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January 15, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-15

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Stbs Secured Through Efforts which waS decorated on the front
of Professor Mitchell Who with painting. These blocks were
demoved to the National Arch eo-
Conducted Purchases logical Museum in Athens, where
they are now on display. They evi-
EX ILBITS DRAW NOTICE; dently had served, previous to their
use as wall blocks, as bases for
Professors Bonner and Merritt statues since the cuttings meant
Comnto BcgIud to receive the stastues, may still be
Comment on Background seen on the top surface of each
of Placques' Design. stone, along with traces of lead
which must have been used in se-
Physical education is thought by curing the statues upon their pede-
many as another fad in the present stal."
ever changing educational pro- Various Games Depicted.
gram. The present popularity that "The base which was decorated
various sports enjoy have created with painting wits willfully muti-
many erroneous impressions as to lated even in antiquity. The other
the antiquity of sport, athletic, and bases are well preserved. These two
gymnastic endeavors, are, of course, the ones copies from
Placed on the east wall of the which have been sent to the Uni-
spacious lobby of the new Intra- ver'sity of Michigan. The date of,
*mural Sports building are six plac- the sculpture may be determined;
ques or slabs that might convey to as near the end of the sixth cen-
the average onlooker an idea of tury B. C."
the types of sports carried on dur- "In the front slab of the first pe-
ing the ancient Grecian civiliza- destl the central. group represents
.tion. Upon inquiry the spectator is: a wrestling match. The wrestling
informed that the placques are' is done by clasping the arms or
copies of original bases that were hands of the opponent but without
excavated in Athens. closing in for a hold about the
Placques Purchased In Greece body. To the left of this central
Through the efforts of Prof. E.;group stands an athlete in the
D. Mitchell, of the physical educa- characteristic pose of a man about
tion department and director of to begin t race. At the right of
Intramural Sports, the Universityri the central group an athlete is pre-
was able to secure these panels. left lateral face of the first pedestalE
taen itwascdiscoredearly at- represents six men engaged in play-i
letics and physical education, ex- ig afgasone of thbal. heeright e-
isted, Professor Mitchell corres- in a cat and dog fight m"
ponded with the Honorable Jean in a c rog fight."
Chryssafis,National Director of Phy- I Shows Progression of Views.
sical Education of Greece, thus "The second pedestal has created
learning of the possibility of secur- more discussion than the first fori
ing copies of them. No time was threpresentation which appearsI
lost in placing the order and in due on the front panel shows us some-
time they were received and pla thing new in the way of Greek atli'-
ed upon exhibition in the lobby of letic sports. The scene has been
the Intramural Sports building. Ooften interpreted as part of a hock-
Upon their arrival the Greek de- cy game or its ancient equivalent.
partment of thie University was In the panels to the right and left
asked to view the slabs and eabor- are horse drawn chariots and arm-
a o vew es s al ored warriors advancing toward the
ate, as far as possible, on their'e rorheadainswrte f
meaning and history. Following is! front of the pedestal. In spite of
some data furnished by Prof es- certain differences in detail, notab- I
sors Cambell Bonner and Benjamin ly the wheels of the chariots, it isI
D. Meritt of the Greek and Latin clear that the artists intended to
departments: "During January and show views of the same procession
February of 1922 while a private seen now from one side, now from
excavation was being carried on in the other.
the property belonging toMr. Pou- Professor Meritt, who for two j
lopouios in the neighborhood of years was the assistant director of
the "Theseum." a part of the city the American School of Classical
wall of Athens was lid bare. Built Studies in Athens and who knows
into this wall were found three the sculptures intimately, was one
blocks of Pentelic marble, two of j of the persons most pleased upon
xyhich exhibited low relief sculp- the securing of the placques.
lure on three sides, and one of A large number of the daily six


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Prof. E. G. Johnston. of the school
of eduncationl and principal of the
University High School, is leaving
Thursday, Jan. 16, for Chicago to}
conifer with the principal of a sim-
lar institution run by the Univer-
sihy of Chicago.
Professor Johnston stated that
the object of the trip was to dis-
cuss the problems presented in ex-

Noted Theologian to Lead Series
of Discussions Starting
Friday, Jan. 17.

The Geln theatre of Paisley, Scotland, where the recent tragic th
picture was taken following the fire in which 72 small school childre
burned to death died in the rush that followed the first cry of fire. Th
worst of its kind in the history of the country.

