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January 16, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-16

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---- -------

Ohio to Support Negative Here;
Michigan to Argue Question
S)a.With~ Indiana U.
'Discussion Will Center Around eto ntlmn
Buying of Goods.r
At 8 o'clock tonight in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre of the Michi-
gan League building, the affirma-
tive Women's Debating team of the Members of the women's debating team who wil meet Indiana
'University of Michigan will open University tonight are, from left to right: Eva H-esling '31; Gace Dar-
the season, meeting the negative ln,'0 oaWli-
team from Ohio State. Entering in-
tion for debate w ill be: "Resolved:.U N
that the present extent of install-.
consumption is detrimental to the' W N OV RT E AB RE NT R M
bet=4eet oIh nto. Independents Defeat Alpha Chi Mrs. Cram Will Receive in Ethel
Deatngatth am tme te in Elimination Games Fountain Hussey Room
Ulniversity of Michigan's negative o oraet u oSxTdy
women's team will debate the af- o oraet u oSxTdy
firmative team of Indiana Univer-GA M PIDE UTS--
"sity. They will also urge the inistall- G M A H!EFUT IS SECOND OF SERIES
moannt plan question. Mr. Floyd R. IAlpha Xi Dela and the indepen- --
Riley, of the speech department, dent team were victorious ovr Invitations a re cordially extend-
who is the coach for this team, ac-; Kappi Alpha Theta and Alpha Chi Icd to everyone by Mrs. Esther
companied the members to Bloom-i Omega respectively in the first Marsh Cram, woman member of
ington. games of the elimination series of tl cBordof Rgns to the scn
.The negative' team, composed of the intramural basketball tourna- asreoftagvnfom4o
sFlorence Clement, '32 L, first speak- 'ment which is being held this week i ockhies f tersgnoo theEte
er, Grace Darling, '30, and Eva Hes- and next. F1iountain Hussey room of the
ling, '31, left Ann Arbor yesterday. Monday afternoon, Alpha Chi League buildng. Regent Crae .was
Mona Willis, '31, will act as alter- 1Omega was eliminated to the score hostess to a great many of her
Inate. t of 35 to 10. The game was much friends at the first tea, which was
} Virginia Houghton, '30, Mabel! faster and the teams nuch more giveni last week, but hopes by ha-
Morris ,'31 Ed., Jessie Winchell,'31,r evenly matched than the score! ing a series of them to make it ps-
with Mary Louise Brown, '30, as al- F pedn woulid indicate. The independntBible for everyone who is connect-
4,ternate, will comprise the affirm- ( passing combination, consisting of I el with the University in any way
ative team, which is debating here. Byard an~d Callender, was excep-1 to meet her, in an informal way
i= Miss Morris will be the first speaker3 ionally good, the majority of the 1 d,,ring' at least one of them.
on the Michigan team. Mr. HenryI points being made through these einvtto nldsalmm
"Moser, of the Speech department, two. The Alpha Chi Omega team , erc of the faculty, of the Univer-
Sis coaching the affirmative team! put on a good fight, and made an ity, all of her personal friends and
'for tonigh~s debate.; excellent showing, considering that any eidents of Aim Arbor who
Ohio State University will send this was the first game they had 1 are interested in the University. It
the following negative team: Aileen; played, all previous games being is hoped also that as many stu-
~E. Kennedy, Margaret C. Miller, and won by default. dents as possible will take advan-
Jean H. Woodford. Alpha Xi Delta swamped Kappa l tage o this opportunity to meet
Professor Paul Brees, of Witten- Alpha Theta Wednesday afternoon ;their only woman aeSentative
xberg College, Springfield, Ohio, willI to the tune of 58 to 9. The excep- ; o the Board o' Regents.
judge the Ohio State-University of tional team work on the part of ___
:Michigan debate. A single judge willi Alpha Xi Delta, and the extraor-
also give the verdict at Blooming-j dinary good passing done by Geib? NO TICES
ton,j and Harter, completely demraliz-
,: -- -ed the Theta defense. All except
,Chairman Announces one of the points for Theta were( All members o. the Board of
catred in the last period of the the Women's Athletic Asso-
Women2s Clu W illga, when the team staged a des- ciation must be present at
HIold Meeting Today perate though hpls rally' 6 o'clock tonight, at Palmer
ok" _ y ~against the continuousboar- Field house. Plans for the
Thacly-- w' cu i ea-mnt by Alpha Xi Delta. meeting will be announcedi
-turing a number of its members in adevryn in-tknwthm
meprogra f hir January Sorority WillSpno 1 Thre will be a meeting o h
meeting to be held at 2:30 this aft- Cairity Tea at Lau ' Archery club ,At 4 o'clock Friday
eronat the> Union. Mrs. E. L Ad- Letguelmer Field house. Members
ams, general chairman of all te ;i odWl iceo the are asked to go directly to the
Klb~pormsadteoeo-ling's Daughters is sponsoring a 110hoot1ng'r anges.
fered this afternoon promises to be "Charity Tea" to be given at 2:30O--
unusually interesting, though its on the afternoon of January 22 inI A swining class will be hield
details are not to be divulged in ad- the ballroom of the Michigan; every Tuesday at 7:30 in the
:vance. Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Mrs. E. League building. An interesting rTUnion Pool for wives of Faculty
kI. Gault, Mrs. A. D. Moore, and programn has been arranged. Mrs.; Members and their friends. As-
;Mrs. A. H. White are planning and Julio del Toro is chiairmnan of the' si5ant swiming coach Mac
-will be in charge of special features comnmittee and thost& wishing to at- Mtihon will iusttvu't the (class
=of today's meeting, tedpescl 01 a-
'The nursery section of the Fac- - ~ ________________

