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January 21, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-21

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r 4TWj..:Al .!AP,. .' 71J lC"


Published every morning except Monday
during the tPniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is .exclusively entitled
to the use' for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
sffice: Ann Arbor Press Building. May-


to take his meals haphazardly in
the local restaurants. The burden
is thrust upon him of fighting an
unsatisfactory rooming situation
and of wisely arranging his gastro- I
nomic life at a time when the Uni-
versity finds him incapable of per-
forming many of the simpler func-
tions of existence here.
The Daily feels that the deferred
rushing action taken by the Senate
committee was hasty and ill-con-
sidered. Such a sweeping change
should not be attempted until the:



re . W Yh1.

M Nusic And 1)rania


r1 y astry ho

lya6- ?' _


The Rolls Weather Man isn't!
such a liar after all. He predictedj
sunshine for Saturday and Sunday
and we had it, even if the mercury1
did take a nose dive.
L t.fPnr in nnn ,,nnolf1' in.

Raymond Morin, student of pi
ano under Professor Albert Lock,
wood at the School of Muisc, wi
appear in recital this evening a
the School of Music auditorium
Mr. Morin has studied extensivel
in the East at the Juilliard Instt
tute of Musical Art under Eliza
beth Strauss and Mr. H. G. Pea
body. Recently, just before enter
ing the Music School, he studie
with Charles Naegele, young con
cert pianist at present on an Am
erican tour. Mr. Morin has ar
ranged the following program:


d University finds itself financially in eL"-'1" p i aaeI2
hapduStneepace concernng'"
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. a position to erect freshman dor- Hell Week and Deferred Rushing
EDITORIAL STAFF mitories and thus furnish the fresh- and our postman is beginning toj
Telephone 4925 men a substitute social system. get sore because handling that andl
MANAGING EDITOR When confronted with the fact the Rolls correspondence is almostj
ELLIS B. MERRY that no state money is available too much for one man. He brought
Editorial Chairman. .Geozge C ilev for dormitories, and that such dor noless than three letters yesterday.
City Editor.... .... ..Pierce Rosenberg mitories cannot be financed, by Thero
News Editor................Donald J. KlinesgshmelJb(n, blev,
Sports Editor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr. bonding companies until the girls' signs himself Jeb (not, I believe,
'Women's Editor.........Marjorie Fodlmeryr the Jeb of Rolls fame) and I'ml
Telegraph Editor.. ......assam A. Wilson dormitory now under construction pbihn ta ann oay
Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman proves a financial success, propon- publishig it as a warning to any
Literary Editor..........LIawrence R. Klein'' who may1 harbor peculiar ideals
Assistant City Editor.... Robert Jc. Feldman ents of the Senate committee'sm
Night Editors- fdito rialBoard Members' plan reply with the hope that some concerning the Daily staff.
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry pa el ihtehp htsm
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss one will give the necessary funds.
Charle R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds The freshman should have more "Dear Joe: It seems to me that.
Guirney WilliamsThfrsmnsolhae oe
Reporters time and freedom to choose their; our ;nost benevolent Managing Edi-
liertram Askwith Lester May fraternities, but they do not need tor isn't living up to his reputation
Hlelen PBare Wlam id M '.Nichol
Maxwell Baer a Page a whole semester. The way out of and position for appearance's sake.
lvfary r.. 1Behymer Iloward IH. PeckhiamWhnfidElswapoteou!
Benjamin If. Beretsonl ugh Pierce the present impasse is to give them When friend Elli was pointed
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz two or three weeks near the begin- to innocent, freshmen as the high
Arthur J. Bernstein John I). Reindel and mighty mogul of the Daily, the
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts ning of the first semester, with the
Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell that must poor frosh received a rude shock"
on .ene ophuwthstipulation tatpledge-pinsmutpo
lelen Domine William P. Salzarulo not be worn until the end of thei when he observed a conservately
l'argaret Eckcls Charles R. Sprowl- - statured individual i a conven-
Kathearine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson designated rushing period.
tioOnalearduro coat. a slouch hat.

n. I


Sonata Op. 5...........Brahms
Alelgro Maestoso.
Polonaise C Sharp Minor .. Chopin
Nocturne C Sharp Minor.
Etude E Major.
MaEtude G Major.
Marche Militaire. Schubert-'Tausig
LaCathedrale Engloutie . . .Debussy
LaCampenella .....Paganini-Liszt
The recital is to begin promptly
at 8:15.


