1 890
Sftert t
0 O
NE~ LAN IVENBoard of Regents
Names W. C. Rufus
0 EDATIObservatory Head'
ment o1 astronomy, has been ap-
r one hira ftedepart-
Iment and. acting director of the
01~ University observatory, it was an-!
_Yra C MM ITSoule last' night by the secretary
of Provision Board of the Board of Re-I
by Board in order, to Formerly having been a teacher
Insure Efficiency.atteConChiin college, in
SeuKorea,Prfso Rufus came
a ._ ..___ -____ _ __ _- t
P O H M Dr. Max Peet Talks on Increase Rev. Dr. Charles Wesley Burns
of Brain Injuries During Will Speak at 11 o'clock
past Few Years. in Hill Auditorium.
'Doc' Lovell Enters
County Poor House
After Long Illness
By RI. L. T.
"Doctor~ Torn Lovell, Lieutenant-
colonel of archery, author, connoi-
sseur, poet, and newspaper boy, iF
now ail inmate of the Washtenaw
County infirmary. The erstwhile
figure, whose versatile ability won
for himl every hionor which friend-
Fast Floor Work of Harmeson, Wooden, Helps
Truskowski Stars for Varsity.
ly campious humor
could hbestow.
co the University in 1913, as a fel- _ .11 "" QOu.
TO VOTE ON JANUARY 23 low in astronomy. lHe was appoint-I Detailed Description Is Giveni Steuart Wilson, Soloist, andj has permanently retired" from
State street, unable to so much as
ed assistant professor in this de- of Treatments Used for Dalies Frantz, Pianist, teed himself.
Quorum of 600 to be NecessaryI partment In 1920, and acted in this! Cerebral Cases. Will Furnish Music. Lvl iapae rmteUi
tMaeDcso Vai; -capacity until 1926, whelie taught Loeldsperdfo h n-oMk eiinVld - versity campus spotlight last surun-
Petition.on the .Floating University's world "Fractures o1f the skull, with or Bishop Charles Wesley Burns, ofmranefottolcehifi-
-- Professor Rufus heas written a ; without coincident injuries to the San Francisco, will address the un- edi until early in October" when he
Approval of the details of the, number of textbooks. He was barn brain, have increased enormously dergraduate body at a religious revealed himself it a Canadian
merit system amendment to the in Chatham, Canada, in 1876. during the past few years. due.cdi-; convocation at 11 o'clock this morn-I health resort. Saturday afternoon
Unionconsttutio wasgrantd by -' rectly to the great expansion in au- i rg in Hill auditorium. The speak- , he drifted into the office of the
th no or o ietr t its t tonobile traffic," stated Dr. Max M er has been obtained by the Student Ann Arbor. social- service agency.
meeting yesterday, and Thursday, IY P C M N io etr,"kl rcue n eel; of the Medical School inhi Christian association under special1 paralyzed and broke. He took up
( 1diohlectureabSdelSaFracaureigan.
Jan. 23, was decided upon as the njr ~r '~B rain Injuries" from the Morris arngements as he is making a u e bd audyngt
(late for its subrission to the mom-Il L- L. U il h al studio last night, brief visit here on his way to NewMchgaocovell hs been ahfigure
bers of that organization. EachUi i IU o The surgeon uses several terms York where he has an impotant quarter of a century. He possesses
provision of the amendment was ,___sul icue"DxPe x speaking engagement. such degrees as L.L.D. 4tDltor o1
scrutinized and several were re-' Wolverine Hockey 'Team Opens1 pressed, comminuted or compound.:- Bishop Burns' subject for the ad- Love Letters, A.W.O.L. (Artist With
vamped "to ensure a more efficient up in Third Period, Sweeps { A linear fracture is simply a line; dress this morning had not been Old Ladies), Ph.D. (Decorator of
functioning of the system. Series With Miners. in the skull, with the edges :neither, received by the association late yes- philosophy, and dozen of oth~w
The voting on Jan. 23 will con- -dpesd reeaean edm terday, but since he is a speaker ofalofwihavbengenim
tinme from. 11' o'clock in the mor- ROUGH 'PLAY IS FEATURE ned'nyteten.Adprs-wide experience and is said to be oytestdn od nrconto
ed fracture is self-explanatory and of his varied achievements. Dur-
ning' until 6 o'clock that night, j usually requires an operation. Cor- 'especially appealing to young men luig the past few years. with his
when the polls will be closed. AI By Edward L. Warner. mrinuted fractures are those in; and women his talk will be of es- iealth failing and his newspaper
quor~um of 600 will be necessary toa Coming from behind with a( which the bone has been broken; pecial interest to the students, ar- stand on the verge of bankruptcy
make the decision valid, and a twoa-i characteristictir peodsuinevalirtosikcaksn
Mihia 'sok y t fate. a .boke ~or dish. Compound IyKin.'0 i hre fte.t l "o"Lvewhefon i
7 S I,.. fdr;,,, ... Riot 11r.y t.1 ,
iiumber ill''pss tfre i hesrc:. "' alp is a.lso i ,d and must be Lefcr .: ta Autumn. are wilhwer
P'rovidesfoar Committee, last night to ae a cleanl sweep carefully watched for infection." While presiding at a conference continue as a pblsing. house.
