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January 16, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-16

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l+: --

T9K( TEN PLAYERS iiand HewittLea ace for FOR HOOlSIR MEET
Season Scoring Honors With .1-
Wolverines~ to Meet Wisconsin, LiIht Points Apiece. Mann's Team of Wolverine1





_ , ..

Swimmers to Meet Indiana
Returning from a victoriaO-s il- in First Cote
vasion of the East, oaii Keeli'i
wrestling qi setled ton to WLlPO
seriou1s business of making prepa-;
rations for the coming Conference Coach Matt Mann's se uad of na-
season. Ohio State on Saturday tators are preparing to leave at
night will be the first obstacle for 6:30 o'clock today for Bloomington,:
the Maize and. Blue grapplers to Indiana, where they will encounter'
conquer in their atteinpt to retain the University of Indiana swim-
the Western Conference champion- ning team tomorrow in their ownj
ship which they won last year. pool. The Wolverines were. put
From the accounts of the trip through their final drill yesterday
east the Michigan wrestlers enjoyed ! -d the team leave. for its first
themselves in addition to providing 'onferente meet of the season in
a superior brand of mat -tactics jine conditioi.
much to the disappointment of Walker, Walaitas, Reif, and Hub-
both Franklin and Marshall and Icy will see service in the relay
Princeton. In Lancaster, Pennsyl- event against the Hoosiers. Walker
vania, the Inn Club of Lancaster and Reif will swim for Michigan in'
entertained the team with a tr- the 50-yard free style as well, with
I key dinner and a dance after the Walker, Hlubley or Ladd taking
meet, last Saturday evening. On part in the 100-yard free style. i
Sunday Coach Keen and his In the quarter-mile event Coach
squad spent the day working out in Mann will use Ladd and McAffree.
the gymnasium of the New York Warner and Valentine will pair up
Athletic Club facing Central Park for the back stroke, and Gold-.
in New York City. smith and Stalin are entered in the
Interest Shown in Wrestling. 'breast stroke for Michigan..
Considerable interest in wrestling Walaitas and Raike are expected
} was evinced by the Easterners. to carry the burden of the diving
Over 3,060 people crowded into the 'events, with Goldsmith, Valentine,
Armory at Franklin and Marshall I and Ladd being chosen for the
t6 watch the Wolverines trail the medley relay.
colors of the Pennsylvanians in the Following the swimming meet the
(lust for the first time in three Wolverine and Hoosier natators
years. will engage each other in a water
These two opening meets present- polo game, Michigan's team being
ed the opportunity for the ndi- composed of Hughes, Walker, Wall-
vidual members of the squad to tas, 'valentine, Ladd, Warner, and
make a start in the race for the McAffree.
position of high point man when
the season closes. Last year. Ray Toledo 'Y' Handball
Parker in the 188 pound division
won the coveted honor of high l Team Will Play Here
scorer and bids fair to put up a IT Y- iui
'stiff fight to retain it this year. So 1~ILILOf ii JLL
far Kelly in the 158 pound class foowroftehnblspt;s
and Captain Hewitt in the 125, Io]lowers of the handball sport
pound class are out in front with will be treated to an attractivei
eight points apiece, while Wood- court program when the Toledo Y.3
ward in the 138 pound class and M. C. A. two glove representatives+
Benz in the 148 pound class are tied tangle with a University combina--
for second with six points.n h nB g
Parker Tied for Third Place. i.on .n the Intramural Building
Parker and Stoddard in the 168 Courts at 8:00 o'clock this evening.!
pound di.ision and the unlimited In the makeup of the team whichj
class respectively are third with will be sent against the Ohioans
five markers. Both have comieted by the Intramural department two
but once and both registered falls a d
to collect the maximum count. Al outsiders are to be found. One of
Steinke, football veteran, brings up the leading Detroit handball stars,
the rear with two points. Joe Dworman, will meet the Toledo
_-number one star, Berg in the fea-
Denny Shute Captures I ture match of the evening,, Swai-
son, a star Ypsilanti artist, will
Coast Open Tourney meet Hennig of the "Y" team in the
second non-university meeting of

