. .. .... ... --- --- --
When theRegents attheir patFaculty Assenbly
ni ffhffll h eet tter meet- ,retrcand the pioohof hs ,.,, 'iertr n 1i. n ,1{., figlslFia obie h e-py PVP at :J i aa. sprr~rt fEnls n reoi tog hfis pontewste i 81hersge t eoepr rt{ S C O 0
partments of English and rheri y. The first appoin~tee wvas the in 1Ln resigned to become proLiL Announcement was made yester- I
into an entirely new administra-. Rev. D. D. Whedon, who occupied jfessor of American history at Cor- day afternoon at the office of Prof
Ttive division known as the depart-this position from 1845-1846 to 1851- nei university. His successor was Dr. Charlotte Buhler Appears Calvin O. Davis, of the department#Ohio
erature, they not only reverted th Vacancy Under Tappan. who held the professorship of Eng- in Lecture on Different of secondary education, and secre-o
New York Theologian to Speak organization of the departments "During 1852-1854, the first two lish and rhetoric from 1881 to 1903, Life Growth Stages. tary of the school of education, I
back to their original structure at years of President Tappan's admin- In the latter year the division of concerning an assembly of students
Under Auspices of Y.M.C.A., the time of the University's begin- stration, the chair was vacant, but the department took place, and, Lecturing on the topic "From and faculty members of the school Iista]
Y.W.C.A. Organizations. ning, but'they also conformed to in 1854-1855 the professorship was Professor Demmon headed the de- Play to Work," Dotor Charlotte of education in University High subject
the practice of other American un- renewed under the title of history partment of English until his re- Buhler appeared yesterday in the school auditorium on Tuesda aft- tween t
iversities with regard to those two and English literature. Rev. E. O. tirement in 1920, while Prof. Fred
JESUS' WAY' IS TOPIC departments. Haven, later President of the Uni- Newton Scott, who joined the fac- University high school auditorium. ernoon at 4:15 o'clock. sity tea
It has been pointed out by Dr. versity held this professorship from iulty as instructor in 1889 and be- The talk covered the. five stages in This joint meeting will include of Ohio
tkudent Christian Association Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the 1854 to 1856. It was again vacant came professor of rhetoric in1901, the development of the child from eight speakers who are being pre- ssohn t]
- Offers Lodgings to Men President, in a survey of the history in 1856-1857, and in 1857 Andrew was made head of the new depart- tIhe first year on in relation to his sented by students enrolled in the On the
of these departmehts, that English D. White was called to this chair, ment of rhetoric. k n t gan tea
From Out of Town.wsnfwas not one of the original profes-- which he held until the end of the According to Dr. Robbins' report, attitude toward workanvocaion- correlated cuse in education at
sorships when the University took Tappan administration in 1863. the division was in fact made large- al responsibility. the University. Those on the pro- ton to
Plans for the series of Bible dis- shape at Ann Arbor in 1837. "There "At that time the professorship ly because of Professor Scott's serv- The first stage described by Dr. gram are Sarah Frances Orr, chair- sion of
cussions with Dr. Bruce Curry, not- were at that time professionalships seems to have been divided. Dr. ices in developing the rhetorical Buhler i her lecture was that of ;I "Reso
ed New York theologian, which will of mathematics and natural phil- White continued as professor of side of the work and in order to the first year of life, in which, ex-MrLonLWgdmen G eer, ,
osophy languages (that is to say, history until 1866, and rhetoric and give him a freer hand in the fu- .tentthsoJhhndof
reg Suday, an d cnwibe Greek and Latin), and geology, English literature became an inde- ture. Since Professor Demmonsp A. J. Van Krimpen, Ervin Stewart, mental
through Sunday, and which will be mineralogy and chemistry, held by pendent department. President retirement Prof. Louis A. Strauss same attitude towards all mate- and J. Foster Moore.imental