reodn~er. scum ice. A large crowd of moref. Dr. Peet said that it was sur- t~ a l
the arendent ntrovdidge hto tetogaesreso-h Cl- alS :1U prtna he Meathodl isthpiBspalihurch3ASN T ICS ~E
prising to eazrn of how little in- hr atfl ihpBrsdlvr
thet nc pres den an
tary of the Union shall be elected. than 1,000 pers'ons, watched the the ...t relyi.Poe ed a sermion bfr the congarea-
by a committee composed of thtee Wolverines outplay. .tre visitors, [have had large pieces removed. ;tien at that church. Those who , l
studnt nd ourfacltyor lum Lanngen and Joseph starred for Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his- h leard him sayta~h sa n
stu membersd wo wl eeetd b a h usa dn lyr j h otC nuyi m rcnIitiy al rillianttanorinteresting V A RSITYiSTAnD IN-
Coach Lowrey's squad, while Rutta tory department talked on "The
nih e m e s w o w l be e e t d b wa th ou s a d n pl y r i th Lo t C n u y i A m r c n is o y ";u u l y b il a t a t in e e t n - board of directors. O ne of the! Tech lineup. The latter scored the period betw een 1492 and 16o7. speaker.
faculty or alumni members will be both his team's scores early in the, "Inl 1607 the first permanent Eng- The convocation is one of a series' Charles Hoyt Appointed Track
designated chairman of this elec-1 first and second( periods, on long iish settle lent was established in: conducted by the .association to Coach to Succeed Stephen
toral cominmtte. shots high In the, net. Gilles, Tech; Jamestown," said Professor Aiton. help solve the religious problems; Farrell, Who )retires.
goalie, turned in1 a remarkable per-i "yet one looks in the textbooks of found, through a questionnaire, tof
At a meeting held on the Satur- formiance in ming' 44 stops, to; American history and finds no ade-; be perplexing to the undergraduate -
day preceeding the all-campus elc.- considerably reduce Michigan's! quate account of what happened; body. MAKE FOOTBALL PLANS
tion this committee will make its ; crn opruite.btwe h dsoeyo mria uico-poga.-
selection,' which will be by a ma - Thorinvaopprsunal u med -0 ibyC theus adcov ade ntoTw ofalatiseiaMis~ tsoo s~ide-Gmasisiinwavrst.p
jority vote of the whole committee,! he invefrsclnad a rsum red 2-;'ColumbusJahndthe adento e deomuan artistsnofecfor-' Gytemnasics itys w arslty o t
.....i nr. .A nix1my d beforei 1 hlandCS nr scored___Captain._JohntSmith. _ab__edemand have. been. secured..forat .the.University,.asFta result".of th,
fv ?f"tI i ' rliim t ~t A'.r ", . . /l. S 'r-tls I'-t 'r,
I'.A 11.1N'11,11"'I' , I u.i E -I .c I I v,(1 ales ''St retch .\ Itr hy, it
elongated scoriiu s-eiisaiotii. anid little J )IIIIB\ \\'o-odlcu. IPurdute onenedl
its \\'est ('Pt C(onl ireUC(scasi lt ii miiht h v hlandiii- l iiall. co-1,101 r
Of, the [192(.) cI aiaaivj )IOi .a2,t ' to tee defeat.
