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January 07, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-07

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I rAGE mairr,.



__AE__.._.. T H._.MC HIG A N ..D_ .L Y__ _ . '..f . -TAT_. T r__ __

A . Ut ed3L11%Wi A 6 *UO'

Publicatin In the Bulletin i~s constructive notice to all members ,
o1 the University. Copy received by the -assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a.,ink. Saturday) ____
VOl4. X11. ,P!ESI)A1Y JNUARYtl 7, 1930 NO. 71
Organ Recital: Palmer Christitil University organist, will give the
following program, Wedncsday, at 4:15 o'clock.,ihil11 auditorium. The
general public with the excepion of small children is invited.
Bocllnann; Fanta sic lialague: fr,+Si; M itation ill a Cathedral:
l~aclx; Toccata, Adagio and F,"lu in C: Karg-Elert; Improvisation'
(Basso ostinato e f'ughetta): Foote;Paoa: Saint-Soacns; The Swan:,
Maquire; Allcgro (Symphon~y 1No.l..
Ch-arles A. Sink


AV I lo i OI-(Jresi s i'ts~: Sia 111.1) -rpuat.slips fr I )ec czinbr .11.0 dur' and
,dloutl .be , ndd(Iinit 1the Wai cze "i SLeague Office befreI'CS, hlttildaY,
Jan~uary 11.
Elie abcth IDeVoJ, .General Cl irniau

Portia Literary Soc iety meets at 7:30 p. m.
C'omedy +Ciubt) mets in room 203 University hail at 5:00 o'clock;.

'The January :meetg of the Car-
£tiel Section of the Facility "!+'-t
I O( eddY, January 3, inl tlv"


Pi Tau Pi Signma:

Meeting in Tap room today at 5:30.

iEVENTS TOD)AYIAdephi House. of Representatives: Regular meeting in thti Adlph ic l lai'c'ing r I.R eterson
Dr. A. L. Sachar, Director of the llillel Fucktt oi at UW Universit~y4 room at 7:30 p .in witli ~thewwvii1*' arrisn, 1ad-
of Illinois, and forni.erly of the Departmient of European History -It the - al A lil ed. will Speak on
Uiovcrsity, will speak at the -illcll nuidation, 615 Fast Universit~y Ave- . iIalidcr Business Sta! Tryouts: AUl who ae interested ini work-i "Phntn ' of the small Home
j roe, at, I4:05ip. n.rAll invited. ;ijut on the newv business staff of the Inlander apply at the Inlander !runl:." Giwco:;, are cordially
rlflicc in. the Press buikrling between 4 and 5 o'clucl; Tuesdy or Wchim ucs-lcone,
'li.ticidtow of Music Faculty nmets at the School at 5:00 p. ra. lay, eor get' in touch«th the bsiness manager, Laurence Stuart.
C;lwmtisiry Collquium will be
? 'ie regular Coal UnIion rebmaaT for th imen ('~will be Held(1at T .lhe Play eading Setion of the Faculty Women's Club IImeets thisfeld in. room 300 Ceistry build-
3 7:00(11p in. Th'!e womnen will meet .~s usual at the same' hour on Tiirs- ftcr~ioof:at. 2:30 in the lobby of the Lydia Mendelsson Thieatre, Mich- iv'g at .4:00 p. ni.WensaJ -
iiy, January 9 anLau uidn.;U 'Tv 83. rD. 1. A. Soule will talk
11bysical Education Club Dancing class will be held In lic ~'me's arsiy Band: Rehearsal tonight instead of Wednesday evening. Iron."
Yild c tieBuilincii- aTuesday and Thursday eveniin- c, Wis week t Moris hal at 7:15. N. Faloec___
7:.u0 and 330. KOBE, Japan--Capt; M. L.
_- - Sigia Delta Chi-Meetings on Wednesday, January 9. Atives act, Swinehrt, oriental representative
Jun~lior Research (cuh meets in room 1121. Naitural Science Build- 14 oclock. Pledgrs at 4:30. Important. of ilh Gideons, saik'd from here to
:eig. at 7:30 p. rn. The two following paper~s will be presented: place Bibles in every hotel from.
ITi. N. Kozanowsl 2ki....he Application of Quartz Cryst~al Oscillators i)i COMING EVENTS Yokohama to Suez. He purposes
;kictclris." + All House Presidents: The Board of Representatives picture for the' to make K:,iping's characterization
Wcluleli Kroll ...,i lfHistory Studies of ]i'reinatuodes of F'rogDs." Michiganisian will be taken Thursday, January 9. Please meet at of "somewhat east of Suez where
Newly emtcem n(ber, not initiated Pt the IDecnbcr meeting will; Spedciiig's Studio at 12:05 o'clock promptly. the best. is like lie worst," less no-
ebe iitated at thlis meeting. 1 - tieabte tothe traveling public.

