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January 26, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-26

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u i n iv i r v ir vw tIi t l La!i.'ULLN TeWmisLaaco members. Ten names wr-sut
OCCUP TTI TION ~ HM E , ltcrsty ofMichgan bgan n 1.Kathecrine Susan AiiI Shows when a small group of women, stn-j the decision being left to the advis- ,u
ISympathetic Understanding dents and faculty, banded together! ory committee.
r] eeauzse thzey felt the nedfr ;oe At the first mneeting of the execu-
;piOmega Sponsors Informal dramatic goup prcsentedl Chmsto- illi Biographyg atri hercleelie iecmmte nOto~ ~ h
Dance; Gamma Phi Beta ! pher Monley's "Thursday Night' mfit atri hi olg ie iecmiteo coe $ h
AnnunesWedin. he play was given in the Blue jBO PROVES POUA ;eryi J un,19,paswr et EhlFuti;sceay
Anoucs edig-Irop.--. formulated for an orgnizationI Rebecca Rogers; treasurer and
IBetsy Barbour Holds Dinner. Katherine Swuan Anthony's which would draw Michigan woo- iVice president, Winifred Lane. The,
SOCIETIES GIVE DINNERS; Betsy Barbour honored Dr. J. D ' Queen Eliza beth," a netsb ogra- en closer together. mnotion to call the organiztion the:
Bruce and Mrs. Bruce, Prof. Pa1i- PhYof nsecondmu - ligrapii-. Ina
play oZetatPlinges Will Give; mer Christian and Mrs. Christian, - e" ruler has the distinction of beihom fMs BrnCevr no ihia"wsm d nduani
TaDla 'Prof. J. S. Reeves and Mrs. Reeves,! June 23, when a committee was ap- ! mously adopted at this time.. Hli
Tc' Kappata Prof. C. P. Wagner and Mrs. Wag- s the ony one by a f:iziiv' author. pinitedl to drawv up a constitution: League Activities Commnnc .. the
Entertains. Ine, Prof. W. G. Rise and Mrs. ice, t The old saying- that ii 1, ,,Ls; a wvo-. and another delegated to welcomes With the concluionoforaiza-jcii
--Prof. 0. J. Campbell, and Prof. P. manl to understand a w6111,61 fincs' freslhnnua women entering~ the Uni-! lion frmnalitiescmetebg- ot
Outside of faculty dinners and 'M. Cuncannon at anl informal dini- Iproof in this book, zor i isplaysvrsity in the fall. A hasty and in-Ii ng of5,Leagu e tivitie ice- Iis
a single dance, activities at the so- ner given Thursday ight at the amnong other things :svr]it ahe i :complete memorandum found a onbo , teas, charity work and lee- i
rority houses and dormitories have, dormitory understanding. :.,few years later bears the names of ;tres followed. Jane Adams anzd I1tma
week, 'doubtless because of the ELIZABETH NUITT ; policies of the day, Mis. Anthony present: Mrs. Gayley Brown,. Ms. the speakers of the frst .year's pro-stryf
proximity of finals. Chi Omegai portrays her heroine's chrctrByron Cheever, Mrs. Henry Carhar t.Igram. At one meeting Mrs. Angell r O]
sponsored the only party, giving TELLS CAUSE OF through her relations? to those; Mrs. Martin D Ooge and Mrs. Pet lead, oan interesting n is~c t
an informal dance at the chapter i itz'a1 In<so teemwIoMarye '93clliwoeand iehn-o nsoil"eiutt.
L A U 1 W IzK.closest to her nsod.igst i ee h eetclywmnadtv isuso nsca tqet. a
hos atngt ih r n rl'j Lthe eader short sketches of nmanyr i The frst ero~seLau i~l
Mrs. Floyd N. Reed of Ann Arbor , Atrug nl nauma 3ocaC'A rsiy~ of the outstanding personalities o son, '91 Catherine Camp, '4, Ia- ended with anatv iencg~ u l{u
actin as hapeones Viriniarollrd, te regn, mongthen 'th unfre it Lovell, '91, Ethel Fountain, '91 of 212, an associate. eiberklpofcn
Alpha Xi Delta entertained at Owthndictnertsnte daughter of the governor of Vir- tunate Mary, Queen of Scots and'~ Caroline Miles, 9,an ay48, and a. balance In the treasury . it]
anl informal faculty dinner on University, I am glad to see thne i hoistheButlersurandEse, who were students. Th'rsnto h
gznawhOrgthanunesatiocalnurhlyorkieserProgrse'es Thspesntmemnbersip of he ag
