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January 26, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-26

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gardoffrugalanddesperately f-thodsTtthENCE FRESHNESS?eMespenA dD a
Published every morning except Monday its ma e To the Editor:,h cMUsShC And Dramia
during the tniversity year by the Board aims, the fact remains that itmy "insolence 'n
Control of Student Publications, constitutes anl academic body, botIt em ht y"noecei ^
faculty and students, with suffi- the letter you so kindly published
beAr of Western Conference Editorial dent interest in the way young on January 18, 1930, has greatly
The Associated Press is exclusively entited minds are moulded and informed pertrubed one or two individuals, A Review by William J. Gorman.
tatcheus eoiterd reblicatioss filnewisdeiei to take up the cudgel and achieve and in doing so, it has caused them It is a time-tested peculiarity of
patheis creited toh otherws ceitedn tr aim gd of the C0n1 to expostulate wrathfully upon the the drama as an art-form that in-
herein. trary flow of the university cur- insubordination of the present day tegration of character, however
Entered at the postoftice at Ann Arbor, rent. freshman. Further, it appears that complete and satisfactory, is not
Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratef
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- - my condemnation and view of Hell'its ultimate justifiaton or aim.
bsreiptio by carWer, $4.0; by mail, Campus Opinion Week is resented, and in resenting.And Miss Ackermans play (though
" ausrtGenral. carrpublicly,0D. b.,t3,lAckerman'smplayO(thoug
offces: Anu Arbor Press Building, May- 'otributors sres ked to , brief, it publcly,D. '31, and W. P., '32, it needs to be said that it is on a
nard Street.econfiiiing themselves 1(1 less tat 30 unwittingly played themselves in- much higher plane than the play
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. aords of possible. Anonymous co tomy hands. Their very resent- with whichit shares first place)
ninications ,ill be disregarded. The t yhns hi eyrsn-wt hc hrsfrtpae
EDITORIAL STAFF ames of conjinunicants ill, howet v, ment, while if not establishing pre- somewhat trembles dramatically
Teehnb42 e regarded as conidential, upon rc- imt
Teeleehonee4925rsblihed should nt mature freshman views of Hell becauso of a fallacy in that direc-
MANAGING EDITOR construed as cxpresing the editorial Week as positive truths, at least tion. Miss Ackerman is preOcCU-
ditroalELLIS B. MERRY n of The Daily proved that a great many of the pied with the presentation of Leila.
EditoriChairman..........Geog C, Tilley DETOURED RUSHING stories now in cirulation are obscessed with her vision of the
City Editor..P.............ierced os TtbeEgdieither verities or have some basic Great Woman, more than human
SportsEditor.......Edward L. warner, Jr. It was a triumph for the "poor" foundation. For, if they were not because unimpeded by humans.
Women's Editor..........Marjorie Follmer true, the upperclassmen would not Tecoception f character iS
Telegraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson landladies when Dr. Little was
Music and Drama........William J. Gorman forced to leave the University, resent my letter, but would merely good; a perception of anomalies
Assistant City E ditor.... Robert . Feldman partly through their efforts-it was laugh it off, and hypoczrisies in social relation-
Night Editrs-Editorial Board Members.ads one tobelieve
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry a blow to them when a new girl's ships oen le o
William C. Gcntry Robert L. Sloss atlybarrassing position of agreeing a that greatness lies in sweeping
m . iarmsya. els dormitry was btof the authn ities great dea'l with what has been said them all away. Leila's is merely , i
Reporters more than recompenses them for in the two letters printed in Sun- extreme case, the sort of extreme
Bertram Askwith Lester May their past annoyances. Now the day's Daily. I grant you D. E. that that leads to great drama.
