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October 08, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-08

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FA~OrF omI


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'TUESDAY, October 8, 1921


Published every morning except Monjay
during the University year by the Board in;
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
Patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
tn this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor. ..................George C. Tilley
City Editor........ ....... Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor....... George E. Simons
'ports Editor........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter
Music and Drama ........William J. Gorman
Literary Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....--Robert J. Feldmani

Every college and university
numbering among the most public-
spirited of its alumni those whose
bequests and donations increase
the financial resources of their l
alma mater. Such gifts do not come
from persons to whom a university;
is merely a place for week-end
parties during the football season,
but from persons endowed with the
foresight to vistualize an oppor-
tunity for service both to the pres-
ent and to the future in making
possible the education of deserving'
students who are in straightened
financial circumstances.
The University in recent years
become more and more the recip-
ient of such gifts both from alumni
and from other citizens, until at
the present time nearly one-third
of the University's permantnt as-
sets can be traced to bequests from
private individuals.
Some of these gifts were made
many years ago, and many of them
can, by terms of the original grant,
be used only for narrowly limited
This usefulness of many of the
earlier gifts (and some of the later
ones) has been seriously curtailed
because circumstances which could
not be forseen have arisen to
obviate the need of funds in exact



Music And Drama ,

rnrrm rfl



-r, :

Don Herold, now writing for Col-j
lege Humor, proves in the follow-
ing article what the august Uni-
versity of Indiana can do for one
in the way of sentiment. The
piece was really sent to the liter-1
ary editor, but we thought we could
use it to much better advantage.
"I went to Indiana University be-
cause it was thirty-five miles from
home," writes Don Herold, "but I
would have gone to the farthest
university in the world if it had
had Charley Sembower on its Eng-
lish staff. And I would have, gone
to the smallest university in the
world if it had had William Lowe
Bryan for president. And that's the
whole story. It's the story of the
paradox of the proximity and me-
diocrity and of the glory of Indi-
ana for most of us. It's the old
story of Rasselas and the Blue
Bird and all the other yarns of


TONIGHT: At the Whitney,
Genevieve Hamper and her
company present "Macbeth."
Cass: Irene Bordoni in the
musi-comedy "Paris."
Wilson: Theatre Guild pre-
sents "Wings Over Europe," a
brilliant play of ideas by Ro-
bert Nichols and Maurice
Civic Theatre: "Meet the
Prince," one of A. A. Milne's
delightfully insignificant come-
Shubert-Lafayette: "My Girl
Friday," a p'ay of loud merri-
ment about show-girls and
business men.
, : !
The kindest thing that can be
said of the downtown production
of the bard's romance is that it is
very modest. The approach to the
main problem of the play-that of
weaving that bold, vivid trip of
characterization which is the
Shylock part, tossed in generously
by Shakespeare to feed the race
prejudices of his public, into the
soft, romantic, glowing tapestry of
the play-is modest. In fact, there
is little attempt at solution. The
scenery is, to say the least, modest.
In fact, it is stupidly bad, meaning
that it could have been better with


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Get them
at the

Frank E. Cooper
William C. Gentry t
Henry J. Merryae
Charles R.
Charles A. Askren
Helen Barc
Louise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra' Ginn
3. Edmund Glavin
jack Goldsmith
D. B. Hempstead, Jr.I
J ames C. liendley
ichard T. Hurley
j ean H. Levy
ussell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

Robert L. Sloss
Gurney Williams, Jr
Walter Wilds
William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Starter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold O. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willens
Babaa Wright
iVivian Zimit




'- -'I-'
I l
V -,--'--.

SubscribeT TDaily



Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising............Hollister Mabl.y
A'dvertising........... Kasper ii. Halverson
Advertising............. Sherwood Upton
Service.................... George Sparer
Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.................. ...... Jack Rose'
Publicationse................George Hamilton

