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October 09, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-09

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-d . _ _

0 ,

Published every morning except Mond'ay
during the University year by the Board in
Control of .Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

r -

Telephone 4925

'Editor. .... ...... . ...... George C. Tilley
City Editor.... .......Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor. . George E. Simons
Sports Editor.......Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ........... Marjorie Follmner
Telegraph Editorr........ .George Stauter
Music and Drama....... William J. Gorman
Literary Editor ........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....-Robert J. Feldman

Prank E. Cooper I
William C. Gentry I
Henry J. Merry
Charles R.
Charles A. Askren
Helen Bare
Louise Bebymer
Thomas M. Cooley ,
W:'. JCrane,
L~edru E.. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin t
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Rtth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
J 9dmund Glavin
Jack Goldsmith
D. B. Hempstead, Jr.t
James* C. Hendley
Richard T. Hurley
Jean H. Levy
ussell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

Robert L. Sloss
Gurney Williams, Jr
Walter Wilds
. Kaufman
William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John D. Reindes
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer.
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold O. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willens
J.E. Willoughby
Barbara Wright
SVivian Zimit

Telephone 21214

, '5

Assistant Manager

Department Managers
Advertising...............Hollister Mabi :y
Adverlisinu.......... Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising .........Sherwood Upton
Service< ...... ........George Spater
Circulation .................. J. Vernor Davis,
Accounts......................Jack Rose
Publications...............George Hamilton

Howard W. Baldock
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Robert Crawford
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Ames Hoffer,
orcris Johnson
Culen kennedy
Charles Kline
Marvin Kobacker
Lawrence Lucey
George Patterson
Norman Eliezer
Anson Hoex

Robert Villiamson
Thomas Muir
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Roger C. Thorpe
William R. Worboys
Jeanette Dale
Bessie V. Egeland
Bernice Glaser
Helen E. Musselwhite
Hortense Gooding
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Alice McCully
Dorothy Stonehouse
Dorothea Waterman
Marie Wellstead

not be indefinitely taken of Presi-
dent Ruthven's wish to be fair
without blocking the necessary
progress of an institution that
serves not only Ann Arbor, but the
State of Michigan, the United
States, and many foreign coun-
40,000,000 CRIMINALS
Until the present time liquor
buyers have never been considered
either "conspirators" or ''members
of the criminal class." A test case
tried recently in Philadelphia
showed tha the purchaser cannot
be found guilty of violation of the
Volstead Act either on the chage
of conspiring with the bootlegger to
aid and abet crime or on the
charge of transportation.
Yet it was announced yesterday
that Texas Senator Shepard will
initiate what he terms the "last
step" for prohibition enforcement
by offering Congress a bill to make
buyers of liquor equally guilty with
manufacturers and sellers. Bishop
Cannon offered a similar bill last
week,^but will now back Senator
This bill would in reality be the
"last step," for without a law of
the proposed kind, prohibition as
an enforceable measure is tooth-
less. It is practically impossible
to stop completely, or even par-
tially, liquor production (and ulti-
mately its sale) when there is a
constant demand for it by persons
not criminally involved. If the
consumer were to be implicated in
the crime of disobeying the Con-
stitution, an entirely different as-
pect would be given the situation.
The demand would probably be
greatly lessened with the buyer's
knowledge that he might be faced
with a prison sentence or no less
than a large fine for merely having
transacted business with a boot-
President Hoover, in persuance
of his campaign promises, is at-
tempting to enforce prohibition
more efficiently and at the same
time to ext~icate the courts from
the tangled condition in which
they have been placed. Were this
law passed, it would obliterate the
work which he has already accom-
plished. Dockets would be crowd-
edfor'months ahead with cases so
petty in nature as to be almost
Fortunately, the bill to be ad-
variced by Senator Shepard ap-
pears doomed at the start. The
people of this nation do not want
prohibition badly enough to make
criminals of one-third of the pop-
ulation and fools of the other two-
The action of University officials
in permitting fraternities to invite
non-members to "football parties"
held on days of football games this
f all will be welcomed by students
not only as creating an opportunity
for enjoyable parties, but because
there seems to be an indication in
the open party edict that the Uni-
versity intends gradually to modify
the policy of paternalism which in
late years has become increasing-
ly oppressive to students.
Coming with President Ruth-
yen's announcement that the ad-

ministration will not be opposed to
possible modifications of the auto
ban, the notice in regard to foot-
ball parties is believed to indicate
that henceforth the University will
hesitate to exercise minute super-
vision over the private lives of stu-
But aside from the general ques-
tion of paternalism, the action of
the University in permitting open
parties on days of football games is
to be welcomed as a refreshing ex-
ample of the confidence of Uni-
versity officials in the sincerity of
fraternities. The comic-magazine
conception of fraternities as drink-
ing houses filled with young men
who care nothing for the scholas-
tic, aims of University life is pal-
pably a false one, and it is en-
couraging to see the University
recognize the fraternity's anxiety
to keep behaviour at house parties
quite in accord with the proprie-
None the less, fraternities would
do well to note the official warn-.
ing anent the holding of Satur-
day night dances after football
games, and to exercise discretion in
determining the guest lists of such
We see by last Saturday's foot-
ball program that Tackle Roach is