- -Against Northwestern on
Yearling Squad Springs UnisuaV Saturday Night. Drivitg Fiish to Overcom a
Ability to Crrwd R gu-ars Five Point Lead Wins From
inIFolk and Tpee:a . Coach Fisher's Men.
BLOOMIN b"TON, Ind., Jan. 15.-.- __
FINAL SCO /A 7-Indiana wilt open its home Confe DANILS IS HIGH SCOER
once shedule Saturdcay night when'1
Unexpected strength as dis- heNorthwestern University bas- A driving finish which eradicated
played by the freshmien in a match keball team invades the Crimson a five point margin and sent the
withtheVaritysqud tis eekcamp. This will mar'k the second'
inwith the Varsity squad this week start for Indiana and the third for Varsity cagers to the showers with
hugs were defeate 17 to 5. The Northwestern. a 26-24 win oer Coach Fisher's
With victories over Wisconsin, freslmen, all in the last five min-
Varsity found the greatest opposi- nd Minnesota, the Purple netters; utes of play, proved the feature of
ion in the foil$ ,and epee bouts!
wicherewon from the fesmen have marked themselves as strong -esterday afternoon's scrimmage
which were won from the freshmenontenders for the coveted title session.
by small argins. tthis season. Indiana on the other With the count 21-16 in favor of
In the foils trusti g weapon hand won its opening conferenceL -te yearling cage combine fhe
and in the seven bouts in this eventd game last Saturday at Chicago for Veenker coached forces, with
the freshmen annexed 22 pints the first victory in five starts. In worm Daniels in the high scor-
agaistthe Vea d 23 gvint. oevious tilts close games had been -g role, finding themselves un-
Varsity a victory by only eight dropped to DePauw, Pittsburgh. ible to find breaks in the first year
points. The Varsity took five of the Pennsylvania and Notre Dame in lefense began finding the meshes
- o uts. succession. with regularity just outside of the
Varsity Disappointing. Three tlcosiers on Purple. dog" zone.
Althoughth D ting. ofthe Three Indiana men are included Joe Downing Out.
freshman squad as Well as the over--in the Purple lineup and will prob- With the injury of Joe Downing
frdemn ofud te reglas thas or ably start against the Hoosiers Sat-
con sidere of the regulars has t urday night in the Indiana field CORRECTION
be considered in ths match, theh .Cr Ncbasketball game is sched-
Varsity fencers did- not turn in a houdse. Capt. "Put" Walter,- former
very creditable and have plenty of Kokomo prep star, will be seen in uled with Ohio State Univergity
work todotblefore the openng of the center position, while Bob M- this Saturday. It was previously
work to do before the opening of Creo oasot n o announced that there was to be
the Conference schedule. Carnes, of Logansport, hand Bob one,cbut the report was errone-
In the epee which is being taught Lockhart, of Martinsville, will hold ous.
the freshmen for the first time this'c down the guard berths. This wil: 0U5.-
er, the Varsity was handed anoth- 'undoubtedly give the battle the tra- definitely eliminating the slender
er surprise and were he d four out ditional "Hoosier" tone and bring floor guard from consideratioh for
of six bouts by the freshmen. Only one of the largest crowds of thea period of three weeks Coach
two points count in this weapon, season to the game Veenker spent the majority of the
although the whole body is a tar- Coach Everett S. Dean sent his'afternoon in the search for a new
get, and the total points scored Crimson forces through a stiff defense man. An indication that
1 were 10 for the Varsity and 7 for workout yesterday afternoon and Ricketts, sophomore pivot candi-
the freshmen. will continue to point to the North- date, might draw the assignment
Varsity Takes Sabre. western contest. In the game with was seen when the lanky Kentuck-
Ray Parker. In the sabre, which is a much Minnesota last Saturday Capt. Wal- ian was named along with the reg-
One of the four lettermen from more difficult weapon to master, ter was unable to get the tipoff and E ulars Chapman, Orwig, Truskowski,
;n ,ftefu etemnfo shifted to forward and Berg- -dhl
Coach Cliff Keen's championship I the Varsity had things pretty much mwasnshif te frard ad Be and Weiss to start the second half.
mat team of last season who re- i their own way, winning eight outi herih, another veteran of last sea- The very probable weakness in
turned for competition again this of nine bouts and annexing a total son, was able to take care of the this combination is the fact that
year Paker inhisfirt saso aspoint score of 42 againist 4.4 for the ipivot position in fine style during tepaigo hpa n ik
a Varsity wrestler, was one of the freshmen. This is also the first the secondaperiod. The tipoff in etts in the same lineup gives the
big reasons why the Wolverines dis- year in which instruction in this the game Saturday will be a decid- first string men two of the back
placed Illinois at the top of West- weapon has been given the fresh- ing factor in the outcome of the guard type of players.
ern Conference wrestling, man squad. c Indiana Lineup Set.Anient Punh -
In his one appearance so far this iten Ca. Branch McCracken of Mon- Another alternative which ee -
yateMcia18poneha'(By Associated 1rec> Cpt. rnhM ace fMf ed more likely was effected when
year, the Michigan 168 pounder has CHICAGO, Jan. 15.-Tom Lieb, rovia will take care of the Hoosier Daniels, who had starred in the
shown that he is at least up to assistant football coach to Knutel center post while James Strickland play of the first half xith the Var-
the form which he has displayed Rockne last season may be coach( of Owensville and Joseph Zeller of sity seconds, replaced Ricketts.
n the past and that he can be at Alabama Poly, Auburn, Ala., East Chicago will start at the for- (continued on Page 7)
counted upon to give a good ac- 'next season. An official of the ward positions. It is probable that -
count of himself in Big N me cir- Southern school conferred with Claron Veller of Linton and Wil-
cles. Lieb Tuesday but had nothing to liam Blagrave of Washington will
say on the matter. start in the Indiana guard posts.
Tl EsC ,aa+ Wil" P



