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October 05, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-05

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Published every morning except Monday
duringsthe University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor ......,.,..,........ George C. Tilley
City Editor.................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor .....,... ...George E. Simon$
Snorts Editor........Edward B. Warner, Ir.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer1
Telegraph Editor......... George Stauter
Music and Drama .....William J. Gorman
Literary Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein,
Assistant City Editor....-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank' E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman

Charles A. Askren
Helen ,Bare
Louise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon, C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
J: Edmund Glavin
Jack Goldsmith
D. B. Hempstead, Jr.
James C. Hendley
Richard T. Iurley
Jean H1. Levy
Russell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
GHustavR. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Sta'iter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L.. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold 0. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willens
I3.J ..Willoughby
iarbara Wright
Vivian Zimit

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising................Hollister Mabl .y
Advertising.......Kasper H-. Halverson
A4dvertising.........Sherwood Upton
Services...................George Spater
Circulation................J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.......................Jack Rose
Publications .............George Hamilton

Howard W. Baldock
Raymond Campbell
James E. Cartwright
Robert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Thomas M. Davis.
JJames Hoffer
Norris Johnson
Cullen Kennedy
Charles Kline
Marvin Kobacker
Lawrence Lucey
Qeorge, Patterson
Nornan Eliezer
Anson Hoex

Rohert Williamson
Thomas Muir
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Roger C. Thorpe
William R, Worboys
Jeanette Dale
Bessie V. Egeland
Bernice Glaser
Helen E. Msselwhite
Hortense Gooding
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Alice McCully
Dorothy Stonehouse
Dorothea Waterman
Marie Wellstead

Some eight months ago, an en-
gineer, renowned for his adminis-
trative ability ascended to the
Presidency of the United States, a
position heretofore held primarily
by politicians, politican meaning
one versed in the art of governing.
The engineer, Herbert Hoover,
lacked this quality despite Repub-
lican shouts to the contrary.
Once in office, Hoover, used to
being a boss, began dictating his
desires to Congress. His policy met
its first test when the Hoover farm
relief plans were laid before the
House. In this he succeeded and
loud were the Republicans in
praise of their son's supposed polit-
ical ability. But a honeymoon is no
test of a marriage. And quick was
this to be shown. For when the en-
giner-boss told the Senate what he
wanted, he received nothing short
of a couple of slaps in the face.
The first was the export deben-
ture provision in the farm measure
under which Hoover squirmed not a
small bit before the House and Sen-
ate conferees agreed to drop it, the
later with the intention of clamp-
ing it on the tariff bill. The second
occurence was the refusal of the
Senate to confirm with the presiden-
tial wish to postpone operation of
the national origins amendment to
the immigration bill.
There two were mere chastise-
ments, but now comes the third
which is something else again. In
this, the passage of the Simmins
amendment to take the Executive
the power to effect emergency
changes in the tariff rates, the en-
gineer was haled down from his
pedestal of aloof dictatorship and
rolled hard on the floor of the
The passage of the amendment
is a victory of no mean proportion
for the Democratic-insurgent bloc.
Hoover appealed to the Republicans
to keep the flexible tariff power in
the Executive. And when it came
to a vote the Democrats drew 13
of his fellow party members into
their camp, and the 13 were enough
to crush the Hoover hopes.
While the Democratic victory has
tremendous political significance it
is not the result of political motives
I It was guided by a desire for a gov-
ernment truer to the principles laid
down by the Constition. The pro-
posed provision allowed the Execu-
tive 50 per cent. change in the
specified tariff rates. That would
give the President a virtual taxing
power, and taxing powers are to
be exercised solely by the legisla-
tive branch of the government, at
least that is what the Constitution
Hoover went to his post with a
1 Senate of his own party, and now.
in less than a year, it balks and
bad backfires at his political de-
sires. He went to his post to boost
the administrative power and now
even his inherited Executive au-
thority is being slashed at by a
force far beyond his control. Frank-1
ly, the politic Hoover is yet to come
The astounding total of nineteen1
men killed and more than two
score wounded in major prison riots
through the country since July 22
is indeed stupefying to thoughtful
citizens. The Dannemora outbreak
was responsible for three deaths
and several hundred thousand dol-
lars worth of damage to state build-
ings while at the Auburn uprising
there were two killed, eleven