held at Lane Hall, are rapidly near- Professors G. P. Williams, Joseph Haven held the chair for two years, I has been chairman of the depart- rials given him, showing no dis- will be
ing completibon, according to a Whiting, and Douglas Houghton, 1863-1865, and from 1865 to 1867 an ment in English and at Professor crimination as to the uses that the HWJathg The aff
statement made yesterday by Fred respectively. assistant professor, A. J. Curtis, Scott's retirement in 1927, Prof.various articles may put to. The arVeySworl, of Mab
G. Bauschard, 30, chairman of ar The chair in botany and zoology to taught the subject. The year 1867- Peter M. Jack was chosen to be second stage, that from the second Miiang to Appear Winche
rangements for the Bruce Curry which Asa Gray had been appoint- 1868 was the first of the incum- chairman of the department of to fourth years, the child begins to a n,
conference. ed, was vacant. In 1842-43 Dr. bency of one of the most distin- rhetoric. mtkefomeadifferentiatio betwUuorought
The conference, which is being Abram Sager was appointed to this guished of Michigan's English Under the new merger, the ad- I rmnke sorsdifferen ria OnUniqueProgram of For
sponsored by the Student Young professorship, and in the same scholars. Moses Coit Tyler. ministration of the department of stage he begins to discover what -Darlng
Mein's and Young Women's Chris- year English first appeared in the Tyler's Title Changed. English language and literature o fgtyy d Darl
tian asoiain oghesaewl some of the things that may be Harvey Wadsworth will be the The
atended n by hele ate preseill- next professorship to be establish- "Professor Tyler's title was chang- will -be carried on by a committee done with them are. In other feature of the program at the Ohio S
be attended by delegates represent ed, which was that entitled logic, ed to professor of the English lan- of five, yet to be appointed. ds he bets his first conception' Thursd
ing nearly every college of thio i.-ods------isfis cncpi, meeting of Alpha Nu, campus de-; E. KOn
stao -G rof work or function. Dr. Buhler ,etn fApaKcmu e .Kn
ta. then went on to describe the su- bating society, at 7:45 o'clock 'Jean H
SparrWesl oSeeDoctorCrry who at reentisHkRcessivestages by whiche hde cilt Tuesay night in the Alpha Nu room
Dacat Cury ho Uato preentogis- ' IatLIi W este y ServiLe arrives at his full conception of on the fourth floor of Angell hall.
cal Seminary in New YorkCityIII utility, and finally of that stage Wadsworth will entertain the mem-
and who holds the degree of Dc- Dr-Wllim Hndiso, U IL sponsibierethe ndepurpnofsocireotIeers of the club with 2a numbersit of NwYrhsbe eci O D C LdlcIiiuwee-
gg,,l {f Ph joh ro1 e nDr. William D. Henderson, direc- Is onsibiy anepup os r otvers cu it Aubr
sity of New York has been describ- tor of the University extension di- becomes associated with his idea experiments in magic. All who are
ofproracpro,_htof__ntrsedaeinie to watch the:
ed as the "most successful interpre- Shvs and McKa Undertake1 vion, will be the principal speak- i o patoral nepmaturity. , tperformance. G
ter of the Bible appearing in stu- Sr at another of the series of Wes ocial Research Work Stressed
dent conferences in the country." New Linguistic Research leyan Guild services at 6 o'clock to- by Faculty Expert as =@ @IIIIIIIII@IIi@8IIII III111@IlitII111111 '
Aside from being the author of the Within Laboratories. night at Wesley hall. Necessary Factor.
books, "Facing Student Problems While Doctor Henderson has notA CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE
and "Jesus and His Cause," Doctor 'z{ T E E IH N
Curry has won renown as a con- Conducting a continuous re- yet announced the subjecs of his I Stressing social research as ap- OF THE EPIPHANY
ference leader in the United States, search into the elements of speech i speech, it is expected it will be of plied to the medical professionWh d
Canada, and England. I underlying the science of general particular interest to students as Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the so- Will be held in
His books will be discussed so linguistics, the University, depart- ciology department, spoke Friday ST.