Maxwel auer William Pachol freshmen they have always with the University freshmen are puffed But after Act II, Scene I, Leila,
Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham them. Our dear Ann Arbor restau- up with their own importance up- thanks to her eloquence on her
Benjamin T1. Berentsonfltgh Pierce them institution.bor Theyu
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz rant-proprietors have the on entering the institution. They own behalf (an eloquence quite in
Arthur J. ernstein jon D. Reindl rn-rpitr also hv h
Sd Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts yearlings with them, for instead of have been lauded at home, pam- character of course) is quite com-
Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell the freshmen singing College songs pered, looked up to; they have pletely integrated. The play then
)ohn H. Dener Joseph Ruwitch tefehe ign olg og
' Ie nDomine William P. Salzarulo around their fraternity tables they probably come from schools where needs a complication, or rather a
agargret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl will be eating their pork chops they were somebody of import; in conflict, Leila in action. The one
Sheldon C. Fullerton S. (adwell Swanson lone at the unch counter. short, they have a pretty good op- provided is rather poor. Leila's
Ginevra Ginn Maet Thompson And Cui bono? The freshmen? inion of themselves. But, Mr. Edi- conquest of the young American
. oacf(thedsyohuRihArderiTobn
MrckrGoldsmith Richard L .Tobin Is it a benefit to them to cut down t or and my friends of the fray, let lamb Hardy (however interesting
Ross Gstin Harold 0. Varren, Jr. their fraternity associations by oneI me continue the amusing story. pictoitirally) with the subsequen
Margaret Harris Charles White The freshmen upon entering al-ismissallof wrthtersn (which;
David B. llempstead G. Lionel Willens quarter?. Will they grow better on Tsoidismissal of Carl Masterson (which
. Cullen Kennedy John . Willoughby restaurant food? Are their morals most without exception, stand in we, as well as he, had guessed any-
retuatfo.Aeehi oasw,an Levy Nathan Wisegra awe andrept of the upl-
Ru"'sel E McCracken Barbara Wright better safeguarded by indulgent great respectway) is an unsatisfactory climax.
Jr fhy Magee Vivian Z.imit prlsmn-wl o a)i nustsatr lmx
__: __y ____ee ___v__________landladies than by interested up- perclassmen and all goes well for Leila triumphant in such a man-
BUS!NESS STAFF per-classmen? -. To say nothing Ihe first week or so. Then, Mr. nr is a somewhat sorry figure. We
Telephone 21214 about fraternity rules again tmid- Freshman walks innocently dowI nn see her fleeing down they ears
I3USTNESS MANAGER week shows and dates. the.diagonal one fine day, is grasp- proving and proving to variou
A. J. JORDAN, JR. And here's another issue that has ed -firmly by four or five upper- men that she was a great woman.
Assistant Manager not received the attention it war- smn, compelled to reverse or- We are left with a feeling of su-
ALEX K. SCHnRER rants. Fraternities are always in der of his clothes, push a peanut periority for, we think, Leila will'
need of pledges, and their anxiety with his nose a certain distance always have to be so damnably
Department Managers to get them under the present sys- and perform other such hilarious self-eloquent, which is always wn
Avertising............... Hollister Mabley tem is well known. But should the and character-forming frivolities, effort and eventually a sad disin-
Advertising.. .......aser [I. Halverson Mr Freshman begins thinking ,_ in Touhtethr c
Advertising .... Sherwood A. Upton; proposed plan of deferred rushing tegration. Though the third act
Service.................George A. S ater that since his d o m i n a t orff wel last night its unsat-
Circulation.........J. Vernor Davis baceted, then summer rushing wn f ells ihisuut
cnt......Jhn R. Ros are upperclassmen and they con isfactory constitution prevents
blcaons J..Geore R. Hamiltose and all its evils will follow. Un- duct themselves the way they do y"Leila" fxom being as good a play
Business Secretary-Mary Chase draddrsigwl epea
Assistant lent-pledge-pins would be car- that they aren't much better than as it should have been. The story
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacicer ried in pockets, and there is'no rea- the members of his own class.I goes on in our minds, which means
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lus y son to suppose that unscrupulous There, Messers D. E. and W. P., is the drama was hardly rounded
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir where your insubordnation be~ with finalit.j
3iarry .3. Culver George R. Patterson freshmen would not pick up three naly.
