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January 21, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-21

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of King's DaughtersI
ls usARecently, a local labor union gave and two part-time teachers in the
S A~ O N6D~ chairman of the program being ___to be used for the benefit of the seven full-time and four part-time
U TIL Mrs. Julio Del Toro, general LVover $100 to the University Hospital practical arts department; and
chraPftepoga en ob se o h eeito h ee ul-ieadfuIar-ieITHW sponsored by the Goodwill Circle of crippled children. Monsey receivedintuorinheadmcd-
160V the King's Daughters in Ann Arbor, National Dancing and Cloggingry instructors in the academic de-
announces that all women of the Will be Offered After in this way is customarily expend- partment. These teach junior and
University are welcowie to assist g i Cl ed for things of permanent value, and primary work.
Captains to be Chosen for All with the serving at a tea which will such as books and permanent shop The largest group that the school
Teams Before Matches follow the musicale to be held inAEEequintr niosdiret oies-h1 is concerned with is the y
the ballroom of the Women's ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED eqimn.Lbruos eepe-icnendwihste primary,
on Tuesday. League building at 2:30 o'clock on~ ~~y g enerous-wth donations This intermediate. and pre-school age
-Wednesday afternoon, January 22. Orchesis, women's dancing socie- come in from all parts of' the state group which ranges from six to
SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Regent Esther Cram, whom all ty, will meet at 7:30 o'clock tomor- in the holiday season. eleven years.
Several organizations give novel
women of the University have been row night for an hour of natural Contributions such as this makegn
Members of Squads Expected interested in meeting, is to be one dancing, and will sponsor a class possible the workshop proect and highly valued gifts. The
of the guests of honor at this en- f inn which served 400 children last year. Arbor undertakes to give each child
to Report for, Games tertainment. This will afford an 1 national dancing and clogging Besides the regular work, many a cake on his birthday. Sometimes
in Barbour Gym. opportunity of meeting her to those from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock. Plans are tops were made from. pieces of they give as many as 30 or 40 in a
iBab rGmwomen who have not otherwise already being made for a recital waste lumber, which, when bright- y
had the chance.AOther prominent next semester, and it is essential 1Y colored, were utilized at Christ- "The important thin in 11 thi
Announcement was made Mon- woefAnAbrWl lob ~ttemmeso h mas-time for gifts. ITeiporattiginalths
day afternoon of the first and sec- present at this time. organza- Vocational and pre vocational work is that the child has to be
ond basketball squads for each . tion attend the weekly meetings. employment have been found use- treated idividually," says Miss Do-
andbakebalquasoreah_..__ymetigs rmpothnyhveKetcham ue- ," sho iss areof
class which are to report for the The class of national dancing ful in helping the children to be- rothy Ketcham, who is in charge of
Fnecl gms einig us and clogging is something a little i come adjusted when they leave the the Social Service Bureau of the
dteasJam, Cp ginni Te THE SPO T-LIGHT different than the natural dancing hospital. Over 27,000 people were Hospital.
day,. Jan. 21. Captains will be lFH P TLG T epewr
che f a twhich has formerly composed the registered in the University Hospi-
chosen for allthe teams before the! By J. C. X. program of Orchesis meetings. The tal last year. Of these, over 30 per Low grades have made 600 wom-
games. Every one is expected to type of dancing will be solo and cent were under 19 years old. There en students out of a possible 1,000
report for the games, and all those ontecmu-fth nvriyo
tperhgmsnihsu J d couple dancing of Russia, Hungara, are from 5,000 to 6,000 children en- Mnnta inlgbe forvrsing
interested should come out to sup- How about the technique dis- ;Spain, and other countries, rather tered for tretment annually. The nbysororities during the second
port their team. . played in "So This Is College?" than folk dancing. Students who Social Service endeavors to assist quarter rushing periodh
The schedule is as follows: Wouldn't you think that if a mere' come for the second part of the all of these people and to keepT shingperod_
Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 4 o'clock, i field trip brought forth a Soph Orchesis meetings are asked to wear them busy. Sewing and cutting by
senior first team vs. junior first Prom bid, to say nothing about the bathing suits, and a hard soled girls who are in bed, and making
team; and upper class motley vs. fraternity pin (in fact it is always shoe for the clogging. wooden toys and learning to handle
sophomore second team. At five best to say nothing about them) Non-members of Orchesis, who tools for the boys who are physi-
o'clock, sophomore first team vs. ( that a good old-fashioned coasting: are interested in dancing are espec- cally capable, are parts of the pro-
the freshman first team. party on the Boulevard ought to iall urged to come to the 8:30 meet- gram.
Thursday, Jan. 23, at four o'clock,. produce an invitation to the J-Hop? ing, though anyone is welcome to I One of the largest pieces of work
senior first team vs. the freshman But, as one struggling co-ed to attend the earlier part also. being done in the Hospital is the
first team; and the upperclass another, did you ever see anything ~- ~------- bedside school. The object of this
motley team vs. the freshmen sec- like it? Not the Hop itself, granted NOTICE. school is to keep the children in
ond team. At five o'clock, the soph- there is nothing quite like it, for A special class in swimming , their own grade so that, upon dis-
omore first team vs, the junior first which we offer up thanksgiving. for the wives of faculty mem- I missal from the hospital, they are
team. One affair of that kind is plenty, bers and their friends who are still with their own group. This
The squads as announced are: even for the iron; constitutions of interested in learning swim- does away with the necessity for
Senior first team--Margaret Ol-1 college students. I was referring, ming is being organizedIn- I the patients to re-adjust them-
sen, Dorothy Marshick, Mildred F!however, to the technique, shall we struction will be given by Mat- i selves to a new group.
say the absolute art bordering on thew Mann at 7:30 every Tues-
Sackett, Diana Berkowitz, Margaret strategy, that you have to resort to, day night at the Union pool, practical arts, and for academic
Stahl, and Lily Schmidt. even to get to first base. One i work. There are three full-time,
.Junior first team-Elizabeth would think than , i m t ;,~~- - _____________ _____