accordance with the terms of the good things being near at hand,
grant. close to home.
An example of this siuation was "Farmer boys' and girls, and
shown in the conditions which the
University committee on student small town boys and girls, and a
loans faced a few days ago, when few from Indianapolis and other
very little money was available to I larger Indiana towns, all go to In-
loan needy seniors in the law and diana because it is near and com-
medicine-a group who in general paratively inexpensive, or because
perhaps the most deserving of t ensive, or be e
financial aid. their high school chum went there
The committee was forced to ex- -an easy, lazy way to choose a
pend almost all of the funds on, univerity, but maybe about as good
hand in loans to literary students, I as any in the long run. If you
although in some cases applica- find a Sembower or a Dr. Bryan
tions from seniors in the twQ above nd I use these in somewrhat of
mentioned professional schools (andha
seemed far and away the more a symbolical sense), you have
worthy of reward. found about all that any university
Such a situation, which is paral- can offer; and if you don't find
lelled many times when no funds them, you might as well go to col-
are available for some of the most teh at a Sears, Roebuck ware-
pressing needs of the University, lege
points clearly to the wisdom of Re- house. And your chances of find-
gents' recent request that all gifts ing them are perhaps a shade bet-
to, the University contain a clause ter in a small time university thar


' _ _. f.

just as little effort. Our fancies



Howard W. Baldock
Raymond .Campbell
James E. Cartwright
Robert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Thomas NM.Davis
mes Hoffer
Norris Johnson
Cullen Kennedy
Charles Kline
Marvin Kobacker
Lawrence Lucey
George Patterson
Norman Eliezer
Anson Hoex

Robert Williamson
Thomas .Muir
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Roger C. Thorpe
William R. Worboys
j eanette Dale
Bessie V. Egeland
Bernice Glaser
Helen E. Musselwbite
Hortense Gooding
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Alice McCully {
Dorothy Stonehouse
Dorothea Waterman
Marie Wellstead

Night Editor-HENRY MERRY
TUESDAY, October 8, 1929


Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon-
aid has snapped a finger at hoary
traditions and crossed the Atlantic
to the lair of the United States'
President Hoover. It was a sinifi-
cant step, all the more significant
because the purpose was that of
naval parity. However, the break-
ing of tradition was more due to
MacDonald's craft than to his be-
lief in the immediate importance
of the disarmament question..
MacDonald came with great con-
sideration for England's relations
with the United States, but, is ap-
pears, with even a keened eye on
her relationswith European coun-
tries. He visited America to obtain
an agreement between the two
English speaging world powers. A
pact, informal and somewhat se-
cret, with the United States would
be a very sound footing on which
he could conquer France and Italyl
at the pending naval conference at
That MacDonald, and perhaps
Hoover, too, had the London con-
ference well in mind before the
present Washington meeting, is a
certainty. Such ideas are not
thought out, and adopted within a
day. MacDonald is now drawing
United States closer to England,
and, if he continues, the two coun-
tries will be able to throw a con-
certed front against the other in-
vited nations: Japan, France, and
Italy, at the London conference.
Consequently, they will have a bet-
ter control of the situation. Eng-
land, especially, will gain, for her
interest in the naval power of
France and Italy is considerable,
while that of the United States is
It is his relations with these
countries that MacDonald is going
to gain by his American trip. "Nar-
row the Atlantic" is his motto, but
it was prompted by a widening of
the channel, a matter over which
he had little to say. That was the
work of France, with Briand's