Thomas AL "Davis Charles Sanford(gn;otbcueftheoisc
Normhan lieser Le Slaytod 'or four pledge pins for their pock- gins; not because of the egotistic The production certainly deserves
mes foffer Joseph Van Ripe ets. Indeed deferred rushing is attitude of the fleshman, but be- praise. Mr. Holden's nice fee in
.r4-off is Johnson Robert Williamson -cueo h bmnbeadcid
Charles Kline .William R . orboy merely detoured rushing, and it is for color and sense of proportion
a deour hat ill11 nithe th ish actions of the upperclassmen.
Dorothy Bomgardner a detour that will help neither thes and adequacy in the way of prop-
Laura Codling Sylia ller University, the fraternity, nor the 0berties produced two of the best sets,
*Agnes Davis Helen . Musselwhte for my arguments, but now, since '
'erftice. Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw freshman.yrb n s as Mr. Wetzel said, that the campus
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Watrman j J P. C ,'31. many of the expressions contained has seen in some time. My only s
Alice McCully in thetwoletters could be con- ha s see sm e ime onlyse
_____________________- 1-----___ _____----th-to eter rious quarrel, since someone nust
*ANGRY TEARS structed into insults, I must ans- inevitably "carp," is with Mrs. Gal-
- To the Editor: wer for myself. I am not a novice consitey ad f stri.tly
Night Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS in the art of being a freshman and loway's interpretation of Leila. er
SUNDAYJY 26, 1930 Tears of anger are brought to my I have had my experiences, amus- nwithin y nthe d terpfacility, f a
JANUARY eyes when brazen criticism isit DEnd WPh
brought against a man as fine and I but atk D E. and W P. difficult part, is an achievement for
CUSTOM-BUILT EDUCATION, worthy as Prof. A. L. Cross. Mr. a be so edge an thatefoam which everyone will praise her. t
Rollins college, anticipating an Cross makes comments on India; ectto et all that's coning to is the interpretation that I object
immediately an overambitious xp to. Unless I am mistaken I think
approaching nadir of the prevail- I me in Hell Week and further, I ex- Miss Ackerman was quite serious
ing large-scale educationmal plants, schoolboy, who has put on his first pect to take it in the right spirit n talking of Leila as a great
represents more a panacea of cur-long pants, lagines a mystic intolerable as it mfght be. Howt,
rent academic ills than an ultra, ,change has matured his bra nver, in spite of the way I look at woman, ites of adstng
experimental foible in' cllegiate the process and has given him an what is to come, I do not and can- It is Mrs. Galloway's interpretation
pedagogy. Its mark is to eschew omnipotent vision. The irony of not be made to believe that Hell that is largely responsible for our
the elephantian and J rbutrarily it! Any person of sound judgm Week is a deserving , and respect- it of Leila She makes Leila in-
speeded educative routine in favor who yet maintains any reverence able institution, characteristic of sist on herself, flaunt herself, by too
of the human factor with its at- 'for our intellects surely can reasonthe ideals carried by American slavish an adaptation of her mat-
tendant regard for inldividuality that a man of Professor Cross' thierste.islvhandptiooferml
.edn eadfo dvdaiyUniversities. nerisms and voice to the lines. Mrs.'
and private student enterprise. (prestige and resources does not give ne 's B', '3. Galloway gives Leila a rich series
Hamilton Holt, president of Rol- out trivial and flighty opinions. He i of poses and a series of soprano
lins, has enumerated the besetting is an intelletu giant whose e ANOTHER CASE IN POINT. notes-all of them seemingly affee-
'sins of the American university to blood is fervidly devoted to his
day s these firsttheiinratia to- study. His is an existence that is To the Editor: tations. This affectation in man-
impulse to expand materially; sec- trod pn only by a numbered un- Our treasurer reports "The nerisms mitigates against our ac-
ond,the glorification of materially seai appreciated geniuses. board department is barely paying ceptance of Leila's words. We
ond, the gl~rificati o z r; aeart The witty critic of ours has read expenses with a capacity house, 40 suspect superficiality the moment
Ij~t~ expe~i~ehi d ' I"]c~ninBnaeanfelhireuaboresWihahueo'esptaecto;an te -

at the expense of teacning ;_, ana ~ ffectatio n h rr
third, the lack of humancontactIndiana in Bondage and feels his regular boardersWitha house of we spo
twerd, teacher and udntTei lethargic neutrality blossoming out 30 no decrease in overhead would pression is hard to lose.
