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February 19, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-19

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I i e ate RtJecen~t 1 zigieerirgI
Conference Outline Plans
for. Improvemuent.
Necessity of Safety its motor:
Tr'zansportation Sti-eised by
AuFi 3i1 .

Minister toAlbaniaIIJTO BE RELEAE ONe
r~ rIff Ilmaprn wh~ichflwas begun ea~ly in e 1, ON DEFENSE NEED 5
ff11<UklIrLfall by .Edward J. Stevens GLt he ~y r vshtoi-a
Frsm'xn uir i~in University Museums building, is il'drew them uptl into Sctionlal layouts Naton
f FrsliianandJunor iv , its final stages. One more section wkith the 1U1U51,IPcVisi) V Namies ,Ntoa Reserve Officers Head
3 ~~f Law Case Clubs Finish is yet to be finished before the cotn i otws :nal viIla+'s, of ol(1 nrllin Wil Speak Hr t°Friday
r r .:,'i< " ?.apl te uner it ilr oes t1o lt..':i t t: ;:. i7(! (1 Ii it UP INWE "f' YCpLt' F(1.. 4on3.jI v
'.t've is, who 1 'aila ht( i peietw aa it:; Ii lewr
FIN ALSAOCHE INengin eer in the gu fn wr tiic, ca me i z iwhere chn..._wre..eces
MACHtote;usum uidig nAuusnary orinal cograpical loca- X tiC(~l isdn
to begn thet "k r comiling nd ti i wer inicated, a feature ;of the -Flee 1ix.Qcs assocL tion.
SWinners of the preliminary hear- (drawing up a new mnap f the state'wihnope , "a ncue. 01teUntdSa il.p'co
ifs fN.s Wvih fesma>adof Michigan which was to include ;se~ti u by sctinthe irheolog- !the sb " 1Ntioal Defense in
.1:cLw cooyhv be ea-vry feature to be 1000(1 on exist- ,.sbet ~f
no"cdbyNrmn"oero , Omarkings as well. HewihLthehelpta eoeydperonain8:15 o'clock in the Natural
chairman of the club. In each of f~ vr vial l Michgan who s edaa can be relied ~a
the four clubs, there were original- ________ ___-.. .-. upon. Even the locations of age-Siecadtou.
......:* 'ICl. Cole is active in national d-
rsly 24 freshmen and eight juniors. 1 T~ old Indian cemeteries, churches and ense natters and his organization
i f s ee(for ndto avybenun id U vila ("S a~e #ivel la plae on thc of tie National Defense Comit -
.' . ~ eleted, an the bassof grades t1i11 ~...l yal ae hes iei -. f th l < iainbtl tl . yerc
made In the coupetition, from ,ther J IUIEIU r~l 0dilll (ii--ar o a iem of Dtrot. iat 5bCt th tiae moth
,ective claasse r< <!. l~~~~~~I~itisl, Frencli ai i 01D etot a eo t h lcce
I re 'pctiv clssesin ach lub Wilflh I~it nftn r t 1Y o~ts of te pe -U Witi era L01 simnar r;:iatia~fh irih
r ai ct'cyire d ctteconr. eetpess'di-
the freshman lawyers is intra-elub ICIUH, t..i n . Ai
I -. to decide the championship pa o rstn ieigt ae ac- tchles rm Whito po-
par:Aaaaen Prte'e~s'a'P i the priua club. From the eonpalied the revision il' the inetly mention himt for . ppont-
Hiermtan Bernstein.. fou areshinCarstGes2 neral Gilchrist Commiiandedl state's areloical surface. Many r~ent as assistaint ecretary of
N+ew York author and editor, who# be arranged 1y mutual agreement Fi~st A. E. F. Troops to Iof the cities and 'owns in Michigan W ar, in cha g of industrial motbil-
has been nominated to he minister l:anzd he final ases will be tried the i1Jter Fi l Iwre criginaally known by names izatin and other vital funlc~ins
to Albania. frt or second. week in March r. wic are iow 0obsolete. Many. of of the War Dpartmen,
- I -!Thi.juir Aooeeac t . thle tourist's moast frequent ;stops P receding his address at the Nat-
Iuir wl ppos ahoh Chemical warfare i connectloin have channed their cognomens forl ural Science auditorium, Col, ~ole
11er f the,5erri finls wh willI~ctuniaury purYposes. Exact locations rwll speak informally ;a L the Arm
Fou Scr°coi comer e of the sear-inal h wl ih ainl ~ wl
AJpLy orE trn eas ometeih ern of the Ainal the subject f an address to e giv of point ad bays on terlake and Navy club dih er at th
or Entrance ease which will, be held oiv Fouxnd- enuby Major General arry L. Gi1_. fonlaI cts av nve eoe een leiguc.
ers' day in April. ThieStry club is che;o hecemcl rin ted. St eves hs udcertaken to
! # to argue 'against the Marshall cltb fare service of the armnyThu sday, mkethe nont Mcii°mro- (XA-8'OI #lCLN
Applications from 81 colleges Homesecub. eOnewfalculty judge Feb. 20, at 4:15 o'clock in the Na- The work which is now so nearj WASHINGTON, Fb. 18--(AT.)
and universities in 2D states( for I i~d-the two senior advisors of the tural Sienice auaditruam Gen eral it competion Ls; being carried on' - Commercial saes of bituminous
participation in the sixth nlational rnninterested c.lubs will preside at CGllchrst comes to Ann Arbor tan- fiteoicsfD.W.1.Hnaloluedmtyfriduralp-
the trials.. I cusodimx of state a rheology, on p0505 . iaun'ited to 4,300,000 tns
intercollegiate oratorical conteston Ith inr onFudr'dy der the joint 'auspices of the local~ the fourth floor of the Museums; Jan. 1, a decrease of 1500,000 tons
the Constitution of. the .United Twineres10 an Fdloers$50.y section of the -American Chemical ; building. Dr. Hinsdale has been in storage fromn the same Eate of
