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December 20, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-20

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;4t aggessive war to be obligatory, let
her first withdraw from all such
Published every morning except MondayI agreements as the Kellogg pact, in
inuring the University year by the Board ini
C:ontrol of Student Publications, order that future hypocrisy may
Member of Western Conference Edtra be avoided.
Association. ;I

301 +,i NFJD

0 I

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use, for republication of all news dis-
ilatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the )ostoff ice at Ann Arbor,
,Sfichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, '$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
viard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2ia4
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman ..........George C.' Tilley
City Editor................. Pierce Rvsenherg
News Editor........... .Donald J. Klinec
Sports Editor ........ Edward L. Warner, Jr.
,Women's Editor.......... Marjorie Folmer
T.elegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson
:Music and Drama........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor .. .,. Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-"-.dito i'al Board Members
),rank. E. Cooper Henry J Merry
%-illiam C. Gentry. Robert L.S loss
Ch arles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds
gurney Will iamis
B~ertram Askwith [.ester May
Helen Bare David M. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
:Mary L. Bel.ymei Howard 13. Peckham~
:Benjamin H. BerentsorHugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowit(
Arthur J. BJi rnstcin John 1). Reindel
S. Beach Coniger leannie R,.herts
Tomas M. Cooley ; oseph A. R~ussell
{ohn H. Denier loseph l~awitch
Helen Domine William P. Salzarulc
Margaret Eckels ('harles R. Sprowl
Xatharine Ferrin S. Cadiwell Swanson
Sheldon C. 1Fullerton 3 ie, '.haver
Ruth Geddes I argarei 'Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Rielmrd L, TIobin
Tack Goldsmith Elizaheth Valentine
Morris Groverman Parole 0. XWarren, Jr.
r oss Gustin Charles White
Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens
David B. H~empstead Join IE Willougbv
J.Cullen Kennedy Nathan Vise
Jlellan Levy Barbara Wrive
RselE. McCracken Vivian Zinit
Dorothy Maszc(
C'eiephone 21214

V ol


The Student Council several days
ago issued a warning to another
Freshman class to uphold the tra-1
dition of wearing "pots" or suffer
the consequences. Dire threats were
made by that body which, if we
remember rightly were made last!
Violators are to be taken before
a disciplinary committee, compos-
ed of leaders of Varsity teams,
there to be chastised. This is all
very well if such threats are car-
ried out, and the disciplining mrade
effective enough to impress the
first year class with the venerable-
ness of the custom.
Further, if our memories have
not failed us, the disciplinary meet-I
ing last spring, was attended by
two loyal Varsity leaders. One of
the violators, it was discovered,
was a Sophomore, and another
talked himself out of any "dire
The attempts by the Student
Council to perpetuate the tradi-
ti'ons of the University is a noble
gesture. It will be a job well-done
if the warning is more than a ges-
With the unemployment situa-
tion so acute, we wonder that some
one who wants a steady job doesn't
apply to Mr. C. H. Mott as best
The deaths of the two British
flyers who were attempting the
6,000 mile trip from England to the
southern tip of Africa has demon-
strated that such flights are not
yet outside the realm of life, and
death adventure, and still cannot
be regarded as relaxation for the
Iweary business man.,

IMusic And Drama
o a---
It perhaps is foolish to attempt t
survey of New York,--,be; it ouicrings.
5Buit : or;e selection w2! htvecto be
n, ,le inmeciateliy on arrival as
seatsi :'yfast cdurihx_; the holidays.I
One of the better 1brukcrs, argued
into 4 inood of corf:tL 'c.: narlled
these -uter tainnmcnt avsthe xoist
p(.-Tila:. prod~ucti~on, of thlis sea-a
sonl's new productions.
hiam Gillete, the gsratid cid rman of
the American stag. :staffing a,
comneback anid recefi'1ingcooara!_u-
latory telegrams from the PrcsI-
dent and everyone olse of impor-

should be your prerequisitesj
for tasty lunches and delicious
S veeianD
21:2 South Main Street

Hark To His Master's Voice! ;Saying

to suit.
Play while
you pay.