frtwsn he holds, while assisting into acid authority. He feels that be possible with the exception of Once we have this distrust of
first sin,hjh ls, w assng he has now attained all the knowl- one student waiter. Therefore a Leila, for which Mrs. Galloway's
.end, confuses bigness with great- edge- conc'erning India; and with loss in the department would be over-acting is responsible, she isn't
ness. There are two extremes in that profound wisdom he defies the finevitable. big enough to hold up the play.
professorial pursuits of which re- world. Reading Mr. Cross' state- "The house income, including Katherine Cornell's method of pro-
search is one; the occupation in ments, our hero immediately be- chapter fees and room rent, just ducing excitement (which might he
tisase is o le oruatn me comes incensed' vith the shame- meets the budget of expenses, leav- described as a rhtyhm of moments)
about lses and less; mthe other e- ful treatment the '"professor has ing no margin to apply to a pos- in this same fascinating, jeerfumn-
trme is represented by the teach- given the subject, and he prepares sible board deficit. Should there be ed sort of part would be better in
ing of orientation courses in which- himself to destroy, and show the no incomnig pledges the second se- the part of Leila. She uses re-
professors try to make their stu- fessor what an ignorant fellow he mester of next year, vacancies straint and an economy of ineans
dents learn less and less about really is-with oh, what adroit which will occur because of Febru- I to give sincerity and force to her
modeser s and "Maerilexa and subtle language. t ary graduates will mean a loss in words; she works quietly and pe-
smon and rearch are devitalizing," Indiana has been exploited time I the house department." riodic-ally into intense moments
President roltn"b e d hutthe g and again; book after book is writ- We now have 12 seniors living instead of attempting to be in-
chiefr besettin g xpin "our nohern ten decrying the despotism of ine the house, whose places will be tense throughout. Mrs. Galloway's
colleg es ishe 1 of humn mon Britain, each author vying with taken by our 12 pledges who now efforts at consistency of excite-
ct between professor and su- one another to dig up first-hand live outside the house, providing ment left a sense of strain and a
-dents." p- slander, and each trying to outdo all tese pledges remain in college. I sense of affectation.
'At Rollins, thee three pitfalls the other with the audacity of his A year from June we will lose nine Mr.;Smith was admirable as Carl
aredogedsysmewthaet faileattack. And one of these, namely juniors, which means that to pro- Masterson, the delightful gentle-
are dodged by somewhat facile "Bondage in India' our hero tends tect ourselves against financial loss ( man who enjoys the game of love
means of ignoring, acourageously to defend. Taking this work as a we will have to have pledged by and plays it well because Zware of
and determinedly, the views of the gospel, without a more significant next 'fall between 20 and 24 new its dangers and occasional stupi-
luetiand oe opinare m- and vipal experience than that of men. This we regard as an impos dities. Mr.-Smith made Carl a real
n- printed word, he endeavors to be- sible task. sophisticate, clever without being
ally highly-touted by administra- I
y gy dyd s i little and denounce. To make his We have never made it a policy obtrusive, capable of real feelingi'
tive heads. The expansion mania is criticism a crowning achievement, to overlook possible pledgees simp- without exhaustion. And he did it
avoided by concentrating upon the he adds the significant stamp of ly because the chapter is already quietly, economically with intelli-
college as opposed to graduate and authority by gently exposing that sufficiently lar .' We are at a loss , gent pointing of Miss Ackermarl's
professional work. Profesors are,
splcesolly uon mrtofs ter this work contains the declaration to know how we can increase the M excellent lines.
teaching altyn eeia of eminent, popuar and cultured number of our pledges before next The worthwhileness of Miss Ack--
chin biy e aly ---a. ,men, while the remarks of Prof. year's freshmen arrive on the cane- erman's play, the freqeit bril-


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