The flh1 w etwcee t he 1teamns, re;rude1 as I wI 11ofwthe l.vv favor-
ites inl the claaiupioi 1sliljt race. was close f rom st1 ir to linaish , the lean
alt eruating lk -e t1imer. . l i chigiait ledi I ito) c) at the half hut was uinafle
to stem 1t a sti l shof the Rmi let-makers dui ng the List five rniinuic-s
oif _play.
of urphv lled the Ntoilerzakel~r cac'-
C With nune points including lour
WINNE S DEC 0 ED field goals, while Wooden, Purdue
gurtallied seven points with one
less basket from the floor. Trus-
INIP191 C ITEST kowskiwa Michigan's high point
man with +six points, two basket;
and two free throws.
Truskowski Out on FeFtils.
Judges Name Five Contestants, Glenn Harmeson, sharpshootin:)
Whose Plays Will Receive Purdue fora~ard left the gam,, on
Laboratory Production, !personal fouls while Trus kowrski of
the Wolverines also left 'the floor
via the personal foul route. Close
WVETZEL RECEIVES HONOR guarding was evident on the part
-----of both teams, 14 fouls being called
Judg.; of the one act play corn- on Michigan to seven for the Boll -
petition came to a decision yester-R erniakers. Purdue scored 'seven of
day as. to w~hich plays will receive Ii-ts points from the free throw
:r preliminary laboratory produc-l stripe.
ti_ o_...~2..Te~~nd1w ______ .._
4 Lio ono abwTe tAllry arangte,..
ar aers.' allp~ "The Ra inbow BOcC R
Shawl," Frances Jennings, '30;
"Wheel Horses," David Scheyer, '30; Pude
,Lassitude," Hobert Skidmore, 32; G Ft P 'Ill
"Three-A-Day," Hubert Skidmore. Hlarmneson, If. ........0 2 4 3l
'33; and "The Day's Work," am! Porter, rf.............1 0 1 .~
"Wives - In - Law," Elisabeth W.' Murphy, c............4 1 0 i
Si th. Special. Wooden, lg.......3 1 27
"Many Happy R ,,.rrns" by Rob- Loots, rg........0'
ert Wetzel, Grad., was, included by
the judges as one of the six most! Totals............. 8 7 7 23
Iworthy productions, but it Wvas! Michigan.
found to be ineligible for the pur- ;Or'wig, If ...............1 1 3 a3
hose of the compeTition. Kanitz; ri'.............1 .0 22
After M~r. Wetzel hqd begun his -:XWeiss, rf ...............2 r 4
play, hie accepted. a position in the Chapman, c. ..........0 0 1, 0
diepar'tment of rhetoric. He allow- Tr'~iuskowski, la. ........ 2 2 4 Gl
ed the play to remain in the corn- Downing, rg. ..........2 0 1 - 4
petition in or'der to benefit by the;
Judges' criticisni. His play will not= Totals.......7 5 14 19
be produced as a part of the bill; Score at half---Mvichigan. 1I;
by Play Production: but the judges Purdue 9.
hope it nmay be produced elsewhere.
The 'Dill will be made up of the M cig n W +'stIC
other six plays named. ivlignw t es
There were 39 plays handed in to' *i
this year's contest, as compared to ~ 2- 1nO e
the 32 of last year. Accor'ding to Frnln" M rhl
the judges, the plays showed a rakt -M sal
wide variety of subject mlatter andwe e o a ditn ivl h g er e elo T e Pil
of dramatic writing". LANCASTER Pa., Jan. 11-Mich-
;znd as many candidates may ap-;..".- u--- "- te ora ti-mrin.-tuat-------strd- b teBor
ply as are 'qualified to hold the of'- !Mtichigan's first counter on a 'pass 1h>istor ianls Ignore Period, theonprgatiornig tofttpOa esedab the Enoi'
freomte Larigen after a mixup in "The answer, however, is quite? Wlo rgnao fteEglish Contriol of Athletics. of the zeqti
faaendent ispasd it front of the Tech goal late in the simple. Our' historians have lost or 1 singers and an internationally which officials of that branch
wIf goto aendenthpasedcio second period. Nygord slipped the ignoredl a cenltury of American his- ;known concert and oratorio tenor. the athletic system made receri
of the next Union officers, and an 'puck past Gilles early in the last"" toy because Englishmen played a'wllgiv oo ewl ig "Total~ wit-h regard to official compet~it
electoral board will be chosen' at period to tie the count. Then Jo-; minor part in that history, and!Eclipse" from Handel. Mr. Wilson,i recognition. The first schedu
(Cotined n seph tools the puck away from have belittled Spanish achievement; whose home is in London, has been, easoil will begin next fall and
_________ Ruitta a minute later and, scoredt because it ha s'been thie fashion to I makinga concert tour with Dalies h matiea opltstf
~y.on a long shot. He tallied again late; do so since Queen. Elizabeth's time." Frantz, pianist, and Julliard schol- I oache~s, trainers, anid equipmN
Ju io arsityM!Wins in the game when he carried thea Arthur Hinkley's one-act play,, ar of the University School of will be secured.