that % fresh understanding of Je- ment of general linguistics has out- wl st ebr ftefcly before the annual mieeting of the T. ANDREW 'S9 CHURCHI
sus, involving a new approach to lined a program for the new yea r,~WstnwCutyMdclsce
the Gospel records, will be opened which will keep them abreast f HEOLOGIAN WIL Washtenaw County Medical society SUNDAY, JANUARY 12th at 7:45 P. M
to the delegates. The discussion will their rapidly changing field of stu-'I CONDUCT LEC TURE on oognwing esec the Delinqluent." JM
then proceed to how this redis- dy. The new trends, as outlined by FeDaoing ech there was theS12 S N. JANUARY H at 7:45 ".ight
covered religion of Jesus bears up- the departmental heads, point to a SCannual election of officers at which VantMrT e Warran wilodi s
on the solution of problems upper- more thorough laboratory investi- fStudets of the C istianRl oth- Dr. John Sundwall was elected pres- of Nights" by My
nost in student thought today, it gation of phonetics, and to a re- Iers who are interested, will have i ident for the coming year. - Light" by Allitsen. Both vested Choirs of St. An-
was announced. . construction of the whole science th ppruitfherngD.H._
On Friday the delegates will reg- towards a basis of biology. I the opportunity of hearing Dr. H professor Wood said that society drew's Church will take part in the service which in-
Ister and secure rooms, attend the Miss Hide Shohara, graduate stu- H. Meeter, noted theologian, speak should not stress punishment but'« cludes "The anica by Bunntt in F and "When I
MiIie hhr, rdae-t-eudsTeMaanfit"FadW e
banquet in the evening after which dent of the department, and Prof. today at one of two meetgs in the rather should study the condition the Sun Had Sunk to Rest" Traditional.
they will meet in the first Bible dis- F. B. McKay, of the speech de- auditorium of Lane HalL; Te first surrounding the criminal and de-t un oia
cussion with Doctor Curry. The partment at the Michigan State meeting will begin at 10:30 o'clock termine how he became so inclin-
cusovihDco ur. Te prmn tteMcia tt hile the second will be at 4 o'clock. ed.heol teoisTheriinl old theories of criminal11li1IIIIPItllliltll11III@I _______1111~lll,=,
second discussion with him will be Normal school, are jointly studying h--eenwe---k-.---e---mn - --
Saturday morning and the third h Dossibilities of the laboratory Dr. Meeter, who is professor of conduct, such as demonaic posses-
in the evening, in linguistic researches. religion at Calvin College, is ac- sion, "original sin," or free will as
)aimed as one Of the foremost men an independent source of such ac-
i this field in the country. It is; tivity have beci abaooned, and R SERVE SEA T IN
expected that his address will be of delinquency has been recognized as
I special interest to students and an organic product of heredity and
townspeople alike. environment.
(tnin iRoor I
NSOWNG W E TRT H oti nous 200 CHAIRS
NOW 13-10
One Block North from Hill Auditorium
Performances Continuous BETTY COMPSON
Today 1:00 p. m. to 11:00 p. THE THE THE Lunch and Dinner, $6.00 Per Week
The Famous Story TIME, PLACE AND GIRL With Breakfast, $7.50 Per Week
3: oo A rollicking comedy of life and love set against a back
700 ground of a modern college, and the mad whirl of
9:00 Wall Street.
State Team Is Scheduled
Forensic Match With
University Students.
llment buying will be the
of a conference debate be-:
:he Michigan women's var- -
im and the representatives
State in the Lydia Mendel-
heatre on Thursday evening..
same date, another Michi-
m will journey to Blooming-
meet Indiana in a discus-
the same topic.
ived: that the present ex-
installment buying of goods
vate consumption iS detri- -
to the American public,'
the topic for the contest..
"rmative team is composedt
el Morris, '31 Ed., Jessie M.
41, '31, and Virginia L.
on, '30; and the negative, '~
ence Clement. '30, Grace L. 'lrx
, '30, and Eva Hesling '31.
negative team representingr.
tate in the contest here on
ay will be made up of Aileen -
nedy, Margaret C. Miller, and 3
. Woolford. ,
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