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Ceremonies Held on Sunday at
Twenty-one Chapter
Two hundred and sixty-six wo-
men became pledges of the cam-
pus sororities at the pledging serv-
ices held at the various houses on
Sunday afternoon. The number this
year greatly exceeds that of the
past season.
Those who took their first vows
to the respective organizations are
as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega - Vincelle
Bartlett, Patricia Hume, Alice Win-
egar, Claire Cory, Louise Ganiard,
Janice Gillette, Helen Benz, Joyce
campbell, Judith Heideman, Kath-
eryn Howe, Louise Leonard, Doro-
thy Smith, Frances Buten, Jean
Catherine McPhail, Orma Weber.
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Delta Pi-one Hunt, Mar-
jorie MacEachron, June Slote, Bar-
bara Ann Fischer.
Alpha Epsilon Phi-Natalie Ar-
den, Charlotte Seidman, Beatrice
Hessler, Amy Seidman, Janet Da-
vis, Louise Greenberg, Beverly
Stark, Jean Rosenthal, Miriam
Alpha Gamma Delta-Dorothy
Torbeson, Martha Cantral, Evelyn
Diehl; Rita Macomber, Catherine
Rentschler, Mildred O'Brock, Helen
Alpha Phi-Martha King, Mary
Barnett, Betty Carpenter, Ruth
Helen Franklin, Constance Giefel,
Edwina Geis, Ella Hanson, Margre-
the Hanson, Evelyn Lehman, Bea-
trice Loomis, Barbara Lorch, Eliza-
beth Maner, Lois McQuire, Barbara
Shaw, Josephine Smith, Betty Van
Horn, Jean Winslow, Margaret
Wurzburg, Mary Lou Wyncoop.
Alpha Omicron Pi-Ruth Tim-
berly, Jean Mitchell, Mae Studart,
Dorothy Skeman, Ruth Weiler,
Eleanor Welsh.
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta-Jean Cowdeu.,
Gene Neer, Jean Botsford, A udry1
Brown, Jean Bently, FlorenceSeys,
Lorraine Pollie, Virginia Forsythe,
Dorothy Dunlap, Elizabeth Shull,
Lucile Georg, Gertrude Toedter.
Gamma Phi Beta-Carol Savery1
Margaret Smith, Frances Merrill,
Georgina Merrill, Laura Findley,
Helen Nechedoma, Mary Elizabeth
Wagner, Elfrieda John, Gladys
Diehl, Esther Way, Carol Wheeler,
Margaret Gray, Eleanor Robsom.
Delta Delta Delta - Barbara
Braun, Helen Cartwright, Eileen
Clark, Catherine Funkhouser, Eliz-
abeth Dribble, Dorothy Lutes, Ruth1
Merrick, Virginia McComb, Evelyn
Piersall, Paula Phales, Beryl Rich-
ardson, Margaret Stevenson, Vir-
ginia Veasy, Adele Wooley, Cather-
ine Challenger, Helen Windham.
Delta Gamma
Delta Gamma-Judith Babcock,
Catherine Barnard, Virginia Burch-
field, Diana Cox, Louise Callahan,
Elizabeth Eaglesfield, Mary Lou
Hanel, Marjorie McClung, Linda
Schrieber, Barbara Scott, Josephine
Timberlake, Jane Woodward, Betsy
Ann Dawson, Virginia Hutzel, Jane
First Class Shoe
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CAMPuS SORBRIT![S forwontows olay:a tais and to be able to write these; [O T h T
forwoeenniishtoitournamaentl CipanWe0SpnesdaytornaetoWenedunioruiorYYear Srbate i Sctorbonnmosiio pefet i 11Ul1 O..
