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December 20, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-20

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FPRIDA"Y, D CFEM13EJ1 0, 1929

" 1-1 F. NI I("f-IIC, N

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flA t! V ~Afl1~! wrtrw
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Discussion of Student P oblem
Wifl Promote Spirit of
Universities and Co ge Unitc
jf Fro m Various S-ctions
of (Country.
'Tickets to California 1re 110
often given as Chiistinas gifts, but
this year Eleanor Cooke, '31, ha,
been selected to receive just such
a gift from the V/omiens'sLeague.
Miss Cooke will be sent during the
Chrismnas holidays as the represen-
tative of the women of the Uiii-
versity of Miebigan to the annual
convention of the National Student
Federation of America at Palo Alto,
The purpose of 'the convention
is to achieve a spirit of co-opera-
tion among the students of the'
United States; to give considera-
tion to questions affecting student
interests; to develop intell igen t stu-'
dent opinions on questions of na-



Is Named

fE N T TAtis!.J A)N M ' E tN n 7'I7 A t r

- - _..

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f ") .




7 '.%1..JL . 13.L. '._ c.1 ...rte ..',t" IA' ... 'A A .' " :aA . '+ Li Et1, .


C~n ;)u. ir fi have be'm&n Leh'i ~)~ wn wn .. 0 JJIFI P
. at pract,it I'l fi ch~te oil l ~ast wc1 M2TOy0LJaiN.I3OR of
I~h2 c m P~ VI ~ W22 . ~~ Si LI " L ~n Ag w; Zeh 'n J;, ~ 23 iSc'ond T 1o ts W ill be H eldk
[ ltthei. nv '2xcJ 1n e;A ".t.Ei tell n t rl ~(;t I ;~ u~:~~ of
huila heyh, ae ect h'ci~ After Students Retur ;
chidrenii in th2 hospital,.n ili Januay.u
Sm~i rases the Chriistmtas trceesiQria;yCi ;;
haebeisn, lo 1)211a iU 1 I( VNOTICE CARS (A\RyE ( 'SENT
Af f lf'C d nthberS of th town ist; ,. ._._..
hfl1(I,1r Iiu.i-, F,1 W " 6 t.t> ith t ae-cni p ieton of the fi rs t
..,TUliav nlitLAl?ba Xi Deta Gi i . h1';: tC tro 1 orparts 11 ot
to twillied the so rori'ty as U'on e vli' I a ; e'~ hCcorus of the Junior Girl' Play,
- tc l lIdc r.1( woo - }'!II(l~A'U' V~cit~a oher step ltthe stagingof this
"i , htildren. At. be isair duine 8 QcV' i1c '(' Iiteri-avulwhh ab-
tiariiie Fllow- '30,ii~a~l as er ,- ani~ualproduction,whchabe
'' (u c L e 1 Fli uer, '30, ad M asjoriev (, i ' Md 7' yt v:)J12VM s ofNeticie a firmly established tradition~
Tcsii, '3,aid 1Jiuzc'i Woodley, Uli' s !11 1'. O i(l'y ; 1 g ill the .*i among M T~ ic ian wome, 13 conl--
t '32, was aso a wuet. JtW2' gtvec I r i tai .3" ; Prty, . pleted.
t1Coegiate Sorosis had a party for t VIi l'lrsits ~ci'( N.J lIg' Interest in the 130 production
the muembers and pledges Wedn es .j Taur'day fi ht, fMi't ha ook .u. assumed definite shape when Helen
day night. The alumnae, patron-!Eonliory cave their annual E I
esses', and mothers of the town iChiistuta I ,., 2nlc P , ~ h the Bfu; f Jones, '31, was selected as the ge-
members of Chi Omiega were din- room. vrs hEmily S5J')enl, of Dc- Thy Sxddixig' ral chairman of the play. Ay
ner guests at the chapter house on jtroit, a menbcer o('the Board of Helen iS. Jones, M avia L1. eadng, Lofanomi Ghr~sl aycastrandmbhe
ia.Tuesday night. Two small boys Directors was present Friday mor- i ho is the general chairman of the whose original play was acceptedofaJnrGil'Pycstadth
