{PDO[ ID[ISurduefl Hoosiers Tied
I T S ' f o C nf r e c e H e n -,.'(Centi r ed From Pa e 6)
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T HEu Ma Vi 1 -IA N \ 4/i ~ i: A 4'f PAGE SEVEr wra rw + Msw r..y. n... p
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Final Ex~xfinations to Suspendf
Sport'Activities Wfirite Mcn
T'ry t Conjcentrate.
(Spcil to 'he Daiy)
if AFATTE; Ind.-Purdue's ath-
ktecitzyities have been suspended
to j iidly while the members of
Fie BOIL rmaker winter sprts
teamrs concentrate on conquering
the final examinations that will d-
termnine whether the Old Gold and
Black representatives are to -be as
successful in their scholastic en-
.deavors as they have been in in-
Aptercollegiate competition so far this
year. The only competition sched-
uled. duringI the coing week is 9
'gymnastic meet here on Saturday
afternoon, January 25, when Coach
Mert Clevett's Purdue turners will
-launch their season against the
South Side Turners, of .Indianapo-
lis. The only other competition
slated during the remainder of
January is the feature nonconfer-
ence basketbalU clash with Loyola,
of' 'i ago, ' here on January 30
when , ca4 , achs will bring his
-"Consistent., victory crew into the
B 0' m er stronghold.
3 wk, rder that the athletes may
co , 4iitate on their class roomr
gymia tics and slide rule contr-
*tions,s practice activities in Memor-
ial gymnasium have ceased until
the end- of next week when thie
coaches. will-call their squads to-
geth~er once more in an effort to
;.get ready for the busy month, of
February in intercollegiate compe-
* CoachPiggy-Laibert's basketball
squad,, riding the crest of the Big
-.Nine wave' as the.'result ,of its vie-
torie ..over 'Michigan aid North-
western, will start drills on next
Thursday in preparation for the
clash wi1th Loyola. The Loyola crew
boasts a reord of 30 straight vi-
'tories at the 'present time, and
Lanibert intends 'to gear up his of-
l 'ensive in an offert to penetrate the
y justly famous zone defense of the
M'Chicago quintet.
The brilliant performances of
Johnny Wooden, sophomore floor
~, ,.guard who has almost entirely re-
-,covered from the leg injuries suf -
'fered before the Butler game, have
xbeen the highlights of the Purdue
; play in the 'two DigNine encoun-
;iers; for the Martinsville flash has
;..provided a real punch to the at-
tack that has enabld Charles Mr-
phy and:, Glen -iarziisozi, o-cap-
i4ins, wih a ppportuity to ,con-
;cntrate on the scoring colun-n.
Merman Boots looks more like him-
;'self as a, bckboard defender, and
tthe only r te spt' .that remains
for Lamiert is' securi'ng. a runnii
amate for Hlarmeson at forward. I~l
tbn Mills, Victor Gibbens James
;, Tlford and J. A. Porter have all
been used at the forward post, but
'so far h 1ave laeked the necessary
fnish, that - may ..coe however,
with added e~peience under fire.
CHICAGO, Ill.-The sixth annual
'Chicago Tribune trophy for the Big
T:fen grid player of most value to
his tam. was, presented to Glass-
gow of Iowa at a basketball game
at Sawa City recenty.
'ChmicleWski and John Pau~l, ,i'~ CU T O
ed a stalIling game that w.as con . 'B LOkLS STA
lot-lr ^r than those that the 'famnouls
Jack Williaxl:s use4 to a g Oultfor rC',,t4;in Fa't <Enuins
the Wolverines years ago.. dt ew first bicodu in the
:The two back men stood uinder { irm cO the faculty
their, .kasleet rid tossed ,the- ball '4 : by lde. tih Ca t
bank 'and fort-hwhile 'they, talked - Sc . ttict ,- Wo'gan es toc
Iwith their friends.in .the stands. 1 t ,it ti~e nce Waas piroduc
--? T1irvi 'signal to forde t'e-'IC ayc, cin3g lteam1 whilothe
,!' tit hv at .t'ed le 4 11 fin'fot x;^ 2ned to lhew; nmp1'rxi
minuses before they broke it 11v)(MIS of their l~a i Te
only to be scored on for three mor e ? nflea1s ky a qv.,,sh od -
points. The fast work of the Wis- ;' °aking a c62m'pleeroutc
consin team showed up well against i carns hatve all. found t
the larger and slower Tlhik crew; practice and as a result
and the Badgers were able to turn day's games should show
in a 14 to 9 victory, able imip--ovement.