1not ihave our
P IPES and pants are mascu-
line prerogatives that defend
themselves and us. Where else
could nien find sanctuary?
Pipes, stout pipes, and packings
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right of refuge with other men'
behind barriers of redolent smoke!
Tobacco with the whiskers on,
that's what man wants-good old
seasoned pipe-tobacco, the best
of the leaf, all blended and fla-
vored and mellowed . . Edge-
worth, in short.
You don't know Edgeworth?
Then no time must be lost. Buy
Edgeworth or borrow it, or let us
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first few pipefuls of the genuine.




x 1

Sheldon C. 'ullerton Jane Thayer o.-. t'*"**u-- '-'y* -..-,u ..Ar
Ruth. Geddes )d argaret Thompson I
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin TIIE FIRST AMEN$MENT. and law books under one arm. LEILA.
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine "Oh," gasped the naive freshman, j
Morris coverman 11,,rold 0. Warren, Jr. Campus opinion, though widely ,"he Invitations have been issued for
Ross Gusti* Charles White e doesn't wear a halo after all .
Margaret Harris d. Lionel Willens split on many major issues, seems Isn't there something you can do the presentation by Play Produc-
David B. H~empstead John E. Willoughby
. Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise to be solidly in favor of adopting about it, Joe? . tion of the second of the two prize-
Jean Levy- Barbara Wright
Zussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit a the merit system. More than 1,300 JEB." winning plays of last year, and are.
Dorothy Magee a;Union members signed petitions * *
BUSINESS STAFF asking for a vote on this proposed Well, Jeb, I had a long earnest xchanged at the box-office
Telephone 21214 amendment ad meetings of cam- talk with the Managing Editor aX- for tickets. Unavoidable circum-
BUSINESS MANAGER pus leaders were held in order to ter I received your letter and he stances made the two productions
A. J. JORDAN, JR. arouse interest. The students them- said if I didn't snap to it-I mean, somewhat far apart, making com-
selves took the first steps toward he said he'd buy a Chesterfield and parison of their merit difficult and'
ALEX K. SCHERER installing the new plan of election a derby and get somebody to carry minimizing the possibility of a
of the Union president and record- his books for him. Somebody named good-sized audience in Ann Arbor;
Department Managers ing-secrtary and the Board of Di- Jeems or Simpson. Will that fix being impressed jointly by the pos-'
Advertisingr............. ollisterabl rectors was satisfied that this act- things up? sibilities lying in the student pro-
Advertising .............Klasper l(.I. alversonrets
Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton ion indicated a positive desire for * * duction of student-written plays.
Service.................... George A. Spaterf'
cireulation................J. Vernor Davis the change, and not indifference It goes to prove, though, that, Play Production is confining itsI
Accounts ..ohni R. Rose of opposition. under the most conventional cor- activities this month to the pro-
Futhlcations....... ....Geor~e R. Hamiltoni
Business Secretary-Mary Chase The vote will be taken Thursday duroy coat there may beat an edi- duction of student-written plays,
Asci ta t - from 11 o'clock in the morning un- torial heart. it being a sort of January local-

1017 Oakland Ave.
We are pleased to offer for sale (or possibly exchange)
the former Gamma Eta Gamma fraternity property at 1017
Oakland Ave. The present owner has completely recondi-
tioned house-it has been enlarged, completely equipped
and re-decorated, has new roof and exterior has been paint-
ed. 3 complete baths (new).
Lot has 134 feet on Oakland Ave. and depth of 167
House has chapter room, and porter's room in base-
Possession at once.
We will be pleased to show this property by appoint-
Brooks -Newtn


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and we'll send you
the Edgeworth.
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Buy Edgeworth anyy-
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monund humidor tin.


Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobaciter
J~ ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Mluir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman E'liezer I .ee Slavyton
ames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
orris ,Johnson R obert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboy
Laura Codling vSyia Miller
.Agnes. Davis fl elen E. M nsselwhite
Bernice Glaser t;leanor Walkinshaw
liortense Gooding llorothea Waterman
Aice McCnlly3
Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS
There is on the campus at the
present time a very definite move-I
ment to make easier the freshman'sf
transition from high school to col-
lege. Quantities of publicity matter
are mailed to every incoming fresh-
man in an effort to help him solve,
some of the perplexing problems
which will confront him on arriv-
ing in Ann Arbor. Freshman week
has been instituted at an enormous
expenditure of effort and a con-
siderable expenditure of money.
Each freshman has been assigned a
faculty adviser to whom he may
appeal for advice or assistance
throughout his first year. Now an
effort is being miade to defer the
rushing of freshmen by fraterni-
ties so that the freshman may
choose his fraternity more deliber-
ately and, it is hoped,,more wisely.I
All this solicitude for the freshman
is a recognition of the fact that the
yearlings of today are less mature

til 6 o'clock in the evening, all pol-
ling to be done at the Union, where
details of the election can be hand-
led with the greatest ease. Argu-
ments in favor of the amendment
have been repeatedly advanced,
while no opposition has yet made
itself apparent.
Despite the unanimity of feeling
favoring the merit system, it will
not pass unless Union members ex-
press their opinion Thursday. A
quorum of 600 ,is necessary. It is
the duty of every man who signed
a petition favoring the amendment
to be at the Union Thursday to cast
his ballot.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible . Anonymous corn-
munniea lions will b~e disrega rded. The
names of coimmunicants will, however,
lie regarded as Confidential, upon re-
quest. I ters published should not be
construed as espresisng the editorial
opinion 4 The Daily.
To the Editor:
Although deferred rushing has
been "talked about" since 1913, I
certainly do not feel that it has ever
really ' been thought about. It is
absurd to think that the student
body, the fraternity body in par-
ticular, will allow such a drastic


Ak-Sar-Ben has w
protesting against
frosh who wrote theY
ter. Yep, it begins to 1
the new campus c
"Hey, senior, gimmea

written again
the insolent
hell week let-
ook as though
cry should be,
a match!"

color Festival. Castings for all the'
4 prize-winning one-act plays of the{
recent contest have been completed
and their production will come
some time next week. The recent
somewhat sad (because overly-hi-
larious, paradoxically e n ou g h k
broadcasting of The Joiners ,elicit-

E dgeworth
----------------- _ -.-
r LARUS & BRO. CO. 1
100 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va.
I'll try your Edgeworth. And i'll try
it in a good pipe.
Name 1
I r
Town and State
Now let the. Edgeworth corre t
---------------- -

And finally I had a nice long let- ing state-wide complaints about
ter from Lonesome Coed. She student'- respect for language, was
wants to know if I'm a nice man be- part of the Festival. But that has
cause after all I'm a stranger, etc. I!gone into the air. ("Leila" by Do-
Tissick- tissick. She also says I'd rothy Lyon Ackerman will be pre-
have appreciated her pome more if I sented Friday and Saturday nights
had taken "Interpretive Reeading." of this week.
Another tissick. I'll take Interpre-- -o--
tive Reading, Lonesome, if you'll
take some sort of course in rhythm. "SHE'S NO LADY."
Lynne Overman, notable farceur,
LESSON NO. 2. lazily nonchalant, quiet and suave
Showing the novel effects gained through all the random hilarity
by putting a slug in the wrong 1 which is his specialty, is appear-
place. Story in Sunday's Daily: "At ing at the Cass Theatre in Detroit
the matinee Monday afternoon, in the premiere of a new farce,
'Twelfth Night' will be given. Mr. She's No Lady, by Bruce Spaulding
Greet is playing the part of tury land Anthony Baird. Though his
drama and The Link between Mal- recent, attempt "Button Button"
volio on the present tour." ... Must failed quite miserably in New York
be the missing link we hear so much because of the strained, dull writ-
about. ing, the New York critics paid Ov-
erman tribute as the one man on
Heard in bookstore: "Have the American stage doing farce ar-
you a copy of 'Adam Bede'?" tistically-by no means an easy
Clerk: "Do you mean Adam achievement.
Was'?" Detroit reception hails the pres-
* ** ent show as offering Overman his
The racket being conducted by fattest part since his old success, }
the Michigan theatre is one of the ? "Just Married." It is broadly far-
things that sours the student cical; in fact, for an act and al
body. Sunday afternoon I ap- half Overman sports himself as an
proached an important-looking in- elderly widow, the traveling chap-
dividual in the lobby and asked erone to a young frivolous girl in-
him when the next show would go dined to thrust herself into risque
on. "Ten minutes," he said, lifting situations for their enjoyment. This
his eyebrows. So ibought aticket is the first time that Overman has
and walked inside. The first thing attempted feminine impersonation.