JuYo puck from middle through the! "The Joiners," was broadcast as a Music. Mr. Frantz will likewise: Yesterday's meeting also appri
frm Y siat iv eh ees t cr snl hn-Ipato ti rgrm twa h gv35slcio-29e ovctin d h poitet fCald o Rough play a nd the resultant; Morris hall studio's first attemptI this morning. 4ssuceeeding track coach to S
in Hard Game,352 penalties handicapped the visitorsj at play broadcasting, and, accord- Bishop Burns .has been in the, phen Farrell, r'etiring mentor. He
in the last period. i ing to Prof. Waldo Abbot of the ministry for 30 years, being or- w~ho is now' assistant to Farrello
THE LINEUP. rhetoric department, director and dained in the Methodist Episeop a' lias charge of the freshman tr,
Coach Courtright's Junior Var-ETeh announcer of the campus programs, chur'ch in 1899. Hle was pastor of squad. will take over his new p
citity r wrcourtlage iowarriorsic. ec emeregedmet asexrardroml ItheFistMchois curh f hii a te
their slump last night to chalk up Tompkins .....0G......... G lle suhe epe'mnntws xtardnaiy1heFrsetar. n fth rsn
a 35-29 win, the first of the new Bryant.......IUD-....her.t.Mineaoliswerehe'as Thd° football situation was gi,
year. ait the expense of h ih- at.. ..RD..... Kilpatrick ___fhr or Minnaiinolatshehconfeeecewas
the St t N r al c ll g c g rs o L n en . .. . .. . .. .Ita jbishop for n arly 10 m ore years. A a ai g mt t e neas reset
the teace Nr'loegOTHERrsoGAMESan . shortG tima 5mpotant iesrsbeing decit
the eacerstoo. Tkin th E OTHRJosESspot.tme.go.e.LsWtanserrd..RuittThafistagoptahe was romtransferred olvrin Reupon.d ..The f.irst. essteotheCtakenia iiy
fro th ustteWleieR-Ngr RW .... sn11t h aionact.ering the annual giridiron pr
serves were out iln front all the way ; Spares: Mich.'gan - Schlanderer, Wisconsin 32, Ohio State 25. ! e vsacnggoftei
on several occasions the Yps ilantii Courtis. Mich. Tech - Richards, Pennsylvania 32, Dartmouth 24. eOHS SO GH1was a 230o'lcAnnAof t:
forces drew even and forced the ; rulppo. Northwestern 32, Minnesota 27. ' to 2:0o o'clock, during' the enl
play. Scores: First period - Ruitta,' Indiana 36, Chicago 24. FOR>1930 - HOP football season. In the past, a
After running up a six point lead i 10:08. Second period -Ruttta", 3:10; Ohio Wesleyan 44, Ohio Univer- t ate season games were played
shortly after the opening whistle, Schlanderer-15:39. Third period-- sity 38,-. 2:00 o'clock, but the added time1
the Wolverines fought off a strong Nygord, 4:46; Joseph, 5:55; Joseph, Pittsburgh 43, Georgetown 26. Th at htmayfaente lowing the gamie by the new mie
forofte picaesttae17-38. Penn State 27, Caurnegie 'Tech 21. 'have alreadymaeplitonfr od was thought to be more ci
efth advatae Yand aterhalftime:-_________1 ----____-their booths indicates a keen de- vnet seilyfroto
the avantge an at alftie niand on their part for chof c lo-j fanis.