providing thlat tneRegentsmayt hey are at a four ring circus of a
alter the exact application of any unive
gift, with the idea of permittingu rsity where there may be so
most useful continuance of the much going on that all you get is
benefaction in general accord with dandemonium.
the purpose of the donor. "What I am getting at is that, to
a great degree, all this comparing
The criticism has been frequent-' of universities is pure apple sauce.
ly offered that the local campus You take potluck at any of them,
is overorganized into a multitude of and it is partly accident whether
groups with emblems, meetings, or not you come into contact with
pages in the Michiganesnsian, and faculty men who set you aflame.
no particular reason for their ex- "It is hard not to get soft about
istence. The critics are undoubt- t ianot I so ot
edly justified, and in no instance the Indiana campus. I know of
more decidedly that when they at- none in America which surpasses it
tack the raispn d'etre of the Inter- in beauty. I am glad I did not
fraternity council. This impuissant have to go to college in a skyscrap-
body has been in the habit of wast- er or on a sunbaked subdivision.
ing a lot of time to draw up unread Romance burns best on a wooded
resolutions-or of adjourning with-R
out a quorum. campus.
Unfortunately for the campus "Co-education? And how! As it1
our hundred-odd fraternities pro- exists at Indiana, I think it is a
duce each year a number of bit- I tigfrteby n elo
deur mooeyd susnumerculdit-fine thing for the boys and hell on
terly mooted issues that could be the girls. Tough, however, as co-
advanatageously settled by a real education is on the girls, it is un-
Interfraternity council. Each fall doubtedly civilizing on the boys. It
there is needed some sort of a rush-o teaches them to wash behind their
ing referee to decide when the ears and inculcates other import-
bounds of fair rivalry have been ant niceties and graces. At Pur-
transgressed and a judicial body toadueimayasd es.wAr
put teeth in the rushing rules. due, many a student wears the
Sutbteqetlmthe rushingrues.same shirt without changing for
Subsequently there are numerous four years; at Indiana, nobody
fraternity functions, notably dances, j wears one shirt over a year, and
dances, after which it would be this comes off for a clean one for
helpful to the dean's office, as well the dances. I should hate to think
as fair to the fraternities, if disci- what would become of fraternity
plinary recommendations were for- jhouses if it were not for week end
warded by a council of all parties dances.
whose good name might be cate- "Of one thing I am sure, and
gorically involved, that is that Indiana does not pro-
Antother likely field of useful- duce an Indiana type. I do notr
ness can be seen in a live organi- think that Indiana shellacs any
zation's leadership of movements sensibilities. If anything, Indiana
calculated to make the existence of opens the pores. Sometimes I wish
all fraternities easier. We would I had a Harvard mustache and a
suggest its taking up first the tax- Yale swagger, if there are such
exemption battle, the cooperative things, but, again, I am glad I
buying problem, and the extension went to a school which left me a
of the fraternity zoining limit, little raw and red. Maybe I catch
Why the Interfraternity council more with some of my pores left£
has failed so dismally to attack unsealed."
these problems on its own initiative, * * *
and what must be done to restore Vachel Lindsay, troubador poet,
its vigor are difficult questions to who last year you will recall gave
answer. The first step toward re- . the best example of cheerleading
juvination, however, is clearly in- 'ever witnessed in Hill auditorium,
dicated: house presidents must ap- predicts that this is a Cavalier age
point seniors as council represen- and that soon college students will
tatives, not sophomores and fresh- be dancing around the may-pole.
men. The resulting increase in in- That's fine, Vachel; and now we
telligence should enable the council can make mav-nole dancing a var-

can sometimes be stimulated by
stark symbols but they are sinned
against by a badly pained drop
representing a whole seaport or by
square cut trees. The scenic pro-
duction would have been better had
it attempted to be historically ac-
But more startling and far less
modest was John Alexander's in-
terpretation of Shylock. He seem-
ingly flew right in the face of all
previous Shylocks. Here was noth-
ing of the frail, intrepid figure,
rasped by the taunts of Christians
until his nerves are bared and
and bleeding. Here was no forlorn
wretch wringing his hands in mis-
ery and sheer despair. But lo! a
hero. Shylock was tall and broad
as a full back. Never once did he
cringe, as the movies have it. He
completely dominated every scene,
making the Christians appear his
victims rather than his tormentors.
He strutted in the court scene. His
fantastic vengeance was conceived
of not as the logical result of a
gradually rising hysteria but as a
heroic gesture. His let-down came
as a quite a surprise and we felt
sorry for him as we do for a hero
who momentarily loses his girl.
That was all. The interpretation
was neither modest nor successful.
Miss Hamber had some difficulty
in being the pert and gracious and
coy Portia because her voice per-
sisted in remaining on middle C.
Frederic Hile as Bassanio was warm
and pleasing. The extras were very
bad. A youthful audience applauded
There is a limited number of
musical comedy stars who so far
escape the stereotyped in manner
as to deserve that over-used desig-
nation 'inimitable.' Irene Bordoni,
a vivacious little French star, is
Europe's candidate for the title.
She has an individuality her own;
there is no one in America just like
her in kind or degree. She is not
merely a comedienne who sings,
nor a singer who resorts to comedy.
In the most ignoble vehicle she is
an interpretative artist. She is a
comedienne with an unerring, in-
tuitive sense of the comic and in
addition possesses a stage presence
and personality that at once es-
tablish rapport. It is this same
personality that gives vivacity and
charm to her singing. Her voice is
not phenomenal; it is merely pleas-
ing; force of personality makes it
a really gracious instrument.
Miss Bordoni has even attempted
a marriage of music with comedy-
which looks like a sin, for Ameri-
ca seems to insist that the music
should have little relation to the
play. "Paris" is called a musi-com-
edy, which supposedly means that
the music and songs are not inter-
polated but are an integral part
of the play's dramatic action. Miss
Bordoni has at her disposal in this


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