Tuesday. The -guests were: Profes- I change which the creation of the hostess of a state. Miss Pollard is The book is really a character raiainWokPors.. I Women's League is 2346, includhng
or ornH. nnn an Mr.new League building has caused in' 19 years old.; study rather than an historical bi-j The main wzok of organizing th Cevie ry woman enrol~d in the Uni-
Anning, Professor Amos R. Morris!-_________- ('ography. Writig for*"Arts and-iWme'sLtg fs allrIi d nj heI versity
and Mrs. Morris, Professor Roy.K j the feeling toward women-s self- I Decoations," Burton Bascoe, well gI-- ----I
wMcAlpine and Mrs. McAlpine, Pro- r overnment. It has helpeadto place; ae Va uestionnaire Given expressed the author s method of w ras held at the home of Mrs. Gay-I Intramural bowing - ite i'
fessor Howard MeClusky, and Pro- i nafre ais ;withBaown.aHereath treating her-subjectamehenchehee- en-
fesor Magaret Wyie.. repesentaton of th leyeBrown. (tereinthee proposedhenon-delatestlasportsor that t osoexi *off th at tt
feosMraetWli.rresentaioe nivofst wom eaed ydared some weeks ago "In iss siulnwa edad icse, University of DNebk .a>Ctkt i
Phi Sigma Sigma Entertains. sarIi t AUivrsiyndclaeds.book b-the work of the welcoming commit-, Nttpreidet faee taenoinergI e- ri
x Phi Sigmna Sigma entertained Wo 1Lau i 2-'3 Women students of Iowa- State' lieve for the first timeawol tee was reported, and provision- ------ -- --
Mr. and Mrs. I-nla2ry72W. x atolin-acwas made for badges and entae
+ ner onl W[ednesday . "The formerh League quarter, ecesclee r oewligtocpal nls ttemn ii fees of 2a cents. Twenty-one stu- f
weeadequate whenl the ogotaniga- takechances in mxatrimoniial yven- ersonaulity of a won'aii who was etsn ~e~efcut oe
Theta Phi Alpha held a rushingion rewas first created, but i u-Itrsta h en codi odc ue adagnuavr epen snteon futhwo mein. Q
-.dinner Tuesday. This week-end , rw hmrail.:hain recent questionnaire s bitted human person lbut an exceedingy eerl~~tigo ll womeenresnt e oi
Miss eatrce Coen o Detritli office had to be shared with tto nearly 200 students of the- soc- shrewd one. 'Queen Eiza.beth' will suet ntecmu a ~l U ~U EE
.a guest at the house. '1 1 otugyentsss oiler'I becIampusfwas i- " d _
Zet~a Tau Alpha announces tire JuiirConiwchmt-~*5-..I <fWOi 0 ()Ol~iiO.j a few days later whzen icibers ~f __
plegin ofGrae hroer,'33 oftwice every week, and with the Two women students comtpled' discussed this seasn" 'IIa he was; a_ xctve(Qnitc eeeet
DeltateearlddgsiGivonsa of the League 'hei as a cass project a list of 20 ques- right is shown by the long-stir dbth ite~er eatmnso
Det Zt Pegs ie e. they wished to transact their busi- Jtvrnsertaining to marriage and tamned pop~ularity o1 the book. the University. *
Delta Zeta pledges will enter- ns.Th1at htth y Temejdvor aisgnenywsbona Rs- Constitution is Adopted.
fain the actives at a tea thi .f-cotnetogwad expand un-i1Te .ve aae of both sexs vflle, Arkansas, Nov. 27, 1877. She! On October 11 another genteral J J!-.-'
-hs der those restrictions is only answering the questions was 19. It I attended Peabody College f mS01o meeting was called. Mrs. Jamnes B- --
ternoon. Miss Bernice Hannon. one proof that it was a- worthwhile was foun~d that the greatest nupm- Teachers at Nashville, enlnessee,: Angell presided. FThe constitution -
house chaperone,. willJ pour uGii Ph]eat roject for women. I ber of glen preferred to be mrarrie~d and later took work at theQUiver-'was mead and formally adopted
, am.PiBet announces ,. ",. attended t Jf rago~ convenitions of twhen 25 ears of age while' therebg Thst- girls city of Heidelberg and Vieiburg i This document provided fora
marriage of Yuth Mary Tittluco o college self-governmtent organiza~ were willing to embark on nia,r-t Germany. In 1905 shne eeived her executive committee, an assoiat
Jackson to Dr. Vornxo Hart. Monl- t'esiiei.
da ngt hen~vintats n btons while I was a student in thel monial seas a year sooner. degrpe of Doctor of Piloroplihy from menibership) of resident of ezit
