iviiC i-ii&AI ;~.1 ~6-~1L i vV L~lA-' JJALlk Y S'£J4 CYtUAL l ~LU fX !P TS AUV CATE I i e ate RtJecen~t 1 zigieerirgI Conference Outline Plans for. Improvemuent. OI~sfRR[ UNIFORM LAWS Necessity of Safety its motor: Tr'zansportation Sti-eised by AuFi 3i1 . New Yorker Nominated NEW STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL, ATLAS Minister toAlbaniaIIJTO BE RELEAE ONe INNEHSHEEGI[DED500NftYSTE VENSICO[TO EIUF r~ rIff Ilmaprn wh~ichflwas begun ea~ly in e 1, ON DEFENSE NEED 5 ff11adof Michigan which was to include ;se~ti u by sctinthe irheolog- !the sb " 1Ntioal Defense in .1:cLw cooyhv be ea-vry feature to be 1000(1 on exist- ,.sbet ~f no"cdbyNrmn"oero , Omarkings as well. HewihLthehelpta eoeydperonain8:15 o'clock in the Natural chairman of the club. In each of f~ vr vial l Michgan who s edaa can be relied ~a the four clubs, there were original- ________ ___-.. .-. upon. Even the locations of age-Siecadtou. ......:* 'ICl. Cole is active in national d- rsly 24 freshmen and eight juniors. 1 T~ old Indian cemeteries, churches and ense natters and his organization i f s ee(for ndto avybenun id U vila ("S a~e #ivel la plae on thc of tie National Defense Comit - .' . ~ eleted, an the bassof grades t1i11 ~...l yal ae hes iei -. f th l < iainbtl tl . yerc made In the coupetition, from ,ther J IUIEIU r~l 0dilll (ii--ar o a iem of Dtrot. iat 5bCt th tiae moth ,ective claasse r< 'ig t>t e u i, H r e ilil; H l e f rle w r) n e ea e u i c s i . fi n l a . I o this year the largest group of Col- eub-J. A. Orh, . Spencer. Hlm sing he commanded thc Ame-Ibsn sinaredy*w fyo lege an nvriisi n r~ .;'~ Typhus -Relief Expedition to' thinky so too, let's get togethe. ect of the ind in the history of ILL TO PROTECT BANKS Poland. American higher education, an an- FROM UOSRPRE i inladcnpco. nouncement from the national.M (1 ,UORS RE~ POR ED service hi.GnaIlicithare headquarters states. WASHINGTON, Feb. l8 -'The Givelard crstosand cLSita- .Northwestern university, the fir- Brand bill, making a misdemeanor #~ rmUie SaeEgad tional winner in 1925," wasthfrs of statements injuring or tending°t Sch'ool to enter the 1930 contest.. to injure any bank, was favorably Fac n Poland. CORN XTELVCOA .L OIKf ereMarch 25 is the closing date for reported today by the House Bank- - -' at , I entries, and the orator to represent Ing and Currency, Committee. The reybergy to Discuss OFFICE, CORN WELL BLOCK each college muf,,t be selected, by bilre-scribes a maxmumn fine of R iw y osrcinPoeOfc S1"52Yr fie55 April15. E"$5,000-.or imprisonmet fr ;five'i SNWFLSFR3!AS ! OE NDPRYRTR Woldemar . Freyberg, assistant SNWFAL FR3 DYS Vf.I ND'ARYREUN investigator of the Department of'. CRIPPLES ALASKA .'OWN 'T0, CAPITAL. -g i Eninering Research, will discuiss...-- WASHIGTON, Feb. 18.-(.A.P.) his experiences concerning the cn- (By A meta to d Press) BIronzed, by Viorlda sunshine l and struction of. the railway aroundr NOW E SHOWS AT' JUNEAU, Alaska, Feb. 18- This1 rested' by a week of fishing, Pres- Lake. Baikel in Siberi, at eight' SHOWIN may be the "frozen NoartlV' of fi- d~entfloover returned to ,Washn- o'clock Thursday evening in roomIn HWNG.-7:0-9:0 tion fame, but Juneau, which has ton early today to resume his .tasks 445 of the West Engineering build- not 'experienced below zero weather i us chief. executive of the nation. ! ing. for more than five years, has been! poorly prepared for the Continuous M M a y Uo &e .The city found only 12 shovels RESERVE ' available at 'hardwtare .stares, 'all c Pr 11 t 11 l t 3 i (A { being being Now Presented presented by at others having been' bJout bt;y "citi zen ,Tractors were ttemp-ting.1 keep th-Ae streets open yis terr'ay f ~ 802 PACKA WD ST. Under New. Management Oar Special.35c-'Dinners Daily and Sunday 5,'to 7 p. Mn. 13. a. uM. to 12 in. II Washington at Tfhayer One Block Norith from (If1 ia doillif AL ALAi RICfHADALEN SNMARY BRIAN WALTER "HUS 1,mctlin Owit, Wister'sl> bt m~in~look, ithe ganto d~g''nctroi~ti~ ays of tll(- 'ioiler \Vest L.IVE, again for yolti You I ViiA :i ' l sSf . i:,te grci 1lnuiian lof't'story,. IJskim 'Th} t¢ t~"Y cI {Vag}t'i'"°11 in z ,. I I Per Per Wek Week ==T-- TO NITE' LYIA MENDELSSDUN' THEATR-E 8:'30 P.o M . Except Friday Matine es: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1' park, was too, tame for this gay young l~torm o! 'lI y brought him l lanic .buti they c oud't make. him behave! 1lie sholked heQueen-arnd how ~h lovedPCBit! MAU -RICE GHEVALIER 1The Love P'arade Jeanette MacDonald The o iist laVi-hAl n-nudigof iindody. grantdeur, spice and llauhter e vcer kown! Royal s~lendor~ wag. gish w es intillating smrtnless-and 00(dles of love! Mimes Theatre Week Feb. 18G22 MATINEE SATURDAY By DPorothy Brando a EXCEL.LETCAST 'ANiD C3'LETE PROdDUlC1fON 0 7' Under Auspices of Undergraduate Cam paign Commit'ttee I All pal-Ot I I., >.0 ru' Y '7'',-I"' "Y": . i 'c. .?.It Paramount Novelty ' i i 11