-Indidna Tankmnen L6se Mnnesdta P4ck Team -
M e£ e t to olwerines Ready ° f&_ Wo1verines
-I -(Continuaed From Page 6)- (Continued From 'Page 6)
___ ____ Coah 'afi a!hssimes-though plafnly showinig signs of
* <to Batle Creek on1 Wednesd.ay of wear due to their intensive 'play
EY I TUESDIAY'S (iAMES I lts we1 to ut oh an 0. hibition' and'ardous traveling are r~eadty't
1L,, : ewinnee't B tl e college. On! take over the gophers and finish
RTE Ps an Ph Kapa. Saturday the Wolverine natators out their early season Conferensce
peerteaa I7: 00-Nu Sigma Nu and Phi Sig-1 illb'I - t t t~eTrnoY.M ad nipesiefsin
ee~ teim ma Delta. 1ilbiot oTeTrnoY .c~di mrsiefsin
iuuaj8 :30-Triangle and Alpha Chii C'. A. team, It is exetdta h I. a nen at center ice J~osephx
volleyball ;Rho. Ca adiaYS 'will 'put Upn 'od fight foivw'ard, and thart, uichv
amn Grey7 s ihandball i 'a~it the Wtolverines as they are benteteeroth
one. VeryI 7: 30--- Phelps-Presser vs. Fried- olders of several chi mpionsaips ip npha erformtllaesn l
:e by thej man--Axinn. - - sldes being the Canadian Na- trpanhvesitiatdnal
outinech 7:30-Lait--Seager vs. Jones-Na- .'oral_ champions, they, hold the , of the first three games already
out ech ;varro~.. M. C. A. International title. played on the northern jaunt.
7 :30-Stanchfield-Arthur vs. Col- ° -- -____________________
th Ary jl~-Eangbem2an1..,._.:.
11,n " snn l LSi C : Pf li4 ?..®
tey neect
next Fi-e
- I
, I
Willis Glassgow, after driving fear, three years as one of the m'ost dan-
1into the. hearts of Iowa's opponents gerous ball carriers in the Confer-
Sfor the past three years and after o nce and every team against whichI
leaving a wake of blasted chain-- he appeared was coached to stop;
pionship hopes throughout the old. bim. Despite this close guarding
time Big Ten was awarded one of the0 Iowan ,vas able to distinguish
Ethe highest honors to which a inid- himself in nearly every game in.
dle western gridder can aspire, last which he played. A triple threat
Saturday. A vote taken among 6the inani of the fin t order Glassgowr
1 coaches of the Conference by the was a. conastant .ixniacc to the op-
- Chicago. Tribune adjudged' him the ;position aiin m, do many yards on
best player in the Big Ten last sea-I fake. pases or pu~nts which ended
son and won for him the coveted u yp, drushing thrmusts at the line
Chicago Tribune trophy ,and an- or i' ightiing end' runs. E
nual award won last year by In- The pr eseptaticn I of the trophy
diana's great halfback, Bennett. 1 was maLe betkeqn the halfs of the
Glassgow captained his team. I ova-Br.;dley Teccii- basketball game
through Iowa's last season in Coin- l ast Sathrd'ay ev;ening with Glass-dI
ference competition, and at the end (-ow's tea.m--niates and friends look--
of the schedule was place4E,.on 'ev- nig on cheering his good luck. Har-
eral All-American selections, be-Ve T. Woodruff as the official
sides being chosen on the All-East1 Chicago Tribune representative was
team which went to the tourna- 101 hand at the ceremony, althoughj
ment of Roses and crushed a simi- t11C ,actual presentation was made j
lar squad from the western side of Ibty E. H. Lauer H-awkes athle-ic di-
the Rockies. In this classic battle rector, ar'ounid whomn much of the
Glassgow carried off a major sharpeI ecent suspension controversy l-us
of the honors and gained a nation-! hinged.
Glassgow is chiefly remembered (H,. ON' OILLU, lawaii--Coach Otto
by loyal Michigan fans for his 55 luiui, football mentor of the Uni-j
versity of H-awaii, is arranginga
Iyard run for a touchdown against ~ ~ r~nur -~
nseu az
4:15-1, Psi Upsilon "B" vs. Tau
Delt Phi "B."
2, Sigma Pi "B" vs. Pi Kap-
pa Alpha "B."
7:00-1, Zeta Beta Tau "E" vs.
Delta Upsilon "B."
2, Delt-a Alpha Epsilon "N"',
vs. Delta Sigma Phi "B." !
3, Phi Kappa Psi "B" vs.
Alpha Sigma Phi "B."
4, Sigma Chi "B" vs. Delta
Chi "B."
7:40-1, Theta Xi "B" vs. Lamb-
da Chi Alpha "B." !
2, Sigma Phi Epsilon -° B"f
vs. Alpha Chi Sibma "B."I
3, Xi Psi Phi "B" vs. Trigon
4, Phi Chi "B" vs. Phi Delta
B 8:20-1, Alpha Omega "B" vs..
Phi Kappa Sign-a "B."
2, Alpha Kappa Lambda
"B" vs. Alpha 'Delta Phi
3, Phi. Gamma Delta "B"
vs. Sigma Zeta "B."
4, Hermitage "B" vs. Alphaj
Phi Delta "B."
9:00-1, Phi Kappa Tau "B" vs. i
Phi Mu Alpha "B."
2', Alpha Tau Omega "B" vs.
Tau Epsilon Phi "B."
