N {PDO[ ID[ISurduefl Hoosiers Tied I T S ' f o C nf r e c e H e n -,.'(Centi r ed From Pa e 6) , t,.;_ 5, rs In the led TAKE sT 0 [S 1ll fn0 fhn orl-,- r 11 ,r-, ff~l - - A. ' " , - - . * - . 9. THE MI-C.,H-IGAN 15"AlL Y PAGE SEVEN T HEu Ma Vi 1 -IA N \ 4/i ~ i: A 4'f PAGE SEVEr wra rw + Msw r..y. n... p Mi F - Final Ex~xfinations to Suspendf Sport'Activities Wfirite Mcn T'ry t Conjcentrate. 'LOOLA is NEXT (Spcil to 'he Daiy) if AFATTE; Ind.-Purdue's ath- ktecitzyities have been suspended to j iidly while the members of Fie BOIL rmaker winter sprts teamrs concentrate on conquering the final examinations that will d- termnine whether the Old Gold and Black representatives are to -be as successful in their scholastic en- .deavors as they have been in in- Aptercollegiate competition so far this year. The only competition sched- uled. duringI the coing week is 9 'gymnastic meet here on Saturday afternoon, January 25, when Coach Mert Clevett's Purdue turners will -launch their season against the South Side Turners, of .Indianapo- lis. The only other competition slated during the remainder of January is the feature nonconfer- ence basketbalU clash with Loyola, of' 'i ago, ' here on January 30 when , ca4 , achs will bring his -"Consistent., victory crew into the B 0' m er stronghold. 3 wk, rder that the athletes may co , 4iitate on their class roomr gymia tics and slide rule contr- *tions,s practice activities in Memor- ial gymnasium have ceased until the end- of next week when thie coaches. will-call their squads to- geth~er once more in an effort to ;.get ready for the busy month, of February in intercollegiate compe- tition. * CoachPiggy-Laibert's basketball squad,, riding the crest of the Big -.Nine wave' as the.'result ,of its vie- torie ..over 'Michigan aid North- western, will start drills on next Thursday in preparation for the clash wi1th Loyola. The Loyola crew boasts a reord of 30 straight vi- 'tories at the 'present time, and Lanibert intends 'to gear up his of- l 'ensive in an offert to penetrate the y justly famous zone defense of the M'Chicago quintet. The brilliant performances of Johnny Wooden, sophomore floor ~, ,.guard who has almost entirely re- -,covered from the leg injuries suf - 'fered before the Butler game, have xbeen the highlights of the Purdue ; play in the 'two DigNine encoun- ;iers; for the Martinsville flash has ;..provided a real punch to the at- tack that has enabld Charles Mr- phy and:, Glen -iarziisozi, o-cap- i4ins, wih a ppportuity to ,con- ;cntrate on the scoring colun-n. Merman Boots looks more like him- ;'self as a, bckboard defender, and tthe only r te spt' .that remains for Lamiert is' securi'ng. a runnii amate for Hlarmeson at forward. I~l tbn Mills, Victor Gibbens James ;, Tlford and J. A. Porter have all been used at the forward post, but 'so far h 1ave laeked the necessary fnish, that - may ..coe however, with added e~peience under fire. CHICAGO, Ill.-The sixth annual 'Chicago Tribune trophy for the Big T:fen grid player of most value to his tam. was, presented to Glass- gow of Iowa at a basketball game at Sawa City recenty. 'ChmicleWski and John Pau~l, ,i'~ CU T O ed a stalIling game that w.as con . 'B LOkLS STA lot-lr ^r than those that the 'famnouls Jack Williaxl:s use4 to a g Oultfor rC',,t4;in Fa't