DS U S S E EN 5 Bryn Mawr hasjust announced {iso i chrcl.Several Grace If EA OR S EET N
scholarships ranging from $350 to $350 arein the field of inzdustril
OF ST V D NT MEET $1,500 should be applied for before !relations. A "Music Fund" scholar- Informal Oe .A .Mc
March 1. A list of these awards
---has been sent to Miss Grace I. Jill music. The Heen Schaeffer HuffatFed ou.
SConvention of Student Groups Richards, chairman of the advisors researchi fellowship of .$1,200 hIn
Considers Problems of of women, as an inter-institutional physics or chemistry requires that;-
i the candidates must have done ad-' Reports of their activities will be
College Life. oreyI vanced graduate work at Brynj presented by all the members of the
"Miss Richards says of them, Mawr' College or at some other col- , Board of the Women's Athletic As-
DEBATES ARE PLANNED Many girls talking of scholarships lege or university. For the Helene scainatefrtoe ~igo
DEBATEoS REginPlLiaANED!and fellowships say that they have st yea, b frs oe held g f
no, tic1nrcpr looigfiar rpil d orthe nn Oteo e earrwditohe irs t ehelditfroth
on fRMeml ha a trla stporial ,500ese arch felo shi rj oly ch nc t e h ve to Ild u
"Enhusasm on he artofthequaifid cndiats, ny irlwhois cndiaemantuivesuiy. hi' toG clochatobenrao is hedwt
deleate and a crdial w lco ,materted and pwhoenschlashiis $ 0 n sgvnfrGra yW .A
onhstsde theby oetion s ows someseioden A c f ex kriellengautccoloery ar~u fPlmrFedhue l
of th LNtoal GStuntFede atio esoudeten ycorag te Teed ol o leand Toihilology.et s ls Ithesmerportshare to be the main
of America really interestinigthis frecognition. If her qualifications Must Apply March 1.1 feature of the meeting, which will
i vear," declared Eleanor Cooke, '31, do not meet the requirements the H~lders of fellowships, the an-I be presided over by Dorothy Touff,11i'
represen ta ive of the Womier's 'committee will eliminate her. If nounceement stipulates, are not per- : 30, president of W. A. A. Because
League at the convention, which they do meet the requirements the n utted to teach or hold paid post- II of the extremely ifrmal nature of
washed Jn.1, , ~c?4 n Ploiu~ittio wichofersth- sc( ions. 1holders of scholarships are! the meeting; there will be no out-
was heldaJlo.edt2,doaasmallinmount of side ipuakerwhichtoffersithessciol
Alto, California. l arship will rejoice in having found allwdt oasalaon fIsd iae.adtebn re ll
I Atog heewsn hei i " t cachinga or other paid work. It be followed by dancingan re-
thordu iotherewacnomplih-ncissLtl I sens !hould again be remembered that mens. Trhere will also be a chance
topicafratdcssinPera ccth olsh-. Miss Lyte ircrofetsy.Bar- apps."cation should be made by for any member to order W. A. A.
ed a gntret deal.questontap ws ten ourHMssye, dayetohoft y gau- !March 1, 1930, but appicationis re- Jackets from Dorothy Birdzell, '32,
inteestng uesiontha wa taen ourHoue, aystha an grdu-ceiveci after March 1 will be con-; who is in chargc of these coats,
up wigs the problem of the foreign ate would enjoy work at BrynI sidered if all the scholarships have which may be worn only by mem-
!students, which we discussed from ; Mawr, as the graduate school is f a- not been awarded. bt fW .A
th on fve ftefr ibmorsal ofr te.cunA..A.r
, tudents in American universities are no women living outside of the , to o o r.c «,.o.-o"t r t ai
as well as from the miore direct { dormiitories, or in town, and onily~
angle of the relationship with those I480 students in the entire enroll- " o
abroad." ment. A UlitV
i "A project that is as yet only in Candidates for fellowship must A j, i 1IIA
theoretical form, is that of mighav completed a year of graduate (