Elecanor Cooke were also invitedI to the party which fintg at seven U'ciUC. the most in- Juir Girls' lay for 1301 as the one to be produced this year.! director of two pat prouction,
whe a s e t eresentthe W o f's folowed. Gifts were exchanged~ t'N'Cstilg affair' of the year-_- the _.__..__ . --.--~ ---. ~ -- _ __ Bec ky Behave" and "Castles in
Leget ersn h oe f!and Christmas carols were sun. On; traditional Clirsrls breakfast, DS' 1Spain," was announced this fla
the University of Michigan at thef Monday evening. Alpha. Chi Omega look place. Elaborat e preparations I Political SineA ae yP bihsg o h ietro h eetpo
annual conivenition of the National held a combined children 's and had ben made to insure the sue- on lmen in ,Home, Industry, anaA-otessions durton.thmaucissbite
Student Federation of America, at Christmas party, at which tecs t he e ~~ ven.'Pine 112hall ws ,andI ---------'Fr--b n omtemnscthtofbmtlen
PaoAtCaiona pledges entertained with a comic decorted in holly and ine, and he American Academy fP-e' ec hr ae bee junior women, twatcoisn to b
PaoAtCaiona _ stunt. The children of the alum- there were long red tapers (n ;t e I ' he'sPac Prythr
I t e and patronie, ses were also tables. A. large niumber of Alum- tacl iid Social Science hasi- numbers of organizations to fur- presented. Tie tradition that the
nHS peen.'iac and gess Ifromn Detroit. and cetY published a volume with the thrth aserhwigthlt"terlay be written by at member of the
DEBA IpitEAM Receives 'free. 'IAnnr Arbor were present. 'title "Women in the Modern;JI ( w diyic.ato Junior class carries out the uuto
Mt.Lzi asrOithainp, o ec a tdi nies the casidea, whuichrvieta
Barton Mils, wa the ngest of Alpha Bohoottthnvrst, seditorfn The most active of these is 1the seniors be the honored gets
' Tl IK ISTI'Tc ilnItWensa evng(tth Woen's International T eague of the class just folowg them.
Epsilon Wedionesdayh
rarty given by Alpha GanaDel-f' ebrs of the oiia a
taoi Tusdy vnig ee enlorerniee Allen. Mrs. Carrie Cha-i sent misos to several ~danger tryou~s were mnaled recently re
Michigan Wonien 'Will Oppose( to the c~ildae at thie hospital. I lile Board of Direct ui's of the niaii Catt, Mss Belle Sherwin, Dr. I spots" to 1Iak studes of situii,- questing that their recipients re-
Ohiio State and Indiana ! Alpha Omiicroiii held a Christ- I Womaeni's Le tagu ii (lfte Utnivei- Alice Hamilton, and other well- f tionis which threten international turn during the second week after
Almas bridge party for the haouse Isly of' 'i'ii ('Ncte'tiu' to all known onc.aceadhv women. the Christmas holidays, prepared
Buying goods in i stalliaveiiS fur ! next night a dinner waN given for hearlell aend \l VI~s or a very five study of WoJUien in teln urtherfrie dy understanding to any song or dance which they
priateconumpionto he xtet Ilobidy colors were used at anl in- ,Iduc'e.-'l!ii. N*, A ' ga. May!business, as "creati~ve citizens," "Meianwhaile, ecase wnie a For those who piefr onite
it. is carried onl at present will fo~trtmn formal Christmas dance given by fihe lo ilda" saon limt o y!cainwt hatrolth v- cneiiaSgtcn elr withine' or.flepotutesofrdb
the topic for debate between thne Alpha Epsilon Pi Saturday even- 01Won the frition cf liopfiS and' 'ration of womeni's activities as national afkair, social and hiuman- membership il the various groups
woieiis (ebait, tnni ofthej n g. Mrs. Minnie Mahrer ,Profes- las for the pat~ s yer. end theseniMohrilIcutyad1alanpbeminwchren-svrednugtoaifyaiat