Michigan held a 19-18 lead. Insert- JON LAN DON DA VIES TO' APPEAR cations at the 1930 J-Hon whaich Anthe esr wihwsp
ing Jennett and Weinstein into E will 11e held ,it the Intramuirai edt srmothsute tiheatpm
play at this junctur'e the Jayvees!A RA O I AL S RIE LE TRERiibuildio"sonoebruayu14.tcceradnturn
1 entAT RIAleEREdLETonly bultog haverarv14 thedig problem of grid tickets was the
wetintothledoltoav the . ___ to George J. Weyl, '31. chairman of1
htard; ddriving Teachers :knot the____- - the booths committee. Since ti onmn fPoesrRbr
con t 7al.Jnet hn wn' onLangdon-Davies, who is toer histor'y, and is a newspaper asineto;otsi aet e ell, Dr. A. 0. Lee, Laverne Tay
count at 27 all. Jenneottthensswung stJohn-e'and Charles B. DuGharme as
into action hanging up four succes- 'appear in Hill auditorium Wednes- correspondent of wide experience. ly in the order of aioplication, thecmitewih ilcne i
st've one handed shots to put the day night as the fifth Oratorical( In Septenmber, 1923, the London necessity for immnediate intenti0nr ;o' itpehcihlwoup o cstu e cou.
result out of question. association speaker, of the year, l Daily Newrs sent him to Spain as a hein; made -known is obvious, nsmenialer oncep inot studcu
SUMMARY. I will discuss "The English PoliticalI special correspondent. He lived j Weyl's -opinion, mickestaton.enn
Michigan Ypsilanti Scene" which will embrace the there for a year and has since re- 'nytrabotafaert _____stuation
Pendell, 1. f. Giles, l" f. I resent situation in Bngland, the turned to make Spain his tempor- mut s'ubmit a list of the men who L
Jennett, 1. f. Arnold, r. f. I effects of the .General Election, the! ary home. 1 will be in its group. Twenty men Our W'eather Man
Hole, r. f. Van P'leet, r. f. attitude of the political parties, " We experienced a great deal ofd are necessary for a booth applica-
-iqal.rf Ric~e c British public opinion toward Am-I difficulty in procuring' Mr. Lang- Lioni. Continuingz the policy estab-
I it I
i inI
y,!This is the second year that a.'s Varsity wrestlers started
1 G
ndci nes or ''s'~uaenc "riL~enplaystheir 1930 campaign with a
ak1has been conducted at the Univer-
)ost} sity. At the preliminary produc- ;rush last night by defeating
co1oI tion of Jan. 28. the three- bast plays Frankl'n and Marshall, a team
will be clwsen for a final presenta- which has gone undefeated for the
,enj tion to be given in the spring. Thle -past three seasons, by an over-
Free, judges for the preliminary con-tests this top heavy count the match was
dedt are Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, of the this tophieavy count the match was
et-{ English staff; Prof. Peter Mv. Jack, one of the hardest fought or ever
o-of the rhetoric department, and seen here with every match fur'-
inec Valentine XWipdt. of the speech de- nishing the 3,000 spectators a thril.
me,; partment. Only three falls were registered
fire---- during the evening. with two Wol-
only -Hrvard Dean W l verines tirn their opponents
at Will and one ofthi teammates finding'
fol- Speak HeeMondayhisel with his back on the mt
th- Hereke at 168 pounds and Stoddard
on- ' in the unlimited division account'-
)wn "The Origin and Nature of Re- ed for Michigan's falls while Al-
ligions" will be discussed by Dean: dinger lost a quick bout to Dietr isl
ss-; Williard L. Sperry, dean of the the- in the 118 pound match.
anal ologieal school 'at H-arvard univer- A new Michigan man, Al Steinke
ap-j sity, Monday afternoon at 4:15 o'- of gridiron fame, and a seasoned
A-clock in natural Science auditori- veteran, Captain Shutte of F and 1.
lon', ,tim. in the 178 pound match, with the
a! De-in Sperry is scheduled to de- furnished the feature entertain-
hi a +Liver a series of lectures on reli-, ment in the 178 pound match,with
ncil gious questions this week under the greater experience of the Franklin
dent auisnices of the Michigan School of !end Marshal leader gaining him a
Religion. timie advantage of 2 minutes.
Shutte has never met with defeat
State 'Dope' Inspector in his collegiate career and is look-
-to Speak on Narcotics ed upon as one of the outstanding
_____178 pounders in the country.