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January 25, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-25

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8ATEBY,1~~UftY~5' ~u~TH E M IC H IC AN I2- 6A CC

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Season's Pastime to be Featuredr
b W.AA. at Arboretum
This Afternoon.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a! -
party will start 'for the Arboritum
from the Field house on the third °
skiing party of the season s on-






r HflSEN PROFESSOR Adviser Encourages Students to dent at once, which permits the
Build up Satisfactory students to put their emphasis
--- Rush Machinery. elsewhere, and that the sororities
;hrii-Ching Yang, Former Stu- cease to be rivals after the first two
dent at Michigan, Is Lecturer An ssem of rushing has itsf
d,,vant ages," sayh Miss Alice weeks of school which has resulted
and Teacher. Lloyd,' adviser to women. "With in very wholesome and friendly re-
the recent action of the student af- lations between the groups.
WAS GRADUATED IN '28 fairs cornm 6e ,which proposes a; "The obvious disadvantages arc
sy ,";I of second semester pledging that the students who are rushing
I ;enctimes feel that the title ;or the fraternities, a very definite or are being rushed are at such a
Sp1hIC5Or is too big for me," was challenge is offered to the sorori- tension in the lirst two weeks of
; yhhng Yan ' way ties to minimize the disadvantages September, that their college work
~ SI ,l-Ching Yang's way of ;of their present system. This sys- begins badly; and that occasionally
elim' her friends here of her re- tem with uniform pledge day and because there is confusion and fa-
en. appointment :..s full time pro- regulated rushing is so much better tigue in the rushing days, a wrong
nuor and lecturer of sociology at! than the lack of any system that choice is made with a broken
;hi -hIan university in Shanghai, it is to stand. . pledge as the result.
hia. Miss Yang left Shanghai "Because it has been carefully . "I am interested," continued Miss
. worked out and because thcorori- Lloyd," in leaving the decision of
or America in September, 1922, and ties have kept their agreements its affairs as much as possible in
ttended Cornell university from I with each other, they are encour- the hands of Pan-Hellenic, but if
922-25. In September of 1925 Miss! '.ed to manage their own affairs. I the University places this trust in
ang enrolled in the University of This puts a tremendous responsi- them, we must ask in return that
an akgn t bility on them. The advantages of Pan-Hellenic consider all questions
vichigan, making her residence athe system now in force for soror- within its jurisdiction seriously and
vIartha Cook building. ity rushing are that the sorority with the good of all the women in
M ss Yang received the degree of question is settled for the new stu- the University in mind."'
)acholor of arts in the School of -- ----
Thucation in 1927, and master of Palmer Field House Is Center of All Sports
ts in 1920. During her stay hereASports
,he male many friends and it was £ And1AfIh1Pe4, Awet- fn A -~v-fr^

. .--.". . ..- ,"=
sored by the Women's Athletic As-"
It is the success of these affairs"
which makes it possible to con-
tinue them, according to Dorothy
Elsworth, '32, outdoor manager of --
W. A. A. It makes no difference<
whether the participants are be-
ginn ers or experts, every one is
welcome, and has an equally good
After the skiing and tobagganing
Is over, the party will return to the I
Field house for refreshments,
which arebeing take careofnb!
Janet Michael, '31, vice-president :
of W. A. A.
HEAR DRAMATIC, 1* '.~......&~.
One . of the most interesting ,..
functions to take place in the
League building during the winter -
season was the musicale tea and.
reception given by the Ann Arbor _
Circle of the King's 'Daughters _T-
Wednesday afternoon in the 1ball- Besides being thoroughly interested spectators at the naval conference sessions in London, wives of the
room of the building. Those form- American delegates have a flurry of social engagemen ts to occupy their time. Ishbel MacDonald, daughter
ing the:receiving line were Regent of the British premier, is acting as chief official hostess. Shown above are (left to right): Ishbel MacDon-'
Esther H. Cran, Mrs. Junius E. ald, Mrs Charles G. Dawes;-and Mirs. Dwiht W. Morrow. Below: Mrs. Henry L. SIlinson, Mrs. Joseph T.
Beal, Mrs. Alexander Ruthven, Robinson; and Mrs. David A. Reed.