University of ittchiaio staeor Morton Levi and Mrs. Levi, and 1E bwntj)uig of even gre~taei 18.1- in married women in bushcss and'v th ie welre, the (d l aytletiCsumlrti~r
YiOiSatD.PiiJaweecaeos. lhwill the 111 [i t ciiipres'ional lursuts. It is'"e.studyte -( ,, didhapne~; fchl esiging, makeup, coem ).osy±)g mii-
Unliver."ity, anid Indiana University 1' hlpJyweecaeoe.YeV oCtll. Ltepeettrniiil e iod dro ad of meidhan es~ fd i-sic, ad arnig i1c ilb
on Jaur 0 hnteMcP' Kappa Alpha Theta otrt c --.-f' ---' ~ic; d senatemtraastondlertantdreeive a f n emphasfis they integralarts of he ays iolnb
olJien10whnteNilitiItwo )children 'Tuesday evening. Mi ''l1S for *1 2arts o1the ila other-:
teanis will engage iii two conifer- ;!I.if o tsn iintii, vkniclh idsfieattp ounesadriveandephsthose woermenp,1
necntss Edenl Grinnell of Detroit was a wl i;lld 'b'the vew treiids, of thought and wise would nt ilte'e truction ndtosommlavieg
gus a hehus uin hefrs'' 2(.8 '5W~t oleeaction." 1 ve.n ntenw worllacesonthe various lag htai
Selectedboa uin hef a for, ptvli hwilm e O irmiative team ifew dlays of the week. The Theta Iteams in southern ?ennsyl- A chapter of especial interest is Ie __.will be contributing in large me
hihwlmetOiStt e l hi Phi Alpha pledges etertain-ed the 1 vania, MarylIand, anti1W8shington, the one entitled Women in Inter-t Japantese women in Tokyo arc sure toharm the final production. vaiaSc The
Auditorium~ is Mary L., Brown, 36; actives Thursday night. D cahairmene eig frwdfo ofi tttlnl feis.Afeariomt hebes conga 1nmt-
t apint banVirginia L. iHoughbton, '30; Mabel Kappa Delta actives, pledges,debater's at hPiitlsyIv8.li.State !ions, list of woe's organiza tions eual eduaio.acltiswihtie teewofor the ayaeea in'o-
5.Mri,'1E. n esealimi in Ann Arbor. and patron- ollege, acei'diriigoto ,taeI te M. which have comec into existence t inen. Many Japanese univi~itiCS es, chairman; Ruth Van Tyl, a
Winichell, '31. esses had Christmas dinnuer at the !Bu .Uint;. 30, maniagr el' the tem. further friendly relations between admit women into their classes as sistant chairman; Jae Yearnd,
The negative team is cornchptrosseTusdy vning. AThe tripwill take place duing the nations, and the place for women visitors, but they are not reardedapburiness manager;y evberta zeid,
ofFlrnc:Ncemn,.3; rce party, at wich gifts for the hospi- J vacation between the semstersini',lhe League of Nations, aY sgtuetsdadgenpred ogra progras; Kathleen Clfford, rop-d
Darinz.'3: vaL.Hein, 31to (ifIrnwr xcu~e, fol ndeavors mac also bing mniade to couit is given of women who have derees. They are demamding c- ertes;MgaeEnausr;
and Monia H. Willis, '31; amid will lowved. Pi Beta Phi had their par- to conplete 8. series of debates! illlu('n.eclMntrnrioalretir, ductin nti wme Uushers;C ~A
debate the Uiversity. of Indieola ty last piight and the annual Christ-'aninmt idtraioa 'bar., deIoeutlarge enu vtoitaes ar garet Hlapgood, costumes; Her-
tra atBlcmiigtn. wo f h~el nas rekfat a th husetwomgemts clubos and friatr- erither by virtue of their position ui bcm lreeouht ak emine Soukup, makeup; and Lcle
tema loigo.Too h msbekata h os hsnities. the government in their own na- of all those who wish to attend. Strauss, dances.
eight women on the teams will b morning. ..toao hon hi 'f~nr ~- _______ ______ ____
bate aelt1 ernate s. Advisert' I Honored. -- -- ~'