S- ~ sign the lists, which will be left -Studying France for'm and syntax." Miss Chipman
- MitchelbMitchell, Elizabeth Reinhart, Lydia posted on the bulletin boards at the Turn Over Unusually Large Fund Went on. "A graduate of the Sor-
Shaw. Field house until 5 o'clock today. to Undergraduate Campaign "The French Schools do not en- bonne knows more facts and has Good Attendance and Scholastic
Delta Zeta - Helen Cosendy, At that time the sets will be drawn Committee courag? originality no' individual- more book learning than a grad- Elgibility Required of
Edith Budge, Dorothy Backus, Em- up and the lists posted Wednesday ity" said Miss Laura Beall Chipman, t h n el pallMembers
ma Pearl Anderson, Doris Weiss, morning. BAZAAR TO BE PLANNED '30 who spent last year studying at but he is not as well prepared
Helen Hope. This is the only tennis tourna- the Sorbonne in Paris. Miss Chip- to meet life nor to handle situa- STAFF SEEKS REGULARITY
Theta Phi Alpha - Kathleen ment of the fall season. The next Success marked the activities of man was a member of a foreign tions. There are no students in the
Blum, Marguerite Carney, Madeline one will not be. held until spring. Smhigroup of 68 students organized by Sorbonne for just a general, cul- Ruth Marshall 31, manager of
Cote, Monica Klocko, Helen Ker-- For that reason every woman who the Women's League during the the University of Delaware who tural education. All plan to teach, the University Girls' Glee Club, an-
win, Veronica O'Brien. is interested in tennis is urged to summer, both financially and so- spent last year in the literary and the literary school is a pro- nounces that tryouts for new mem-
Kappa Alpha Theta - Dorothy enter the tournament. All univer- cially. The customary summer so- a subject, even to the tiniest de- fessional school for teachers. There oes that tryouts fo mi
LeMire, Margaret Whiting, Lois sity women are elgible for the cial events, including a faculty re- is no school spirit nor athletics, nor bers will be held from four until
Sandler, Olivia Gilkey, Dorothy event.( d-W rd r many social functions" six oclock Tuesday and Wednesday
Brown, Helen Askren, Elizabeth The intramural tournament which cwefAll the courses offered at the afternoons on the second floor of
Tarte, Catherine Fitzpatrick, Eil- was started last spring requires a as usual, but a large fund was left j be Featured On Sorbonne were lecture courses given the School of Music Last ear's
een Blunt, Ruth Stesel, Margaret few more sets to be played off. The , in the treasury at the end of the Program of League in French. The year was divided in-
Wallace, Virginia Wright, Alice lists for this tournament are also summer to turn over to the Under- to three semesters of four months members must be in good standing
Demming, Mary Grote, Dorothy posted at the Field house, and ar- graduate Campaign committee. The League Social committee each and the examinations given at as far as attendance record and
Norris, Mary Leckner. rangements will be made for them Dorothy Woodrow, '30 acted as the held its first meeting of the year the end of each semester were writ- scholastic elgibility are concerned
Kapa Delta to be played off at once. 'president of the League during the at four o'clock Monday afternoon ten and oral. The written exam was in order to be admitted to member-
K- - summer session. in Betsy Barbour. Jane Yearnd '31 not one of questions and answers
Kappa Delta-Ellagene BoweniShpain
a eA ee o, Anew plan was initiated this airman, gave a general outline but a composition on one phase of ship again.
lBeatrice CulverAnnetter-Diekoff arnord Examinations Aumerwan tae Leae deci of the plans for League parties. the subject. The students lived in The first meeting will be some
LuieHnenoCtern e-Sow San t Tan Fad Is Summer hen te Leaue deIed The first one will be held Friday Urivate homes and became well ac- day next week. Watch for the an-
n; Hele urwn, Elizabeth Kelly, 'tokee ai rcordof s -o s afternoon Oct. 25. All who wish to quainted with French life . Trips nouncement in the Daily.
Dorothy Runkle, Mildred Shupert,, eatful to W omen just as is done during the winterscm ilstsi nte"ege. hog aiu at fFac The Univesity Girls' Glee Club
L come will set sail on the "League- through various parts of France TeUiest il leCu
Lenore nyder, Margaret Snyder, -- terms. atania" for a round-the-world were taken during vacations.