January 21-25
Tuesday, 2:30-Faculty Women's
club, Play-reading section,
League Theatre Alley.
4:00-Pan Hellenic, League
7:00-Alpha 0ama Sigma,
League building.
7:15--University Girls' Glee
club, League Committee
7:30-Athena, League, build-
7:30-Portia, Portia room,
Angell Hall.
7:30-Iota Sigma Pi, League
7:30-Pi Lambda Theta,
League Kalamazoo room.
Wednesday, 3:00--World Fellow-
ship Committee, League
Lounge No. 2.
7:30--Orchesis, Palmer Field
Thursday, 8:00-Mu Phi Epsilon,
League building.
Saturday, 8:15-Beta Kappa Rho,
League Lounge No. 2.

Jackets Must be Fitted Before
Orders Are Placed With
Dorothy Birdzell.
From 2 to 3:30 o'clock today and
tomorrow, Dorothy Birdzell, '32,
will accept orders for W. A. A. jack-
ets hi the Women's Athletic Asso-
ciation office in the League build-
ing. The garments are of blue
wool material and cost $6.75. Only
W.. A. A. members may wear the
uln case there is anyone who can-
tnot order a Jacket at either of
these times, she is asked to call
Miss Birdzell at 7717 to make a
special appointment, as the jackets
I must be fitted before they are or-
When a group of prominent phy-
sicians was asked to give its opin-
ion of the new fad for long dresses,
the answer was that long skirts are
"unhealthful, unfortunate,. deplor-
able, an unmitigated evil, and un-