Jdebating teams from abreacd, two work and those for scholarship
from England who will debate with must be graduates of some college°S ot(o1
'we s te rn te a m s , a n d o n e fro m t J a p a n o f u n iv e rs ity o f g o o d s ta n d in g b u t 1 3I t e t t e t a s f o h a t r e d n t h v o e g a u t o k
schools. If the project carries There are 23 resident fellowships
through, ithe debates will be held offered of $810 each in the follow- ,
this spring." ing subjects: Greek, Latin, English, "EulyapaigudrX
Besides the mass meetings of the I romanice languages (two fellow- i ieqfurayapet lingbner
whole body of more than 150 dele- ships), German, Biblical, literature, ba{e otensisi
gates, smaller groups were formed history, economics and politics'blirsuhr sie is'
whicteheiscu rios onedifure nt!(Justice C. Strawbridge fellowship) this G o1If lIecx sleeveless.
problemicsioswee eld.fCrne nt.social research, (two Carob Woer- ' rcko onta
polm weehl.Crei -ishoffer Memorial fellowships and jcefrk of oeta
I derson, of Vassar, was in chargie of Itwo Grace ILI Dodge Memorial fel- ( -\ delightful grace o action
the women's groups, while Fdward lowship s), philosoplby, psychology, a e,. c~gti h
IMurrow, of Washington State Cl- education, archaeology, 'history of 13 tucked waistline that ields
lege, managed the discussioni groups art, mathematics, physics, chemis- { c
for men. (try, geology, and biology. to the full rpln skirt.
Meetings of the delegates from Offer Scholarships. 1 The tnbwrepli ed in
the several regions were also for Besides this there are 20 graduate . iy bw r ae n
the purpose of discussing more scholarships of $350 on any subjectcnratn silk to match
situry local questions. The Untiver- inl which a fellowship is offered. the shoulder flower on the
stofMichigan was the only large' The Robert G. Valentine scholar- Ijce.Seti xust
university of the Eaist Cenitral ire- chip of $350 is in social economy or, atoh -
gioni having representatives. The r creation-
University of Indiana, while not a ii 6
emer of the association, sent ts and Fu Coats $, 0
delegates to visit the meetings. Fr u
"An invitation for the tradition- ; 3 0
al New Year's night dance at the Makeup, Repaired, Re"
Toyon Club was extended to all the I modelled and RelinedriI
delegates to thne convention. It French ooznf
I was an unusual and delightful I Prces Reasonah~le
treat, for the club house was very j
picturesque and attractive with its'! E.L. Greenbaumv
typically Spanish. patio in the cen- ! I
ter and a fountain played upon 1 448 Spring Street VI
with colored lights," Miss Cooke ! )Phone 9623
concluded. I Px
IDress Special .Io
Thurs., Fri. and Sat,
Warc offrriing as a scijI :Ihis week end'."
A gVOnUa of fine drosss .--nundhi'r,.l tat we mtust
I latest r:yles .nd ttod wdnl1ed colors and you N O I)K R
w Lul srely kbe more m ik.t Irascd +i inthem.f
$11.00 to $25.00 Values
I Now $6.95 to $12.50

Nickel's Arcadek
I w .
asH. tie eenl $,~ 8 to$12-1
V O~l UBlindfolded, almost
-. . . any woman i
{who knows her fash-V
Sthat your students are going to ions would unhesi.
move at the end of this tatingly p ro cl1ai m-
semester. shoes lie these I U
a. . inimitable Mack
If so, be. sure' that you do not cre ationis. The
wait too long before filling the md oen o
vacancies, u winter A at its
Dial 21214 Today and ask for

ulty .Women's club conducted its'~)S O D R
o'clock last night in the League S O
wuilding. Dr. A. Luvern Hays ofIU B A T
the pediatrics staff of the Univer-I-
sity hospital spoke of "Nutritional l We arc Experts in
4Diseases of Childhood." V -V
_ FigrWaving
NEW Comb Wave
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