBasketbalesTeam comparatively large scores. While P o f P e d iese last year. Ferguson and Depping trying to find a pivot man to take
Aiaapoints fPrdu,_ad i
New Catains t Hoosiers have not beenmt of isanin ae all possible point were on the 1929 quartet, but Beck- the place of Al Bovard, and while
ni chary of pints, they have met s lnper and Hubbard are new men. The several promising candidates have
e competition uystiffert.Hawkeyes lost the relay in a dual shown up, the standard is far be-
the Suckers have faced. Shot Put. meet with Marquette this season. low that of previous years.
WEST POINT, N. Y., March 5.- Michigan held the Crimson to a This event should resolve into a Other strong relay teams include If the weather permits, Coach
Cadets Dean C. Strother of Win- two-point victory and the Buck- duel between Sam Behr of Wiscon- those representing Northwestern, Kipke hopes to be able to take his
field, Kan., and Ofrin C. Krudger, I eyes put up a stiff battle to let the sin, defending champion, and Buck Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Indi- men outside for two weeks before
of Buffalo, N. Y., have been elect- Indiana boys come out with a four Weaver of Chicago. The latterlhs ana. The Widcats won from both spring vacation,.and theb add ao
ed co-captains of the Army bas- point lead. Fairail of the Ohio bettered 47 feet in dual competi- Wisconsin and Ohio in a quadran- other two weeks of hard drill after
ketball team, it was announced to- lnea downed Unger, Hoosier heavy, tion, but Behr was the victor when gular meet. the holiday. During these sessions
day. They are expected to lead the for the latter's first defeat of lhe they met in the quadrangular met. _he___rn_ _ep__hg
team i alternate games next sea- year. Scott, Indiana captain, also Brooks and Captain Poorman, I ST. LOUIS-The next appear- a stiff course in fundamentals but
son. met his first upset at the hands of Michigan's weight heavers, may ance of Primo Camera, prominent will also get a taste of actual
Strother and Kreger have been the 'Buckeye light-heavy. Eddie pick up a point or two for the Wol- 1talian contender for the world's scrimmage niore than they have
room mates since they entered the Belshaw, Indiana 135 pound fire- verines. Fred Roberts is Iowa's heavyweight crown, in the ring will in previous spring drills. In this
academy three years ago and are brand, will be the only member of hope in this weight event, while find him facing Chuck Wiggins, vet- waoy Kipke expects to get his
now occupying adjoining beds in the Indiana team who will face'a!Yunevich, Purdue grid star, may cran Indianapdlis ringman, here on teams well lined up before next fall
the, cadet hospital, Sucker opponent undefeated. figure in the scoring. Wineland of vlnarch 17.(Continued on Pae 7)
lillitl1111111i tttli tl 11111[tttttltl ttllill f 1111J111111111 111111111111111FlI t1111111111 1Ii 1 1(Co tin ed Pa e

r A;7

oach Courtright also announced
awarding of the "B" team let-
3 yesterday. The men to receive
A's because of competition on
y squad are Ralph Coombe,
hard Hole, Joe Jannett, ThomasI
tice, Harold Lindsay, Desmond
ph Tyler, and Harold Weinstein.'
11 of the letter winners on the'
sity with the exception of Z.4c1 FOP
ning, whose injury early in ,2T#f.7
Conference season kept him outW
the games during the critical
t of the Big Ten title race, have j__
ipeted in the major share of the { Three of the fastest men in the
ies on the schedule for the en-
season. Chapman, Truskow- Big Ten track circles who will be
and Orwig are accredited with entered in the indoor meet today
ying in 13 games apiece. and tomorrow at Minneapolis.
eiss * is listed as having played While George Simpson, the Ohio
14 games but one of these was State flash in the sprints is still
)ntest 'hichwas played by the the title holder, he will have to
rves and is usually considered
aave been a "B" team game. step the distance off in exceeding-
iiels also played in this game ly fast time to hold on to his
iging his total to 11, while Lov- crown. Northwestern's star sopho-
was in 9 games. Before his in- more, Zack Ford, has already upset
y Downing took part in 5 tilts. the traditional dope-bag by de
ruskowski led the Wolverines aSionrece-iag yn-
coring with a total of 97 points feating Simpson recently i an i-
nearest rival was Kanitz with do'br meet. Both are in perfect!
whle Orwig was fourth with 57 condition and fast times are ex-
1 Chapman with 51. pected to be set up.

(r -





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