wounded, and $250,000 lost. At
Leavenworth the rebellion followed
the same lines, and the latest out-
rage perpetrated at the Colorado
Sfate penitentiary was the blood-
iest, the most damaging of all.
Just what object the various
states have in viewwhen they place
these amunition depots in the same
quarters as their prisoners is
shrouded in the mystery which en-
velopes so many governmental
problems. None of the investiga-
tions which have followed each of
these uprisings seem to have found
one of the major weaknesses of the
systems. As lang as prisoners have
comparatively easy access to arms,
they will continue to murder guards
and burn buildings. If the states
have economy in mind when they
place their prisons and arsenals on
the same grounds, they had better
scan the statistics of these riots
and look for economy elsewehere.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
municationswillubeadisregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-

(With slight acknowledgement to)
The following items, sent to Rolls
Oddities Bureau from all points of
the world, were sworn to be true
before the august presence of the
Music and Drama editor, who is
also a notary public. We would
quote a good Latin inscription here,
but the only one we know is "cum
grano salus."
Rafeses Rampant, a dog owned
by Horation J. Beeps, Glasgow,
Scotland, in the year 1876 developed
powers of human speech and
aroused the countryside from bed
and warned them of an approach-
ing fire. When interviewed after-
wards, he could not speak but an-
swered in bow-wows.
Alicia Gazooks, University of
Michigan co-ed, roller-skated home
for 948 consecutive nights.

ai +, uiuii



Music And Drama


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Night Editor - WALTER WILDS
No one, probably, knows better
than President Ruthven the hercu-
lean labors that lie before him. To-
day there descends on his shoul-
ders the full weight of a university
that is not a well-oiled, smoothly-
working piece of machinery. On
what he can do to heal its schisms,
plant, and execute for its policies
that are consistent with the pro-
gress of educational theory, Presi-
dent Ruthven must stand or fall.
One incalculable asset he has as
he goes into office. As dean of ad-
ministration and a close friend of
former President Little he has had
an opportunity par excellence to
learn by the latter's ideas as well
as his errors. We can read his ap-
preciation of this fact in his first
presidential statement for publica-
tion: "An institution as large as
this cannot be changed in import-
ant ways over night. Modifications
in policy and methods in any part
of the organization should be made
with the full knowledge of the sev-
eral parts."
The above certainly suggests the
University College, which must be
regarded as Little's crowning men-
tal conception and worst executive
defeat. It also suggests, we confi-
dently hope, that President Ruth-
ven will use the tact, persuasion,
and patience that Little lacked to
make the ideas that fairly bulged
from Little's administration pay
President Ruthven has another
important qualification which
denies his modest assertion that
he is not preeminently qualified
to head the University. Having
once bearded the legislature in its
den with temerity and moderate
success, he has already established
a working relationship with the
hands that clutch the purse
strings. President Burton, whose
skillful persuasion opened the
doors of the state treasury, demon-



The queer creature pictured here
has remained silent in the Sahara
desert for nearly 10,000 years.
t - ,
Russel Googenheimer, a native
of Siam, known as the "Lucky"
boy, has spent his entire life look-
ing for four-leaf clovers.
Androlcles Sloosh, Swiss aviator,
flew upside down over the Alps and
made a three point in the crater
of Mt. Etna during an eruption.
Joseph Zilch, a graduate barber
from the University of Michigan,
shaved 1,000,0567 persons while in a
trance after having seen Play Pro-
duction in action.
The University of Michigan, a
rolling mill for bachelor degrees
that runs like clockwork from a
central spring, was without a presi-I
dent for eight months.
Daniel D. Whippletree, of Muske-
gon, Mich., grew to the height of
11 feet 6 inches by the time he had
attained the age of six.
a scrap book, or for the decoration