Telephone 22571

Enenings 6125, 4631, 5917

mnn VIA Nn 0 e [Y7n0

Ff+mmAMA by tho

measure as was frameu by the
Senate committee to pass unchal-
lenged, for it carries with it im-
plications that directly insult every
fraternity man.

~~- - ._- -_ _ _ _ _- _
.- --
..b... . . . . . . . . . . .~..............-- .... --- --~

than formerly and need more su- It is evident that the administra-
pervision in the ordering of their tion, supported by the Senate com-,
lives, mittee (which is hardly represen-
i n'~ f Qlia nin 1 hliva


tLative of student opno) eevs._ - i.
But the effort to make the tran- , I heardOwas theavoice of aJWest
tha fateniiesar ba ifluncs adwhos teiffeefa wie-t
sition easier by deferring rushing, that fraternties are bad influences Pointerd wahe oie o a Wet a
while commendable in its general on freshmen, who learn here to goier ho stifened a whie-
theissees o hve vesho th igamble, drink, and enjoy all the gloved hand heavenward and said,
thesis, seems to have overshot the e n enoal "Seats in the balcony without
mark as developed by the Senatersterf the conventionaludyices." waiting; next show in forty min-
Committee on Student Affairs. It Fraternity pledges never study, the watn;netso niot m
Ceemsto nkethdentrAais.nIinUniversity evidently believes, and; utes." I therefore saw the picturez
seeks to make the transition in more than 30 per cent flunk out from the middle onward, which is
this respect very much easier by my pet gripe
delaying the freshman's choice of because of their bad environment. myetgrpe
In answer to these arguments
a fraternity a whole semester, for- most fraternities force freshmen The Maj. is likewise guilty of in-
getting in the meanwhile that this to study who would probably flunk discretions. No matter how full the
will deprive one third of the fresh- out if living on the campus. Regu- theatre is they continue to sell
man class of the only social system lar pledge classes are conducted tickets and jam the people in until
that the University boasts. t and- those who appear weak- ,re the lobby is a choked pasgesway,!
It is admitted by the authorities tutored by the upperclassmen. The seething with humanity. Suppose
that fraternities here are indispen- freshmen are seldom allowed to g@ youhad a fire, Baron Butterfield;
sable as the only ,adequate means . into Detroit, where they would and can't you spare a few dollars
to develop the other half of college come in closer contact with "vice," for the comfort of your long suf-
life; that is, the social as opposed and they are not allowed to gam- fering patrons?
to the academic. Yet the proposed Lble or drink in a majority of the
plan of deferred rushing would houses on this campus, guidance The usher explained the whole:
take this benefit from the fresh- which they could1 receive in no matter by telling me it was a con-,
man at the time when he needs it other way. (It is my opinion that ; tinuous show. Yes, sir. And that en-t
most, and it offers him nothing in I they should not be guided moral- titles them to sell 10 tickets everyt
exchange butthe meagre and high- ly, for the University isinot a school time one person leaves. "Continu- 1
ly unsatisfactory comfort of a of reform, but supposedly an "in- ous shove" is the right phrase. {

But in the famous Gambols of the.
Lambs Club in New York he was
voted by unanimous consent their
most popular 'leading lady.'
After an extremely successful run
with Philip Barry's Holiday, the
Detroit Civic is introducing thisj
week John Brownell's "The Nut!
Farm," the comedy which some-
what quietly ran for twenty-two
straight weeks at the Cort Theatre
in Chicago, featuring Wallace Ford
in the title part. The Chicago com-
pany is now enjoying a" stay on
Broadway, but the play's release
has enabled Miss Bonstelle to offer
it to Detroit. The story revolves
around a movie-struck family, a
pair of crooks, and the clever
younger son who discovers the
trend of the plot and manages to
turn melodrama into farce with his
Continuing its policy of introduc-







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the Ame.



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