tional amnd



ance;, and to foster uniderstanding
p °among the studeants of the world in'
the furtherence of enduring peace:
-Out~tandi men from all over
-the United States attend the conm-
vention to speak to the students.
Discussions include subj ects which
are of major interests to all clolleges I
:at the present time. The honor Sys-
,tem amid student goverinment were!I
"questions which were i- st.res's d at
'the convention last yearz, at which
HeIleni Fellows, '30. represented thel
-cignMichigan League, together with!I
fraternity and sorority problemns.I
The question oif world peace, as
-concerned with the education of
}American students on world prob-t
lem, is a vital concern of the asso-
Thoen representative every year
brings back to the League all theI
suggestions and new .ideas whichl



she has derive~d from the conven-
tion, as well as carrying to the con-
vention th'( knowledge which ex-
perience with the League has given
her. The cOnvention , inl general, I
tends to unite more closely the col- I;

leges and universities which other-i The qustion ~which~ will be de- Kappa UKappa Gamaa gave a A new r1ue at the University ofi in political parties.
wise would not come into close con- bated is stated: "Resolved: that the 'dinner Tuesday evening in honor anices orbiOnstuny therto rt of ntioftivimot isfpomean iste
'tact frequently, in different sec- present extent of installment hup- of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riggs, who dates i ro vno oe srl
tions of the country. ng of goods for private conlsump_ are moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma'r nauooisuld e ranzed oen for peace.
There is an organization in Eur- Eton is detrimental to the best fi- Mrs. Riggs has been a sorority ad-'aedie y hi aets toic 11,we an daz n
11 pe which corresponds to the Na- terests of the nat ion." visr. On Wednesday night, thieto pevent thecm frome sitting out Mrs. Ctt took the initiative in or-
tional Student Federation of Amer- sorority entertained Dean Joseph 1 dances in parked crs. aizing the international Wor-
lca and which keeps in contact Fech M iduCo y r011leiiandgersand rs. le engem. -rSte 1ialr n~s:r iltttltlillllt~llllllllllll!Iia
with American schools. Last year; H biCighi r Trickj -
it was this organization that spon- ig Priced HarT i a ud Professor Fielding H. Yost and-
cored the visit of the African stu- j- - -Wmi Mrs. Yost at a formal dinner. Last .
dents to various universities inIi Since comaplicated curls cae inright they held their Christmas
America, including', a trip to thesylwihfslon eizlcslv-pr.
University of Michigan. es, sma.rt French women ae taking Sigma Kappa gave ,hcir party
their iald~s to the hair crrsser's I Wednesday eveting, and Zta Tau
Ohio State Distributes 'high-priced wizards of tie curling Pi Sigma Sigmla has had Miss
Fim f am usLieiron caim be duplicated at hzome, Georgia Shutz f hiago as a -
Intedof-Smugling the maid into the hair lguest for th1e wee.=
Insted ofthe usual yearbook dresser's has become ahnos as dif- i Zeta iau AIJpha ('ntertained 'with
sent out by Ohio State university,'ie lt as getting the little (ress- a dinnrer for their patronesses onl
motio picuresof te vaiouscam:I maker past the portals ofthe fami- \ediies ay evenlin .
psactivities have ))cc,') i and us couturier whorl , Qie copies. i Alpha Daeltat Pi initiated three = IF
wil b ditrbut Io fb O itig Realizin~ that their work is girls Fr iday afternoon. They whei e'
wchols , 'iime cnt e wll inludae l. hid, sonie of the Bmost serious jEliabthi Saii'bairn, '31, 1Mrm
football gaines amid last year's coin- hairdressing houses have opend ~ti Wellstead, 3t, and Evadma Bing-I~V~'~o cosn tfo
mnencemnent exercises.I classes where ladies' maids are ham, '33. Thme ceremnonyr was fo1- I _
-1iFor the pa5 few years time year- taught for a plrice how to crefolod by aAinra wihMs our asortment of intimate ap-
book, containing pictumres of the their mistress' curls between visitsj Allc Lloyd, Mrs. -Iidirth Rider-p s! liasse il
prns otalgms apstorile professionral. Iland the patronesses were guests1 Ce s xacxassewil joy
scenes, amnd commencemnt exer-- receiving rt. lPor every woman =
cises have been sent out with tie Msbeuiu tiwNelg
aim of introducing Ohio State toloebeuilthgsNgies
prospective studemnts. The mnotion °rayl robea=s for iformlal hours
pictures are beimig made umnder the T eI iitt n '-mra a aI'~
direction of the Studemt Senate, -Y LUt
and will be completed amid distrib- frliueo o lme.Sc
uted in the springfr eiue r Silkmer Sc
Silk i IlseLary firy bits of lae and silk-
-- I coach exquisitely tailored under-
t t Linstings in dainty tints and vivid -
tnew coloings at prices that are
$695 to $2500
~~ Lounging Pajamas-
$12.75 to $25.00 -
!J f a fsiintree One can never have -too many pairs of silk stock
I am t1e Spirit of ings a and they are so pleasantly inexpensive.
Chris aiaas." I Sheer chiffons and sem-service weights in colors to ;


The Most Appreciated Gift for Her-

lrr r r~~ a a ar r r r r ra~ ~ r dr " d

*~ Women's Full Fashioned
Sheer Chiffon and
Pure Thread Silk
1-l iery---



Exquisite osilk bos . .. liow strangely alluring to the
Collgiatie mitdl And tbes: . with their ,subtle gleamx
...shecer filmy texture* . supple softness and cling-
itgnaess. . are narticulam'ly irresistible! In a sparkling
galaxy of collars!
A Decided favorite, and only
Thme black or Brown Double Point 1 leels add' untnistak.
r.- jc c ic to datis file shecer Chiffoi Hose, R~emember M-UR!

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