601 Fast William ;street


tance in the United Stat.es.
sophisticated comedy by Brock
lasao's latest contribution.I
SWEET ADELINE: a musicals
romance of the gay nineties with
music by Jerome Kern, starring
Helen Morgan.
erston attractively meddling with
the time concept, starring Leslie
Howard and Margalo Gilmnore.
musical comedy tour of Paris with
Win. Gaxton and Genevieve Tobin.1
BITTER SWEET: Noel Coward .
again displaying his versatility by
writing this operetta, staging it,
and acting it., enthusiastically re-
SONS '0 GUNS: a typically Am-
erican musical comedy with Jack
Donahue and Lily Damita.
HEADS UP: at the head of the
class in musical comedic.-,
Serious people will want to visit
Miss LeGallienne in her new Civic
Theatre. She is receiving the pas
of all New York for her effort to
bring, serious drama at moderate
prices. She is fondly labelled a
"Tchekovian" because of her re-
vi-vals of the Russlins plays. Be.-
side these, she has in her repertory
several plays by Isben, Bar'rie and °
Tolstoi and The Cradle Song of
The Theatre Guild's new experi-
mental school is doing "Red 01 t.



Department ;Managers
'advrrt iyiig ..... T. Hollister Mabley
.t, rasing ............ Kasper Ii. Halverson
Adv-;ertising ...............Sherwood A. Upton
Service ...................George A. Spater
Circulation .. ............ J. Vernor Davis
Ac-counts............John R. Rose
'ublkcation.. ................euoge Hanmilton



B6yrfie A.i Bkdetibch &Marvin Kobacker,
ames *E, Cartwrigt rLawrence Lue3
3%bert Crawford Thomas )Muir
harry B. Culver cveorge Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
Tiames Hoffer Joseph Van viper
orris Johnson Robert WVilliamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboy,
Business Secretary-IMary Chase
Laura Codling Alice mcclilly
;Agnes Davis Sylvia Miller
Bernice' Glaser Flelen E. Xlusselwhite
, iqortense Gooding Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman
Night Editcr-C. R. KAUFMAN
With the last issue of The Daily
for this year about to come off the
press, the staff wishes everyone an
enjoyable holiday season.
A general exodus of students has
been in progress since the middle
of this week, and the final contin-
gent will probably leave this after-
noon and tomorrow.
A "group of college students usu-
ally cau.ses renewed interest in act-
ivities wherever it is found. Too
much lack of restraint, however
will sometimes run into ribald rau-
cousness on the part of the over-
enthusiastic individuals. Unfavor-
able impressions ensue.
It is unfortunate, but apparently
true, that the general impression
that many individuals have of col-
lege atmosphere,. and perhaps the
only impression, is one that is re-
ceived when the students have been
turned loose for the holidays. Con-
sequently, discreetness in demea-
nor is advisable.
After a recess of sixteen days,
the migration will be reversed, and
intensive work, on the part of some
students, will be in order.
In the interim-'A Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year."
The recent Russo-American inci-
dent, still hanging fire as to its
final result, comes as a timely ans-
wer to our lobbying group of "in-
ternational liberalists," who have
repeatedly attacked the present
congressional policy in denying
recognition to Russia. Secretary
Stimson, with the full right of a
third-party mediator under inter-
national law, requested Russia, as
a co-signer of the Kellogg pact, to
refrain from -arms i~n her constant
bickering with Manchuria for rail-
way rights. Exactly on what grounds
the Russian note in reply can con -
Sider our act as "unfriendly" is not

Campus Opinion
Cuntributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than loo
words if possible. Aimont~ oos com-
munications willI be disrega rded. T1he
lames of communicanits mill, huowever',
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
o'nest. I et'ers published should not he
construed as expresisng the editorial
opinion of the Daily.