dyngttenwiiitsadIUniversity; and I was satisfied that The incomes whichr were conid-j the University of Ciao hehs nnAbr orntada avsr
-pledges of the sorority were enter-@ - coite ofithe bectnsistims of Brhalfsthe A
r' 'tmda inra h oeo a n ftebs ytm t rda.big safe for mnaintainiing been an instructor at Wellesley! omte o'itigo alt5
fabceldogat s. Ir t h oreo the countr. -For that reason I wasJ a home varied in case of mn from, college and has (don, research work' number of members of the exee- j
very glad when the women were l$900 tol$1,0?00 and for women fr"om jin economietzs for t11w hFuvscll Sage tive committee aid chsen by that-
--Kappa Delta entertained a-11111n- provided with a bulding equivalent I$00 to $10,000 with the medium Poundation, New York. body from aogth ascie
ber f 'ersnalguets hurdayto the Union..for men. for the former at $2,100 arid the --------- ---____
night. The tables were decorated "Nothing seems to have been left latter at $2,000. -.'-
with blue tapers. ot"secniud we h ------
ot.secotnewhnteDorothy Ackerma-n is lHonored- building was planned., There are' Col(-ge students of 10 Years a goT
Alpha Chi Omega had a formal I rooms for purposes of business anid jdemfandd the "type of mleal that ' HSIEY EPAI\IR ED !
dinner Friday night in honor ofI of plesurro. a ithatre' that will wrould appeal to a heailthy ditch~
Dorothy Ackr'miann, '29, and iin- probably overcome the difficultiesI diggesr of today, declares Marie ! i
mediately afterwards attended the experienced every year in the stu- Christensen, cook at the Commons, 35 er os
,Alpha Epsilon Iota entertained tertainments brought in from out-j sandwiches are the most popuar p r -s
Wat a dinner in honor of Mrs. Laura side, and most i'mportant; of all, collegiate diet. The modern std- ;.I
Dunston, head anaesthetist of the 'ample quarters for the officials 'of dent does not want much food, she,
University hospital, who talked on th oe' ege-"hsosrebthedmnsv-1tea dless of the Size I
%"Anaesthesia as a Profession forI In concluding, Miss Nutt said, ',I riety. HeJ eats his biggest meals im- i of the RUN OAR MAKE of Hose.
Medical Women" following the din- hope that the League will continuefiediately after returning from a j4
fner. Ito be as competent an organization I vacation. Miss Christensen has 4
Sorority H-as Exchiange Dinner. for governing the women as it has l cooked for University of Washing- ,FnryH sir 9Y u
Alpha Epsilon Phi held an ex- proved itself to be thus far. Fun- ton students for ,10 years.
-change dinner with Sigma Alpha damentally, I believe, it coud be - -___ 1-
Muu onl Wednesday. The chaperone very little improved." ThelIndiania Federation of Wo- THE LAUJRA BELLE SHOP'I First
was Mrs. Minnie Marr, house - --m inen':s Clubs have established two
mother of Alpha 'Epsilon Phi. The women's major courses in new loan funds and have made >:.ALte Stns ct at ibr tY
Kappa Kappa Gammia entertain- physical education have proved three additions to presernt loan I-;-- ---- ;__"__Qtyn--
Wed the following at a faculty din-f popular this term at Michigan State funds now available for Uniiversity I .- -- - -- - -- - .f
rner on Wednesday: Mr. Walter A.'college according to 'a recent re- of Indiana women students. The' Fr c---
Reichart, Mr. Manson N. Brien, M.prt by the head of the depart- lon1ahaon o$5,oet ( 'A
and Mrs. Burton D. Thuma, Mr.l ment. be given preferably to a blind girl.U
Harry Mosher, and Mr. Lewis G.' - ---- - - ---- _c__
ladred.Fk cs Dormitories Entertain Faculty.,1 /-$ I
Entertaining in honor of the fac- 31~-.- J f(/1 li ,- -
Sulty has occupied the interests of
Marta Cook hldan ifra
faculty dinner' Tuesday night.
--Twere r Prof C. D. Thorpe and Mrs.' I _---
hrpe D. W. C. Rufus and Mrs. II
i-Rufus. Prof. 0. J. Campbell, Prof., 13resfr'tl oy iti
f.AS.At adMr's. Aitoni, Mr. Ju- j S EER I DMes or 'theoopwilts a
- ho del Toro and Mrs. del Toro, Prof. --. emv