3, Bills (W. Paatoor) vs.
Buckeyes (J. Carpenter).,
4, Wolverines (McCarrol)
vs. Suckers (Redniss). ,
9:40-1, Gophers (Stander) vs.
Zucks (T. Crouse).
2, Law Club (Mills) vs. j
W. D. B. (Hiens).f
3, Michiganders (Bowman)
vs. Ben Mats (Bennett).
We received a "'Bona ]Fide letter
from Adler "Collegian" announcing
their retirement from the clothing
business after sixty succesifu1 years.
We mmeiaely wntto the factory
We imeiand selected
all chloice °patterns and fine Woolens
-Blues, Grey and Browrns. Just aat
the tlime when you are thinking of
completing your Fall wardrobe we
can save you dollars.
$ 45 and $50
Sale a rice $26-50
116 East Liberty
O wthout bonus to lan, On
modern Ann Arbor homes. Phone
4356. 1350
$7 Q.0P l EF1 will give you tae
betmeal inthie Ci- Try it t
opposite Post - Oflce. 124
NOTICE -Fletcher Hall will be
open the: beginning the 2nd se-
mester. All rooms well heate,
and ruoinng'hot. an~d cod Wafie.
Single rooms $3.00; - oublerotrs
$5.0. Under new managemnt.
"Don" Donahue a n d Harvey
Strau14 Dial 6144, 915 Sybil. , 612
NOTICE-Speclal low priCes on ex-
pert fur remodeling, repairing
and clesning. Attend 'Zwerdiii 's
25th Anniversary Fur Sale. °2_5
216 East Liberty. 456123
215 E. Washington Phone 431(
ITYPIST=~Speedy, accurate, will
copy theses at any time. Reasoni-
able rates include expert advice
!I on English construction. Lucille.
'586. C
TYPING-Theses a specialty. a ,'!r
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9AT7
'WANTED - Experienced "water;
colored. Apply Joe Parker's Cafe.
Dial 9166. 1
FOR 'RENT-TI o nie coforabi,
signle rooms. 922'-E. Katharine.
I Dial'4776. 123
FOR RENT-Pleasant front oom,
close to ;campus for,. two - boys,
reduced for second semester, ,17
North State. A3
FOR RENT-Warm double suite.
Also scientifically selected and
prepared foods. The Greyshop,
,Tea Room, 514 Jefferson. 1
FOR RENT-Next semester, ;upper
front double room. Also dow -
stairs, half of double room. Re4-
sonable, warm, and clean. One
minute from campus. 707 Ta-
S pan. "Call after 5 p. m. 12345
Nice front room available net
semester. 'Phone- 8181. 138
Geddes Ave.-_X 23
FOR iiiN-A singe room; wrm,
and pleasant. 515 Walnut Stree.
-Dial 768. 1
FOR RENT-Single rooms $.5Q;
double $5.00.Fletcher Hall. Un Or
I %new .- rwanagemnh - see notice"
Iabove. -_ 612
Iapartnwn-t; Ftwo rooms. and kiclz-
:enette, near campus. 517-E. Madl:-
} son.: ---612
'ROOM-Single, w Arm nd comfort-
able. 520. So. Division. Phone
FOR RENT=-A completely furnish-
ed housekeeping apartnent for
business girls or young couple.
Steam .:heat " And :shower. Also
single ooxi and ;;garage. Dial
_8544, 422 East. Washington. 561
'F.OR SALE--T'horoughbred: great
..ane -'dog. -Six -months' old.
--Call 3540 oar 11"08 ,,Hil St. _ 123
the Wolverines in 128. when thle!
Wolves. were making a valiantz
comeback after a disastrous sea-1
son. This year he was a marked
man and Coach Kipke's men
smothered him in a manner r ems-
iniscent of the way Red Grange of'
Illinois -was covered by the Wolver--
ines in 1925. Glassgow could not getI
away in the game this year for
many long gains, and it was mostly
his close guarding which enabled
the Maize and Blue t-o gain a tie
with the powerful Hawkeyes. Even-
with this close watching Glassgow
accopjhted for plenty of shorter
-Rounding out his collegiate ath-
Itic career this year, Glassgow is'
known as one of the best Iowa has r
turned out in many years. Playing
shortstop' on the baseball team for
thriee years besides his three sea-
son in the moleskins, he has earn-
ed three major "I" 's in his three
years of eligibility, and has starred
in -each sport in which he was en-
,the Iowa terror has been offered!
chances to continue his, athletic }
activities at either West Point or
Annapolis, but reports, from Iowa-
City state that he will accept neith-
er of these propositions but will
stay in the west to study law.
Glassgow has been known for
thie Pacific Coast f or next season.
_ . _ , .,
~MAN %
last chance
Sget to's. heath suits
o 'coats at such
reduction., Come
in early and get
Prices Include 2 Trousers
$14500 fo
$35 50
$ 5 000
g B a
$5 500 now
: 1.remcpmy T
-all thompson b ros. shoes reduced-