States, inaugurated and Conducted This pize is the Henry M. Camp-I society and the University.; instrumental in assembling such+ 1929 but an increase of 2,800,000.
by' the Better America Federation' bell award, obtained from a fund of General Gilchrist has had an il-' data as would normally supplement ; over the total at the beginning of
of California, have been 'received $4,000 es a lished by Campbell, tereting career. He was gradua ted, an undertaking of. this kind, j the previous quarter.
by .P. Caspar Harvey, Liberty, Mo., Bulkley, an Ledyerd, of Detroit. from Western Reserve University;~- ~ .
national director. A three.-years' subscription toi the in 1I6'and became a medical ffi-,
It is expected that the Univer- Law Review will go to the winning1 cer in the army two years later, /
sity will have an entry in the con- }pair in the finals in the freshman and an, honor. graduate from the 1 Na W ELL , CO AL
test. Philip N. Krase, '2, has been groups in each, of the clubs. . Army Medicalchool in, 1903. Later CO XINVV L.JJ4.. 1.JIXd"
the only University student to place 'The freshmen in each club who he volunteered for research work'
in. previous contests,. conducted by will compete in the finals are for In the treatment of leprosy by/
the federation., ,Ie won, fourth the Story club-Williamn M. Martin,j Roentgen rays and afterward, as i cano, oahna
place in the 1926 Competition,. in Earl. L. Meixner, Harold G. Capron, ' volunteer for research work in con- rfi'3Ii'Pchna
which more than 400 ..olleges and and Paul J. Kern; Kent club-Don- n'tion with the prevention of ty-
univrsites tok prt.aid FrD .'RneHrldV'podfever was one of seven to Ken't'ucky anid West Virginia {Coatl
Atotal of $5,000 in. prizes will be f8 Potter, and C. "A. Benedict; Mar- take the first 'exprimental serum. Solayan Gas Coke
awarded, and the winner, who' will shall clb-Fa. E. Wolf, -Howard.' Si-, General Gilchirists war record isF:
become the-national intercollegiate mon, Edward jWelch, and LeRoy an imposing one. lHe con ande(1d
champion orator for, 1930 will be Mte; 1"olmnes club- L. Van~tlargoi,' the first expeition of Amnericanl
awarded a prize of $1,500. Se~ond # C. E. Curfman, S. E. Rowdabaugh, troopas to enter France in May 1917,
place' will give a. prize of $1,000, and E. :R.. Gomberg. adi eebr11 a sind1
scalng daw to$400 for seventh The juniors who'-will comipete~ in andtno DemeA.F.fr 1917 waignted
slcling downinas. retotoy.cto i heia.E.Wafo Srvdt ithhep-Tibuneshsee ro ngvr
The competition for what is said1 Charles~ M. Vanderwoort, Lewis D. ticipated in nine battles during the 1 since it was etabished. The secret -
to be the greatest forensic honor Wilson; Kent club-R. F. Sargent,j war. At the recommendation of "giving absolute satisfaction t our.
open to college students in Amer- Carl Carson;,Marshall club-M. L. President Hoover (then in charge!csoes"W eiv tpy od
lea is expected to >'ig t>t e u i, H r e ilil; H l e f rle w r) n e ea e u i c s i . fi n l a . I o
this year the largest group of Col- eub-J. A. Orh, . Spencer. Hlm sing he commanded thc Ame-Ibsn sinaredy*w fyo
lege an nvriisi n r~ .;'~ Typhus -Relief Expedition to' thinky so too, let's get togethe.
ect of the ind in the history of ILL TO PROTECT BANKS Poland.
American higher education, an an- FROM UOSRPRE i inladcnpco.
nouncement from the national.M (1 ,UORS RE~ POR ED service hi.GnaIlicithare
headquarters states. WASHINGTON, Feb. l8 -'The Givelard crstosand cLSita-
.Northwestern university, the fir- Brand bill, making a misdemeanor #~ rmUie SaeEgad
tional winner in 1925," wasthfrs of statements injuring or tending°t
Sch'ool to enter the 1930 contest.. to injure any bank, was favorably Fac n Poland. CORN XTELVCOA .L OIKf
ereMarch 25 is the closing date for reported today by the House Bank- - -' at , I
entries, and the orator to represent Ing and Currency, Committee. The reybergy to Discuss OFFICE, CORN WELL BLOCK
each college muf,,t be selected, by bilre-scribes a maxmumn fine of R iw y osrcinPoeOfc S1"52Yr fie55
April15. E"$5,000-.or imprisonmet fr ;five'i
SNWFLSFR3!AS ! OE NDPRYRTR Woldemar . Freyberg, assistant
SNWFAL FR3 DYS Vf.I ND'ARYREUN investigator of the Department of'.
i Eninering Research, will discuiss...--
WASHIGTON, Feb. 18.-(.A.P.) his experiences concerning the cn-
(By A meta to d Press) BIronzed, by Viorlda sunshine l and struction of. the railway aroundr NOW E SHOWS AT'
JUNEAU, Alaska, Feb. 18- This1 rested' by a week of fishing, Pres- Lake. Baikel in Siberi, at eight' SHOWIN
may be the "frozen NoartlV' of fi- d~entfloover returned to ,Washn- o'clock Thursday evening in roomIn HWNG.-7:0-9:0
tion fame, but Juneau, which has ton early today to resume his .tasks 445 of the West Engineering build-
not 'experienced below zero weather i us chief. executive of the nation. ! ing.
for more than five years, has been!
poorly prepared for the Continuous M M a y Uo &e
.The city found only 12 shovels RESERVE '
available at 'hardwtare .stares, 'all