Marry Stellhorn, Mary Agnes As a result of the sun tan fad, Teas were given every Wednes- cruise to last the rest of the year. - ----IThere are usually about eighty
Swanwick, Harriett Townsend, college women are healthier than day in honor of various individuals Some of the countries which will Stanford-Under the title of "In- members. Plans for this year's pro-
Dorothy Adams, Margaret Keal, formerly, according to Dr. Gulielma and groups on the campus, among be taken in are Spain, Holland, troduction tc the Photoplay and gram 'are still rather indefinite, but
Katherine Kunert, Ruth Long, Dor- Alsop, who directed the physical ex- them, faculty members, oriental Turkey, and Japan. The last affai' Psychology of Art", a new four- trips to Lansing, Jackson, and
othy Pape, Miriam Root, Dorothy aminations at Barnard College this students, play production, the will probably be a fancy dress ball, unit course is being offered by the Highland Park are being discussed.
Schwarz, Eileen Woodbury. all.school of music, and dormitory ad- M the last night on shipboard. In psychology department. This course, Last year the Glee Club gave con
Kappa Kappa Gamma-Jean Al- "The tanning of the body stim- visers. February the League will give a it is stated, will deal with the his- certs in Lansing and Grand Rapids.
exander, Janet Louise Allen, Ada ulates the blood-forming organs," The League also featured when joint party with the Womens' Ath- tory of the development and con- With Orchesis dancing scolety they
Allman, Dorothy Bunce, Janet!she said, "and as a result there is the Ann Arbor Alumnae Associa- letic Association. Each member of ventions of the photoplay, and with put on a program at the opening
Bristol], Margaret Perrin, Corinneless anemia among college women tion gave a marionette show in the committee will act as general certain aesthetis and social prob- of the League Building, and they
Henry, Ruth McCleneghan, Marion than ever before. In addition, the the early part of the summer, by chairman of one of the parties.. lems connected with it. It will also also sang at the University High
Ruth McCormick, Frances Stewart, fad for thinness is over. Young providing ushers for the occasion.?More complete information as to undertake to consider the exper- School. A party for the new mem-
Marian Cudworth, Mary Uldean girls are favoring a little more The performance was given in the time and place will be announced imental literature of art principles, bers and the Freshman Girls' Glee
Hunt, Hazel Irwin, Melissa Stearns, plumpness, a little more feminity in Lydia Mendelsohnn theater. later although it is planned to have and to survey existing art tests. Club was given at the School of
Betty Ruth Tebay, Phyllis Zeigen, appearance. With the encouragement received all the parties on Friday afternoons No prerequitites are necessary, but Music last year, and a spring for-
Dorothy Mape Ruth BrookeMar----by the financial success of the Sum- at the League Building. enrollment in the class is limited mal was held at the Alpha Xi Delta
garet Benz. Iowa State Teachers' College-b mer League the Undergraduate Members of the committee are to 75. house
Phi Sigma Sigma-Belle Bletin, TwyefhagahvenmrLauth negaut ebrso h omte r
e wo ypes of headgear have been Campaign committee, which has Jane Yearnd '31 chairman, Mary -- --- ~
Josephine Conbisser, Maxine Fish-- esigned by the home economics been so active for the past four or Louise Behymer '31, Willena Kaln- "
er, Gertrude Graves, Sylvia Miller, department for the freshman girls;five years will begin work for the bach '32, Elizabeth Whitney '31,
Anne Morison, -Morene Scheffman, towear on "homecoming day", Oc- ew yesF rYourNextPart
Evly SaraSyvi olmo. : obr 2.Oe s esriedasanew semester. The annual League.I Hadie Supe '32, Elizabeth Sunder-'
eEvelynhShartss,.SylviatSolomon.r .inngle pederi Bazaar in connection with the land '31, and Jane Thayer '31.