Freshmen of Wisconsin
Come From 35 Nations


Thirty-five foreign nationalities t .socidf r es) .
are represented among the parents' ITf-IACA, N.e ,Jan. 14-The dis-
Unier-cover; of arsenic and germanium
of freshmen entering the Univer- in meteors at Cornell University
sity of Wisconsi'n for the first se- was announced today.
[mester, according to data ccmpiled A report to the American As-
by the university statistician. Na- tronomical Society tells how a sup-
tionality of parents of 2,676 fresh- ersensitive method of analyzing
men was, however, given as Ameri- with light reveals these two ele-
can. ments in half a dozen meteors that
Germany heads the list of 194 have hfalen in the last century. Ar-
foreign-born parents sending oft- senic has been suspected previous-I
spring to the university. Russia is ly. Germanium, a rare, grayish-!
second with 134, Norway third with white metal chemical resembling
107, and England with 57 is fourth. tin and silicon, previously was un-
Sweden follows mEngland closely known in meteors.
with 53. iTheir findings revives the old
speculation that somewhere in.
or seven' hundred users of the In- space worlds exist which are like
tramural Sports building stop regu- t'he earth. Astronomers find that
larly to study the panels and pon-i none of the 'Sun's family of plan-j
d* over the long ages that the ets, including Mars, present exact-
human race has participated in ly the same conditions as Earth for
physical education and just what maintaining life.
athletic activities were engaged in Some meteors come from the re-
during the ancient Grecian civili- gions about the Sun, but astron-
zation. omers have identified others as vi-

eatre blaze took place. The above
n perished. Those that were not
re disaster has been pronounced thej
sitors from the immensely vaster
outer space regions so distant that!
no present telescope can disclose
planets in them if they exist.
No element which does not exist
on earth has been detected in this
mass of stars. The Cornell analysisj
adds one more bit to the accumu-
lating evidence that the entire uni-
verse may be made of the sameI
substances as the earth. It alsol
strengthens the speculation that
among the almost countless com-
binations of suns other earths are
The meteors were analyzed by Dr.
Jacob Papish, professor of chemical
spectroscopy, who developed the
spectroscopic light analysis method.
Associated with him was S. L.
Bootliroyd, professor of astronomy.
August Hecksher, of New York City,
supplied the funds for the research
and has made an additional grant
to continue this work.

perimental secondary education
aid to compare notes upon the All arrangements for the series of
functioning of the two projects. meetings with Dr. Bruce Curry, not-
The experimental school is a ed New York theologian, for the
comparatively new arrival in the discussion of vital problems con-
field of education, and while its fronting undergraduates, which will
success has been fairly definitely bgnFiaJn 7adcniu
assured by the way the ones now begin Friday, Jan. 17 and continue
iii existence are working, there are through Sunday have been com-
many points upon which data re- pleted, according to a statement
mains to be collected. made yesterday by Fred G. Bausch-
ard, '30, chairman of arrangements
M iftaonieersfr the Bruce Curry Conference.
b' <,The conference, which is being
>Idered. Nature given under the joint auspices of
S Idered by heStudent Young Men's and
on Proposed Canal Young Women's Christianassocia
attended by delegates representing
Heavy Rainfalls Halt Operatons nearly every college of the state.
The work of the conference cen-
on Nicaraguan Project. ters about a fresh understanding
(A a Prsof Jesus, involving a new approactr
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Faced to the gospel records, and proceed-
by heavy difficulties imposed by ing to a discussion of hbw this re-
nature, the military engineers who discovered religion of Jesus bears
have- undertaken to survey a route upon the solution of problems up-
for the proposed canal across Nica- permost in student thought today.
ragua 'have dug themselves into Doctor Curry, who at present 'is
bases and are ready for their task. teaching at the Union Theological
In a report received by the war Seminary in New York city and
department from Maj. Dan I. Sul- who holds the degree of Doctor of
tan, engineer in charge of the sur- Philosophy from the University of
vey, it was disclosed that ox-cart New York, has been described as
transportation and two-day 15-inch being the "most successful inter-
rainfalls have not slowed up appre- preter of the Bible appearing at
ciably the works of the pexpedition. student conferences in the coun-
One company of engineers try." Aside from being the author
crossed Nicaragua by ox-cart to es- of the books, "Facing Student Pro-
tablish a base from which it is to blems" and "Jesus and His Cause,"
survey 'Brito harbor and check the Doctor Curry has won renown as a
topography of the westen end of conference leader in the United
the canal route. Another company States, Canada, and England.
is based at Greytown, on the Carib- The method of discussion will be
bean shore, surveying the harbor in the nature of demonstration stu-
and the route from the point to the dies and group discussions rather
east divide. Four radio stations than lectures. Some of the sub-
have been erected for communica- jects to be covered are, "Is our Re-
tion between the two outposts, ligion Second Hand?," "Experi-
headquarters at Granada and the menting with the Way of Jesus,"
supply base at San Carlos. and "Can We Take Jesus Serious-
Major Sultan reported that the ly?" Other problems covering the
survey party had been given high range from questions of social life
praise by prominent Nicaraguans. on the campus to national and
He quot'ed Senator Joaquin Gomez world problems, and questions on
of Granada, who said: God,, prayer, and the genius of
"Uncle Sam can sleep quietly, for Christianity will be discussed.
his fine sons are always awake for On Friday the delegates will reg-
him." ister and secure rooms, attend the
I banquet in the evening, after which
In the annual statement of the they will meet in the first -discus-
Chicago Yellow Cab Company, sion' with Doctor Curry. The see;
among the things listed as left in ond meeting with him will be oil
cabs were bass drums, century Saturday morning and the third i
plants,* and six sets of store teeth. the evening.


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