vith regret that they saw her leave

a Z.u J%6taAi..At £.O.P4 t.1FL A -iT 51.J f JI TamenC~


or Columbia university in the Fall I By Jean H. Levy.
if 1928. While in New York Miss Moving always forward toward
Yangous lived at. teInternational the goal which the Upiversity of
Michigan Athletic association has
Afterretuningt t, n~yersity
3f Chi- Nal, Miss Yang Jcgt ved inIset for itself, "Athletics for All,"
the department of education. Re-I the Women's Field house, in the
;ently Miss Grace E. Richards, ad- year and a half it has been func-
aisor of women, who keeps in con- tioning, has become a center for

act with many foreign graduates,
eoceived word from the Chinese
woman, as she was known here,
t she had been appointed pro-
fessor and lecturer of sociology.
Miss Yang writes, "It is interest-
ing as well as educational to note
the different institutions, and to
compare their methods and man-
agemients. My four years of resi-

Mrs. Tressa Way Merrill, Mrs. Wil-
liam A. Spitzly and Mrs. Julio del
Toro, general chairman of the pro-
The guests, who numbered about
300, were entertained by a program
which was opened by Stanley
Fletcher, a pupil of Guy Maier,
who played a fairy tale in music
entitled "One Upon a Time" writ-
ten by Roy Lamont Smith. The
suite and the following encore
were well received by the audi-
Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps, a for-
mer member of the Ben Greet
players, presented scenes repre-
senting the "love motive" from
Shakespeare's "As You Like It" and
"Twelfth Night" with a great deal
of charm and ability.
A short dramatic skit entitled
"The Medicine Man," given by
James Dahl and Richard Purser of
the Harris Players followed. Twelve
;members of the natural dancing
classes of the University under the
direction of Miss Sylvia Adams of
the Physical . Education depart-
ment presented a dance as the
concluding number of the program.
The girls in the dance were Marie
Beyne, '33, Leona Crawford, 33,
Rose Epstein, '33, Mary Hondel, 33,
Marion Heald, '33, Esslyn Hoag-
lin, '33, Dorothy Howell, '33, Doro-
thy Kelsey, '33, Lelia Kidd, '33,
Ethel Knechtel, '33, Florence Lar-'-
mee, '33, and :can Winslow, '33.-
And now that Toasted Rolls has
acknowledged my existence, I will
have more confidence with which
to continue this column. Because
everybody knows how good you
have to be before Rolls recognizes
you. So with renewed life and
vigor I will proceed to launch forth
upon the timely subject of "Much
Ado About Nothing," or in more lo-
cal terminology, Deferred Rushing.
Now as all our logic profs have
told us, you just can't do something
about nothing. But they failed to
take into consideration the enter-
prising student who can make
something out of practically noth-
ing. Take for example the average
thesis (but don't take it too seri-
ously, even the profs don't).
But back to this deferred rushing
business. Viewed with the eyes of
a confirmed cynic, I would say that
the freshmen are bound to be
fooled, no matter how you put it.
So whether it is now or later, seems
to be a small point. The only pos-
sible percentage I canhsee in the'
whole idea is the fact that it will
give each organization a loger
time to get something on the other,
and the stories are bound to be big-
ger and better.
Here is something, though. I
understand that beginning Feb. 1
through Feb. 13, I am to see my
"Journey's End," for this semester,
anyway. The play opening tonight
at the Whitney will be reopened
with an all-student cast of over1
10,000 people: It is said that the I
staging is in the class room, and I
the programs are blue. Don't miss
ii- l