a gvb lIIa resent
Team of New Players
DETROIT, Dec. 15--The Detroit r
Tigers will go through the 1930 sea-

usu~v b uu e wilull Ule lace ic My ~vA socatd irecs} the evening. @Sonl suffering from growing pains;
Minnesota and Marquette sextets, LOS ANGELES, an. 15- Dens- Schedul of matches is as fol- d h s an nar
as Captai Bryant, husky defense more Shultte, who boasts of only two lowes: andh fto ey ini h Amyerinear
man, will be missing from the line- years in the ranks of the profes- SeagEp (Mich.J vs. Rivers (Tole- standins it will be because a flock
up after the two games agaist s ina1t, today took his place among do)
Wisconsin. The Wolverine captain -the nation's golf champions as new Phelps (Mich.) vs. Biell (Tole- yong h ed
will be forced to return to Ann Ar- rioidkn fteLsAglsd) ation ally~.
r crowned king of the Los Angele do). Manager Stanley Harris is faced
bar followieg thetwoopening $10,000 open golf tournament. Navarie (Mih.) vs. Parke (Tole- with the wsk .of ebuilding almost
clashes, while for the remaining The 24-year old Ohioan yesterday do). the entire team with a large num-
three games Joseph will take his ! trudged from the final rain-soaked Dwor-man (Detroit) vs. Berg (To- ber of players drafted or recalled
place at defense and Tommy Cour- green of the fifth renewal of the ledo). I from the minor leagues to choose
(Continued on Page 1) 72-hole bi ioney classic with $3,- Goreiick (Mich.) vs. McBeck (To- from,
tin W500 first place money added to his ledo). The pitchers and catchers go to
TobnWilManage store of worldly goods. Almost flaw- Langlors (Mich.) vs. Kimb (Tole- Tampa, Fla., eb. 24, to begin
Chicago Blte~Wslespa nder the most trying con- $ riig hl fhrmmeso
oc haw d()).training, while othier mtemhercs 0'
ditions which left his closest con- Friedman (Mich.) vs. Whatlindy the squad are due to arrive a week
tr,'sciar icdPr s ptios ou roe6bhid ure Troledo. later. 'Veterans on the pitching
CHICAGO, Jai. 15- Williain J. the trick. Three other Michigan men will staff include George Uhle, Owen
Tobin, business -tianager of the A consistent, steady game, which appear but their opponents are un- Carroll, Vic Sorrell and Earl White- I
Chicago Blackhawks of the Nation- sawv the young Columbus exponent $ known to the Intramural depatt- l hill. None of thesc had imposing
al hockey league, will sukseed of the great Scottish pastime cling ment. They arenAzinn, Jones, and records last year, and unless the
Thomas J. Shaughnessy as pilot of close to par 71 figures despite the Engleman. recruits come through or some of
the team when it starts On its long heavy going in drenching rains and -------the veterans heve better luck, Tiger
road iourney January 25. wind fluri-ies, enabled Shute to NEW YORK, Jan. 15-Although 'pitching is likely to be mediocre,-
Tobin will direct the affairs of carve out a 73-74,75-74 record for Bill Tilden and Frank Hunter have just as it has been for many years.
the club, but -Dick Irwin will have the four rounds-a 296 total. decided to abandon Davis Cup play Elton Hogsett and Art Herrin
charge during games, as well as Next came Horton Smith, pride they will not retire from big time appear to be the best of the recruit
continuing as coach. Tobin, like of the Missouri Ozarks, and 'Wee' tennis at present. Both men will! hurlers. Both joined the club late
Shaughnessy, who resigned Mon- Bobby Cruickshank of the Atlantic compete in many -important tour- last season and showed some fair
day night, has played only ama- seaboard, tied with scores of 300. naments during the coming season pitching in September games. Hog-
tour hockey, playing goal with Qt- I In fouirth place finished the veteran including the National Champion- ;sett, who is a Cherokee Indian
tawa and Edmonton teams. Tobin Al Espinosa, Chicago, seven strokes ships. Tilden won the Monte Carlo southpaw withan underhand de-
served as temporary manager last behind the leader with 303, pwhile singles and with his partner .the livery, won 20 games and lost 13
season when Herbert Gardiner as Tommy Armour, Detroit,ftw' Idoubles championship recently. for Montreal in 1929.
recalled by Les Canadiens. fifth with 305. ----_-
---- ------- -----------

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