Tide House, by Maude C. Perry j
Harcourt, Brace and Company k
New York City
Price $2.50
Review Copy by Courtesy
of Print and Book Shop,
* * *
More important than any other
quality in Mrs. Perry's novel is the
faculty of clear expression. Tide
House is her first work that leaves

Play Production'sannouncement
of its plans, containing the fact
of the directions their activities
seem forced to take, is a glaring
testimony of the complexity of the
campus dramatic situation. It ap-
pears that Play Production is to

324 South State

Sheaffer outsells


About Books


the form of the short story, and divide its activities between com-

Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY
Since last Saturday's announce-
ment by President Ruthven' of the
University's definite commitment
to a dormitory building program,
we have been waiting for an out-
cry by enraged landladies similar
to the one that greeted President
Little's similar announcement of
last spring. Even the Washtenaw
Tribune, which claimed remarkable
tilings for its circulation figures as
a result of opposing Little's dormi-
tories, appeared yesterday without
a whisper against President Ruth-
ven's adoption of the Little pol-
Of this we are glad. The logical
conclusion to draw is that the
landladies have decided to liqui-f
date their investments instead ofI
fight the University. So far a's Ann
Arbor is concerned landladies are
about to be superceded by dormi-
tories much as carriages were sup-
erceded by automobiles, and there
will be many less wailings and
gnashings of teeth if they are wise
enough to sell out before the crash.
Our inference; however, that the
property-owning landladies have
derided to liquidate is merely the.
logical one, and it is our experience
that logic is not always part of a
landlady's equipment. There is
considerable danger that they have
taken too much comfort from
President Ruthven's addendum to
the Little annuncio . stating that
their interests would be consulted.
This addendum should not be con-
strued to mean that the University
will wait until it is convenient for
them to sell, or that President
Ruthven is going to seek their per-
mission individually to go ahead
with each new dormitory..
The proposed 450-room dormi-
tory for girls will undoubtedly go
up as per schedule in 1930, and
others will follow rapidly as soon
as the proposed scheme of financ-
ing the construction proves itself
Because there are lots of land-

the sustained clarity of her prose
is for this reason all the more re-
markable. There is a precisenesst
in her choice of word and figuret
that belies immaturity, and yet thet
deliberateness with which they are1
chosen does not strangle the artis-
try of the phrases and sentences
and finally the entire structure
which they compose.
Too often novelists - more par-
ticularly lady novelists-who min-
gle powerful characters in miore or,
less romantic settings create noth-I
ing more than a sentimental tale,
their character development being
lost amidst the glamor of a rosy1
setting. Witness Rosamond Leh-
man's Dusty Answer. Mrs. Perry
happily escapes this over-balanc-I
ing Mathew Gulick, her powerful'
character, grows up pagan-like in
a lumber town on the northwest
coast. He is strong and resource-
ful, but his strength is loose and
unorganized. Left by a dissolute
father with nothing but the heri-
tage of a bad name, he gradually
formulates his life in accordance
with patterns he has drawn. He
blackmail's his father and utilizes
him to attain financial progress.
Three women enter his life. One
becomes his mistress, one he mar-
ries, and one he neither anticipates
nor recognizes. His ambition is to
marry and establish a family that
will be established in the commun-
ity and regarded with respect and
honor. To' effect this aim he mar-
ries one of the three women, Bruna.
Bruna is further testimony to
Mrs. Perry's ability. Had she fail-
ed in the process of 'creating Bru-
na, the terrible thing Bruna does
to Kittie, the mistress, would be
unjustifiable, horrible, and utterly
distasteful. Hovwever, she, succeeds,
and Bruna's act is wholly consist-
ent with not only her character but
also with Kittie's and Mathew's'
and the delicate and deft manner
in which she has almost inexplica-
bly woven together her plot and
Tide House will do much to make
Mrs. Perry the foremost woman of
letters in Michigan. It is a novel
with an ambitious purpose and
1 technique well handled.
L. RK.
Beieve It or Not, by Robert L.
Simon and Schuster, N. Y. C.
Price $2.00
Mr. Robert Ripley's fantastic and
inexhaustibly funny book has gone
through nine editions since it came
out in January of this year. And
chances are good that it will go
through nine more before the au-
thor is prepared to make another
S Themost unbelievable fact con-
cerning Mr. Ripley's volume is that
it is incontrovertibly true. It is, as
its fly-leaf purports, "A modern
book of wonders, miracles, freaks,
monstrosities, and almost-impos-
sibilities, written, illustrated, and
proved." Its value lies not only in
its humor but also in its ability to
show mere drab beings that life
does have oddities, irregularities,
and events far removed from the
, commonplace. It might interest
some to know that Lindbergh was
the sixty-seventh man to fly across
the Atlantic in a non-stop flight;
that an eighteenth century Shari-
fian Emperor was the father of 888