Choral Union Concecrt: Giovanni Mazrtln:Wial, tenor, assatci by
Giuseppe Bamaboschek, pianist, will gv a concert in 11he Choral Uni is
Serics, taking the place of Mr. T adhrcwsidIn. iill auditorlum, Thurs-
day evening, JIanuary J instcad of oil the dae pre'.1ously announced ).
Th-i prog;ra.'awill be as fol'c ,' : Me eher; Arla, 0, Paradiso (from
4''Ariilc Brlioz: l,'Abac ; _ciwDbussy:v;NulLd'EVAiies. Dvork:;
Zingarcesque: Chopia; N O( turm, (Mr. I<la x : (shflk) : 1onaudy; Vag-
hi;asira Senibianzai. VJofI-Fora:vl: l',,is;)0Jb,o. Ri- spighi: Nebbi e, Ga staldon.;
MuIslca. Proibita: Wagner:; lt'lTAIu'lht(:'1i( (fromi. "Die Meister-
singer") : Aferson; Adoratli, TBemj tir.: A 1";n.(flai:ini: T7ell M,1e, Oh
Blue, Blue Sky, Logan; Lift T1hine E<'yes: Racht aamnboff; PalichinelleI
(Mr. Banlmboselicld) : Verdi; O-leste Aida fromn "Alcla").I
Charles A. Sink




J umijr u ni Le ers' Vol' y Ball Team: Thle senii-final game will
be played tonight at, 8 o'clock. PJecase be un time.

j Fr eshm1nan Advisory Group No. 68: Members of this group are
asked to mneet in room 1018 A. H. at 1:15 p. mn., Wednesday, January 8.
L. G. VanderVelde

To All Men Studeu(b': Studen s intendipg to change their rooms at
the aeid of the present .semester are hereby reminded that according to
the Unaiversity .Agreemnents they are to inform the householders of such
intention at least two weeks prior to 1-he clo e of the semester, that is.
ro liater than January 31. It is advisecd that; not ce of such intention
to move be made at Once. .I. AitntDa
JHouseholiders: lHouseholders having rooms to rent to incil students
for. the second semester a re, requested to list them i the Office of the
Dean ofStudents, room 2, University hall, as soon <as possible.1
Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be
10. B. Water, Assistant Dean-
classilcat.flnl.'Collee of L. S..5:.A. Svhool of Music, School of Edu-
cationi: Classification this wcek will be liniitf d to freshmen exclusively,
the few remaining aupp~erclia s,.11 n wi Ube tgiven a allopportunity to
classify tile following Wet ".
All -School of Music freshulnen rHued .il ea ry freshnmen shoulId call at
the Registrar's office, room 4, 'U. II., early In the week for the jecessaryI
blanks. After co(nul5411.n! advis~ers4 an(1lili outni.thre blanks. the all I

A. pe. .mesa.71 .i. t h no.Mmesaeugdt Comedy Club dinner: Thursday at 6 o'clock at the Women's League
be peset asthepropectve embmis re o b votd uon.building. It will be taken for granted that everyone is going to attend
Alpha Nu meets tonight at 7:45. The Sybil will be read at thisf unless the secretary is notified by TPuesday evening to the contrary.
meeting.Call1 5347 and leave your message if you will be unable to attend.
meeting.Jeannette Dale, Secretary

Classifed Ads
Bring Results

A thena niceeting at 7:30.
tion. Team to be chosen.
at 12:15 at Spedding's.
Well Known Western Bish
Obtained by S. C. A. to St
Sunday Morning..

A private debate on Athena-Portia clucs- -
Athena picture will be taken Wednesday ; Hindustan Club; There will be
uary 12, at 2:30 p. i., at Lane hall,
I FN Vest Pocket