night, the incomparable "Rio
Monday, Tueseday, and Wed-
nesday nights: Genevieve
Hamper and a company of
Shakespearean; players, pr'e-
senting "The Merchant of Ven-
ice," "Macbeth," and "Romeo
and Juliet."
* * *
While the campus dramatic'
wagon is still creaking students
may be interested in the Gest-
Reinhardt mediaeval circus that
has at last reached Detroit.
Through the "Great Showman's"
amazing tour de force of publicity
almost everyone in the country can
talk fluently of the many aspects i
of "The Miracle." The plot at
least is well-known. It concerns
the nun Megilda who is lured into
the world of flesh by a wandering
Piper and a romantic Knight. The
Madonna, pitying this girl of sin,
leaves her place in the niche of the
cathedral and assumes her robes
and duties that no one may know
of the young nun's weakness. The -
remainder of the play recounts the
horrible experiences of the helpless
girl. Her lovers desert her; the
Piper, anenigmatic character, saves
her from many difficulties only to P
plunge her into worse. Finally she
creeps into the Cathedral. The
Madonna, with a sad, wistful smile
recognizes that her work is done.
She lays aside the robes for the
girl and assumes her place in the
cathedral niche. . Lo! the nuns in!
the convent have had their lost
Madonna restored to them. . . this
is the Miracle. . . . and the play is
Thousands have testified that 7
the story is gorgeously impressive.
But those who are just a bit wary
of miracles need not stay away.
For "The Miracle" will serve as an
interesting handbook of the arts.
With his immense rose windows
and beautiful altar, Reinhardt out-
Belascoes Belasco and gives the
student a glimpse at the possibili-
ties of realism in the theatre. Then
Norman Bel-Geddes handles the
stage-property and costumes in a
manner that can only be called
expressionistic. In the mock-wed-
ding, for example, the guests are
gowned like funny-paper comics;
in the inquisition scene the lead-
ers of the mob are popeyed peo-:
ple dressed in black and red; oneI
of the scenes in the Palace is a
gorgeous passionate fusion of reds
and blues and purples. Then, too,
this production was one of the
earliest to use the permanent set-
ting throughout with complete
Success. There are no curtains;I
the one stage with huge pillars,
altar, windows, and statue is used!
for all the scenes, giving excellept
unity to the performance.
Reinhardt's production is a glor-
ious phantasmagoria of all the art,
none probably in consummation,
but all there. It is a spectacle and I
spectacles are always valuable and
interesting because so inclusive.
Then, too, there is the possibility
of it really moving you with its
absorbing story and its grotesque!
atmosphere. Morris Gest in a typ-
ically proud statement to the pub-
lic declared that "The Miracle was
not a commercial enterprise" -j
and this perhaps the real miracle.
* * *
The romance of science bringing
eternal peace to humanity is the

theme of that remarkable play,
"Wings Over Europe," which is en-
tirely new company from the New1
York Theatre Guild is offering at
the Wilson Theatre next week. A 1
poetic young scientist discovers a
secret with which it is possible to
create a new civilization or destroy
the present one, and he threatens!
to do one or the other, defying the
entire British Cabinet. Ideas and'
wits clash in an intense and really
original drama. The theme is re-
markable not particularly for its
profundity but for its timeliness.
The play was a sensation in Newj
York actually provoking public
controversy from clergy and states-'
men. It has not yet gone to Bos-
ton; being a good play it will prob-
ably be censored and kept out.
The authors are notable men
both. Robert Nichols is a British
poet and philosopher of some note,
scenario writer for Douglas Fair-
banks, and an aimateur scientist-;
an altogether interesting combina-
tion. Mr. Browne is less versatile
but he was an important figure in

at the
Wednesday and
Saturday Nite

Everything in Books but
Text Books

' 2


Park Plan









A pleasant place to linger





1 ;

~sm wI - -- .--

where you will find

"Behold, I have set before thee au




open door,

and no man can shut it.