others having been' bJout bt;y "citi
zen ,Tractors were ttemp-ting.1
keep th-Ae streets open yis terr'ay
f ~ 802 PACKA WD ST.
Under New. Management
Oar Special.35c-'Dinners
Daily and Sunday 5,'to 7 p. Mn.
13. a. uM. to 12 in.

II Washington at Tfhayer One Block Norith from (If1 ia doillif

1,mctlin Owit, Wister'sl> bt m~in~look, ithe ganto
d~g''nctroi~ti~ ays of tll(- 'ioiler \Vest L.IVE, again for yolti
You I ViiA :i ' l sSf . i:,te grci 1lnuiian lof't'story,. IJskim 'Th}
t¢ t~"Y cI {Vag}t'i'"°11 in z ,.








8:'30 P.o M .
Except Friday
Matine es:
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday


park, was too, tame for this gay young
l~torm o! 'lI y brought him l lanic .buti
they c oud't make. him behave! 1lie
sholked heQueen-arnd how ~h
1The Love P'arade
Jeanette MacDonald
The o iist laVi-hAl n-nudigof iindody. grantdeur,
spice and llauhter e vcer kown! Royal s~lendor~ wag.
gish w es intillating smrtnless-and 00(dles of love!

Mimes Theatre
Week Feb. 18G22
By DPorothy Brando a



Under Auspices of
Undergraduate Cam paign


All pal-Ot


I., >.0 ru'

Y '7'',-I"' "Y": . i 'c. .?.It Paramount Novelty '




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