I rAGE mairr,. THE MICHTGA AMY. TUESDAY. JANUARY: T M16- __AE__.._.. T H._.MC HIG A N ..D_ .L Y__ _ . '..f . -TAT_. T r__ __ A . Ut ed3L11%Wi A 6 *UO' DOAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatin In the Bulletin i~s constructive notice to all members , o1 the University. Copy received by the -assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a.,ink. Saturday) ____ VOl4. X11. ,P!ESI)A1Y JNUARYtl 7, 1930 NO. 71 NOTAIES Organ Recital: Palmer Christitil University organist, will give the following program, Wedncsday, at 4:15 o'clock.,ihil11 auditorium. The general public with the excepion of small children is invited. Bocllnann; Fanta sic lialague: fr,+Si; M itation ill a Cathedral: l~aclx; Toccata, Adagio and F,"lu in C: Karg-Elert; Improvisation' (Basso ostinato e f'ughetta): Foote;Paoa: Saint-Soacns; The Swan:, Maquire; Allcgro (Symphon~y 1No.l.. Ch-arles A. Sink i! AV I lo i OI-(Jresi s i'ts~: Sia 111.1) -rpuat.slips fr I )ec czinbr .11.0 dur' and ,dloutl .be , ndd(Iinit 1the Wai cze "i SLeague Office befreI'CS, hlttildaY, Jan~uary 11. Elie abcth IDeVoJ, .General Cl irniau Portia Literary Soc iety meets at 7:30 p. m. C'omedy +Ciubt) mets in room 203 University hail at 5:00 o'clock;. 'The January :meetg of the Car- £tiel Section of the Facility "!+'-t I O( eddY, January 3, inl tlv" p V Pi Tau Pi Signma: Meeting in Tap room today at 5:30. iEVENTS TOD)AYIAdephi House. of Representatives: Regular meeting in thti Adlph ic l lai'c'ing r I.R eterson Dr. A. L. Sachar, Director of the llillel Fucktt oi at UW Universit~y4 room at 7:30 p .in witli ~thewwvii1*' arrisn, 1ad- of Illinois, and forni.erly of the Departmient of European History -It the - al A lil ed. will Speak on Uiovcrsity, will speak at the -illcll nuidation, 615 Fast Universit~y Ave- . iIalidcr Business Sta! Tryouts: AUl who ae interested ini work-i "Phntn ' of the small Home j roe, at, I4:05ip. n.rAll invited. ;ijut on the newv business staff of the Inlander apply at the Inlander !runl:." Giwco:;, are cordially rlflicc in. the Press buikrling between 4 and 5 o'clucl; Tuesdy or Wchim ucs-lcone, 'li.ticidtow of Music Faculty nmets at the School at 5:00 p. ra. lay, eor get' in touch«th the bsiness manager, Laurence Stuart. C;lwmtisiry Collquium will be ? 'ie regular Coal UnIion rebmaaT for th imen ('~will be Held(1at T .lhe Play eading Setion of the Faculty Women's Club IImeets thisfeld in. room 300 Ceistry build- 3 7:00(11p in. Th'!e womnen will meet .~s usual at the same' hour on Tiirs- ftcr~ioof:at. 2:30 in the lobby of the Lydia Mendelsson Thieatre, Mich- iv'g at .4:00 p. ni.WensaJ - iiy, January 9 anLau uidn.;U 'Tv 83. rD. 1. A. Soule will talk 11bysical Education Club Dancing class will be held In lic ~'me's arsiy Band: Rehearsal tonight instead of Wednesday evening. Iron." Yild c tieBuilincii- aTuesday and Thursday eveniin- c, Wis week t Moris hal at 7:15. N. Faloec___ 7:.u0 and 330. KOBE, Japan--Capt; M. L. _- - Sigia Delta Chi-Meetings on Wednesday, January 9. Atives act, Swinehrt, oriental representative Jun~lior Research (cuh meets in room 1121. Naitural Science Build- 14 oclock. Pledgrs at 4:30. Important. of ilh Gideons, saik'd from here to :eig. at 7:30 p. rn. The two following paper~s will be presented: place Bibles in every hotel from. ITi. N. Kozanowsl 2ki....he Application of Quartz Cryst~al Oscillators i)i COMING EVENTS Yokohama to Suez. He purposes ;kictclris." + All House Presidents: The Board of Representatives picture for the' to make K:,iping's characterization Wcluleli Kroll ...,i lfHistory Studies of ]i'reinatuodes of F'rogDs." Michiganisian will be taken Thursday, January 9. Please meet at of "somewhat east of Suez where Newly emtcem n(ber, not initiated Pt the IDecnbcr meeting will; Spedciiig's Studio at 12:05 o'clock promptly. the best. is like lie worst," less no- ebe iitated at thlis meeting. 1 - tieabte tothe traveling public. Choral Union Concecrt: Giovanni Mazrtln:Wial, tenor, assatci by Giuseppe Bamaboschek, pianist, will gv a concert in 11he Choral Uni is Serics, taking the place of Mr. T adhrcwsidIn. iill auditorlum, Thurs- day evening, JIanuary J instcad of oil the dae pre'.1ously announced ). Th-i prog;ra.'awill be as fol'c ,' : Me eher; Arla, 0, Paradiso (from 4''Ariilc Brlioz: l,'Abac ; _ciwDbussy:v;NulLd'EVAiies. Dvork:; Zingarcesque: Chopia; N O( turm, (Mr. Ia _t11a o, tc a <~ p :a~ 13J Cigarette Holder With Every 10h LUNCH OR FOUNTAIN r 0ORDE R THIS WEEK 0 n We're Starting Our 43rdM 11) YEAR OF SERVICE TO MICHIGANQ and want you to have one of these souvenirs Whiletheylast-at any of our three dependable WhiletheyUniversity stores iy Calkins ""Fletcher DRUG COMPANY vi 324 South State Statg and Packard _ East and South University OFFER 2suits or o'"coats $25 2dresses or coats$ Party Gowns, Velvets and Dresses Over 20 Plaits Slightly Higher Q Only I Quality-the Best, S; A cA Warren E. Forsythne University Buirea~u of Appointments and Occupational Iniformiation:t 'We have the following calls for the second pemneater. 3 inemt for Englishx I4imen for social sciences 3 men for mnathiematics 1 man1 for biology All, must have the Master's degree by the end of this semester. If intern itd call at the office.-201 Macon hall-at once. tr Lucille Brooks Veoruary (i4sates: Will those meon interested in securing busi- nexm positions after graduation call at the, Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason hall, sometime today? Actijarial Society Examinations: The 1929 Year Book and appli- cations for the American Institute examinations may now be secured by calling at 3012 An'gell hall. TI'hese applicatlono should be filed not later than Janu~ary 15, 1930. s James W. Glover New York Listed Stockf J~ivaeWirt Connections with all Markets Securities bmught or @old an Canunision basis Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Co. Incorporated Inuvestmnt Securities Cirst 'lour Avn Arbor Trust Bldg. Save 15%o On Laundry Through Our "Cash and Carry" System SOPEN TO _8 P.M._ WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY COMPANY Across from the Majestic Only 1 Service -- the Best HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBOI To be perf ectly happy You may need for your office or Study a HANDY DESK CALENDAR DY MERRILL, LYNCH & CO. Only 1 Price--the most reasonable PHONE PHONE 2231 III