Hut Cafeteria Den

To the editor:
II am much surprised to find that
a newst story of interest to the
general student body has failed toI
make its appearance in the col-j
umns of The Daily and I take this
opportunity to bring it to your at-
ten tion.
Rothschild Francis, Negro editor,'
who has been touring the country'
for the International Labor Defense
was refused by the George Wash-
ington university Liberal Club, as
the invited speaker from the I. L.
D.-an insult which can be attrib-
uted to nothing else than a clear
case of race prejudice on the part
of the "Liberal" Club. When it was
learned that the club would not let
Francis apeak, Lawrence Todd, a
prominent socialist, and McGrady,
a prominent labor leader and a
member of the A. F. of L. execu-
tive committee, made no effort to
aid the speaker for the Comnmun-
ist party but made it clear that
they would cancel their engage-I
ments as speakers if forced to oc-
cupy the same platform as the ne-
IOn Francis' presenting his cre-
dentials to the secretary of the
''Liberal Club,'' he was told that the
Club would not permit negroes toI
speak at its meeting&s. hades of!
those men who stemmed the gray
tide that threatened to engulf the
North and its democratic virtues.
It is not my intention to create
a race disturbance on the campus
of Michigan. Rather this: through
the medium of the opinion column,
to let the student body realize what
is taking place in university cir-
cles, and what progress the liberal
movement is making in the pater-
nal atmosphere of the socialist and
labor parties.'
My tirade is not against the "Lib-
eral Club" of George Washington
university, but with the jtudent
body that carries the name of Lib-
eral on this campus. Are they fill-
ed with such a stagnated fluid that
they can let such an affair pass
unnoticed or are they gathering1
material to show us that we too
have a race question on our cam.-E
pus. Let me aid themn and in -a
friendly way explain that here at
Michigan, the seat of the Mid-West
culture and tolerance, we have the-
atres that allow no negroes in its
orchestra but relegate them to the
gallery; that we have in Ann Arbor



- -oam----.-- --- '--------- ---- ---- - -
Chicago looks like a particul ari I
attractive place to brush upon con -
tempo~rary dramas if one can't get
to New York. Severa.l plays that;
have stood a solid test i New, Yorkj
are moving in for a Christmnas run
First among them is Elmer Rice's
STREET SCENE, last year's Pulit -
zer Prize Play which opens Chi st -
mnas night with the original New _
York cast. Other New York plays= .- ... -.- - - - -- --
that are arriving in Chicago for[
Christmas are John Drinkwater's1 END TABLES
BIRD IN HAND, a happy comedy, CEDAR CHESTS
and JUNE MOON by Rting Lai'dner A fie ecti oni of wailnut and niahlogany
and George Kauffman, a smnash hit e ~nd table s and combinaion end tables and
I - ,.
from the pen of these two funsters Guaranteed dustproof, moisture proof and magazine racks now ;-ricedf frot
that all New York critics have pro- mothproof. Made fromt genuine Tennessee $4.20 to 1
nounced as "emninently and delight- . = I
fully cockeyed." Moro seriously, 1 2 aromatic red cedar, Solid cedar or walnut1
tions of Karel Capek's R. U. R. and stocked with oc-
of S'TRANGE IN'TERLUDE,. the me casion~al and con-
new Shakespearean reportory corn- _ , olctablks fromn
panry under Fritz Lieber doing -
SHREW, and the Drainatic League= tor_
of Chicago presenting Grace
Gearge in THE FIRS'T' MRS. FRA- 26J (®
SER, St. John Ervine's play. In theE..,
line of musical comedy, there is 2.
MAL, CRACKERS with the Marx K~..
Brothers, and THE NEW ?MOON. 12
There is certainly enough to beep 2--~---'
one busy during the vacation -
which one can hardly say for the=SM K RDE S
L. N. I
- Smtoking Cabinets and 'T'rays in a host of We hav e a nice assortment of almost every
DETROIT CIVIC. styles, sizes, shapes and materials. 'Materials conceivable kind and style of desk.
Miss Bonstelle has received first of mahogany, brass, copper, wrought iron and2
rights on "Remote Co~trol,"' 111 various cabinet woods. Cabinets range in WALL DESKS NOW $15t to $26.80
questionably one of the nmost srue-thditon) ro.
cessful comedy novelties of the $3.20 to $15 l1 a( ogn r wi1aCaB} v-680Dek in walnut and
current Broadway season and is to :a.-
producing it next week in Detroit. METAL Stuinet Desks of
This comedy is enacted in a r adio ISOES' s olid J1londur
broadcasting station. The entire I RM mhgarv n
three acts take place in the studio $.FOM12 and $16. '
of NWPII on the top floor of the t } Secretatries i 777
Potter House, Chicago, and within 89C to alnfut and ani.t-
27 hours. Thae story centers around' jogn , 70.t
a murder that is eommi11ttcd du"lr '
ing a broadcasting feature fi rm}$17.0 nde font.
that station. A spiritualist is shotOAnlap
mysteriously during his half hour-w . . . _-._' - -- '' . '. ..2
on the air. H-is death is coupled=
with a series of bold robberies thatj P=
have been terrorizin~g Chicago . '2 own 2
Suspicion points at one person of-1=VI ~ k iE T m n
ter another, not accepti the an- I =,-

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