a business meeting oan Sunday, Jan-

top Is


Sernes III
--it/i the fast and
capable Kodak
utiS/gtflat f. 6.j

L GL.UAA.t- fL U#S4Ni#.Ltt) .Ai4.}ielection cards and clwa_ cards i room 4, U. H., according to the follow- FO USE QUSTINNAIRES!
lug schedule, based. on the initial letter of the student's last name:
A to D Inclusive, Monday or Tue da~y Bishop Charles Wesley Blurns, of
B to H inclusive, Tuesday or Wednesday San Francisco, has been obtained
I to M inclusive, Wednesday or ThursdayI through special arrangements of
N to R inclusive, Thursday or Friday1 the 'Student Christian association
.'S to Z inclusive, Friday, or Saturday A. M.! to speak befor'e the student body of
Note: In the Literary college about two -thirds of the I re;liien the Unniversity at a religious con-
sections are closed, because of reservations requested by freshmien last vocation ait 11 o'clock Sunday morn-
Decemiber. Fill out class cards fo:r ALL courses elected, but consult the ing in Hill auditorium, it was an-E
bulletin board iii. room 4, U. H-.. only for those sections in which you, nouznceci lato ycsterdlay by the as-
haemde no res ervation. - sociatiozn.
D. L. Rich Bishop B~urns is much in demand
- ---- ----as a speaker,, especially before stu-
Chemnistry ,6, Lecture Section..2t, Jteservati',ns for Next Semester: dent grcoups, and has been secured'
Reservations i Sections 11 and 12 o1' this course have been made only I by the association to make a brief
for those in the corresponding- sections in Chemnistry 3, Lecture Section visit in Ann Arbor, before going to
2, whio have .sigined cards. Others who have signed reservation cards 1New Yorkl where hie has a speaking
for these ,sectionns but have not yet classified must be assigned to other enczgagement.
sections. The convocation will be conduct-
P. F. Weatirill ed cni. the same lines as previous!
cuzes Spwnax;ored by the association.
Sociology 162: The following students have been adnidtt-ed to this ; The1 'srv-ices tend1 to solve parob-
course for the seond. semiester: - 1eznzi found to he especially per-!
M1arjLorie ilettler ; plexigx to students through, iue s-E
Catharine B~ra dley tionairres distributed earlier in thxe
aurice Drown School year.
Lois Cossett T'ie speaker, now bishop oertheI
HelenI. elowsdistrict, at San Francisco, hxas ben
Dorothy{Grifh in the iministry for the ipast thirty
Donald Kau fmann i y'f . ; ic, e was ordained in the
Miry Kaufman{ Methodist Episcopal church in 1899,
Miriam Kellami, ~pso fcuce tLns
.Aibertina 'Maslen{'vapatrochcleatLns
Norman zixShikesi downe and Coatesville, Penn'syl-I
Edwin Stradez\ aini, during the following six
JeedWin uchel ei ~ar s, Icoining iminister of the'
.all otheCrs who elected t-his course must, drop it,.ni whg Garden. church in Philladel-
Robrt ', ~iccll reLnle pastor vI thie FIirst Methodist
Tulnversily of Atchigan Offici Al i Eldi.if'~turn : Th e iX i tomial Oflwr j i oim~il church ini Philadelphia, a
announ~aces the issue of the Btull:c.r ton liciiial .Fxzngcineeringwhich I ollh edfrte erg-
is No. 31 of Vol. XXXI of the Ui crsRty Otlicial Publication. I z ing ro. tihere to Miznne apolis. Ile
Ira M. : mxith V ! L ordained Bishop of the Minc--
Umiveality of Michigan Ofliciat Pliblicatioin: The Editorial Ollize V was transferred to thc western city
announces the issu~e of the Bulletin on .Exesion Credit Courses for the a shiort trine ago.
Second Semzester, which is No. 32 of Vol. XXXI of the University Oflicial l Bihll) Burnls io the holder of
Publication, ci-1ht dogrees.Ile Iirbt attended a
Ira At. sJU) jI Dickintson college and secured frome
_____ - that in~stitutioni, A1.B., A .M., D.D.,I
Yaculty, School of Education: rTh next F~acult~y luncheon, as well and LL.D. degrees. Ie later re- J
as the next Faculty meeting, will be held Monday, January 20. (cilved S.T.B. degrees from the Dos-
f(1 ,D,.aai)s torn z.nivertsity rsclool of theology
____________and Weslyan university. He like-
Fraternities amnd House Organizations: The maintenance of comn- wise holds LL.D. degrees from Hanm-
moli drinking glasses has recently been declared contrary to city ordi- line college and the university of
nance. . Southern California.
It I$ in the interest of studcnt health that common drinking glasses
should not be peri tted. '

N O you cans have tllce convcnicc of the
Vest P'ockect size coupled with thocex tra
picture-t ai ig10r ahili.t)T of the Modern Kodak
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pictrir:s arce po,)iblc indoors under favorable
light conlditiunws, as arc sulap-shots .in the rain,
in dull light or bright, daylight to dusk. Ask to
xee sainplc prints at our stuo.
Picture sizes are 1 x 2Y
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and want you to have one of these souvenirs
Whiletheylast-at any of our three dependable
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2suits or o'"coats $25
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Only I Quality-the Best,




Warren E. Forsythne

University Buirea~u of Appointments and Occupational Iniformiation:t
'We have the following calls for the second pemneater.
3 inemt for Englishx
I4imen for social sciences
3 men for mnathiematics
1 man1 for biology
All, must have the Master's degree by the end of this semester.
If intern itd call at the office.-201 Macon hall-at once.
tr Lucille Brooks
Veoruary (i4sates: Will those meon interested in securing busi-
nexm positions after graduation call at the, Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason hall, sometime today?
Actijarial Society Examinations: The 1929 Year Book and appli-
cations for the American Institute examinations may now be secured
by calling at 3012 An'gell hall. TI'hese applicatlono should be filed not
later than Janu~ary 15, 1930.
s James W. Glover

New York Listed
J~ivaeWirt Connections
with all Markets
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