WHILE Thomas
A. Edison was
busied with
the development of his
incandescent lamp, he
undertook to improve
the electric generating
machine. The best
generator then in ex-
istence-designed by.
Gramme-possessed an
efficiency of about 40
per cent, but this
eemed too great a.
waste of energy to Mr. Edison.

connected to the sta-
tion, in customer"S i-
s talations ,1,184
larnPs; o n Jan ua ry
1 , 1883, trhyis ha d
bren increased to 3,477
lamps, furnishing se'v--
ice to 231 customers.
In 1884, the first motor
Was connected to the
t~'srem, and the first arc
P.r~to cle "r"8 lcr

, 4 *4

"Let 'here Be Ligh "

Scientists at the time maintained that
the armature of the generator should be
wound with a high internal tesistance.
Mr. Edison concluded that they were on
the wrong track, and proceeded to de-
sign his armature for minimum re-
sistance. When tested, his generator re-
turned 90 per cent of the mechanical
energy put into it.
i New York Ciry in lhe spring of 1881,
the Edison Machine Works began the
conrstruction of the first successful
direcr-couinecred steam dynamo. The
coilibined weight of the generator and
engine was 30 tons. lts size excited
great wonder, and resulred in its being
called Jumbo"--the name of a very
large. tame elephant at the Zoological
Gardens, who was a favorite with the
children because of the number he
would carry at once on his back.
I AViNG invented a filament lamp, a
dynamo, and a house-wiring system.
Thomas Edison began the construction
of a generating station in a four-story
building on Pearl Street, New York
City,.from which to supply current for
uighiinghomes and commercial premises.
To support the weight of the engines
and dynamos in this historic Pearl
Street Station, the old flooring was torn
out and a structure of heavy girders
erected, entirely independent of the
building walls. There were four boilers
rared 240 horse power each, and six
"Jumbo" dynamos each with a capacity
of 1200 lamps of 16 candle power.

1 he original c'srv :t
served extended from Wall Street 7
Spruce and Ferry Streets, and frora
Nassau Street to the East K1(i-_ a ter-
ritory of about one square zil-, ic-
quiring about 18 miles 44 dison
underground feeder and main tubes.
The historic Pearl Street Station did the
remarkable work of demoistr.ring not
only the practicability, but also the
commercial success of the Edison sy.1-
tem--rhat epoch-making erics of Mr.
Edison's inventions for generatig.r
distributing, and util iing elctric cur-
rent. The station was totally destroyed
by tyre in January, 1890, only one 'JUrn-
bo, surviving the wreck.
1UMBO No. 1 was sent to the Paris Inter-
national Electrical Exposition, where
it was hailed by scientists and engineers
from all lands as i marvel of perfect
electrical and mechanical construction.
It had a capacity equal to abouy700 of
the 16 candle-power Edison lamps.
Construction was begun at once on
"Jumbo" No. 2with a capacity of 1000
lamps. It was shipped to London with
jumbo No. 3 (capacity 1200 lamps), and
installed in the Holborn station of The
Edison Electric Light Company.
Subsequent 'Jumbo" generators were
constructed substantially like Jumbo
No. 3, with only minor changes. From
all records now available, it appears
that twenty-three were built, dis-
tributed as follows: Paris Exposition,
one; Holborn Viaduct, three; Pearl
Street, New York, eight; Milan, Italy,
ten (of which one, at least, was ob-
tained from Holborn Viaduct); and
Santiago, Chile, two.
Two "Jumbos" were
constructed in France,
at the factory of the
Societe Industrielle et
Commerciale Edison,
Ivry sur Seine, and in-
stalled in the basement
of the Paris Opera


Mr. Edison passed sev-
eral months in the
building, day and
night, making txperi-
ments and tests. The
station was started
Septenber 4, 1882. Less
than a month later, on


\ i1



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