Hatch, Helen Wilson, Evely Sharp, 'life and death, and without a
Olimpia LaMarca, Helen Moore,, doubt we will all be dead before we
Eli Whitney, Louise Deboe, Flor- ifget there.
ence Seitz and Katherine McMur- F I do object, moreover, to having
ray. a hitherto perfectly good disposi-
Upperclass motley-(juniors and tion ruined. Before this J-Hop
seniors)--Charlott Goodrich, Helen racket started, I could actually en-
Collins, Dorothy Nowak, Elizabeth joy an evening being as sarcas-
Wood, Eleanor Bodwig, Margaret tic as I pleased, and every now and
Sceley, Betty Johnson, Edith Budge, then staging a good fight-but
and Margaret Backman. now-well, I'm just little Miss S. S.
Sophomore first team-Dorothy and G. herself.
Birdzell, Emily Bates, Frances I suppose you are wondering who1
Byard, Marjorie Smith, Mary Lou }I am.' No? Well, you should be, be-
Hershey, Betty Louden, Anita cause I am "brother big shot's little
Graham, Marjorie Hunt, and Dor- sister!" There are always two in1
o.thy Ellsworth. every family. One of those people
Sophomore second team-Pauline that your year wouldn't have beenf
Bowe, Helen Hartman, Jean Levy, exactly ruined by not having met,:
Thelma Burnes, Marjorie Elsworth, but certainly it would not haves
Maud Sargeant, Susan Manchester, been complete.
Kathryn Brindley, Bertha Desen-! I am the person who thought up
berg. that idea about not walking on the
Freshman first team-Margaret i seal in the Main Library. I had
Heal, Dorothea Bogar, Fay Adams, to have some excuse for not going
Margaret Wurzburg. El Summers, there. You see, I too, have ac-
Madeline Cole, L. Peterson, Leila quired the local habit of never go-
Hendricks, C. Renschler. ing out of my way to go around
Freshman second team-Barbara things. Really, though, I have
Burkhart, Alice Callender, V. John- been trying for a long time to break
son, J. Botsford, G. Linton, Betty into print, and I sure have sue-
Aberle, Fisher and Bedford. rceeded in making plenty of breaks.
I thought that before examinations
WOMEN RIFLERS j I would take a couple of cracks at I
LOSE FIRST MEET "things, while I am yet ignorant of
future and can enjoy life.
BY CLOSE SCORE In doing so, I would like to re-
. .!..mind those of you who are still
In a telegraphic meet held Sat- looking for someone to take to J-:
urday the University of Michigan Hop, that second tryouts for Jun-
rifle team lost its first match of the ior Girls' Play have been completed
season to the University of Mary- and there is always a chance that I
land, with a score of 471-492. In the lady of your choice may be a
view of the fact that this was the chorus girl (and that with the
first match shot by the entrants, added attraction of being a co-ed
the Michigan score is considered by ought to sell itself) or the leading
physical education instructors to be lady, and if you did pick the lead-
excellent. ing man, well, there is always a
Maryland challenged the match. chance tolearn something new.



if y o u h a v e n 't y e t t r iedrn e s r t u i g J a u r
try it during January . . ..
for during January you may
get the 10 Nemo-flex Dia-

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f r a m Reducer


Combination - the Princess
foundation for heavier fig-
ures made up in a special
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This is really an unprecendented op-
portunity to try out the new molded
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on Princess lines, snug, smooth, smart
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The Wonderlift
hips and back.

Inner Belt controls the abodmen,
The Diafram-Reducer flattens
the diafram.


It was shot by 10 women, from a
prone position only. Of the 10, the
five highest scores were taken to1
make up the final score, which had
to be'completed by Jan. 18.
The Michigan team was coached
quite intensively by Capt. Arthur
B. Custis. Of about 75 who came
out for riflery, approximately 25
tried out for the match. All of the
10 who were selected to shoot made
scores of 90 or above.
Individual scores of the contest-i
ants were: Helen Nicol, '30, 96; El-
eanor Kimball, '32L, 94; Alice Mann, !
'30Ed, 94; Elizabeth Hatch, '31Ed,
94; and Josephine Grice, '30, 93.
The Michigan team plans toI
complete its next match by Jan. 25.1
Riflery is the only intercollegiate I
athletic sport into which the wom -
en of this campus enter.

Sun-tan, as an asset to beauty,
has gone out of style. The American
Associa'tion of Cosmeticians and
Hair Artists has decided that a
"strawberry and cream" complexion
holds much more charm.
Furs and Fur Coats
Makeup, Repaired, Re-
modelled and Relined
Prices Reasonable
E. L. Greenbaum
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Phone 9625





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11 11

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