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October 09, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-09

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W~t~NL~SDAY, GCT&5LR 9, 192~



_______________________ & 4~J.



N '[, EOUIPMENT "White House Dining Room Where Hoover Will Entertain
Ramsey MacDonald, the Prime Minister of





Club Will Display Interest-
French Covers of Prof.
P. E. Bursley.

BEGIN Interesting stamp covers will be
on display at the first meeting of
'TIMEOGRAPH' PURCHASED the Ann Arbor Stamp club Satur-
day evening in room 408 of the Ro-
"New Courses to Demonstrate Cause mance Language building.
of Speech Peculiarities" Two French covers show the
States Muyskens changes in government between
1851 and 1854. The first is ad-
A new trend in courses offered,'. dressed to Mocquardt, chief of the
and added equipment to aid in . cabinet of his excellency, the presi-
demonstration of principles of ~. dent of France. The second, in the
linguistics, mark the latest efforts:samehdriting, dated 1854 is
of the department of general tin- addressed to Mockuardt, chief of
geuistics in teaching recent develop- the cabinet of his majesty, the em-
ments in the science of speech. ..peror of the French. Both are
The science and subsciences of r owned by Prof. P. E. Bursley.
zoology are rapidly becoming of Other interesting items on dis-
paramount importance in the Associated Press PhotQ play will be a round-the-world
teaching of the humanistic sci- Above is shown President Hoover visiting this country for the first sisting of a series of discussions cover, carried on the Graf Zeppelin,
ences, especially linguistics, accord- with his guest, Ramsey MacDonl- time. His visit is not only serving with Hoover concerning the prob- and a cover from the Byrd Expedi-
ing to Prof. J. H. Muyskens of the ald, British Prime Minister, who is as a good will trip but is also con- lems of international peace, tion, showing the special cancella-
department of general linguistics. ---- tions used at the South Pole.
The courses to be given in teaching
the new trend in linguistics will be Purpose of Esperanto Congress to Extend VIENNA-What are regarded as;-
linguistics 35, with a new prerequi- Use of in International the oldest cigars in the world are Practically all of the 5,000000
site of Zoology I, and "Biolinguis- on view in the tobacco museum. A pounds of fresh vegetables im-
c" Phn .I niriwbox made in 1844 was found in pofted into Cuba in the last 12
tic" Phonetics. In an interview Returning from his trip as dele- It was further stated by the con- Linz among old records of the to- months were from the United
geno Then Dailystedta Pr- gate to the international5Esperanto gress that Esperanto is being bacco monopoly. States.
new courses would demonstrate congress this summer, Dr. Onder- taught to a wide degree in the- - -- ----- ----- -
that "reasons for speech peculiari- donk, of the architectural school, schools throughout the world. Many
i has drawn up a report of its meet- of the European educational insti-
ties msth not bet so ppding. The purpose of the congress tutions have made it a compulsory For Dinner Music, Tea Parties
mindolobythode ho d noftheapliedis to propagate the use of Esper- course of study.
sychology; we now know the bads anto in international dealings of Delegates from all countries and
cif speech to be the study of endo- all sorts. This year the congress groups of all kinds were present at C TUIC
ines, glands, and general physiol- was marked by the opening of the the convention. Sermons and ad- CLASSICAL MUSIC
Agyr tcsfirst museum in the world dealing dresses were given in the assemb- "The Trio That Always Pleases"
Ao teachers'icourse forguyi g solely with Esperanto. The museum lies, and all the business o the 604 E. Jefferson Phone 6681
zoology's relation to linguistics is is in the Bibliothek National in gathering was conducted through
also under way this semester. thereing wasthconed tough______________________________________
Vienna, and now contains more the medium of the new tongue.
Meeting every Saturday morning than 2500 books and pamphlets
with Mr. C. H. Miller, teachersi n in the new language. The
from the University of Detroit Ohio n anCustiWillAddress
te first . ,-Y, ,. ". >
State University, and Flint Normal Esperanto flag. Engineering Society
College attend the class. Dr. Onderdonk's reEort makes Recommended by the English Department of
Several hundred dollar's worth of r. Onderdnk'srpos . . .

Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever
since i Was established. The secret--
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers," We believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get together.
Phones, Office 4451-4552 Yard Office: 5152

Why not be
Old man Webster says that means
"writmg in a particular way"-or
words to that effect.
And no matter how particular
you are about writing-you can
findthe point that writes like you
7anl] have it fitted, instantly, to the
holder of your choice, when you
get the new
It's the "tailor'made":fountaini P en-
any point---any holder-any color-any
1 style- assembled as you wish. Made
possible by a new invention, the Inter-
' c lhangeable Nil)
See how it works -at any Wahl-Ever-
harpdealer's-and whiey6u're there,
see the Wahl-Eversharp Pencils tha
go with these handsoe o'pens,


scientific apparatus has been pur-
chased by the department to use in1
teaching these courses. The mosti
valuable of these purchases is a
"timeograph". This machine,f
when spoken into, shows tone in-1
flections graphically, and it will be!
used in correcting speech defects.t
Announce New Men
For Speech Faculty
The addition of our instructors
was announced by the speech de-
partment yesterday. Patrick Smith J
and Charles Holden, members of'
the class of '29, Harry Allen of the
University of Utah, and Kenneth
McBurney, University of South Da-
kota are the new men who will in-
struct speech courses.
SOFIA, Bulgaria.-The fez is
more popular than ever notwith-
standing Mustapha Kemal's sup-
pression of it. There are 650,000
Turks in Bulgaria. Even their
deputies in parliament wear the fez
and Turkish women retain the
The largest bill printed at the
United States Bureau of Engraving
and Printing is the $10,000 bill,
while the largest denomination in
postage stamps is $5. .

evident the tremendous strides "Research Work at the Frankfort
taken by the new movement Arsenal," will be the subject of
towards international understand- I Captain A. B. Custis' talk this eve-
ing. He shows that not only poli- ning at 7:30 o'clock in East En-
tics but also literature and religion gineer building before the student
have adopted this means of widen-, chapter of the American Institute
ing their sphere of influence. Al- of Chemical Engineers.
most all widespread activities have This will be the first meeting.of
taken up the language for printing 1 the society this year and the elec-
their bulletins and papers. tion of officers will be held.

the University of Michigan.
The Best Abridged Dictionary-
It is based upon
New International
A Short Cut to Accurate In.
formation - here is a companion
for your hours of reading and study
that will prove its real value every
time You consult it. A wealth of ready
information on words, persons, places, isf
instantly yours. 106,000 words with defini-
tions, etymologies, pronunciations and use in
its 1,256 pages. 1,700 illustrations. Includes
dictionaries of biography and geography and
other special features. Printed on Bible paper.
See It at Your Cols eyookstore or Write for
informnation to the Pub jishers. Free specimen pages if you name this paper.



Chubb House
209 So. State St.
FRITZ HAl-IN. Proprietor. (also of German American Restaurant East
William Street)
Announces to the public and to all students
of the University of Michigan in particular that
beginning this next week (Sunday, October 12th)
he will sell weekly tickets for $5.75 with a rebate of
25c for each meal missed.
Single Meals:
Luncheon 50c Dinner 65c
Sunday Dinner 75c
In his beautiful decorated dining room all will
enjoy their meals prepared by his new and experi-
enced chef.



To The Daily


Springfield, Mass.


Billirds for Tradition

Engineer's and Architects Materials
Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Notebooks
Typewriting and Pound Papers
Stationery, Leather Goods
College Pennants and Jewelry
at the

Turn the light on the Truth

It's just na
makes OLD




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