iness .ad Editorial Staffs
of Inlander Contain
Women try-outs and, con tribu -
are always welcomed by the
inidex staff," r'eent lyvstated
Bold. Coiirlancl(, '31, editor 'of
pubhecat-ion. I T further de -
redi that ;reom~id>s tm ~ter tyv-
, cif the business stat were
dodc the most :,t hew eso'a t
Q.' "Although Ithere are notas
ay ~vacancies on the edtorial
ff we can 'use any women who
.out,",-averred the edit or.
f th~e five women cotibutos~
tho February edition of the In-
:ler, but two were studnts,
mn S. Dancer, '30, and Doris 11.
i, '30.. The others were "off
iipus" .conltri b utor)s inl accord
i .the new policy of the literary
empbers of the board of Wom-
3Athletic,- Association -will meet
.2'Q oClock Tuesday, in the Rus-
V tea room at the Lague build-
- - ~K- u
5 A
- :$" Y. 4w
A T "'
t/I V-
, ' y \" Y
r "i
ike its : place in your
to every girl's heart,

A.L GosM.J.F______ ni tei~lyfmn e xrm ae }orgr a
Miss Margaret Mannma,. o ednggw il o o
Following thle dinner, t he house r h e rocks frte wdiggonUilg.Fr'
-d d "Ia nce a !ard house just a pretty dress will not do,
MICHIGAN DIV DMES Ilt____ pris rtiw al.expresyour p s~aiYad
rd~,?-~a ! Hp rie a___________c_ s ttrf~w r~itie )

tion -frocks, .a-ndiyour
sich~ a ,gr nd Occasio1
,for this drecss must
the - sophlistication Youlr


Michigan Damies met last night
in the Caove room of the League
building. Mr's. Louis Kar'pinski
gave a talk on her recent two and
a half month tour of Spaini, telling
of the customs of the people, de-I
_ iigscribing the towns, theatres, dress,!
,and cathcdrals of the Spanish peo-
ple. She showed her large assort-
ment of pictures, books, and arti-
cles which she had collected on the
After the talk, the regular busi-
ness mieeting of the club was held.
A social hour and refreshmuents fol-
Modern Education in I

. }
.: r }
} .
4 t
" : '
. k "a,.l

arnd up
Clo0s e fitting wrap
around models in
and im

t aasjustL inow r acuhiig. 1may7 it 1)1.our iL )1d LI ureto
o find for you that frock
F rench~ Room-Second Floor
We Have the i-Hop Acessories 6
Lingerie-Cipeei l eal
rLingerie too, is followinig the lines of the silhouette,. They are.
beautiful, graceful and feminine. From' $2.98 and up.o
Shoes- '1
V Lovely white moire slippers- to accompany the, white evening
gown. Or to be dyed to match a colored one. From $8.00 1
6 ContumI jewelry should be a color accent. For instance, a black -
gown worn with cryital earrings and necklace is lovely. From
L $.00andup

Hosiery must be of fine silk, shecer and beautifully
woven to give smart ankles the flattering feminine

In aill the niew~er Spring


R tx1



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