children; that 170,141,183,460,469,-
229.731,687,303,715,884,105,727 is the
largest number that cannot be. di-'
vided by any other;' that George
Washington was not :the' first pres-
ident; that the Dutch fleet was
once captured by cavalry.
L. R. K.
* * *
DIDO, Queen of Heartsk
By Gertrude Atherton
Virgil celebrated the . marvelous
love of Dido and Aeneas in the
Aenead, but he only suggested
its inherent drama. Mrs. Ather-

mercial productions with a price
charge at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre and free performance in
their own laboratory, so enthusias-
tically whitewashed just a year ago
by a small group of idealists. Re-
actions to this announcement are
already probably numerous and
varied. Many will certainly be la-
menting the fact that the univer-
sity organization is definitely en-'
tering the commercial ield where
amusement is God; a field which
should be sacred to the extra-cur-
ricular organizations.
There is a difficulty here, and it
is only fair to Play Production that
its reasons be made clear. In the
first place the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre (the much-bewailed tem-
porary substitute for the University
Theatre) contains stage equipment,
elaborate, complete, and modern.
It is important that members of
Play Production class, as students
of stagecraft, should gain a work-
ing familiarity with a stage more
adequate than their own, where
even the slightest move is an or-
But a more striking reason is the
fact that really important things
cannot be done in University Hall.
Play Production, it is hoped, has so
improved that their mere staging
of a play no longer constitutes an
act of reverberating importance.
It is true that this summer it ap-
peared doubtful whether it had
passed that stage. But then it
was more definitely a commercial
organization out to make money
than it is during the school year.
At the end of the summer it some-
what compensated for its' previous
acquiescence in the second-rate by
a splendid and brilliant production
of "Trelawney of the Wells." It is
undeniable that Play Production's
metamorphosis last year from a
very limited 'activity to a laboratory
that interested thousands was co-
incident with a very definite im-
provement in aim and accomplish-
ment. At the end of last year, for
the performance of "The Beggar on
Horseback" they needed and de-
served better stage facilities than
University Hall could provide., Most
of us want to believe that fre-
quently this year they will need
and deserve better than University
Hence-the Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. But there, Play Production
has the problem of rent to face
which necessitates a small charge.
The minute there is any charge for
performance, the royalties on the
plays used shoot up, necessitating
more charge. The result of this
line of changes is that Play Pro-
duction against its will is turned
into what looks like a commercial
theatre, performing publicly and
charging. The situation is, indeed,
stormy. The university theatre is
a great white cloud in the distance
but just now it isn't helping a
The only solution is that Play
Production should fly boldly in the
face of what we always term aud-
ience psychology and maintain a
policy of amateur interest in art
even in their public productions.
The motto of all dramatic organ-
izations which claim to know the
psychology of their publics is of
course that a poor fare which is
assimilable is much better that a
costlier provision which is ques-
tionable. The whim of the public
then of course becomes the meal
ticket of the producing organiza-

tion. But with such whimsicality
a campus dramatic organization
should have nothing to do.
It is true that the campus aud-
ience just like the village one can
be seduced' into laughs at banal
jokes or tears at simple situations.C
But Play #roduction should be
above such amorous wiles. All the-
atre audiences are probably child-
like, open hearted, sweet and gen-
erous in their desire for escape.
With this true, the temptation to {
mediocrity is strong. But Play
Production should not succumb. Its
problem this year is the creation of
nan in.r.nfaA a ..Atii'nna en mv...rv.a


Music And Drama
TONIGHT: At the Whitney,
Genevieve Hamper and her
company present "Romeo
and Juliet."



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