Bwrng wfhpur le, materia tobe- Sophomore Circus will be one of school of the University of Paris.
Pi Beta Phi--Vatherine .Bone,'wr wt the corners tied toge- tefrtfaue nterwr Teamo rnheuaini
Picee Ba in P hi-ahrine Botner, Ither in back, the other as a sort of this year, -plans for which will be to learn everything possible abouti UDUS
Mercedes Brown, Charlotte Butler, turiba, i the olege olrs, the first features in their work "The aim of French education is
Helen DeWitt, Nancy Frohne, Maryt an, also in the college colors,tannun lasorl-n-g-e-
Jane Kenan," Lelia Kidd; Florence purple and gold. The hats will be announced soon. -
King, Marn Lam Sylia e padebythe girls who are to wear Ap Gamma Sigma zz Mach. a3R C H E ST R A S
Kig MronLmb yli- e, ,CPAMP FIRE Page 5' Eand
Ruth Moore, Rhea Peck, Jane Ray- them ,at a cost of twenty-five cents Furs and Fur Coats
en, Cecilia Shriever, Anne Tobina' c.Aph am ima apFr
apec.Alpha Gamma Sigma, Camp FrFure Coatsdor
Gale Warner,. ,Mary Elizabeth __sorority, invites all wontn of the Makeup, Repaired, Re- The Ambassadors
Watts, Elinor Wortley Nory ,Wil- California-For the first time in University who have been Campat
lard . any, university, the University of Fire girls to a tea this afternoon modelled and Relined The Hottentots , The Troubadors
Sigma Kappa-Pearl Beutler, California extension division an- from 4 to 6 o'clock in the Cave of prices Reasonable
Elizabeth Bradshaw,. Hazel Wolfe' nounces the opening of class in the Women's League Building.
Edna Waugh, Dorothy Walker, the development and technique of This sorority was organized three F KEN. LUNDQUIST, MGR
Margaret Eidsen, Lucile Benz. the mystery story. 'The instructor, years ago on this campus and now E. L. Greenbaum
Zeta Tau Alpha-Dorothea. Bo- Virgil Markham, is himself a writer has five other chapters in other 448 Spring Street Phone 9588 920 Lincoln Ave.
ger, Barbara . Burkhardt, Grace of mystery novels: He intends to i colleges. Its aim is to interest wo-L Phone 9625
Hamilton; Elizabeth, Valentine, trace his subject from the Eliz- men who have belonged to campfire
Dorothy Lincoln, Sara Temple, Ma- abethan period to the' present day, ggroups in carrying on the work of Ir" ~ P '~ 1 /. .
daline Cole, Harriet Patrick, Char- beginning with the early horror the organization. Speakers from _-'_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ ___
lotte Munch, Hilda Winklehaus, stories, and has collected a com- outside will feature the meetings,
Donna McCaughna. plete library of mystery fiction which will be held twice a month.
Chi Omega-Dorthy Bently, Eliz- which will be made available to all Women interested in personnel
abeth Clarke, Mildred Corson, Mar- students. work are particularly urged to join
garet Eggert, Linea Hartz, Luci Indiana-Statistics show that the sorority. Martica Georg, '30, is S ilk an d C loth F rock
sie Hoffmeyer, Eleanor Locke, Jane umber of men students enrolled
Love, Margaret O'Brien, Nancy El- at Indiana is increasing, while the NOTICES
len Reed, Hilma Stephens, Claire number of women students is de-- Accenting the New Lines
Trussell, Helen Treat, Louise Fish- creasing. The freshmen class alone The opening reception of the
er, Evelyn Neilson,.Margaret Dun- enrolled seventy less students than Faculty Women's Club will be
ning, Margaret McDonald, Jeanne last year, and in some classes the ( held of the afternoon of October
Hazard, Janet Wood, Margarite decrease is even more. No reason 12 at the Women's League build-
Henry. is assigned. ing.
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