M . . _ _
I _ _ __ ._ . --__ _.___ __._._.._..._._.._ ..
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deuce in America have been val-
Practicability of New Designs for Materials Notices I nable for my service here." Miss
Is Discussed by Professor Herbert A. Fowler The schedue of practices for Yang says she spends most of her
Po--- b-A F- the choruses of the Junior Girls time writing Chinese lectures and
In discussing the exhibition of I at nytelwsmls Play which are to take place this , orcin aes
types In fact, only the few samples morning are as follows: 10 correc ing papers.
cotton and silks now being dis- made up on a smaller scale seem o'clock, choruses B and G; 10:45,
played at the Architectural School,: to be the best from all angles, fiat- chorus C; 11:30, Chorus D. 'Typists Get Publicity
Prof. Herbert A. Fowler, of the de- terin both slender d stout-
teringfbothtslesdr an per- The schedule for the next in- The six American typists, accom-j
partment of decorative design.{sons terelass games is as follows: j panyblug the delegates of the Naval
lauded the extreme cleverness of "This is just another attempt at Tuesday, January 28, at four Parley in London, appear to be the
the artists in the creation of intri- creating something new for the o'clock, senior first team vs. the object of much publicity. In fact,
cate designs. However, he did not anotner fad It will sophomore first team; and the t is not uquestionable that they
public, merely aonrfd twl sophomore second team vs. the ai'e receiving- more' newspaper
predict a prosperous future for make, attractive window displays, motley team.sn Atea o s. the pace than tie statesmen them-
them as dress materiai. and cause much interest. It will' lyta. At five o'clock, the act e mn m-
tean cu md it rst t junior first team will play the !selves. This is entirely unsatisfac-
"lUnity must not be sacrificed prgy find its way into many freshman first team. tory to the six French typists who
hesa-living rooms arranged in flowing: Te, gnrl rcic wl feel themselves rather neglected. fravreyo ein, esa-j Tent eea rciewl
for a variety of designs," drapes. In fact, it may appear in be held on Thursday, January They apologize for so little atten-
ed. "The display is grouped into new materials modified into a sim- 30, and the followin one o tion on the grounds that they are
three series: The American Na- ple design. But it is hardly possible Tuesday, Feb. 20. in London to type reports and not
tional Park; American Indian; and that it will exist as staple goods." to compete in a style show.
Playgrounds of the World. Select- (c cc>o<==>0co o o < o o::::>c<:;;::>0<:: >0:=>< :;>orc:::
ing his subject matter from these j
backgrounds, the artist has found
'it necessary to depict numerous le-
gends, actions, and scenes on a
limited amount of space. The effect
of one continuous design, therefore,
is interrupted, and instead solid
individual patterns are produced.
This is wholly contrary to the un -u
derlying principle of designing!-.t
which attractis the eye to a level * ;
plane holding it there.
"The materials are lovely in cer- 1
tain aspects, but admit an imprac-
tical view for dresses. The patterns
are on too large a scale and would{\
not be becoming to ladies of certain -
The Candle Light
- C
$A75 -again reduced!
Here are new savings in better coats from the hands
One of those "Semi-Demi" of the world's famous designers. Rich in fur. Beautifully
frocks that does stunning lined.
duty on any but the most Second Floor
formal occasion. Of chiffon I
or crene. In black and the i f 'Ig ( ag

i the wide and varied activities of!
both the women's Physical Educa-
tion department, and the Women's
Athletic association.
The sports accomodated within
the building are bowling, rifle,
archery, and golf, all of which are
} active at the present time. The reg-
ular hours of the building are from
8 to 6 o'clock, but on Monday and
Wednesday evenings, the bowling
alleys are open from 7 to 9 o'clock
for both men and women students,
and members of the faculty. Wom-
en are free to bowl from 4 to 61
o'clock any afternoon.
' Besides serving for meetings of
I regular classes, the archery ranges
are used for intramural and inter-'
class meets, as well as by the new-I
ly formed Archery club. The rifle
I team uses the rifle range every
day, practising for the intercolle-
giate telegraphic meets which are
being shot now, from week to week.
Golf enthusiasts are enabled to
keep their form throughout the
winter months, by means of the in-

door golf. cages and the putting
green, which are situated in the
basement, along with the bowling
alleys and the archery and riffle
Almost the entire first floor of
the Field house is taken up by
locker rooms and showers for the
use of the students. Women are
permitted to use the showers and
driers at any time during the day.
Besides this, however,' there is an
equipment room and a check room,
the latter situated in the lobby of
the building.
Probably the most familiar part
of the Field house, for the major-
ity of students, is the large lounge
on the second floor, which is so
comfortably furnished with color-
ful chairs and couches. The fire-
place at one end of the room has'
toasted many a marshmallow for
W. A. A. parties, and furnished
cheer for receptions and banquets
of all descriptions.
Beyond this there is the small
W. A. A. board room, and kitchen
It is here that the members of the
W. A. A. board cook and serve their
own dinners at their bi-weekly
meetings. Officers for the faculty of
the women's Physical mfiEducation
department, and locker room and
showers for the students of that
department, complete the accmo-
dations of the building.'

dations of the building.




Saturday Only



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$1000 Coats
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